From Pack to Pride (6 page)

Read From Pack to Pride Online

Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #M/M Paranormal Romance, #Shifters

BOOK: From Pack to Pride
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“Umm. Y-yeah, I-I s-showed you.”

Adrian smiled. He’d gotten the big guy to stutter, score one for the wolf.

He was proud that he only yelped a little when Talan lifted him off his feet.

“Don’t think I’m going to let your hot body distract me from making you my mate.”

“I kind of thought that would help,” Adrian gasped as he was gently laid on the bed again.

Talan gave him a predatory smile as he smoothly covered Adrian with his body.

Heated skin-to-skin contact made Adrian flush all over. Excitement had hardened his body while Talan chased him around the room but the feel of the lion lying across him made him ready to explode.

He forced himself to lie passively beneath Talan because he could see the lion close to the surface and he didn’t want to disturb the creature crouching just beneath his lover’s skin.

Talan’s pupils elongated and his fangs slid past his lips. “I’m going to make you forget any other man who has dared to touch what is mine,” he growled.

Before Adrian could comment, he was flipped over and covered by the larger body of his lover.

“I’ve dreamed of being in this ass,” Talan whispered.

A hot, raspy tongue licked up Adrian’s back sparking his nerve endings. He’d never realised how many erogenous zones he had on his spine until Talan laved each vertebra with his rough tongue. Adrian’s body hardened until he thought he was going to come just from the feel of Talan licking him.

“Wait for me, baby,” Talan said as if reading Adrian’s mind.

The snap of a lube cap reached his ears seconds before one long finger slid inside.

Condoms were unnecessary for shifters because they couldn’t contract diseases. Adrian only FROM PACK TO PRIDE

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used them when he had sex with humans because it was better to wear a condom than to try to explain to his human lovers that he could turn into a wolf.

Adrian pushed back to encourage his lover.

Talan put another finger in, slowly.

“You’re just teasing me now,” Adrian complained.

“Yes. How does it feel?” Talan asked, nipping Adrian’s shoulder.

“Annoying. Put your dick in me and fuck me like you mean it.” Talan’s deep laughter settled something warm inside Adrian’s chest. He loved the man’s laughter. He had a feeling the big feline didn’t laugh nearly often enough.

The scent of their bodies together was driving him wild. Adrian gripped the sheets and raised his ass a little higher, trying to tempt his lover.

“Patience, little one. Lions don’t like to rush.”

“Take your time later.” Talan licked the back of Adrian’s neck sending shivers of desire down the wolf shifter’s spine. “Fuck.”

“Easy, baby. I’ve got all night.”

“You’ve got about two minutes or I start yanking out hair.” Talan chuckled. A low sound Adrian could feel against his back. “You wouldn’t want to do that. I’d get all patchy and bald. Not sexy at all.”

“Less talking, more fucking,” Adrian said through gritted teeth. He was quickly losing patience. He would’ve lost his erection if he wasn’t so turned on by the lion’s body pressed against his and the feel of Talan’s hard length rubbing against his ass.

Just as he was about to gripe again, Talan slid inside him, taking all the breath out of Adrian’s body and giving him what he needed. Adrian blinked back tears as he felt his man, his mate, fit inside him as if Talan belonged there.

He lost the ability to think when Talan slid across his prostate and drove him out of his ever-loving mind.

Pressure built. Adrian was about to come when a piercing pain shot through his neck.

Fangs plunged into his flesh, marking him deep. Adrian could feel blood dripping down his body and soaking into the pristine sheets, but he refused to scream. He didn’t want the others beating down the door trying to save the alpha again.

I am claimed.


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It took a deep wound to scar a shifter. From the amount of blood on the bed, Adrian had no doubt in his mind that Talan had scarred him for life. A mark he would wear with pride.

That thought was enough to push Adrian over the edge just as Talan’s cock slammed into him one last time. Heat pumped into Adrian’s body as Talan spurted out his release, claiming Adrian as his own.

After a few minutes, Talan’s fangs slid out of Adrian’s shoulder, his rough tongue lapping at the wound.

“Mine. My beautiful mate.” The lion’s deep voice rumbled in his ear. “Mine forever.

Mine. Mine. Mine.”

“You are mine too,” Adrian reminded Talan, as he lay there pinned beneath the massive shifter.

“I will always be yours, my mate. You are everything I’ve always wanted.” Talan shifted them sideways so Adrian spooned in front of him. Lapping at the blood on Adrian’s neck, he cuddled the wolf close. The men stayed snuggled together until Adrian felt Talan slide out of his body.

“We are mated. You can call your brother later and tell him you’re staying,” Talan said, placing a kiss on the top of Adrian’s head.

Despite Talan’s words they were only half mated. Until Adrian claimed him in return, the mating wasn’t complete.

Adrian enjoyed lying in Talan’s arms feeling the bond grow between them. It wasn’t common for different species of shifters to mate. Adrian hoped they could make it work.

Even in the brief time he’d known Talan he felt closer to the large man than many of the wolves he’d known all this life.

“I take it your cat approves,” Adrian said in a dry voice.

“My cat thinks you’re the next best thing to cat nip.” Talan’s voice rumbled against Adrian’s back. “And I think you’re pretty special too.” Talan snuggled his little wolf closer and thanked his lucky stars. He finally found a man to spend his life with. Without the others getting a chance at the beautiful man, Talan had made him his. He wondered how long it would take Adrian to give into the inevitable and FROM PACK TO PRIDE

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mark him back. That little nip he’d given Talan earlier wasn’t deep enough for a true marking even if it hurt like a bitch.

Their idyll was interrupted by someone banging on the door. They’d best have a good reason for interrupting him or someone was going to die.

“Talan. Come quick. We’ve got a problem,” Tasha shouted from the other side of the door.

“You’re going to have a problem if you don’t leave me alone with my mate,” Talan roared. He let the growl rumble in the air for several minutes as he pulled his wolf tighter into his arms. Rubbing his cheek across the silky head, he enjoyed a few minutes of marking Adrian with his scent before the banging began again.

“Talan. I’m not kidding. There’s a guy in town asking about Adrian. I think it’s that Olson wolf.”

“Shit.” Talan slapped Adrian’s ass. “Get dressed, beautiful. We’re going to put an end to this now.”

“I’m going to wash up first.”

Talan grabbed Adrian’s wrist before he got out of bed. “Do a minimal clean up. I want this guy to smell my scent all over you.”

Adrian nodded his understanding before walking to the bathroom. Talan enjoyed the view a moment before shaking his head and pulling on his clothes. Damn, his man looked good coming or going.

Talan unlocked his bedroom door to see Tasha’s anxious face. “Word is getting around that this guy says Adrian is too frightened to meet him. Talan, we can’t have the alpha mate declared weak by some slimy wolf.”

“I’ll take care of him,” Talan said puffing up his chest. “No one challenges my mate.” Dillon ran into the hall. “Alpha, there’s this dude in town who says he’ll challenge Adrian. We can’t let him get the pretty puppy. This guy would decimate him. He’s fucking huge for a wolf. I can be really careful.” A feral glint came into the young lion’s eyes. “No one would ever know where he went.”

“I’ll take care of this.” A low growl sounded behind them.

Talan turned to see Adrian’s usual green eyes glowing gold, a sign that his wolf was close to the surface.


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“Now, baby. I can’t let you meet this guy. He’s the reason your brother was willing to trade you to us lions,” Talan said with a frown. He was worried that Adrian would take unnecessary risks to prove he was worthy of Talan. No one was going to get close enough to harm his little wolf.

He didn’t care how many people he had to kill.

“I told my brother the same thing I’m going to tell you. I can take care of Olson. Besides I want to find out why he has such a hard on for me. He’s been after me since he joined my brother’s pack.”

Talan looked at his beautiful mate. “Honey, there may be more than one reason this Olson guy is after you.”

Adrian shook his head. “I wasn’t getting that kind of vibe. It’s as if he discovered I killed his mother then ate his cat for breakfast. I’m going to get to the bottom of this.” Talan clamped a hand down on Adrian’s shoulder. “You aren’t going anywhere without me.”

Adrian’s narrow chin tilted up. “Good, you can drive. Someone threw a cat at my car.” Talan gave his wolf a smug look. “I have it at the mechanics now anyway. He said it would take a few days to fix, but it’ll look good as new.” His efforts rewarded him a brilliant smile. “Good. I really like that car. It’s super fuel efficient.”

Shaking his head at his earth-friendly man, Talan wrapped his arm around Adrian and led him through the house to the garage in back. Dozens of vehicles were parked in an enormous air-conditioned space. He ushered Adrian towards a large black Hummer.

Adrian dug in his heels. “Tell me you’re kidding!” he demanded.

“Not even a little bit. I’m a big man and I’m not folding myself in half to save the earth.

I’ll consider getting a hybrid SUV, but that’s the best I’m offering.” He ignored Adrian’s grumblings about his planet-killing car as he lifted him up and tossed him into the passenger seat.

Quickly getting into the driver’s side, Talon was pleased to see Adrian put on his seatbelt. As a shifter, he didn’t bother because even a crash through the windshield wouldn’t kill him, but he had different rules for his more fragile mate.

“Seatbelt,” Adrian said, folding his arms.


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Hiding his smile, Talan put on his seatbelt, pleased Adrian cared enough to nag him.

Their relationship was progressing well.

He started up the car and headed into town. As they were driving, Talan tried to find out more about Adrian.

“Do you do a lot of work from home?”

“Yes. I work mostly from home. Occasionally I go on-site to give the company I’m working for direct feedback, but there’s little I can’t do from my home computer. Currently, a company in Japan wants my input into their new game design, and I’m wrapping up a small project for a U.S. gaming company.”

“Do you like what you do?” Talan asked.

“Yeah, I really do.” Adrian’s voice reflected his enjoyment. “I mean, I could be at some stuffy university doing mathematical theorems and teaching algebra to bored freshmen, or I can figure out the best, bloodiest way an orc can kill an elf. Really, there’s no contest.” Talan laughed.

The best thing about his gorgeous, talented mate was that Talan genuinely liked the guy too. Beneath the black hair and pretty green eyes was a sweet, brilliant man with a wicked sense of humour.

Talan was in love. He hoped with time his feelings would be returned. Although most mates ended up in love it wasn’t a guarantee. There were more than a few who mated in haste and regretted it for the rest of their lives. Talan would do his best to make sure Adrian never regretted becoming his. He also had to get his mate to bite him back.

Adrian didn’t like the idea of being the only wolf in a pride of cats. Talan couldn’t blame him, but there wasn’t anything he could do about the odds. Adrian needed to get used to the idea because Talan wasn’t going to let him go. Hell, he’d take on the whole pack if it meant he got to keep this one wolf.

They continued their discussion as they travelled. Talan shared his love of his family and his worries about the pride—how he spent most of his time organising pride resources and working with an international council to protect shifter rights.

Adrian told of his love of math and science and how his inner geek compelled him to create complicated computer games, which helped him share his enjoyment of complex puzzles with others.


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Talan felt a piece of his heart melt away with a flash of brilliant green eyes.

Reaching town, Talan stopped the car in front of the local diner. He figured if there were a stranger in the area, Diana at the diner would know where he was.

It turned out asking wasn’t necessary.

“There he is,” Adrian said, pointing to a shaggy blond man with shoulders almost as big as Talan’s.

Talan growled. There was no way he was going to let that guy anywhere near his mate.

“Stay in the car,” Talan ordered as he got out of the Hummer.

Talan approached the blond and stepped in front of him blocking his way. “I hear you’re looking for Adrian.”

The blond regarded him with hard brown eyes. “Where is he? I’m going to challenge him, slash his throat and dance on his grave.” Talan felt his lion rising to the surface to protect his mate. With great difficulty he held onto his human form. “That man is my mate and I’d be very angry if you touched one hair on his head.”

“Fuck.” The wolf’s eyes glowed an angry orange. “How does he do that? That little fucker has a charmed life.”

The energy of an angry wolf shifter bristled along Talan’s back, and he knew his mate had heard everything.


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Chapter Five

Adrian only waited seconds before following his mate out of the Hummer. He was tired of everyone telling him he was unable to take down one wolf. Granted the guy was huge, but Adrian wasn’t exactly defenceless. He certainly wasn’t going to wait in the truck like a child while the grown ups handled everything.

Olson’s eyes glowed orange as he whipped around to face Adrian. “I knew you were close. If this guy really is your mate, you wouldn’t let him get that far from you.”

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