Frog Tale (11 page)

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Authors: JT Schultz

BOOK: Frog Tale
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Chloe’s legs parted wider and he couldn’t remember wanting a woman as fiercely as he wanted the lady with him now. He eased his torso over her and her arms wrapped tight around his neck as the tip of him pressed against her wet and ready entrance. A quick thrust had him inside of her and her inner walls wrapped around him snug. He wasn’t expecting her to be so tight and with every o
unce of control waited until her body adjusted.  Her bottom lip slipped between her teeth and he knew the look.

Il mio cuore
. This is incredible.” He kept his voice soft and low hoping to sooth her. Her head lifted slightly and her tongue teased his lower lip. Heat seared through him and he parted his mouth and met her tongue with his while he slowly inched in her a little deeper.

Her hips met his stroke and he worked in a steady rhythm inside her. She moaned against his mouth and picked up speed. He couldn’t get in deep enough and her rocking hips burned his desire on. With a low growl, he rolled over onto his back taking her with him. Her legs shifted and she straddled his body. His hands slipped to her hips as she lifted her upper body and ground her wetness against him. A gasp left her and her palms planted on his chest. The slick wet of her walls clamped around him, her head threw back in a soft wail and her shoulders trembled as an orgasm claimed her.

Luciano tightened his hold on her and slammed into her one last time. A feral growl left him as his release pumped hard and fast. Chloe’s slender frame collapsed on top of him and she struggled for air. His breath was just as ragged and he held her close to him savoring the feel of her skin and soft dark tendrils against his flesh.

“Stay with me tonight.” Her voice was a whisper and her cheek lay against his chest.

I want to,” he answered and knew there was no other place he’d rather be then in her bed and by her side. He’d left her once and as sure as the moon lit the night sky, he knew to his soul, he wouldn’t be able to leave her again―not without officially killing his soul.


Chloe woke to discover Luc wasn’t in bed with her and after listening for the shower, gathered he had left sometime during the night. Her heart raced and already she missed him. Somewhere down deep, she knew all the feelings she had for him, buried so deep for so long were quickly working their way to the surface.

She hurried and after a quick shower got ready and walked downstairs. The house was still quiet and she knew for the early hour of the morning that her mother would still be sleeping. She stepped into the kitchen where the maid had set out fruit and breakfast items for the royal family of Cammarata. No one was there, no one except Queen Ella.

“Good morning, your highness,” she greeted in hopes to dispel some of the uneasiness she experienced whenever around the woman.

Save the pleasantries, Chloe.” Her tone held venom and carried a slight sting.

Patience being a virtue she normally had, she thinned her lips and bit back a catty remark. She ran her hands down the smooth linen of her skirt and forced a smile. “I’m sorry, did you not sleep well?”

“I slept just fine.”


Hating the terse and, as far as she was concerned, uncalled for tone of the royal pain in the ass munching on a croissant, she tried to be civil. “Is there something bothering you, your highness?”

The woman stepped closer to her and glared with contempt. “I don’t like you Chloe. I think you are nothing but a common slut dressed to the nines.”

              Anger fueled her temper, yet there was something about Queen Ella that sent every nerve in her body on alert―she knew to proceed with caution at best. “I’m sorry to hear of your dislike, your highness. However, you're our guest, if I can be assistance in making your stay with us more pleasurable―”

“Stay away from Luciano.” She hissed like a demon from the seventh layer of hell.

I waited half my life.

“I will try to be accommodating however―”

Don’t even think of accommodating him. He is above you in every way. It would be most unfortunate for your family if you―”

“Ah Chloe, there you are.” Luciano walked into the brightly lit kitchen.

Turning, she cast him a weak smile. “Good morning,” she greeted. He knew her, and glanced to the queen before returning his gaze to hers. His eyes held apprehension and displeasure flickered over his features before a smile curved his lips. “Apparently, our fathers have abandoned business for the golf course and left the latest trench of sugar in our hands. If I may, I would like to discuss the latest development with the new supplier.”

The look in his eyes held her gaze fast. Her hands ran down her skirt smoothing the soft linen. Her palms were damp from the awkward situation with Ella. “I would be happy to attend to any concerns you have and can get the seller on the phone.”

“I would appreciate that, I’m ready now,” his tone was crisp and formal.

She nodded and glanced at Queen Ella. “If you will excuse me please.”

“Remember what I said. Heed the advice of a queen.” Her voice sent a shiver down Chloe’s spine.

She wanted to cry but instead turned to Luciano and struggled not to reveal the emotion she had for him or how badly Ella intimidated her. “If you will follow me to the office
...” she whispered, walked past him and didn’t slow her steps until she stepped into her office. The door shut, the lock clicked over and she finally turned and faced Luc. Her shoulders relaxed slightly and the realization on how the queen’s warning had stressed her tremendously. The words of the venomous Ella settled into her mind and she didn’t know if she should say something to the prince.

Luc studied her intently. He was so incredibly good looking and she didn’t even see his scar, she saw the man she had loved as a frog so long ago and now already knew those feelings were rekindling for the man.

“Okay, so you aren’t going to just tell me what I walked in on with you and Ella. In that case I am going to ask.” He slipped his hands in his suit pant pockets and stepped closer then removed them and rested his palms on her shoulders. “You used to tell me everything, Chloe.”

She hates me.” She had no clue as to why and shook her head. “I’ve always been nice to her, but―”

There’s more to it. I can hear something completely off in your tone.” His gaze caressed her face and he waited for her to reveal more.

A heavy sigh lifted her shoulders then relaxed them on the exhale. “What I hav
e to say isn’t very nice.” Debating her next words, she became aware how she wanted Luc in her life on a permanent basis. She owed him honesty. “She terrifies me. There is something so completely wicked about her, despite her pleasantries.”

He frowned. “You mean every word.” His gaze took in her expression then narrowed in concern. “You’re serious, my stepmother really bothers you.”

“No. Snakes and spiders bother me. She terrifies me.” She stepped out of his hold and walked toward the large window. “I don’t know why but sometimes I feel as if she hates me. I’ve catered to her every whim over the years to ensure that her and your father’s stay was enjoyable. However…”

My father adores you.” His steps crossed the floor behind her and his arms wrapped around her waist. “If it wasn’t for my father almost begging, I wouldn’t be here now.”

She turned in his arms and laced her arms around his neck. “I’ll be forever grateful to him for that. I appreciate our fathers for their support in giving a relationship between us a chance.” His hold tightened and her body relaxed a bit in his arms. “I still wish you would have come sooner. I don’t know why my father never told me who you were.”

Pain marked his face. “I told you, it was the best at the time. I honestly believed you deserved―”

“Don’t finish that, I know what you thought, but I deserved a chance to decide for myself. Everyone has self doubts, trust me.” Her heart fluttered and he lowered his head toward her mouth. His lips grazed hers then the velvety texture of his
tongue parted her mouth and entered inside

Her body melted into him and her fingers entwined through his hair while his tongue mated with hers. Heat scorched her body and her nipples hardened. His hands slid to her ass and cupped the flesh, drawing her against the bulge in his pants. Her thong dampened in need and she removed her lips from his. “This isn’t discussing business, prince charming.”

A wicked grin crossed his mouth and he looked sexier than hell. “Sure it is. This is exactly what kind of business I had in mind.”

“What about the sugar?” She teased, knowing by the solid length behind his zipper that everything, but her would wait.

I have other things that need to be resolved first.” He chuckled and inched her toward her perfectly orderly desk. Thankfully nothing laid on the surface since Luc picked her up and sat her on the edge. “Where were we?” His hands raked over her bare legs and her body longed for him again.

Grabbing the lapels of his suit, she tugged his face toward her and captured his mouth in a hot kiss. His tongue thrust in her mouth while his warm palms caressed up higher to the sensitive skin between her thighs. Her tongue met his as he explored the wet cavern of her mouth. Hard nipples strained against the lace of her bra and her thong became moist. A strange tickle of fear ran down her spine and she eased away from Luc, despite how badly she wanted to take things further.

Long lashes opened and he met her gaze with a worried expression. “What’s wrong?”

Sighing she nodded and straightened his suit. “Let’s take care of business then get the hell away from this house and your stepmother.”

His brows furrowed slightly. “I locked the door.”

It’s not enough right this minute.” Chloe shook her head. “I still feel like she’ll know.”

So what if she does, we are consenting adults.” He studied her a minute and she remained quiet not knowing what else to say without revealing too much. A heavy sigh raised his shoulders then lowered them on the exhale. “Okay, we will tend to business then get away on one condition.”

She held her breath and nodded once. “Anything.”

“When we put enough distance between you and Ella, we pick this up right where we left off.” A slow seductive smile curled across his full lips and her heart picked up speed from the anticipation of being with him alone and in a more intimate situation.

Some of her terror subsided for the moment and she smiled faintly. “I had every intention of it.” Now that Luc was back in her life, she had no plans of letting him go. She just had to figure out what the hell the queen’s issues with her were and why Ella frightened her to the root of her soul.

Chapter 9


Luciano waited at the bottom of the stairs for Chloe while she changed into casual clothes. He’d already changed out of his suit and into jeans and a gold colored shirt. The basket the maid had done up, as per Chloe’s request, sat on the tile by his feet. Lifting his gaze to the stairs he followed long tanned legs up to a short summer dress, where the soft light blue rayon fell over the curves of her body. His heart started to race and his mouth curved into a grin. His groin tightened recalling his night with her and the emotions from long ago he still held for her. Despite time and distance as well as the hurt and loneliness they’d endured he knew to his soul that Chloe was the one he wanted to share his life.

He darted a quick look to the gold chain and pendent hanging from her neck, lying against her smooth skin and he reveled. The fact she never took off her necklace was all the proof he needed to know her feelings for him ran just as deep
. After the erotic evening they’d shared and the minor disappointment he experienced, when she put the brakes on what could have been quite the heated quickie on her desk his theory had proven true. Her full lips curled into a smile as she reached the bottom and desire blinked in her dark gaze. “You look good.”

He wanted to pull her into his arms, but the click of high heels against the smooth marble floor stopped him. “So do you,” he whispered and glanced to where Ella had joined them in the foyer.

“Luciano, where are you going?” His stepmother’s tone carried an icy disdain and her question came out more of a demand than an actual question of interest.

Odd, she treated him as if he were a reckless kid instead of a grown man. “Out with Chloe.”

His stepmother darted an apprehensive glance to the woman beside him and cocked a perfectly arched brow. “I see, well I thought you would have lunch with Mrs. Starling and I.” Her attention rested on the necklace around Chloe’s neck and for a fleeting moment and indescribable emotion crossed her face.

Oh yeah, sounds like fun. No way in hell.

“I informed Chloe I wanted to see the fertilizer mine just east of here and discuss some of the import suppliers I am less than pleased with.” He used his firm tone to emphasize his displeasure, hoping his stepmother would take the hint to leave him alone. From the corner of his eye he noticed Chloe’s back stiffen and became even more curious as to what he’d missed in the kitchen earlier. Knowing Ella, she had been less than cordial to Chloe. The thought angered him and he forced a smile to his face, while never breaking the eye lock with the woman whom his father had married. “Sorry I can’t join you, but with my father out for the day, business rests on me.”

“Of course.” The over plumped smile glued to her face came across as less than sincere. “Next time then. I hope you attend to the business you need
to instead of being swayed into socializing. Our country’s needs come before your own.” She pivoted on the heel of her of her pointy shoe and walked away.

A slow exhale left Chloe and he realized she’d been holding her breath. Her gaze met his and she blinked. The cheerful demeanor she’d carried from earlier, a mere memory. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

“I’m ready now.” He lifted the basket and went to touch her back but she scooted by him and out of his reach in record speed.

She had the door open by the time he turned to follow. Her behavior suddenly seemed reserved and her mood had definitely soured. Whatever the issue with Ella, he couldn’t help but wonder if her suspicions about the queen disliking her were true. He hoped to God his stepmother didn’t think Chloe beneath him. Then again, what his stepmother thought was of little regard.

His father approved of Chloe and knew how serious Luciano’s intentions were to the American beauty. A strange knot formed in his stomach as he stepped over the threshold. The sun warmed his face, but the radiant rays from above didn’t ease the niggling in his mind that there was something else that bothered Ella about the lady who held his heart. He couldn’t figure out what her problem could be with the youngest Starling―her sisters, yes there was room to question, but Chloe not only was beautiful, but strong and educated. She was everything the wife of a future king should be. 

He shut the door behind him and debated if maybe the fact Chloe was perfect in every way to be by his side bothered Ella. True, Chloe wasn’t royalty but then again, neither his mother nor Ella for that matter had come from noble lineage. Though his real mother
, Gwen, had always wanted him to marry a woman from another royal family, he knew his mom would have been happy with his choice of Chloe.

had already walked over to a black Maserati convertible parked on the drive and he hurried to catch up.  She stopped and turned. “This is my car.”

Lifting his brows he glanced at the expensive vehicle and again her exquisite taste shined through. He whistled and rested his gaze on her. “Nice car.” He stepped closer to her and studied her unreadable expression. “Are you okay? I’m sorry about Ella.”

It’s not your fault. She’s never cared for me and this visit is a little more difficult because, heaven forbid, I’m spending time with the prince and well I don’t exactly carry a title and she considers me a slut dressed to the nines.”

Her words nipped his temper. “That’s harsh.” Where the hell did Ella get off making Chloe feel bad? Especially
when Chloe went out of her way to be nice to his father’s wife? Again, he seriously questioned his father’s motives for marrying Ella. The woman had the warmth and depth of a mud puddle.

The pretty features of her face blanched. “Her words not mine.”

Anger seeped into his veins and his dislike for Ella grew as Chloe popped the trunk from her key less entry and placed the basket inside. He lowered the lid and walked over to where she stood, still looking less than happy. In truth, she appeared stressed as if under strain. “I agree you have a killer fashion sense, but I also know first hand you’re not a slut. I won’t tolerate her speaking to you in such a way.”

A weak smile dusted her lips and she darted a nervous glance around before placing a hand against his cheek. “I adore you, Luc. The friend,
and as of last night, the lover. Truly you’re the best of both and I’ll try not to let her get to me.”

He circled his arms around her waist and drew her in close to his chest. “You mean the world to me Chloe. Maybe even from the moment you tripped over your own bed when you heard me speak.”

The tension eased from her face with the curve of her mouth in a grin. “I was such a klutz―”

You were incredible.” His hold tightened and he lowered his voice. “Still are.”

Her breath caught slightly and he lowered his head, the flutter of her lashes as t
hey closed was the sexiest thing. He closed his eyes and brushed his mouth against hers. The soft touch of her hands resting against his chest fueled his desire and his tongue entered her mouth, deepening the kiss. Her body relaxed in his arms and he savored the taste and feel of her curves against his body. He still remained a bit disappointed that they had ended things in the office earlier before things had gotten intimate. He lifted his head and grinned as her eyes opened.

Luciano leaned his head close to her ear and inhaled the soft scent of her perfume. “Let’s take this somewhere private.”

She nodded and stepped out his arms then held out the keys. “I take it you want to drive?”

A deep chuckle left him and his mind recalled the experience he had in the remote car. “Maybe this time. Not that I don’t trust you.”

Uh huh,” she laughed and passed him the keys as he walked her over to the passenger side of the car.

He opened the door and she slid onto the leather seat. After closing the door, he turned and darted a quick look to large mansion. His brows dipped as he glanced away and continued to the driver side. However, he’d seen Ella in an upstairs window and wondered why all of a sudden she found what he did interesting. The thought unsettled him, but he let the doubt go. Today he had Chloe with him and he planned to cherish every moment.


By the time
Chloe and Luc returned from their day out, the night sky had turned a deep purple and twinkled with stars. Close to midnight, they stepped over the threshold of her family’s mansion. Her unease and tension where Ella was concerned had subsided some and she’d enjoyed her day shopping and hanging out with Luc. He set the shopping bags down and immediately a maid walked over.

“Good evening Prince Luciano, Ms. Starling. Your fathers are in the library talking and invited you both to join them when you came in. “The
woman lifted the bags. “To whose room shall I take these?”

“All of them can go to Ms. Starlings, thank you.” Luc smiled then his contentment vanished. “Where are my stepmother and Mrs. Starling?”

“Of course, Mrs. Starling retired a few hours ago and her royal highness about an hour ago.” She smiled. “Will there be anything else?”

“No thank you, have a good evening.”

“Night,” Chloe called as the maid walked up the stairs. She admitted her body had tensed again at the thought of having to do deal with Ella. Turning to Luc, she grinned. “I have to confess I’m not sad over the fact your mother has gone to bed.” She thought for a moment. “I wonder what our fathers want.”

He leaned in and brushed her lips
, first with his hot breath then quickly with his mouth. “I’m not sure, which way is the library?” The husky quiet of his voice heated her skin and desire pooled between her legs.

“Keep using that tone and kissing me like that and I'll just take you upstairs to bed.” She stepped away from his solid frame and nodded her h
ead for him to follow. Walking down the hallway, the familiar touch of Luc’s hand rested at the small of her back and her heart raced. Her feelings ran deep and she hardly dared to think what they would or could lead to as far as a future together went. Luc still had a couple days in California with his parents and with a little luck, would stay for a few days longer after Queen “the bitch” Ella left. She shuddered from the thoughts of Luc’s wicked stepmother as they neared the library doors then paused and glanced up at the handsome Prince.

“Thank you for an incredible day.” Her stomach fluttered and she really wished she could take him upstairs in
stead of being social.

“Really, I couldn’t imagine spending my time with anyone else.” A wicked grin spread across his mouth she so desperately wanted to kiss him now, but knew better than to keep her father―not to mention the king―waiting. Again, such an
action would have her whisking him off to bed. “Let’s go see what our dads want.”

His hand remained at the small of her back as she pushed open the heavy oak door and entered the library with Luc close behind. Both fathers sat at opposite ends of the sofa talking. Her father’s gaze met hers and he smiled, offering a wave of his hand. “Luc, Chloe, please come join us, we were just discussing the two of you.”

She stepped closer to the two men and away from Luc’s touch. As soon as the contact between them ended she already missed the physical reminder he was real and near. Part of her wasn’t ready to delve into their relationship with outsiders, even if they were family and especially with Ella in the house.

By the looks on the two fathers faces though, she suspected they were more a little curious about what was developing between she and Luc. The two parents waited for her and the prince to get comfortable
. She could handle confiding some details to the two men, but not the queen of Cammarata, even now, she wished the queen would hurry up and leave so once again the ocean separated them. “What did you want to talk to us about?”

Her father’s warm smile greeted her and he darted his gaze between she and Luc. “We just wanted to see how you kids were getting on.”

“We’re fine.” The gorgeous man she’d spent the day with assured. “In so many ways I feel like we’ve never been apart. Of course, seeing Chloe grown and so educated still leaves me a little in awe.”

She glanced at Luc and couldn’t fight the small smile working across her lips. “And I finally believe you’re a prince.”

The wide grin on his face not only kicked her heart to beat faster, the gesture warmed her down to her soul. For the first time in ages she felt genuinely happy. Both turned back to the fathers and her brows dipped slightly. “What is the real reason you wanted to see us?”

King Mario’s face lit up and he smiled. “Your father and I were just talking about how life holds an unusual twist sometimes.” He glanced to Luc then met her gaze again. “I will forever be indebted to your father for taking Luciano in. I’m most fascinated though what possessed you to take care of an injured frog.”

Fair enough question I guess.

“My sisters are not the nicest at times and I felt bad for the bleeding amphibian. I must confess, the fact he talked was a little odd and threw me for a bit of a loop.”

Luc chuckled next to her. “Let me assure you she means that literally as opposed to metaphorically. Not to mention she dropped me and thankfully I landed on the bed as she tumbled ungracefully to the floor.”

She couldn’t help but blanch slightly at the memory and smiled at the king. “I was a bit of a klutz growing up.” She sighed and remembered with a lighter heart than she had ever about her time with Luc the frog. “I spoiled him as much as a girl could spoil a frog and we became very good friends. He was the best friend a girl could have and taught me to believe in myself.”

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