Full Court Press (14 page)

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Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Full Court Press
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“And I wonder why? Maybe because you’re rude, and demeaning, and just a straight up jerk.”

He shrugged. “Doesn’t stop you from wanting it.”

She sighed. Why did she even try to talk to him? It never did any good and that wasn’t going to change. “Well, I just wanted to give you some company but you obviously aren’t in the mood.”

“I told you, you can give me company on my dick.”

He was being worse than normal. He didn’t look at her when he talked, just kept his eyes on the TV.

“You’re in pain.”

“Like I said, my back is tweaked.”

“I know, and you’re hurting. That’s why you’re being meaner than usual.” She knew she was right, and she felt the absurd need to comfort him.

If you’re not going to suck my dick then go to sleep. Turn the lights off while you’re up.”“

Car was tired and didn’t feel like putting up a fight. She got up and turned the lights off. “Good night.”

He didn’t respond, just changed the channel on the TV. Car went back into the bedroom and was proud of herself for remaining polite while he was being a complete jerk. She climbed into the large bed and found it incredibly soft. She curled up under the thick covers and inhaled deeply. The bed smelled like him: fresh and clean with a little bit of mint. She fell asleep almost immediately.

* * *


Carmondy moaned loudly. Beck was driving her absolutely crazy. She lay spread eagle on his bed. Each limb was cuffed to a corner, holding her open and helpless against his onslaught. She had no way to cover herself, no way to protect herself. She pulled on the chains, but the leather straps that encircled her wrists and ankles were tight and secure.

Beck laughed at her efforts before kissing her roughly and pushing her against the bed, his closeness suffocating, intoxicating. The feel of his naked body against hers was almost more than she could tolerate. She wanted to be free so she could wrap her limbs around him and give him some of the same feelings he was giving her. Yet at the same time, she didn’t want to be free because being unable to do anything was a huge turn on. Struggling against the bonds made her heart race. Knowing that he could do anything he wanted to her made her entire body quiver with excitement and fear.

He justified her worries when he slipped a hand down her body to settle in between her legs. She moaned loudly and writhed in her constraints. She tried to close her legs but the chains held them open wide. There was nothing she could do. As he worked her over with his oh-so-talented fingers, he used his other hand to tangle into her hair, holding her head still so she was forced to look directly into his eyes. She tried to hold his gaze since she knew that was what he wanted but within seconds, the feelings overwhelmed her. She squeezed her eyes shut and arched her back in an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure, but it was no use. She began panting. What she was feeling was beyond pleasure, beyond ecstasy, far beyond the boundaries of anything she had ever felt before.

Within a couple of short minutes, waves of the indescribable feeling started to pass through her entire body. She tossed her head from side to side and squirmed under his heavy, warm hand. She couldn’t help but moan in synchrony with the rhythm he had set up. She tried her best to stay quiet but soon she was crying out loudly, over and over again, unable to do anything to contain herself. It seemed to amuse him. He cupped her face and pushed his thumb into her mouth, effectively silencing her, telling her to suck on it. She felt an overpowering urge to please him, so she sucked on it and used her tongue to play with it, doing everything she could think of to please him. Satisfied, he removed his thumb but didn’t let up, not until she let out a strained scream and a final convulsion passed through her body, leaving her limp, sweaty and exhausted.

Beck smiled and leaned down to kiss her damp cheek, rubbing his palm against her heavily before finally removing his hand from between her legs. This caused her to moan again and futilely shift her hips against the sheets. She wanted to beg him to put his hand back but knew it wouldn’t do any good. Instead, he kissed her again. She was weak now, but somehow found the energy to tug desperately on the chains and beg for him to release her and give her a chance to show her appreciation. It did no good, of course. She had no choice but to lay back and go through the bittersweet torture again. He used his hands and tongue to get her warmed up. Soon she was breathing heavily again, and she lifted her head to watch as he trailed kisses down her body, between her breasts, down her stomach and lower.

She watched, fascinated, until she couldn’t anymore. The action he was taking with his tongue, lips and teeth caused her to struggle harder against her constraints. She wanted to be free yet lay perfectly still at the same time. Her body had a mind of its own though. It tried to close its legs as much as the chains would allow, but Beck’s hands clamped down on her thighs, keeping her wide and easily accessible to his searching tongue and nipping teeth.

Carmondy arched her back and tried to breathe, but her heart was pumping faster than she thought possible. She dug her heels into the bed and lifted her hips up, trying to get closer to him. His hands kept her firmly pinned down. All she could do was moan helplessly and stare at the ceiling while he continued to taste her.

Suddenly his lips were gone, and he was rearranging himself over her. She lifted her head in time to see his legs settle between hers, stretching her thighs even wider before pushing all the way down.

Carmondy gasped, but didn’t get time to adjust before he thrust deep inside her. Each of his motions pulled the chains attached to her ankles taut and then let them go slack for a split second, only to pull them taut again, creating a jingling cacophony. His pace didn’t give her time to rest, and she gripped the chains attached to her wrists tightly and bit her lip. He was pushing the barrier between pleasure and pain, and she had never felt anything so good in her life. A hand threaded into her hair and tilted her head up, forcing her to gaze down her body and watch as his hips met hers, over and over again. When he was satisfied that she’d seen enough, he let her head drop back down onto the sheets. She made a whimpering noise. She wanted to watch but didn’t have the strength to hold her head up.

His hand snaked down between their bodies and went back to work at doing what it did best. While his hips worked at keeping the chains at her feet taut, his fingers worked to push her over the edge. He worked her faster and faster until she was crying out again. She struggled against her bonds and between waves of pleasure, begged him to finish it. He didn’t listen though. He kept it going until all she could do was writhe under him helplessly, hoping he would finish before her heart exploded.

Finally, he gave her the gratification that she had been begging for.

Carmondy shot up in bed. Her heart was racing and her whole body tingled. She tried to calm her breathing while she checked her wrists and ankles. No cuffs...clothes were on...it had been a dream.


She jumped and scrambled away from the voice. “Jesus Christ!”

Beck was standing directly beside the bed, picking something up off his bedside table.

“Give me a heart attack, will you?” she gasped, putting a hand to her chest.

He shrugged. “You were breathing pretty hard. Was it a nightmare?”

Carmondy swallowed hard. “Err...yeah, nightmare.”

She slid out of the bed shakily. She couldn’t be around Beck right now, not with the dream she had just had. What the heck was that about? Her hands shook as she picked her jeans up from the end of the bed. She was too traumatized from the dream to care about changing in front of him right now. She slipped the boxers off and pulled the tight jeans on, managing to button them without too much difficulty.

“Shoot-around is in half an hour. I was about to wake you up.” His voice caused her to cringe. It made her think of things he had said in the dream. He had commanded her and she had done whatever he asked, willingly, in an effort to please him.

“Something wrong?” Beck asked. She hadn’t noticed that he had walked up behind her.

She jerked away. Closeness was not good, not good at all. “No, I’m fine,” she managed to choke out. What the hell was wrong with her? It was just a dream.
Just a dream.

She didn’t understand her actions in the dream. She wasn’t that kind of girl. She didn’t get off on that stuff, yet she had, twice, and her brain had come up with all of it.

As she walked through the living room, her legs felt weak. She bumped into the couch and almost fell. She caught herself before she hit the floor and held onto the back for a moment to get her balance.

What was wrong with her? It wasn’t like any of those things had actually happened. But it felt like they had. Her legs felt weak and there was a strange ache between them.

She made for the door again but Beck stepped in her way. She jerked to a halt, almost falling again.

“Whoa.” He put out a hand to steady her but she jerked away again. “You look flushed. Maybe you should sit down.”

“No, I’m fine. I’m leaving.” She tried to walk around him but only got her hand on the doorknob before he grabbed her wrist and turned her around.

She backed away from him, putting as much distance between them as possible.

He stepped closer though and tilted his head down, peering at her. “You really don’t look good. I think you’re a little shaken up from your nightmare still.”

“Okay, great, let me go.” She tried to jerk her wrist away but he grabbed it again. She fought him for a moment, pulling away and pushing at his hands, backing against the door in an effort to get away. Her heart started to race and she pushed desperately against his chest. She really needed him to get away from her.

“Hey.” He grabbed both her wrists and planted them against the door, beside her head. “Calm the fuck down.”

She held her breath. The position was all too familiar with the constrained wrists and close proximity. Oh God, the ache between her legs started up again. She started to get dizzy, disoriented. She didn’t know what was happening to her but her vision started to go dark for a moment.

Beck seemed to notice. He released a wrist and shook her face gently.

“All right. That’s enough.” He snatched the keys from her hand and stepped away, much to her relief. She could breathe now. She blinked a couple times. She still felt a little weak. She wanted to sit down but she really wanted to be out of Beck’s house.

She opened her mouth to demand her keys back but he cut her off.

“You are not driving. Anderson would kill me if I let you. Now just sit down. I don’t know what’s wrong with you but I’m going to get dressed, drive you to Anderson’s, and then, if you’re feeling better, we’ll take you to the shoot-around.”

She didn’t argue. She knew it wouldn’t do any good. She made her way to the nearest chair and sat down hard, putting her head in her hands. She needed to get control of herself. The dream had been as vivid as real life and she could remember every second of it perfectly. She didn’t want to admit it but if that had been real it would have been, by far, the most sexually satisfying experience of her life.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly, feeling dirty for feeling what she had imagined. She shouldn’t be getting off on that stuff, should she? That was just for guys who watched too much porn. Anderson said Kendall had been into that stuff, so maybe it wasn’t too weird. It wasn’t like the hardcore stuff, because she didn’t remember feeling the need for pain. She wasn’t interested in getting whipped or anything like that. It was just...the vulnerability, creating a level of intimacy that—

“You okay?”

Beck’s voice cut into her thoughts. She looked up, finding him dressed in baggy sweats and a T-shirt with the sleeves ripped off.

“Yeah...yeah, I feel better now. I think I can drive.” She stood slowly.

He shook his head. “No can do. I was going to Anderson’s anyway, and you were coming back here afterwards too, right?”

“Oh, right, homework.”

“We’re still on, right?”

“Yeah...I forgot, but yeah.”

“Cool, let’s go.”

He led the way out to his shiny BMW X5. The short ride to Anderson’s was quiet but Carmondy was thankful.

Once they arrived, she hurried inside. Beck was right behind her when she reached the stairs. She suddenly stopped. What if that girl had slept over and was still here? It would be totally awkward. She looked over her shoulder at Beck.

“What are you waiting for?” he asked.

“Uh...what if...that girl is still here?”

Beck rolled his eyes and pushed past her, up the stairs. He disappeared into the doorway and reappeared moments later. “Coast is clear.” She climbed the stairs. “But unless you wanna see Anderson full-Monty, I’d suggest not looking in his room.”

She groaned and kept her eyes averted from the open door while Beck went in and slapped him on the chest. “Wake up!”

She heard Anderson mumble something and then another slap. “Get outta bed, you lazy ass. You’re gonna miss the shoot-around.”

Carmondy grabbed a pair of sweats and T-shirt to shoot hoops in and changed in the bathroom. When she emerged, Anderson was dressed in a pair of gym shorts and T-shirt, looking very tired.

“Heard you got some last night,” Beck said, leaning against the doorway.

“Yeah, man, she wore me out.” Anderson groaned and stretched lazily.

“Send her packin’?”

“Psh, I dunno, last thing I remember is falling asleep with her on top of me. She must have taken off.”

“Still got your wallet?”

“Oh come on, can’t you just accept that girls do me without money exchange?”

“I can’t figure out why they would, unless of course, they’ve never heard of me.”

“Oh, you’re hilarious.”

“It’s true. I mean you have a girl living with you, and she still came to me for it.”

Carmondy scowled. Now she was a part of the conversation?

Anderson leaned around Beck to look at Carmondy. “Did he kiss you?”

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