Full Court Press (22 page)

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Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Full Court Press
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“Beck?” she said, but he didn’t wake.

She reached over the couch and shook his arm. “Beck, wake up.”

Steel gray eyes popped open and blinked a couple times in the light.

“Hey,” he said, his voice a little gravelly.

“Good morning. I didn’t know you were sleeping here.”

He groaned and sat up slowly, rubbing his hair. “I didn’t mean to.”


“No, I was just...” He waved a big hand at the TV, which was now playing Sports Center. “Watching a game.”

“Okay, well, since you’re here, I was going to make something for breakfast.”

“No thanks.” He made his way to the door, which she noticed had the locks back on. Why would he put all the locks on if he was planning on leaving?

“Why not? I mean, I owe you for bringing that stuff for me and I was making something anyway, and you’re already here and I—”

“Fine.” He cut her off.

She smiled brightly and hurried into the kitchen area. He followed at a slower pace and slipped onto a breakfast stool to watch her move around the kitchen.

“Those are some short shorts you got on there.”

She glanced down as she opened the fridge. “Oh, yeah...I was running a little low on clean clothes last time I was home.”

“I see.”

She could tell that he was looking at her ass as she bent over to grab some orange juice from the bottom of the fridge. She turned around and confirmed his gaze, blushing slightly.

“What?” He cocked his head, puzzled.

She turned and set the orange juice on the counter. “Nothing.”

“Was that a blush I saw? As if I haven’t seen every inch of you?”

This just caused her to blush deeper so she kept her back turned, standing on tiptoe to reach for some glasses out of the cupboard.

Suddenly, hands were on her backside, smoothing around her hips before pulling her back against a hard body. She withdrew her arm from the cupboard and kept still as his hand slid down to caress her inner thigh. His head dropped down and he leaned his chest against her shoulders, making her very aware of his presence.

She bit her lip as his hands moved up and down the front of her hips, tracing along the lines of her muscles. Beck sighed and squeezed her hips lightly before his body disappeared from behind her. She turned to see him sitting back on the stool, his gray eyes lazily looking over her entire body.

“Something wrong?” he asked. “I thought you were making breakfast.”

She frowned and turned back to the counter. He confused the hell out of her. “Yeah.” She poured two glasses of orange juice. “What do you want?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Well, I don’t care either,” she said, handing him the glass of orange juice.

“You should be more decisive,” he said, taking a drink.

should be more decisive.”

He glanced down at her body again. “I’ve made up my mind.”

Wait, were they still talking about breakfast?

“Uhh...okay, so what do you want for breakfast then?” she asked cautiously.

He laughed dryly and stood up to amble around the kitchen for a moment. He picked up an empty saltshaker and tossed it lightly into the air, catching it easily. “I’m sorry, could you say the menu again, or...” he looked at her body again, “am I looking at it?”

She sighed. “Beck...you know...”

“I know what?”

She glared. “You know that you don’t have to lure me into having sex.”

“Sex?” He looked around, pretending to be confused. “Who said anything about sex?”

“Beck.” She groaned and leaned against the island.

“Oh, I see, you want to play it your way? You want me to boss you around a little? I don’t have any handcuffs handy but I’ll do my best, okay? So let’s put it this way.” His thumb stroked up and down the skin of her throat, making her want to swallow compulsively. “What would you do if I told you to pull those cute little shorts off and bend over this countertop for me?” His free hand rubbed the top of the island slowly.

Oh Jesus. She fumbled for words but her mouth wasn’t working. She wanted to do exactly what he said.

He smiled a little before he used both hands on her waist to turn her around slowly, pushing the front of her hips against the edge of the island.

She put both palms against the cool granite countertop. God, it was the perfect height. All she needed to do was bend at the waist, rest against the nice granite and let him do as he pleased. It was so tempting, but she did her best to resist. That is, until one of his hands started rubbing up and down her spine, putting discreet pressure on her to bend over.

“So?” he asked, speaking into her ear. “What would you do?” His hand slipped down to caress her ass. “Would you do as I told you to? Would you be a good girl?”

She shuddered as he breathed lightly on her ear. How was he so damn good at this? “Beck.”

She turned her head toward him and he took the opportunity. He kissed her deeply, almost frantically, while his arms crushed their bodies together. His tongue searched her mouth expertly, very familiar with it by now.

A few moments later, he pulled his lips from hers. They were both out of breath. His hand came up her back to tangle in her hair and tug her head back gently so that she was looking up at him.

“Don’t worry, our kitchen session isn’t over. I’ll see you at school,” he said pointedly before leaning down to nip her bottom lip, releasing her.

She gulped and he immediately left the room. After a second to catch her breath, she followed, catching a glimpse of him as he shut the front door behind him.

* * *


Carmondy had gotten to school without a hitch. She found herself still smiling as she got out of her car in the school parking lot. As she was hanging around in a mostly empty hallway, admiring some old school trophies, she wondered why she even bothered to try to stay out of his way. It was like he had her locked into his GPS or something. She straightened from the display case as Beck ambled down the hallway.

“You didn’t forget the promise I made this morning, did you?”


“Of course you didn’t. Maybe that’s why you chose to hang out in a secluded hallway.” He glanced around. “Gotta say it’s not really my style, but we could probably work something out.”

“Or maybe I was hanging out in an empty hallway to avoid you?”

“Now why would you do that?”

“I don’t want to have sex with you,” she said.

He raised an eyebrow. “No? You were singing a different tune this morning.”

“I mean, I don’t want to have sex with you at school. I can barely cope with the casual sex concept. I couldn’t handle doing it in a public place.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and surveyed her. “Hm, that’s a little odd. I figured you’d get hot for that kinda thing. Wouldn’t doing it in public make it that much more exciting?”

She hoped that he was just messing with her. She didn’t want a replay of yesterday. “I don’t like an audience.”

He checked his watch. “We’ve still got over fifteen minutes before class starts, and I parked in the far corner of the parking lot.”

What the heck was he talking about? “So?”

“Tinted windows, especially in the back seat.”

“Oh...ohhh.” A switch flipped inside her and suddenly, she was turned on.

He shrugged, even sexier than usual. “Your choice.”

“I don’t know, Beck...”

“If it’s the kink factor that you’re worried about, I’ve got a pair of handcuffs in the glove box.”

She gulped. “No, that’s not the problem...besides, last time...it took forever.”

He looked amused. “Because I wanted it to.”

“We can’t be late for class,” she said and his smirk widened. He knew she was going to say yes all along.

“Let’s go.” He started down the hallway but then stopped to wait for her. Normally he would snatch her arm and pull her along or just stalk off and expect her to keep up. He was acting a little off today, even kind of nice.

She followed him as he led them out a side door instead of walking through the front. His Beemer was parked in the corner of the back lot, which was empty except for a few cars. She was satisfied that no one would see them. They were too far away from the doors and no one had a reason to venture over here.

Beck didn’t say a word as he unlocked his back door and held it open as she climbed in. The back seat was surprisingly roomy. Beck climbed in after her and shut the door, locking it behind him.

She glanced around and noticed the windows were tinted darkly. “So—”

His lips cut off her sentence while his body pushed hers against the seat tightly. She forgot what she was saying and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back.

He didn’t waste time in getting her clothes off. While he kissed her, his hand found its way to the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head.

His shirt followed suit, thanks to her tugging.

Beck straddled her on the seat, keeping her tight against the cool leather. His big body looming over her was a huge turn on.

They were both breathing hard when the kiss came to an end. Beck leaned in again to plant kisses on her jaw, neck and shoulders. She sat back and enjoyed the treatment, smiling as his fingers pushed her bra strap down her shoulder.

Her hands ran over his shoulders and back, enjoying the feel of the broad muscles moving underneath the skin. Beck slowed his kissing to focus on a sensitive spot on her collarbone. She was pretty sure that he was intent on leaving a mark.

When he was done, he licked her skin lightly before leaning back. “Is this going to work for you or do you need me bring out the handcuffs?”

She leaned back and rolled her hips up off the leather to push against his jeans. “Maybe next time?”

“I’m holding you to that.”

She smiled and reached for the button of his jeans.

He watched as she yanked the zipper down. “Impatient, are we?”

“I think it’s my turn to be on top. What do you think?”

“Whatever you want, baby.”

She smiled at the endearment and pushed him off her. He let her push him back against the seat and get his jeans all the way off. She made quick work of her own pants and underwear before tugging his boxers down to reveal that he was definitely ready to go.

Beck surveyed her body and smiled. “So how do you want to—”

She sat down hard on his lap and he dropped his head back against the seat with a groan. “That’ll work.”

Satisfied with his reaction, she started to move on top of him, enjoying the feeling of being in control. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him while keeping her lower body moving.

His hands found her hips and helped her bring their bodies together, over and over again. Even though his fingers kept a firm grip on her, he let her set the pace.

She promptly decided that she liked this position as she kissed Beck’s neck and shoulder. His chest was heaving, and she let her hands roam over his warm skin as it moved up and down.

She pushed faster and faster, not interested in savoring the moment. They were short on time and she intended to make the best of it. She kissed him on the lips assertively and felt his body respond. One of his hands smoothed up to her shoulders and then down and around the curve of her ass as it moved up and down.

Beck moaned against her lips before pulling away. “Jesus Christ, Carmondy, take it easy, I’m—”

She only adjusted her body a little bit and pushed harder, causing him to moan again and his fingers to tighten on her hips. She rested her forehead against his as she kept going, determined not to give either of them a break until they were done.

Release was coming fast, just like she wanted. She was paying him back for dragging it out so long last time. Besides, racing against the clock was fun.

As he finished, his hands tightened on her hips but helped her keep moving for a few more seconds until she came also. Immediately after, she collapsed on top of him, the muscles in her legs and hips totally spent.

She sighed quietly and let her arms slide from around his neck to rest her palms on his chest and her cheek on his shoulder.

“Holy shit,” Beck gasped, still out of breath.

Oddly, he didn’t seem to mind the little cuddle session. He rested his hands on her hips and leaned his head back against the seat.

She nuzzled closer to his neck and mumbled, “What time is it?”

He checked his watch over her shoulder. “We’ve still got a few minutes before the warning bell.”

She closed her eyes, wanting to stay like this all day. She smiled a little at the fact that she hadn’t even gotten off his lap yet. She was finding that she didn’t like the feeling that she was left with between her legs as they parted their bodies after sex, so she tried to prolong it as long as possible.

Beck’s hands wrapped around her waist to push her back a little. “We should probably start getting dressed though.”

She pushed out her bottom lip but he just shook his head and picked her up off his body, sliding her off him.

Then Beck slid over to the opposite door, the one that wasn’t facing the school and got out of the car, pulling up his boxers as he went.

“What are you doing!” She tried to cover her naked body, scrambling for her clothes.

“Relax, no one can see in. No one’s even out here.” He grabbed his jeans and pulled them on, standing right outside the door.

She pulled her bra straps back up. “Still... what the heck are you doing?”

“It’s not easy to get dressed in the back of a car.”

She tried to pull her underwear on and almost slid off the seat. She didn’t have to skills for this.

Beck reached in and grabbed his T-shirt before pulling it on also. “Do you need help?”

She managed to get her underwear on after much squirming. “No just—” She pushed him away from the door and slid her feet to the asphalt. “Don’t move.”

He rolled his eyes and stood in the few feet of space between the open car door and the side of the car, blocking her from the football field’s view. “There isn’t anyone out here, just an empty field.” He planted one hand on the side of the car and the other on the edge of the door. “Did I tell you how much I liked your underwear today? I mean, don’t get me wrong, the rainbow stripes and four-leaf clovers are cute but this...” He dropped one hand to slide a finger underneath the waistband of her underwear, which happened to be a thong.

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