Full Disclosure (3 page)

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Authors: Mary Wine

Tags: #Red Hot Contemporary Romance

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Even in the anguish of heartbreak, she’d been unable to part with it. Maybe just because she knew his new wife didn’t own one.

“You kept it.”

Toni shrugged into the jacket and turned to face him. Danton was right in front of her and she jumped. He caught the open front of the riding jacket to hold her in place as he stroked his hands over its smooth surface and the curves of her breasts. Something drew his features tight. It was hard to put a description on the emotion because it was too vulnerable for a man who was as solid as steel.

“Yeah, I kept it.”

A flare of passion lit his eyes before he clamped his jaw tight and turned towards the door. He clasped one hand around her wrist, closing his fingers in a grip that was almost too tight. A little ripple of fear raced down her spine as she recognized how helpless she would be leaving on the back of his bike. In a way, she got the idea that he liked knowing she

Full Disclosure

was in his control. There was a part of her that enjoyed it too. A crazy little twist of sensation went through her clit as she anticipated being dependant on him. It was a dark idea, rich with hints of domination and capture. Telling Danton what she liked in bed was intense, but being under his command was decadent.

She shivered as his bike came into view. It was top of the line and customized. Danton pulled his helmet from the seat and swung his leg over the bike. He was the master sitting there strapping his helmet on. A second helmet was attached to the back of the seat and a ripple of anticipation raced down her spine as she recognized the details of a perfectly planned mission with her as the objective.

“What if I didn’t have the jacket anymore?”

His teeth reflected moonlight as he grinned at her. “You would have worn mine.” All traces of playfulness evaporated as he watched her secure the strap of the helmet. He kicked the support stand up and turned the key. The engine rumbled to life as he jerked his head in invitation.

“Let’s go, Toni. If you want your explanation before I get back inside you, get your ass on this bike.”

She understood Danton well enough to not take offense at his words. Hell, it excited her to hear how much his control was being tested. There wasn’t a sweet-worded compliment that could affect her as deeply. They fed off each other’s arousal. He was offering her the choice to settle their mental debate before they appeased their need. It was leave now, or let him get back inside her. It was getting harder to remember just why she was walking away from her condominium with its air conditioning and waiting bed.

Toni swung her leg over the back of the bike and gasped as the vibration of the motor hit her aroused clit. He pussy was already growing wet. By the time they got to wherever Danton wanted to go, she was going to be poised on the edge of desperation. She wrapped her hands around his waist and he took off.

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“And may God have mercy on us both.” Her words were whisper soft and lost in the engine noise, but no less true.

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Chapter Four

Danton clenched his jaw against the wind. He enjoyed the burn of arousal. Toni clung to his body, driving the heat in his cock up another degree. His memory was clear as crystal. When he was deep inside her, she’d whimper and clasp her thighs around his hips. They had explored every position he knew for fucking, but, in the end, there was nothing quite as primitive as pressing her down onto her back so that his chest rubbed against her breasts while he rode her.

He shook off the idea as he tried to regain a measure of control. He’d be back inside her soon, but he owed her an explanation. It didn’t matter that someone owed him a hell of a lot more for messing up his life for the past few months. All that fucking mattered was that Toni had kept the riding jacket, proving that she wasn’t finished with him either. She loved him. He knew it, and he was grateful for it. More humbled than he’d ever stinking been in his entire career storming hostile locations around the globe, places that should have swallowed him and spit his lifeless body out onto the ground. Living through eight years of active Special Operations duty dulled compared to being so close to Toni again. Maybe distance did make the heart grow fonder because the last three months had felt endless.

* * *

“It’s Hooker’s baby.”

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There was a note of disappointment in his tone, but it was far overshadowed by anger. Danton threw a stone into the water and it skipped across the surface of the lake perfectly before he turned to look at her. He moved in stiff, jerky motions. Energy bled off him like an aroma that was designed to stimulate her appetite. If that was the case…it was working just fine. Despite the warm night air she felt a chill go down her spine that had nothing to so with the lake nearby. Toni unzipped the jacket now that the motion of the ride wasn’t cooling her anymore. The moonlight rippled along the water’s surface, setting the scene perfectly for summer lovers.

“Ronda had to have one of those amnio tests done. I requested a paternity one while they were at it.”

“She agreed to that?” Toni was shocked. Ronda Valencia had screamed to high heaven that Danton had knocked her up and left her while he went off after Toni. The thing that had torn her life apart was the fact that Danton admitted to sleeping with Ronda before Toni had been ready to begin the physical side of their relationship.

“I didn’t ask her permission. She had the test done on base and I needed to know if that was my baby.”

“Oh.” That explained a lot. Danton wasn’t just military, he was Special Forces. If he didn’t have a buddy in every office on base, he knew someone who did. That was what he was, the ultimate adapter and survivor. He would get what he needed in any manner necessary. Danton didn’t lose. Ever.

“Well, you’re still married. I’m sorry, Danton. Maybe she just doesn’t know for sure…you know? Some women are more popular than others.”

“You mean less discriminating.” He stared at her for a long moment.

“Is there someone else in your bed, Toni? Since I left it?”

He really didn’t have the right to ask when he’d been sleeping with a wife while they’d been apart. Her heart leapt at the opportunity to try and build a bridge back to where they could be together. But it hurt to reopen the door that led to trusting him with her bare feelings. “I wasn’t the one who got married.”

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“Toni…” His voice turned dangerous. Another rock went skipping across the lake before he turned and sprang at her. The impulse to move didn’t make it to her feet in time. Danton closed his arms around her and she shivered as she caught the warm scent of his skin. It was like musk, hitting her senses and seeping in to trigger all her hormones. He grasped her jaw and raised her face to his. “I need to know. Has there been anyone else? Tell me, so we can get past it.”

Her temper flared up in the face of his demand. “Oh, aren’t you arrogant. Get past what? You’ve been playing house with Ronda.”

“I never consummated the marriage. If the kid was mine, I’d have stood by her, but it’s not my baby. If something was going to cost me you, I was going to make sure first.” There was another flash of harsh emotion in his eyes. Toni stared at his face like a starving person. Danton watched her in return for a moment. “When I confronted her with the test, she admitted that she’d slept with Hooker. The second test came back positive in his favor. Our marriage is being annulled right now because I never screwed her. I haven’t been inside any woman since I laid down beside you. When I told you I loved you, it was the honest truth. I’ve never been in love with a woman other than you.” His thumb smoothed her bottom lip. “But I am arrogant.” His knee pressed between her thighs once more, and a little moan escaped her mouth as her clit was rubbed. Another wave of need washed through her.

“You’ve got that part right. You reek of arrogance.” She could feel the fluid soaking into her panties as her body heated for his possession. His declaration rung through her head, making thought almost impossible. She’d heard him say he loved her in her dreams so often the moment was almost surreal.

“Just tell me if there was someone else, Toni.” His gaze flashed with determination as his thigh moved against her clit again. The scent of her wet pussy rose between them and it was too damn much to ignore. He was suddenly grateful for the little excuse of a dress she was wearing. It was loose and fell to her knees with nothing more than a string to keep it closed. He growled in approval. “God, I’ve missed

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just how receptive your body is.” Popping the tie open, he caught the sides of the skirt and pulled it up and over her head.

“Danton…” Her voice was coated in apprehension. He didn’t stop, only smoothed his hand down her bare thigh in a motion meant to be gentle. He lifted her right off her feet, and her little beaded Indian-harem shoes slipped off her feet. Her dress fluttered into a puddle, leaving her amazedly at his mercy. The hard bulge of his cock pressed against her hip as Danton stepped towards his bike and sat her on the seat. His body spread her legs wide and her little lace-edged panties weren’t any protection.

“There hasn’t been anyone since you left.” Her breath was husky but rushed as his hand brushed up the center of her slit. Sometimes, hard and rough sex was a relief, but Danton’s cock was large and her body was going to be tight from abstinence. His hands froze for a moment in a little telltale reaction to her confession.

And it was a confession, an admission of his remaining hold on her. She had had every reason to move on and hadn’t. Tonight, with his warm fingers spread out over her belly, it felt incredibly right to be in his embrace. Pride didn’t feed the need clawing at her and it didn’t satisfy her desire to be held once passion was fed.

Danton would.

Her body recalled that fact too keenly. Her hips thrust towards his body as her nipples drew into hard points. Blood rushed through her veins, flooding the tiny vessels that ran close to her skin, making the tissue acutely sensitive. She felt each fingertip where they rested on her. Danton held her chin in a firm grip and raised her face to his. There was the brush of his breath against her wet lower lip before he pressed a soft kiss onto her mouth. His hand slid down the smooth skin covering her belly and onto her mons. He broke the kiss as a deep rumble of male appreciation shook his chest.

“I love your waxed pussy.” His fingers slipped over the soft skin and into the top of her slit as she shivered. “But I love this clit even more.”

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Danton broke off his next comment because it involved women from his past. They didn’t belong anywhere near Toni. He indulged the raw possessiveness of that idea. His finger touched her clit, and she quivered against him. The folds of her sex were slick with her arousal, making him groan with need. His cock was too hard for playing. A fire burned in his gut to get back into her like some primitive claiming ceremony. But there was one thing he was going to do first. He hooked an arm around her body as he rubbed her clit with a fingertip. Her hands gripped his biceps as she gasped and wiggled against the pressure on that sensitive button at the top of her slit.

“Danton.” Her voice was low and husky, completely betraying how much she enjoyed being fingered. She had battled for years with her high sex drive, not really finding any peace until Danton joined her in bed and taught her to embrace her greedy flesh. Her hips curled up, eager for deeper penetration. Pleasure tightened under his touch like a knot being pulled. She dug her fingers into the hard arms holding her, and feeling the steel of his biceps intensified her need to buck her hips towards her lover.

“Come. Right on my finger, Toni.”

He pressed harder, and her body convulsed as climax jerked through her. She cried out as she arched away from him and over the bike, her thighs clasping his legs where he stood between her spread ones. He caught the back of her neck with his hand and angled her head up to look into his face. His jaw was clenched tight, the muscles of his neck corded. His finger slipped down her slit to circle the opening of her pussy.

“We’re getting married. Just as soon as I get the final annulment papers.”

His voice was harsh. Like a drill sergeant instilling discipline in his newest recruits. But the need coating that deep tone touched her heart. It wasn’t something communicated through words very well. They were addicted to each other, the sex and the conflict, but most importantly to

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the emotion that sent them into the night where spreading her thighs on a motorbike was not only desired…it was craved.

“I love you, Danton. I never stopped.” It was so easy to say, even in the face of months of heartache.

“Don’t ever stop.”

His hand left her sex as he stepped back slightly. There was the faint sound of his fly opening before he pressed her thighs wider with his body.

“Hold on to me, baby.”

She gripped his arms as his cock nudged her slit. Her climax had ensured that there was plenty of fluid to ease his entry into her body. Danton gripped her hips as he thrust forward. A hard groan shook his chest as he forced himself to stop only halfway into her.

“You’re tight. So damn tight.” He lifted his face and locked gazes with her. “I love you so damn much for not fucking another guy. Shit, you had every right to. But I’m so goddamn glad you didn’t.”

He pulled free and pressed back deep. His cock stretched her pussy, the passage aching slightly as it took his length again. Sweet pleasure surged through her as he slowly left her before thrusting once more. He made sure to slide his entire cock against her clit without rushing each stroke. The bike vibrated beneath her bottom, forcing her to control her own motions and let Danton take command of their pace or topple the machine. It was pure torment, waiting for his next penetration. He lingered deep inside her pussy for a moment that seemed like an eternity before moving again. She was balanced on the sharp edge of need the entire time. The pleasure shot through her, twisting and tightening as her hips tried to lift towards his steady thrusts. Danton cussed and his hands gripped her hips as he lost his private battle to control his pace. He nipped the tender skin of her neck with a soft bite before whispering against her ear, “I can’t go slow anymore, baby. I need to fuck you like I’ve been dreaming of.” He held her hips in an iron grip while his body drove into hers faster and harder. Their voices mixed as she whimpered and he grunted. Pleasure built under the

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