Read Full Court Press Online

Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

Full Court Press (49 page)

BOOK: Full Court Press
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“That’s what I thought,” she said, continuing to push his jeans down further, followed by his boxers.

She wrapped a hand around him without warning.

“Wait! Carmondy...please.”

“Please what?” she teased, squeezing him.

He groaned and arched his back. “At least let me watch.”

“Nope,” she said. “If you’re a good boy this time, I’ll let you watch next time. Understand?”


“Quiet,” she snapped, using some well-placed pressure to make his whole body go still. “Being a good boy means not talking back. Got it?”


“And good boys say ‘thank you’ for getting head.”

“Thank you.” The words sounded strangled coming out of his mouth since he didn’t say them often.

She stroked him slowly. “Good. Now, I don’t want to hear a word from you until I say so.”

He nodded.

“I’ll be very angry if you disobey me. If you do, I’ll leave, and you won’t like laying here by yourself for hours, will you?”

He shook his head.

“But since I’m so nice, you are allowed to make noises.” She squeezed him again and he groaned.

“Yeah, like that. Just no words. Understand?”

He nodded again.

“Aren’t I nice? What do you say?”

“Thank you,” he breathed out, the words sounding more natural this time.

She kept her hand wrapped around him but leaned up to press her lips to his again. He kissed her hungrily, his tongue dominating hers. She stroked it into submission and he kissed her back with careful obedience. She decided she loved playing this role. Maybe not every time, but it would be nice to have him completely under her control sometimes.

She pulled her lips away and slid back down his body. She knew that not being able to see was exciting. He didn’t know what she was going to do next. Each move was a surprise.

She kissed down further and further until her cheek brushed against his hot, satiny length. Experimentally, she flicked her tongue out and ran it along the smooth crown. He gasped, and she smiled against him. He tasted good. She slowly learned every inch of him, kissing and licking him as he bucked and twisted beneath her. At last, feeling confident, she took the tip of him completely into her mouth, laving him with her tongue as she pushed down on him, taking as much as she could.

“Fuck, Carmondy,” he groaned. “You are so goddamned good at this.”

She knew she should chide him for talking, but at the moment, she appreciated the encouragement. This wasn’t so bad. Actually, the more he writhed beneath her, the more she started to like it. Kendall had been right. Knowing how much he liked it was a turn on in and of itself.

She experimented more, taking him as far down her throat as she could, feeling her throat muscles contract around him.

He moaned loudly and bit back a curse, pulling on his restraints. He squirmed on the bed and her nails dug in his hip, telling him to keep still.

“Fuck, Carmondy, I don’t think I can—”

She let her teeth bite into him lightly, shutting him up.

She didn’t give him a break. Alternating between sucking and deep throat, and then using an almost fucking motion that made his hips surge off the mattress.

“Carmondy, I can’t—” he moaned. “I’m gonna come if you don’t stop.”

She didn’t care. She appreciated the warning, but she wanted to do this for him. When he was all the way down her throat, panting in an effort to hold himself back, she used her hands to bring him to the edge.

“Fuck, Car…I can’t hold it anymore.”

She pulled off, licking him all the way up before burying him in her throat again. The second she rammed him home, she squeezed him again, knowing he would finish.

And he did.

She kept sucking to make it last longer for him. She didn’t pull off until he was done.

He lay limp on the bed, trying to catch his breath.

“Car…that was ridiculously better than any head I’ve ever gotten.”

She rested her head on his shoulder, signing contentedly as her hand continued to stroke across his chest and abs languidly. She lay against his side for a few minutes longer, still stroking his abs lightly. Finally, she sighed and sat up.

“What’s wrong?” he asked

“Nothing,” she said reluctantly, releasing the buckles. She moved to his face and pushed the tie off.

He blinked, his eyes needing a second to adjust, even though the light in the bedroom was pretty dim. She produced a small key, unlocked the collar around his neck and removed it. He kept watching her carefully as she undid both straps at his wrists.

Once he was free, he stayed on his back and rubbed his wrists for a second, even though she didn’t think they really hurt.

Carmondy sat beside his legs and looked at him.

“That was fucking amazing,” he blurted out.

She smiled and blushed a little. “I liked it,” she admitted.

He couldn’t help but smile too. “So should I expect lots of blowjobs in my future?”

She shrugged. “I can’t really answer that until I find out what our future is exactly.”

He sighed. “I guess we have some stuff we need to talk out, huh?”

She nodded.

“Wanna do it now?”

“We probably should.”

“Agreed.” He sat up. “So...”

God, why was this so awkward all of a sudden? They could have crazy-ass kinky oral sex, but couldn’t talk out an issue that seemed to have been resolved?

She looked at him expectantly. She was ready to forgive him, but first he needed to ask for it.

“Well, okay, I said this before, but I’m really sorry for what I did and I know I was total jerk. I promise I’ll try not to do that anymore now that I think I have a better understanding of how to...”

“Behave?” she offered.

“Yeah.” He smiled. “When I said you didn’t satisfy me, it was a total and complete lie. I said it to hurt your feelings. I won’t do that anymore either, not on purpose at least. I’m not saying I’m a nice guy, because I’m not and I know that you deserve one but...all I can say is that I’m going to try to be nicer. I mean, I can’t...I don’t have anything else to give other than to promise that. I wish I had more.”

“You’re wrong though.”

He shook his head, obviously not understanding.

“You’re wrong about not being a nice guy. You may not be polite or really social, but you are a nice guy. You’re one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met.”

He opened his mouth to argue but she cut him off. “No, I’m serious. I’ve seen you when it counts. You’re so thoughtful. With your sister, and when I had my asthma attacks, and even with sex. If it’s new to me, you are really careful, and you always make sure I’m comfortable and you push the boundaries but in a good way. I...yeah, it’s awesome.”

“ forgive me?”

“Yeah, I mean, I’m not gonna be able to go right back to where we were with the emotional stuff, it’s gonna take some time. But I knew you didn’t mean what you said. I knew there was something going on, I just...what you said hurt me so much.”

“God, I still feel terrible for saying those things. I can’t believe I...I’m not going to be like that anymore, I’m not. I don’t want to, not with you. I can’t promise I’ll be nice to everyone like Andy is, because to be honest, I don’t give a shit about most people. Normally it’s easy for me to be mean to everyone, but then Andy came along and he got to me. And then you. Even though I knew I felt differently about you, I still kept up that wall because it’s all I knew, but now...I don’t want to keep it up anymore. Everyone else can go to hell, but you...yeah, you can’t. You have to stay.”

“With you?”

“With me.”

They smiled at each other for a few moments, silence taking over again.

“So...where does that leave us? Relationship-wise, I mean,” she asked cautiously.

He shrugged. “I’m not going to lie, the concept of relationships is new to me so I don’t have any opinion on the matter of labeling it, as long as I get to be around you. But whatever you want.”


“Yes. I don’t want anyone else. And I don’t like the thought of you with anyone else.”

She shrugged. “Okay then. We’re dating now?”

“We are dating.” The admission seemed to hurt him a bit, and she couldn’t help but laugh, leaning forward to give him a gentle kiss.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked.

He shrugged. “I guess not. All of this is just so new to me, you know? I’ve just never felt like this about anyone. So…yeah. All the rules are different now. I know I’ll probably keep fucking this up, without even meaning to. So just…be patient with me, ok?

Her heart swelled with love for him. He’d kept his heart like a fortress for so long, and now he was just opening the gate and letting her in. She knew what a gift this was, and was determined to live up to the trust he was placing in her.

“Don’t freak out,” she told him softly, snuggling up beside him and hugging him tightly, loving the way it felt to be so intimate with him at last. “I know you might not like to hear this, and I don’t expect you to say it back, but…I love you, Beck. I love you so much. And I’m not going to hurt you or leave you. I’m here as long as you want me to be.”

He stiffened and for a minute, she feared she’d misjudged the whole thing again. But then he pushed up on one elbow and cupped her face in his hands.

“I love you, too, Carmondy,” he said, looking deep into her eyes. “I have for a while now.”

“You do?” she asked, blown away that he’d admitted it.

“Haven’t I been saying that all night?” He gave her a rare, open smile.

“Yeah,” she murmured, smiling back. “I guess you have.”

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Four very different roommates begin their first year at college, all of them going through their own very unique struggles.

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BOOK: Full Court Press
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