Frosted (11 page)

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Authors: Allison Brennan,Laura Griffin

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Private Investigators, #Women Sleuths

BOOK: Frosted
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But now she had to make sure Adam wasn’t in trouble.

“Agent ... Colby, right?”

“Yes, Ms. Hart.” He stood. “Good work, both you and Ms. Moreno.”

“Thank you. Mr. Brock isn’t in any trouble, is he?”

“He gave a statement, and if it holds up, I don’t foresee any problems. We know how this group operates.” He handed Adam and Dave his business card. “If either of you thinks of anything else, please call me. I’ll follow-up in a couple days. We may need you to sign a formal statement.”

“And you have the diamonds?” Krista asked.

“My partner already secured them,” Colby confirmed. He said his good-byes and left.

Dave excused himself and left Krista alone with Adam. But for the first time, she wasn’t nervous or angry or worried.

“Are you okay?” Adam asked, taking her hands.

She nodded then extracted her hands from his. He looked hurt, and she tried to soften her actions with a smile.

“I can’t believe all this happened, Krista.”

Finally, she was Krista, not KayKay. And for once he sounded serious, as though he really understood the gravity of what had happened.

“I’m sorry for getting you into this,” he said.

“You’re sorry?”

“Yeah, you could have been killed. I had no idea—”

“Well, it worked out okay, didn’t it?” She shrugged. “And, hey, Scarlet and I got a job out of it, so win-win.”

Adam frowned. “I never thought you might get hurt in this whole thing. What you do... it’s really dangerous.” He reached for her hand again and this time she let him take it. He pulled her into a hug.

“You’ve changed a lot, Krista.”

“So have you.”

“I’m proud of you.”

She pulled back and looked up at him. As always, he looked so sincere, so earnest, and her heart melted a little, because it was that look that always got to her. He gave her that sexy half-smile and brushed a lock of hair from her forehead.

“Do you ever... miss things between us?”

She stepped away, and to her surprise he let her go. “I used to, but not anymore.”

He looked down at her for a long moment. “It’s that guy, isn’t it? The one who showed up today?”

She rolled her eyes. “Adam—”

“I know, I know. None of my business.” He shook his head and sighed.


“Nothing, just... Thank you. For coming when I called. You’re a good person, Krista. I’m glad we’re friends again.” He smiled. “Uh-oh. You look shocked. We
friends again now, right?”

Friends. With Adam. Two days ago, she would have said no way, not a snowball’s chance in hell.


“I guess so.” She hugged him. “Stranger things have happened.”


Chapter Eleven


Scarlet’s phone rang with an odd tone, waking her up Saturday morning. It took her a moment to realize it was her incoming Skype ring tone. She grabbed the phone off her charger.


She accepted the call and a moment later his handsome face filled the small screen of her smart phone. “Hey,” she said.

“I went by your apartment. Your landlord said you’ve been gone since Thursday.”

He sounded angry.

“I sent you a text message that Krista and I had a job.”

“I didn’t realize you were skiing.”

“Maybe if you weren’t avoiding me, I could have told you face-to-face.”

Shit, she sounded like a whiny, needy bitch.

She smiled and tried to relax. “We solved the case and made more money this week than in the last two months. It’s nice to have a paying client for a change.”

“I’m not avoiding you,” Alex said.

Damn, he’d heard what she’d said.

“It’s just things have been busy,” he added. “I’m leaving for my parents in the morning for Christmas. I wanted to see you before I left.”

“Right,” she mumbled.

“What’s wrong?” He looked confused. The slight lag over the Skype connection distorted his face momentarily.

“Nothing,” she snapped.


It all spilled out. “For the last month you’ve cancelled every time we made plans. You don’t return my calls, when you do call you’re rushed, and last time you came over to my apartment, you left right after sex. What am I supposed to think?”

The surprise on his face almost made her apologize.

“Look, Alex,” she said, “just tell me the truth.” She didn’t want to do this now, over the phone, even though she could see him. But she couldn’t seem to help herself. And she had to know the truth. “Are you done?”

“What? Done with what?”

“Me. Us. Just shoot straight with me, okay? I’m a big girl, I can take it.” Her eyes burned, but she would
cry. She was
thirty-four years old.
She would get over him. It might take a while, but she’d survive.

“I—dammit, Scarlet, no. I’m
done. Why on earth—?” He shook his head. “I know I’ve been distracted lately. I’ve been working on this case … I want to tell you about it, but I can’t. When it’s over, I’ll explain.”

He wasn’t looking at her. He was glancing away from the screen. Was someone there? Or was he lying? About what? She’d given him an easy out. Why didn’t he take it?

“Something’s going on, Alex. You’re lying to me. I was a cop, remember. I know when someone isn’t being honest.” Her voice cracked at the end.

“Scarlet, I’m not lying. Nothing is going on.”

At that moment, she hated that she’d been a cop. Every gut instinct that she’d developed over the twelve years she was on the force told her unequivocally that Alex was lying to her. Was he lying about the case? Was it another woman? An old girlfriend? What was going on that he couldn’t at least explain to her, even vaguely?

“Don’t,” Alex said. “I know what you’re thinking. Why can’t you just trust me?”

“I do,” she said automatically, but there was that niggle of doubt. She wanted to trust him. But over the last four weeks he’d changed. She knew it in her head, and in her heart.

“It’s killing me that you don’t trust me. I know I’ve been preoccupied, but it has nothing to do with you.”

Again, that faint hesitation in his voice, the way he glanced away, just for a second. If he were a suspect, she would press harder until he cracked, and he

But if she forced him to tell her what was going on, he would resent it. She was damned if she did, damned if she didn’t. If he continued to hide whatever this was then she’d never completely trust him. Neither of them could live like that.

“Good-bye,” she said. Her voice broke. Damn, damn, damn! She moved her thumb to disconnect the call.

“Don’t you dare hang up on me! Scarlet—dammit, Scarlet, I love you!”

She blinked, her hand frozen over the off button. That was the last thing she’d expected to hear.

“Fuck,” he muttered, running both hands through his short hair. “Not seeing you this last month has been killing me, but this case is almost over. Okay? Please trust me. I’ll tell you everything when I can. I promise.
I love you
. I’ll be back in Newport late Wednesday night. I’ll come by your place. Okay?”


“Talk to me, Scarlet. Tell me it’s okay.”

“Wednesday,” she said. Her voice sounded weird.

I love you.

She hadn’t expected it.

She was scared to death.

“I have to go, Scarlet. I wish—just—just be careful, okay? Drive carefully. I’ll see you Wednesday night.”

He hung up.

She lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Four months … and he loved her. Or was that his way of distracting her from the fact that he was lying to her?

Really, Scarlet, you enjoy making yourself miserable, don’t you?

She wanted to love him right back, but that fear inside that she’d fuck it up terrified her. Because she
screw everything up. She’d been so judgmental and unforgiving with Matt that she wouldn’t let him back in, even when he apologized. Because he didn’t mean it. Yes, he’d been sorry that she’d walked out after he told her he didn’t believe her about the ambush. He backtracked and said that maybe she
she heard her partner on the radio, that maybe she’d gone to the wrong address, that maybe she was just mistaken … but in the end, he still didn’t believe her, and she could never forgive that. And it had been a relief to break off their engagement. What did that say about her? About their relationship?

You didn’t love him.

With Alex … when she thought he was pulling away she became angry. And worried. And scared, because she didn’t want to let him go. She would if that’s what he wanted, but she didn’t want the same thing. She craved him, like chocolate. Only she could never get enough time with him, so the last four weeks had put her on edge. Just the thought that he could have ended it during their conversation made her stomach hurt. She’d given him an out. She’d opened the door and was ready to watch him walk away.

I love you.

Did he? How did he know? How could she know how she really felt? Shit, she was a grown woman stressed about falling in love. Trying to know what love felt like. If she was even capable of it.

Maybe because she didn’t really believe in love.

Her mother had walked out on her dad. How could her mother have loved someone for fourteen years and then just … leave? Marry someone else and have a completely new family? Had her mother ever loved her dad? Had her mother ever loved her and John? There had never been an explanation that Scarlet bought, a
.... other than the one her mother gave:

“I don’t love your father anymore, and it’s not fair to him or me to stay.”

And Scarlet had done the same thing with Matt, only they hadn’t been married, and there were no kids involved, and she knew when she left that she hadn’t loved him enough.

Now Alex … could she trust him when he said he loved her? And what did that mean for her?

She sat up abruptly. How had Alex known she was skiing? She hadn’t told him where she was. Her landlord Diego didn’t know she was going to the mountains. Scarlet had just told him she was going out of town. Diego couldn’t have told Alex that she was skiing.

So how did Alex know?

The only people who knew where she and Krista were ... Scarlet mentally went through the list. Mac. John. R.J. Why would Alex have talked to any of them? They were her friends, family, and associates. Not Alex’s.

There was a knock on her door and Krista came in. “Scarlet, let’s get some breakfast before the kitchen closes.” She frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“Something’s going on with Alex.”

“You talked to him?”

“Yes. And he distracted me before I could put my finger on what’s wrong.”

“Distracted you? How?”

“He told me he loved me.”

“Wow. That’s good, right?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re in love with him.”

Scarlet frowned. “I don’t know.”

Krista rolled her eyes. “And I thought
was the one with trust issues.”

“It’s not trust. It’s me. I screw up all my relationships.”

“Then consider yourself lucky that Alex won’t let you sabotage this one.” Krista tilted her head. “What is it, really?”

She couldn’t articulate what she thought, what she felt. She rubbed her eyes. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. Something is going on with Alex. I’ll find out when he gets back from Sacramento.”

Krista stepped closer and looked at Scarlet’s injury. “Ouch. Nasty bruise.”

“Nasty lump, too,” she said, rubbing her head. “But I’m fine. I just want to know what’s going on with Alex. He’s acting just as weird as my brother.”

Krista took her hands. “Scarlet, look at me.”

She did.

“Trust Alex.”

“I do, but—”

“No buts. You do or you don’t. If you don’t trust him, you don’t have a relationship. Trust
on that.”

She frowned. Krista was right. But still, she was going to have to think on this. Because even if she trusted Alex, she didn’t like being kept in the dark. If it was an undercover case, he could simply tell her that, but he hadn’t. Just talked about ‘the case.’ No details. Nothing to give her any idea what was going on.

“Where’s R.J.?” she asked Krista. “I thought he was coming back last night.”

“He got tied up, said he wanted to take a rain check.”

“Uh-huh. Great. And you’re giving
relationship advice?”

Krista laughed. “No. I think he means it. I think it’s going somewhere.”

“For the record, I don’t think he’s the lowest form of pond scum anymore.”

Krista arched her eyebrow in partial disbelief. “Really?”

“He helped us out a couple of times, and didn’t hold it over our heads. He still works for the lowest form of pond scum, but maybe R.J. is riding the surface of the scum pool.”

“I won’t tell him you said that. Actually, it’s good. Sort of. I’m figuring a few things out right now.”

“Like what?”

“Like ... seeing Adam again wasn’t really a bad thing. For too long I considered myself a failure. How could I be stupid enough to fall for a player? How could I get
to someone who can’t commit to anyone? Why did he even propose? What was I even
? But … I realized that I was in love with the idea of the happily ever after. Adam hurt me … but mostly because I felt stupid. I thought he’d given me a line, and I couldn’t figure out why he married me in the first place. It’s not like I was saving myself for a ring. Yet … I think Adam had this idea that when you found someone you liked, you got married. His parents have been married for thirty-five years. His two sisters are married. He wants to make everyone happy, but he can’t change who he is inside. He doesn’t think, he doesn’t understand the consequences of his actions, he doesn’t realize that what he does hurts people. Maybe now—he’s starting to get it.

“But mostly, I realized why I loved him in the first place. He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. When he gives you his undivided attention, you get his undivided attention. After all the idiot, selfish, arrogant jerks I met in college … he was completely different.”

“He’s like SpongeBob,” Scarlet said.

Krista almost started choking. “Great,” she said between laughs. “I married a sponge?”

“You did fall in love on the beach …”


“So, you and R.J.?” Scarlet raised her eyebrow.

“We’ve gone out a few times, but they were either working dates, or were cut short because of something that came up. We need to take it one date at a time. Maybe the four of us should go out. We can go with you and Alex.”

It was Scarlet’s turn to laugh. “I don’t know if you can trust me with R.J. I might shoot him if he picks a fight with me.”

“If R.J. doesn’t like my best friend then I don’t want him in my life. And Scarlet—your opinion does matter to me. I know you and R.J. have had some disagreements …”

“He’s okay. He has an honor code, and I respect that. But he is fun to jab.” She linked her arm with Krista’s. “Breakfast? Do we still have time?”

Krista glanced down at her watch. “If we run.”

“I’m starving. Let’s run.”

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