Read Full Court Press Online

Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

Full Court Press (18 page)

BOOK: Full Court Press
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She could tell by the look on his face that he enjoyed watching her squirm. “You like this feeling, don’t you? Being full?” he asked, putting his hand to where their bodies joined, touching her.

She nodded, though it was also driving her crazy.

“Good. Get used to it.”

He finally started to move, but slowly, languidly, as if he had all the time in the world. She tried to move her hips faster against his but he kept her still with his hand. She couldn’t stand how slow he was going. She needed fast and hard. She needed it over quick or she was going to break. The minutes just seemed to drag on. She was running out of control and her skin started to get damp from the exertion.

Then he used his thumb between her legs to push her a little farther, not giving her what she craved, just pushing her body past where she thought her limits were.

“You know what I think about sometimes when I see you at school?” he asked, not expecting an answer. “I think about pulling you into an empty classroom, getting you on your back on a desk and having you right there. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

She took a deep breath and nodded. She’d like that a lot. She didn’t understand how he could talk. It must be because he was going so slow, so casual.

He didn’t change his pace though, just kept it slow, deeper than she could have imagined.

“Another thing that sounds good is getting you naked in the locker room, setting you on the sink and spreading your legs wide, having you that way. You’d like that too?”

She managed a weak nod. She was built up higher than she had ever been before, to a level she hadn’t known existed, but the slow pace didn’t allow her release. She laid there, her muscles tense, keeping her bonds taut as she tried to breathe. She wanted to beg him to finish her but she was afraid if she said anything he’d stop altogether.

“Something else I’d do while we were in the locker room is stand with you in front of those full-length mirrors. I’d stand right behind you and tell you to touch yourself while I watched. You’d do it and then get yourself off when I told you to, wouldn’t you?”

She nodded again. She’d do anything he told her to right now. She began to struggle earnestly against her restraints, wanting out, wanting the torture to stop. As she pulled on the straps, it only served as a reminder that she was under his control and that excited her more than anything. She looked up at him from her open, vulnerable position, knowing in the back of her mind that if she really wanted it to stop she could just say so. He had commanded her not to talk and right now the urge to obey him was overpowering. She lay there, pulling against her bonds uselessly, silently building her anticipation.

Beck seemed entertained by her struggles and smiled down at her. “I’d take you into the weight room when it was empty and get you naked. You know the weight room has all kinds of things to keep it interesting. You know what I think you’d do? I think you’d go to the nearest bench and bend over it, pushing your tight little ass up into the air. Then you’d beg me to give it to you. That’s exactly what you’d do, isn’t it?”

She nodded. The scenes he was giving only pushed her higher, the images tormenting and increasing her need. She was panting heavily now.

She gasped and writhed against her restraints. He was dragging it out longer then she could stand. Just as she thought she was going to cry with need, he picked up the pace.


She panted, no energy left in her to match his stroke but it didn’t matter. She was soon going over the verge.

Just as she was about to finish, Beck squeezed her thigh to get her attention. “You can scream now.”

She did, unable to do a thing to stop it. She arched her back tightly and clenched her eyes shut, as the gratification seemed to hit every nerve in her body at once, overpowering her senses until she lost track of herself for a moment.

Finally, she seemed to be back in her body, but limp, completely spent. She opened her eyes slowly and found Beck done too. His hips were still tight against hers and he leaned on her as he gulped in breaths of air.

Through her haze, Carmondy felt good that Beck had seemed to enjoy it as much as she did. She let her head loll to the side and closed her eyes again. She needed a minute before she could really move.

While she was recovering, Beck shifted his hips from between her legs, leaving her with an empty feeling. She felt his big hands on her ankles and then wrists, unbuckling her restraints. Then his arm slipped under her torso and he rolled them both off the piece of furniture and onto the sheets of his bed.

Beck used his arm to slide the piece of foam off the bed, letting it fall lightly to the floor.

She lay on his chest for a minute, his arm still around her, hand resting on her ass as if it belonged there. She savored the moment, not sure what was going to happen next but not too worried about it.

She didn’t want him to feel like she was getting clingy, but she was just too tired to move. She managed to slide off of his chest to just lay against his side. He wasn’t asleep or anything, just staring at the ceiling.

Just as Carmondy’s eyes started to drift closed, Beck sat up. He looked around for a moment, thinking, then groaned and put a hand to his forehead. “Shit.”

He immediately climbed over her to get off the bed, slipped a pair of sweats on, commando, before heading for the doorway.

“What are you doing?” Carmondy sat up, confused.

Beck turned back and shut off the only remaining light in the room. “It’s late. Just go to sleep.”

“Where are you going?”

“Just go to sleep,” he repeated shortly before disappearing.

Carmondy lay back down and listened for a while. She could hear some faint rustling around in the living room but no door or keys, so he wasn’t leaving the house. She lay there a moment more before sighing. Had she done something wrong? She knew that there was nothing between them, no feelings, but after doing something like they had just done, she had an odd feeling of failure that he had gotten up and left so quickly. It wasn’t like she expected a cuddle or anything, but it would have been nice if he hadn’t ran out.

She started to wonder if she should leave. It would be awkward to spend the night, right? She wanted to know what Beck could possibly be doing in the middle of the night, given how tired he must be.

Carmondy got out of the bed and pulled on her bra and underwear. She grabbed her T-shirt and put it on. It wasn’t until she started walking toward the door that she realized how weak she was, completely worn out. Her body felt like it had just come from an extra-long basketball practice followed by a five-mile run.

She made her way out to the living room slowly, stopping when she spotted Beck. He was sitting at the table, still shirtless, laboring over some piece of paper with a few others now scattered around him. She stepped a little closer and knew it wasn’t accounting, or any other homework. A form or something. He was bent over the sheet and writing incredibly slowly, trying his absolute best to make it legible.

“What are you doing?”

Beck jerked to sit upright and looked over his shoulder. “Just go back to sleep.”

She ignored his command. “Do you need help there? I can write that for you.”

“No.” He turned back to the form.

“What...why are you even doing it in the middle of the night?”

“It’s none of your business.” He ran a hand through his hair, making it stand on end. “If you’re not going to go to sleep or at least go lay down, then you can just leave.”

“What’s your problem? I was just trying to help you. That’s going to take you a least fifteen minutes. Just let me write it and we can both go to sleep. You’re obviously tired.” She stepped closer to look over his shoulder but he slid the paper under some others.

“I’m serious, Carmondy. Go to sleep or go away.”

She stepped back. He didn’t use her name very much and hearing it from him was a little surprising. “I know that you aren’t nice, but there is no need to be rude. I’m just trying to help.”

Beck’s voice was tight. “Just go to sleep.”

Carmondy was tired of his shit. “Stop bossing me around.”

Beck turned to look her in the eye. “I thought you liked being told what to do.”

She couldn’t believe he was playing it that way. “Great...that’s just great.” She shrugged. “I guess I don’t know what I expected.” She shook her head. “A tiny bit of common courtesy? Is that too much to ask?”

He didn’t answer, just turned back to the table.

“You know what, Beck? I know that there is nothing between us, no feelings or anything like that. But do you have any idea how it feels to do what we just did with someone and then to just have them walk out a few minutes later? I didn’t expect a cuddle session but an explanation would be appreciated. Whether you like it or not, what we just did required a huge amount of trust on my part and I’m starting to get really uncomfortable—”

“And what makes you think that I care?” He cut her off harshly.

Carmondy stopped and took deep breaths for a moment, then nodded and went back into his bedroom. She grabbed her jeans and jerked them on, before stalking back out of the room.

She headed straight for the door but Beck intercepted her. “Where are you going?”

“Where the hell do you think I’m going? I’m getting the fuck out of here before you can grind what’s left of my self-esteem into a fine powder! I made a mistake here tonight and you just made me realize it. No, Beck, I don’t think that you care but you could at least refrain from making me feel like shit!”

He grabbed her arm and started to pull her back to his room. “It’s late and you’re tired, just go to sleep.”

“No!” She jerked her arm away from him. “You told me to leave and you know how much I like to be bossed around,” she said sarcastically, grabbing her keys and cell phone.

“Carmondy.” He stepped in front of the doorway.

“Get out of my way, Beck.”

“Why are you leaving?”

“Are you deaf? Besides, you’re the one who told me to go. Now get out of my way.”

Beck shifted uncomfortably and then spoke slowly, as if it was hard for him to say. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I just need to finish this form and fax it before morning so it’s there when they get there, then I’ll go to bed. You’re welcome to stay, but of course you can leave if you want.”

She was a little surprised at his effort to be nice but it didn’t make up for what he had said earlier. She knew he was only trying to manipulate her, but the damage was already done and right now, she just needed to go so that she could relax and sleep in peace. She didn’t know what this form was but it didn’t matter. It wasn’t the fact that he had left the bedroom, it was because he had been so rude.

“I’d like to go.”

“You’re going to Anderson’s?”


He nodded and hesitated a moment longer before stepping out of her way.

She put her hand on the doorknob and turned to him briefly. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, in accounting?”

He didn’t answer but didn’t try to stop her as she left.

Once Carmondy was outside, she took a deep breath. She needed that, needed to be able to stand up to Beck. He confused the hell out of her. First, he insulted her in a way that he knew would hit her where it hurt and then he acted nicer than he’d ever acted before.

No, it was just another one of his tricks. He was just playing her. She sped out of his driveway quickly and made her way to Anderson’s house.

Chapter Six

armondy was concerned that the day would be awkward, having to deal with Beck after what had happened between them last night. To her surprise he was completely civil to her, though not overly friendly. At least they’d been able to get through his accounting class without any drama.

After school and practice, she went to an ice cream parlor on Main Street with the team. She was halfway through her fro-yo when the bell rang and Beck stalked in, right up to her table. “Don’t you answer your phone?” he snarled. “I need to talk to you. In private.”

Car shared a look with Kendall, then stood up reluctantly and followed him outside.

“Okay, what’s so important?” she asked. His BMW was parked beside her Jeep.

“I need to borrow your Jeep.”

She glanced at his car, which seemed fine. “What’s wrong with your car?”


“So...what? You just really like red?”

He was getting impatient. “They won’t let me on the pass without a four-wheel drive and chains.”

“Really? Is it that bad?”

“Evidently. Keys?” He held out his hand.

“Why are you going over the pass?” she asked.

“Does it matter? I’ll have it back to you by morning, and I’ll fill it up when I’m done. You can drive my Beemer.”

Her phone ringtone went off and she answered it.

“Great. Now you answer your phone.” Beck shook his head, annoyed.

“Shut up, it’s Anderson.” She turned around and walked a little ways away so he couldn’t hear. “Hey!”

“Hey, you answered. Did Beck find you?”

“Yeah, he wants my car. What’s up?”

“You’re gonna let him borrow it, right?”

BOOK: Full Court Press
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