From Pack to Pride (7 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #M/M Paranormal Romance, #Shifters

BOOK: From Pack to Pride
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“What is your problem with me? We haven’t exchanged more than a few words since you joined the pack, but all I hear is how much you can’t stand me. What did I ever do to you?” It was a question that haunted Adrian. He couldn’t remember one bad encounter with Olson, but the guy hated him with a passion.

“Everything,” Olson hissed. “Your father broke my mother’s heart. He abandoned her because she wasn’t his ‘true mate’,” Olson said, putting air quotes around true mate. “Then he went off with your mother and had you and your brother. The perfect family,” he spat the words out like they were acid, bubbling in his soul.

A world of pain lived in Olson’s speech. Adrian couldn’t think of anything to say to defend his father. “I’m sorry my father abandoned you. I don’t know why he wouldn’t keep in contact with his son.” Adrian doubted his father had even known about Olson’s birth.

He’d certainly never mentioned it.

Olson sneered at Adrian, “Because he was such a good father?” Adrian shrugged. “Partly, but mostly because he was always telling us how family was everything. He died three years ago on a vacation with my mother.”

“I know. I read the obituaries. Since I can’t take out my anger on him, I’m going to destroy his sons. While you grew up happy and sheltered in your pack, my mother had me alone and her pack tossed her out. I grew up scraping for food with whatever shifters would have us while my mother whored to give us shelter. You have the life I should’ve been born into.”

“Why not go after his brother?” Talan asked.


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Adrian didn’t trust the calm way Talan asked the question. He could see that Talan’s lion was close to the surface. His teeth were pointier, and there was definitely more gold in his eyes. Talan was going to turn any moment and ruin the reputation of his pride. Adrian couldn’t allow that. He mentally prepared himself for what he knew he had to do.

Olson gave an evil smile. “Because Kade is strong, but he will be so much weaker when I take out his brother. I’ve made it my business to study the alpha. Kade’s only weakness is the people he loves. Killing Adrian will be doubly beneficial. I get to kill one of my enemies and rip out the alpha’s heart at the same time. It will make him that much easier to defeat.”

“So this is all an elaborate plot to take the alpha position of the wolf pack,” Adrian said to make sure he got the plan right.

Olson gave him a wide smile. “Yes, and give me the position I should’ve had at birth.”

“That’s a good plan,” Adrian agreed. Strategically, it was rather brilliant.

“Thanks,” Olson said, puffing up his chest. “From a genius like you that is quite a compliment.”

Talan let out a low growl. “You overlooked one little detail,” the lion said.

“What’s that?”

“I don’t care about wolf pack politics. I will rip out your throat if you touch my man.” Olson paled. “But if I issue him a wolf challenge, it will be perfectly legal. The shifter counsel will declare your pride an outcast if you interfere with a challenge.”

“I would rather condemn my pride than stand here and let you kill my mate.” Adrian knew there was only one thing to do. “Olson, I officially accept your challenge.”

“No!” Talan shouted.

Adrian could see fear and anger written across his lover’s face, but he wasn’t backing down. He’d wasted enough time hiding from this vengeful wolf. Olson might have a right to a grievance against their father, but Adrian wasn’t going to let the other wolf go after his brother or even worse his sister-in-law. It was going to stop here.

Olson smiled. “Meet me at the town square tonight.”


Olson lost his smile. “What do you mean no?” FROM PACK TO PRIDE

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“You gave the challenge, I accepted. I get to pick the location and time. I pick here and now.” After all, didn’t they say never let psychos take you to a secondary location? Adrian had a feeling that also counted for unbalanced wolves.

“Fine, have it your way,” Olson snarled.

During their conversation Adrian had watched Olson’s body language. He knew long before Olson attacked that the larger wolf was going to jump him whether Adrian agreed to a meeting or not. Olson didn’t care about shifter rules and practices unless they worked in his favour.

Watching the leap, Adrian stepped easily to the side. With a thought, he shifted his right hand into long claws and casually ripped out Olson’s throat. The big wolf slammed onto the sidewalk…dead.

“Holy crap.”

Adrian turned around to see most of the pride standing on the sidewalk behind him.

“We thought we’d come and see if there was anything we could do to help,” Dillon said, his pale face focused on the dead wolf at Adrian’s feet. “But I can see the little wolf can take care of himself.”

Adrian looked at the surprised expression on Talan’s face. “Didn’t you read my bio about teaching girls self-defence?”

“Yeah, but how does teaching little girls karate translate into ripping a man’s throat out.”

“My girls consist of the shifter daughters of prominent alphas. I hold a tenth level black belt in shifter martial arts, which includes the use of claws and teeth in hostage situations and random attacks. I’m considered the world leader in shifter self-defence.” Talan and the rest of the pride stared at him with their mouths wide open.

“Then why did your brother send you away to protect you from Olson?” Talan asked.

Adrian laughed. “Because he’s my big brother. No matter how skilled a person is, there is always the chance that the other person is faster, stronger or a better fighter. He wasn’t willing to take the chance.” Adrian shrugged. “My brother loves me.” Dillon looked down at the body. Locals were coming out of restaurants and shops to look at the dead man on the street.


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Someone must’ve called the authorities because moments later the sheriff’s car pulled up to the scene.

“Let me handle this,” Talan said, puffing up his chest and standing in front of Adrian like a living lion shield.

The man who came out of the car made Talan look small. The sheriff was well over seven feet tall with the muscle of a bodybuilder but a build that screamed it was all-natural.

It only took a small whiff to figure out the sheriff was a bear shifter.

“Who did this?” the sheriff demanded, looking at Olson’s body.

“I did.” Adrian pushed Talan aside to approach the enormous cop.

“I’m Sheriff Louis Arktos,” the big man said, with an assessing look at Adrian’s size.

“Adrian Volk.”

He gave a glance at the body on the ground. “Was it a legal challenge?” Adrian nodded. “Everyone here is my witness.”

“Anyone beside the lion pride of your lover? Forgive me for my doubts but the entire town knows these lions are crazy about you.” Adrian couldn’t stop the smile that crossed his lips. It was nice to be wanted.

“I heard the challenge.” A young man pushed his way through the crowd.

Adrian was surprised to smell the man was completely human.

The sheriff’s gaze undressed the newcomer with his eyes. Adrian could almost feel the heat between them with that stare.

“Good afternoon, James,” the sheriff said.

Adrian was amused to hear the man’s voice was much deeper than when he’d greeted Adrian. It didn’t take a genius to determine the big bear had it bad for the human.

“Afternoon, Sheriff. I was eating at the diner.” James gave Adrian a small smile. “We haven’t met, but I knew who you were because Talan was with you.” He turned back to the sheriff to finish the story. “I came outside to meet Adrian and I heard this other wolf threatening his life. He issued a challenge and, um, Adrian took care of it.” James ended with a stumbling halt.

Adrian cleared his throat. “Thank you, James.” He looked down at the sidewalk so the human couldn’t see the amusement in his eyes. James was sweet but the poor thing was hopelessly outmatched if the sheriff acted on his obvious interest.


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“If James is willing to claim you were challenged, I’ll take care of the body and clear up any official paperwork.” The sheriff pinned Adrian with a cold look. “Make sure you stay out of trouble and don’t make a habit of leaving dead bodies in my town.”

“Yes, sir,” Adrian said. He would make it his goal in life to avoid any altercations with the big sheriff.

The pair shook hands. The sheriff looked him over taking a long moment to release Adrian’s hand, causing a low growl to sound behind him.

Louis gave an amused glance behind Adrian. “Down, Talan, I’m not trying to steal your boy. I was just trying to figure out how someone this small could take down such a large predator.”

“It’s not always size that counts,” James said from behind Adrian. Adrian turned his head to see the human walking away through the crowd.

“I think you’ve got some work of your own to do, Sheriff,” Adrian said with a nod towards the human.

The sheriff’s gaze followed James hungrily before he collected himself and turned his attention back to Adrian. “I reckon I do. Have a good night, gentlemen. I’ll take care of everything.”

Talan gripped Adrian’s shoulder. “Come on, lover, it’s time to get back to the house.” Adrian dutifully followed Talan back to the Hummer. As much as he hated the big vehicle, it represented shelter from the prying eyes of the town. He had no doubt the news of his battle would be on everyone’s lips by nightfall.

To Adrian’s surprise, when they reached the car, the big alpha grabbed him by the biceps.

“Never put yourself in danger again,” the lion roared, shaking Adrian like a rag doll.

Adrian ripped out of his arms. “I am not some little kid who needs to be watched over by the grown ups. I’m a full-grown adult. Despite what you might think, I don’t need my big strong mate to fight all my battles. I will be your equal partner in this relationship or we won’t be mates. I don’t need a daddy to take care of me. I need a man I can depend on to stand by my side.”


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This was a nightmare. Instead of being pleased that his mate could take care of himself, Talan was acting as if Adrian had betrayed him. If he was looking for a defenceless fragile thing, then Adrian wasn’t the one for him.

“I think it’s time for me to go home now,” Adrian told the golden lion shifter, avoiding his gaze. He couldn’t look at the lion, he was too angry. After thinking he found his mate, his heart almost couldn’t take the disappointment. It was devastating.

Talan nodded. “You should rest after such a traumatic encounter.” Adrian didn’t bother to correct him. He let the larger man drive him back to the pride house without comment. Blinking back tears, he went to his room and collected his bags.

“Where are you going?” Talan asked. Stepping into the doorway, he blocked Adrian’s path.

“I told you I’m going home. I have to decide if I can live with a man who thinks I’m entirely useless.”

Talan frowned. “Why would you say that? I have never said you were useless.”

“You think I’m weak and in need of protection. I told you I could take care of Olson, but you took one look at me and decided I was a frail, defenceless thing who needed to be protected. I’m not fragile, or weak and I don’t need a mate who thinks I am.” It was hard to push the words out when his heart felt as if it was going to rip in two.

The weight on his chest made it difficult to breathe, but he had to let Talan know that he wasn’t going to put up with this type of behaviour. He tolerated his brother because they’d grown up together.

However, Talan hadn’t watched Adrian grow from a baby to a man, and he should have more trust in his mate.

“How will you get home?” Talan asked, folding his arms across his chest.

“I’ll take him,” Kevin offered from the hallway.

Talan growled at him.

Kevin held up his hands in a show of peace. “We can’t stop the wolf. If Adrian calls his brother and tells him he’s unhappy, there will be a bucket of trouble. As much as I like Adrian, I’m not willin’ to start an interspecies war because you can’t trust your mate.”

“I trust my mate!” Talan shouted.

“I’ll take you.” Kevin picked up two of Adrian’s bags.


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The pair walked to Kevin’s car in silence. Adrian didn’t even comment when the other man opened the door to a gas guzzling pickup.

Talan watched from the garage door but did nothing further to stop Adrian leaving.

Miles passed before Kevin spoke. “He really loves you, you know. I’ve never seen him this protective of anyone before. Is it the lion thing? Can you not live with a bunch o’ cats?” Adrian sighed. Pressing his forehead against the cool glass of the window he tried to rally his thoughts. “It has nothing to do with you guys being lions. You were all really welcoming. I enjoyed my stay with you, as short as it was. It’s about him trusting me to know my limitations. I won’t live in a bubble. My entire life my brother has tried to keep me protected from everything. I won’t continue to live a sheltered existence because my mate doesn’t trust me to watch his back. An alpha mate has to be strong, and I can’t stay with Talan if he’s never going to believe I’m strong enough to be by his side.”

“How’s leavin’ him going to prove your strength?” Kevin asked. “I’d think it’d make more sense to fight ‘im than to leave ‘im. I know if was lucky enough to find my mate and then he left me, I’d be too broken to think about anything other than what a failure I was.

What do you think he’s going to learn from this?” Adrian didn’t snap at Kevin because the lion shifter sounded more curious than condemning. “I want him to think about what he wants in a mate. If he wants a partner, then I’m willing. If he wants a pretty cuddle mate, he’ll need to look elsewhere.” Adrian gave the handsome shifter a curious glance. “I thought you were straight.” Kevin shrugged. “I like women and I won’t ever regret my baby boys but I know, deep down, that a man will be my mate.” The shifter speared Adrian with his earnest gaze before looking back at the road. “It’d rip out my heart if my mate left me because I loved him enough to try to keep him safe. Besides I thought y’all were already mated. You’ll both suffer if you don’t return.”

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