Full Court Press (21 page)

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Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Full Court Press
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“Are you okay, Carmondy? Do I need to get someone bigger then Beck to beat the shit out of him?” Alli asked, eyeing the tall boy.

Carmondy couldn’t help but smile. “Is there anyone bigger?”

Alli shrugged. “I think there are a couple football players who could team up for the job.”

“Thanks, but...” She glanced at Beck, who was now leaving. “No thanks.”

Kendall steered her over to a bench and sat her down. “Are you okay though? You’ve been crying. What did he say?”

“It was just...I’m fine now? Okay? That’s all that matters, and I don’t really want to talk about it.”

* * *


True to his word, Carmondy’s father had left a voicemail on her phone outlining the address to her new apartment. He had said that he would be paying an employee from his shop to stock her apartment with bedding, groceries, utensils and other necessities to get her by until some of her stuff was brought down from the house.

She had said goodbye to her friends as she left the locker room, and Kendall had wished her luck on her apartment. Carmondy avoided the boys on her way out, leaving through the back door so she didn’t have to see Anderson or especially Beck.

She checked inside her glove box once she got into her car and sure enough, a set of keys were in there, like her father had said, along with a brochure of the apartment complex with a map on it.

Using the map, she navigated to the apartment. It was dark out but the parking lot of the complex was well lit. She parked in one of the two spots that matched the apartment number on her key.

She was glad that you had to enter from the outside, so she didn’t have to go inside a building to get into the apartment. She unlocked the correct door using the bigger key on the new key ring and stepped inside.

As she walked in, there was a small entryway with a coat rack and bench. The kitchen was big for an apartment, with a new stove, large refrigerator and even a granite countertop island. The kitchen and dining area continued to a living area complete with a TV, Lazy Boy, and couch. Everything was new and crisp. All of the furniture was in neutral, muted colors and she sort of felt like she was in a hospital waiting room.

She continued into a bedroom off to the right, flipping on the lights as she set her bags down. The bed was covered in a light-blue comforter and matching pillows and sheets.

The bedroom was large, with a big walk-in closet and bathroom. Her father really hadn’t spared any expense. The closet had several racks for hangers and a couple large cabinets. The one at the back had a key hole and she took her new keys out of her pocket and tried the mysterious smaller key in the lock. It unlocked the door to show a large cabinet with deep shelves that was kind of cool. She ventured to the other side of the living room and into the other bedroom. This room was a little smaller and had a bed but no sheets or other furnishing. It also had a closet and decent-sized bathroom.

She sighed and went back out to the living, dining, and kitchen area. She had to admit that she liked the openness. Then she noticed a slip of paper on the kitchen counter along with a key, and she picked them up.

The note was written on a piece of her father’s work stationary that he always kept in his briefcase.

Carmondy, I had your mother pick out some bedding for you and sent them to this apartment, along with some groceries and other things. I told him once he was done putting the things away, to leave the key on the counter and lock the door on his way out. You can keep the spare key there or give it your mother in case you lock yourself out, your choice. The small key is for a locking cabinet in the closet. There is only one key, so don’t lose it. I hope you like the apartment. I know it’s plain right now, but we can bring some of your things down.

Call your mother if you have any problems. I’m flying off for a conference.

Carmondy frowned. There was no ‘Love, Dad’ or ‘I’ll see you soon’. She sighed and looked around. The cupboards were stocked with food that looked good, not too much junk food and lots of healthy stuff that she felt okay eating. She checked the fridge and found some fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, butter, and other basics. The freezer housed some hamburger patties and some other frozen meat.

She went to the door and locked both the chain lock and the dead bolt before going into her bedroom for a shower. Once she was done, she got dressed in shorts and a tank top to sleep in. She used the microwave to heat up some pre-made mashed potatoes from the fridge. It was weird to sit alone at the table to eat. When she did her homework, she sat on the couch in front of the TV. She turned it on but the sound of the TV in the empty room was almost scary, so she turned it off and did her homework in silence.

Around 9:30, she went into her bedroom and sat on her bed, looking around. The room was so white...and plain...and empty. It made her feel incredibly alone.

She lay down in the bed without turning the lights off. The sheets and pillowcase smelled funny. She was exhausted but somehow knew she wasn’t going to get any sleep like this. She was alone, in a strange place that reminded her of a hospital with funny smells and stark white walls.

She rolled onto her back and wished she were back on Anderson’s couch or even in Beck’s bed.

Before she could stop herself, she sat up and snatched her phone off the bedside table. She looked at it hard for a moment before pulling up her contact list and calling Beck’s number.

Her hand shook as she put the phone to her ear.

Beck answered right away. “Carmondy.”

“Beck, hi.”

“What is it?”

“I can’t sleep.”

“What?” He sounded tired and grouchy.

“I’m sorry I just...I didn’t know who else I could call.”

“Um. Kendall? Anderson? Anyone other than me?”

Her breath caught in her throat. This had been a mistake. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. She hated talking in the apartment. She felt like it echoed.

Beck sighed loudly through the phone. “I don’t know what you want me to do, Carmondy.”

“Nothing...I just...”

“Why can’t you sleep?”

Was he trying to help? She wasn’t sure, but she was going to take whatever he gave her. “I don’t really know. This place is so big and white, and empty. The bed is unfamiliar and this is going to sound dumb, but it smells weird.”

Beck didn’t respond for a moment, but she could faintly hear his breathing so she knew he was still there. “What apartment complex are you in?”

“Uh...” She blinked. Why did he want to know? “Juniper Village. C-6.”

The call ended and she looked at her phone, confused. Was he coming over or something? Why else would he ask her where she was? Why would he be coming over? Sex? She wasn’t in the mood, but wouldn’t mind if it got her some company.

Fifteen minutes later, she hadn’t moved from her upright position on her bed. A knock sounded on her door.

She scurried to her door and looked out the peep hole. Beck. Happiness flooded her. She couldn’t believe he’d come. How very un-Beck-like. She unlocked both of the locks and pulled the door open. He strode in, carrying a large box topped with a blanket and pillow that looked familiar.


“Where’s your room?” he cut her off.

“Um...” She pointed to her door and he walked quickly into her room. She followed him, wondering what was going on.

She stood in her doorway and watched as Beck set the box on the desk. He carelessly yanked the hospital blue comforter off the bed and rolled it up, tossing it into the corner. The matching pillows followed.

He tossed the blanket he brought with him on the bed so that it spread out and then put the pillow where the other two had been.

“Beck, what are you doing?”

He didn’t answer, just started into the box. He pulled out a basketball, which he tossed on the floor. Next came some random books. He scattered them on her desk. Then came a rolled up poster of Steve Nash, which he taped on the wall. He pulled out another poster of the entire Phoenix Suns team and put it on another wall, successfully breaking up the white. Out of the box came a small lamp, which went on her bedside table along with a picture in a frame. She crossed the room and picked up the picture of what looked to be the girls´ team last year on an unfamiliar court celebrating after a big win. She turned it over and there was a note scribbled on the back.

Hey, big guy. We owe a big part of this to you. Thanks for the tips. I know you refuse to admit it but I saw you at every game. Don’t worry, I framed it because I knew you wouldn’t.


“Who’s KG?” she asked, looking up from the picture frame.

Beck looked up too, pulling hangers out of the box. “Kendall Green.”

“Oh, duh...what are the hangers for?”

”Your clothes?”

“Oh, right. Thanks.” She set the picture down and took the hangers from him before dragging her bag into the walk-in closet and hanging up her clothes. It was going to be nice not having to live out of a duffel bag. When she was done, she turned around. Beck was gone but his empty box was still there. Her room now also had a Prosser High School Cougars blanket tacked to the wall. There was an alarm clock sitting on her desk, waiting to be plugged in. She glanced out her window and saw Beck in the dim light making his way back from his car with another box under his arm.

She smiled and turned back to her room, grabbing the alarm clock and plugging it into the wall near her bed, then setting it on the little table along with the lamp and picture.

Beck came back into her room and she looked up, wondering what was in this box.

It wasn’t a box. It was the piece of kinky sex furniture that had been in his closet.

“What the...get that out of here!”

“Why?” He looked around for a place to put it.

“You can’t put that thing here!”

“Sure I can.” He dropped it to the floor at the end of the bed.

“No, you can’t!” She grabbed it and tried to give it back to him but he backed away, hands in the air.

He shrugged. “You have more space now.”

“So? It’s not mine.”

“It’s not mine either. Put it in your closet or something.”

“What if my parents saw it?”

“Is your dad really going to break in and look in your closet?”

“Well...no. But I don’t want it.” She tried to give it back but he wasn’t taking it.

He shrugged carelessly and sat down on her bed to set the alarm clock. Carmondy groaned and grabbed her keys off the desk. She put the piece of sex furniture into the cabinet in the back of the closet and made sure to lock it.

When she emerged from her closet, Beck was holding the empty box, looking around the room. He crammed the blue blanket and pillows into the box, took the stuff to the other bedroom door and tossed it in before coming back to her room.


She looked around. Tons better. It was not her stuff, but it did the trick. The place now passed as a bedroom, even looked semi-lived in.

“Yes...thank you. I didn’t know you were going to bring this stuff. Don’t you need it?”

He shrugged. “It’s just a spare blanket and pillow off of my bed and I’ve got tons of basketball posters. The alarm clock was a spare and I figured you didn’t have one. Most of this stuff I just had laying around.”

“Well, thank you anyway. I think this will really help.”

“Yep. See ya.” He turned away.

“Aren’t you going to stay?”

He turned back. “Why would I?”

She looked down and rubbed her fingers together nervously. “I don’t know. I thought maybe you came for...sex.”

“No, I came to bring this stuff. Why, did you want sex?” he asked curiously, taking a step toward her.

“No, I just thought that you might want it in return.”

“Carmondy, why don’t you lay down? I think you’re really tired.”

“Yeah, I am.” She crawled under the covers. The pillow and blanket smelled like him. It was comforting.

“Can you sleep?” he asked.

She nodded and snuggled closer to the pillow, her eyes drifting shut. “You can stay, if you want.”

“Just go to sleep, Carmondy.”

She sighed and rolled over, cocooning herself in the warm blanket. Beck shut her lights off as he left the room and shut the door behind him. Carmondy fell asleep right away, though she wasn’t sure why simply having some of Beck’s things made her feel better.

Chapter Seven

armondy woke up the next morning because of the doorbell sounds her phone was making. She shot up in bed, thinking someone was at the door, and then remembered it was just her alarm. She turned her alarm off and looked around. She was surprised to see it was her first night in the apartment and she had actually slept great. She yawned and left her room to see what she could make for breakfast.

The TV was on in the living room and Carmondy frowned, stepping closer. When she got close enough to see over the edge of the couch, she jumped back.


What the hell?

She looked over the edge of the couch again. Yep, it was Beck. He was reclined on his back, arms behind his head, asleep.

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