Frozen Desires (Asylums for Magical Threats) (35 page)

Read Frozen Desires (Asylums for Magical Threats) Online

Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Camilla Melini is a high-ranking soldier with an organization fighting to free elemental magic users. Her latest assignment is to find one of the legendary elemental Four Talents, #and she’s determined to get in and out of Mexico as quickly as possible to avoid running into the man who nearly destroyed her life. But when the dangerous man from her past finds her, #Cam must work with Marco Alvarez, #a man she’d dismissed as a playboy, #to prevent the the powerful magic of the Talents from falling into the wrong hands. She never expected the charming playboy to be a cunning warrior worthy of her heart..., #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

BOOK: Frozen Desires (Asylums for Magical Threats)
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“Camilla.” She tore her gaze from his hand and looked up. “If you want my cock, then come kneel in

front of me, and take it.”

It didn’t surprise her that he’d been able to read her. He was getting good at that.

She rose slowly from the cot and walked over to him. She gripped the base of his cock and squeezed

before she knelt down and braced her hands on his muscled thighs.

Marco released his hand. She took his hard, long dick and lowered it in front of her mouth. There was

already a bead of moisture, so she looked up at Marco’s eyes and gave a flick with her tongue. Loving the

salty taste, she gave another. Before she could torture him some more, he thrust a hand into her hair and

gave a gentle tug. “Take it. Now.”

She extended one of her claws and traced it down the underside of his cock, and then gently grabbed

his balls as she took his cock into her mouth. Curious to see if the fierce side of him would come out to play, she stayed still, careful to breathe through her nose.

After a few seconds, his other hand grabbed her hair and forced her head back until only the tip was

still inside her mouth. She looked up and used her tongue to tease his slit.

The cords of his neck were taut when he said, “I want to fuck your mouth, Camilla. If you’ll let me,

then release my balls and place your hands on my thighs.”

She’d never done this before, but she barely resisted squirming. Marco was revealing a sexual side to

her that Cam had never known existed.

She released his balls, relaxed her jaw, and placed her hands on his thighs. When she looked back up,

he said, “Close your eyes.”

She did, and he started to move. Gently at first, but his thrusts grew faster and she understood why he’d

told her to hold on.

As he continued to fuck her mouth, she couldn’t resist moving a hand between her thighs. She dipped

her fingers, coated them with moisture, and started rubbing her clit. When she moaned around his dick,

Marco stilled and then pulled out. She cried out at the loss of him and opened her eyes without a thought.

She looked up and her heart skipped a beat at the fierce tenderness in his eyes.

He squatted down and cupped her face. “Now, it’s my turn to take care of you,
.” He kissed her and helped her to her feet. “Do you still trust me?”

She nodded without a thought, growing wet in anticipation of what he’d do next.

Marco gave Cam a searing kiss before he tugged her up and against his chest. He then placed his hands

on her ass before giving her a quick slap and then lifting her. When she was high enough, she wrapped her

legs around his waist, letting him know how drenched and ready she was for him.

Cam was turning out to be everything he’d hoped for in a woman. She had intelligence and a sexuality

he would never get enough of. He planned to test her limits for as long as she’d have him.

He kissed her and hugged her tight, wanting to feel as much of her skin as possible. With her hot, wet

core against his abdomen and her nipples pressing into his chest, he was done with the foreplay. It was

taking everything he had not to come right now.

He maneuvered them to a wall. He braced Cam against it so he could move one of his hands from her

ass to her core. With her pressed so tight against him, all he could do was rub a finger back and forth, but that was enough. Cam broke their kiss on a groan and growled. “Please, Marco. Don’t make me wait any


He was too far gone to reprimand her for speaking out. Instead, he leaned back a fraction, positioned

his cock, and thrust up.

Cam moaned and he took her hips. Using the wall as leverage, he started to thrust upward over and

over again, the force making her breasts bounce. He wanted to bite and tease her, but because he didn’t

want to give up his grip, he just watched them, promising to give them the attention they deserved later.

She gripped his shoulders. When she dug in with her claws, he looked back to her face and thrust

harder. “So wet and tight,
. I’ll never get enough of you.”

From the glazed look in her eye, he knew she was close. “Touch yourself for me and let yourself go. I

want to feel you squeezing my cock.”

She moved one hand to behind his neck and the other between her thighs. As much as he wanted to

watch her stroke herself, he kept his gaze on her face and said, “Are you close?”


He picked up his pace even more. “Then let go, Camilla. I’ll catch you.”

She let out a soft cry and he felt her start to spasm around him.

As she gripped and released his cock, his balls drew up even tighter. He was close.

Since he knew she had regular birth control shots, he thrust even harder. This was the first time he’d

been inside her since realizing he loved her. He wanted to claim her, and claim her hard.

When Cam finally moved her other hand to his neck, leaned in, and nibbled his jaw, he gave a few

more quick thrusts before he let go.

Chapter Forty-Two

Marco placed his forehead against Cam’s, and tried to catch his breath.

While he’d realized he loved her back in the jungle, after this round of sex and him claiming her

completely, his heart was near to bursting. But he didn’t want to scare her away. If Cam rejected him, he

would be lost. There was no way he could go back to hiding behind his playboy façade. That life was


After the taste of honesty he’d had with the woman in front of him, he didn’t want it.

The woman in question tilted her head and kissed him before laying her cheek against his. “Mm, that

was nice.”

He hugged her close and slowly backed away from the wall. He kissed the side of her neck. “I take it

you liked it, then? I wasn’t too rough?”

Cam leaned back to look into his face and placed her hands on his chest. “If you want the truth, I’ve

never done anything like that before.”

He raised an eyebrow. “And?”

She smiled. “I rather liked it.”

Marco nuzzled her cheek. “Does that mean I’m a gift to womankind after all?”

She slapped his chest. “Ego check, Alvarez, ego check.”

He laughed. “Okay, so maybe a gift to Camilla-kind then?”

“A few more rounds like the one we just had, and I may agree with that.”

She looped her arms behind his neck, and leaned her body against his. It took everything he had not to

take her again right then and there. But while this particular mission was over, they had other

responsibilities to take care of. His years of training and time with DEFEND were ingrained into his very

being, and he couldn’t ignore the need to discuss their next moves.

Still, he couldn’t resist holding the woman he loved in his arms for a few more minutes. Marco pulled

her close, her scent a comfort.

Cam let out a sigh as she released her legs and lowered them to the ground. “I wish we could stay like

this all day, but we need to shower and start planning.”

He nuzzled the top of her head. “I was thinking the same thing.”

Cam chuckled. “What a pair we make. I suppose it’s a good thing we’re both soldiers at heart.”

Marco hugged her tighter. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

She raised her head to look him in the eye. “While your words are pretty, your actions in the jungle—

when you let me check that car for a bomb—will always mean more to me than you’ll ever know.”

He lifted his hand to trace her cheek. He was so close to telling her about his feelings, but he needed to be careful with Cam. She’d been hurt in the past, and he wasn’t sure if she felt the same way.

Instead, he decided that Camilla Melini needed to get used to compliments, because he was going to be

saying them to her for a long time. “You’re smart, resourceful, kind, and unselfish, Camilla, and any man

who can’t see that is a fool.”

Cam stared up at Marco, speechless. She instinctively knew that he wasn’t telling her sweet nothings

just to please her, but instead, he was telling her how he truly saw her.

Feelings she couldn’t describe filled her chest, and Cam started to realize that anything she’d once felt

for Richard Ekstrom paled in comparison to what she was starting to feel for this man in front of her.

Marco was handsome, yes, but not only did she respect his strength and intelligence, he’d opened up to

her, telling her about his Elemental Master training and his cousin’s death. By doing that, he’d allowed her to lower her own defenses and confide in him as well.

Just thinking about her life before Marco, she realized how lonely and isolated she’d been. Zalika and

Jacek had helped, and maybe reuniting with her sister Kiarra would have eased her isolation a little more.

But no matter how much she cared for them, Marco had filled a hole in her heart that she hadn’t realized

even existed.

If she were honest with herself, she loved him.

Yes, just admitting it eased her heart a little. She’d already made a partial claim on him by calling him
, but that wasn’t enough.

Cam had nearly died twice in just the last few days, reminding her that working for DEFEND was

dangerous. She accepted that risk—her work was important—but just the thought of Marco dying without

knowing her true feelings didn’t sit well with her.

She needed to tell him.

“Camilla? Are you okay?”

She didn’t know how long she’d been lost in her thoughts, but one thing was clear—she needed to tell

him how she felt.

She moved one of her hands from his chest to stroke his cheek. Marco wasn’t a hairy man, but she

loved the feel of the slight stubble on his cheek. “I was just thinking about my life before I met you,


He grinned. “Bleak? Desolate? Not worth living?”

She slapped him on the chest. “Be serious for a second, Alvarez.”

He put on a mock serious face, and Cam couldn’t help but giggle. Before meeting Marco, she had


That was just another reason she loved him.

She got herself under control and said, “The events of the past few weeks have made me realize how

fleeting life can be. I believe in DEFEND’s cause of freeing the first-borns, but this work is dangerous.

Either one of us could go at any minute.”

Marco’s face was truly serious now. “Don’t think like that,
. The two of us together are quite a force to be reckoned with.”

“I know, but do you deny the danger?”

He shook his head. “No. Pulling that shrapnel out of your side was one of the scariest few minutes of

my life.”

“Right. That’s why, before we go on another dangerous adventure, I want to tell you something.”

Marco’s face relaxed, and his eyes were tender. “You can tell me anything, Camilla.”

The look in his eyes gave her the courage to say, “I don’t expect for you to feel the same way, but I need to tell you that I, well, I love you.”

Joy filled his face, and he smiled at her in a way that made her knees weak. “That’s a relief, then.

Because I love you too, and I’m quite possessive, in case you haven’t noticed.”

Marco had told Cam he loved her in a lighthearted way, but he meant it to his very soul.

When she slapped him playfully on the chest and she lost the battle to frown, he felt the need to kiss


He lowered his head and placed a tender kiss on her lips, but as he moved away, Cam growled and said,

“You call that a kiss? I bet a teenage boy could kiss better than that.”

He grabbed her hips and pulled her flush against his body. “Then let me show you how wrong you are.”

He took her lips, biting her lower lip before she opened. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she

started to battle him for control. He was lost in the warmth and unique taste that was Cam, but a small part of his mind was uneasy.

He needed to share the last big secret between them.

Reluctantly, he pulled away. He brushed Cam’s hair behind her ear and said, “There’s something else I

need to tell you, Camilla. Something that I don’t want to keep from you any longer.”

This time she did frown. “Should I be worried?”

He smiled. “No. I didn’t tell you before because I’ve never told anyone about it. This secret could cost

the lives of hundreds of other Elemental Masters.”

She cupped his cheek. “You can trust me. Tell me.”

The trust in her eyes made her even more beautiful to him. It took everything he had not to kiss her.

“You know that the EM training academies still exist despite the
High Council’s best attempts to squash them.” Cam nodded, and he continued. “Well, I never told you what they do after they finish their


“I had wondered about that, actually.”

“Of course you did, you brilliant woman.”

She poked him in the chest. “Stop with the flattery and just tell me what they do already.”

“Okay, okay. Just put the claws away.”

Cam smiled. “Yes, funny man. Now, what do they do?”

“Well, most—not all—are assigned to various regions of the world to help stem natural disasters.”

“What do you mean?”

Marco knew his statement was a lot to take in, so he decided to use one of his friends right here in

Ecuador as an example. “There’s a woman in Ecuador named Josselyn who is an Elemental Earth Master.

We went through training together down in Colombia.”

“A woman?”

He smiled at Cam’s jealousy. “Just a friend,
. You have nothing to worry about.”

Mollified, Cam asked, “Okay, so what does she do?”

“Well, let me explain. You may or may not know that Ecuador is prone to earthquakes, sometimes with

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