Full Disclosure (5 page)

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Authors: Mary Wine

Tags: #Red Hot Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Full Disclosure
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“Now that’s a perfect submissive position.”

“Submissive, like hell!”

Toni jerked back into a standing position and his length slipped from her body. Her pussy complained about the loss as she tried to turn and face Danton. He captured her wrists instead and molded his body over her back, effectively imprisoning her with his larger, stronger frame. He bent her back over, pressing her hands onto the tile as his cock teased her wet slit. Her clit throbbed as his erection lightly grazed it. Pleasure snaked up from the contact, whetting her appetite for more.

“I like the idea of you being submissive.” His breath hit her ear as he pulled his hips away from her and then slid his length through her slit, taunting her with its swollen hardness without penetrating her. “I like it a whole lot.” He bit her ear and stroked through her open sex again. This time, she whimpered as her clit begged for a firmer connection. The tiny sound was like blood in the water and Danton caught its scent instantly.

“Don’t move or your Master won’t be pleased.”

“Master, my ass.”

He tsked at her defiant tone, but released her wrists and straightened up. Toni bit into her lower lip as she debated her options. A little moan left her throat as she recognized Danton’s intention. The man was in the mood to drive her insane.

“Yes, Master does like your ass. Thank you for offering it.”

Toni gasped as his hands smoothed over her raised bottom. There was the slick glide of soap over each side of her fanny before Danton separated the cheeks and cleaned between them. The shower was still pumping out water and it carried the soap down her legs while Danton fingered her back entrance.

Mary Wine

“Still have your plug?”

She shivered with anticipation. Danton was the only man who had ever touched her ass. “Umm…yes.” She mumbled the response, embarrassed to say such a personal thing out loud. A hard smack landed on her butt and she yelped.

“You will answer in a full voice.”

“Yes! I have it.” Her face burned as she heard her words echo inside the shower stall.

“You have what?” He fingered her back opening, inserting one fingertip. Pleasure shot up into her belly as she lifted her bottom towards the touch without hesitation. Her memory demanded that she comply with his game, because the pleasure would be ultra intense if she yielded to his command.

“I have my butt plug.”

His finger withdrew from her, and a whimper marked its departure. Another smack landed on her raised ass; it was harder, but the pain went straight into her clit, making her moan as need clawed at her to do whatever it took to gain connection with his cock again.

“Do not yell at your Master.” One thick finger thrust into her pussy. Her hips lifted for the penetration as her pussy tried to contract around that one digit. Danton leaned down over her back, stroking her spine until he was pressed along her back with his breath teasing her ear. He gently raked the skin on her neck with his teeth, sending sensation down her nerve endings. The finger inside her pussy began to move in and out as she gasped with the pleasure. He stroked her slit until he reached her clit, lingering for a long moment on the sensitive bud.

“Your Master can deliver pleasure but only if he is pleased with your submission.”

Her entire body shuddered as the idea of playing submissive exploded in her brain. Danton felt the reaction and applied his teeth to her ear in another soft bite. “Interesting idea isn’t it, Toni? Complete submission. I think we should try it.”

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He rubbed her clit as she whined and tried to press down onto his hand. Danton stood and drew his finger from her spread folds. The water hit her unprotected back, sending a new set of signals through her overstimulated flesh.

“Master wants you to dry off. You will lay your plug and the lubricant on the bed before getting onto your hands and knees in the center of the bed to wait for your Master. You may not watch for me. You will lower your head until your face is in the bedding, to prove your submission.”

“You are such an arrogant bastard.” Every inch of her body was poised in anticipation but that didn’t mean that her pride liked the details.

“And you love it.” He smacked her ass and the water popped loudly.

“Go on, Toni. Wait for me with your ass in the air.”

She cast him a fuming look as she stomped out of the bathroom. But Danton was more interested in the way her nipples remained contracted into tight little points. Toni might not like his handling technique but her body enjoyed it. It was a harsh side of sex that he could only explore with her. She struck a missing chord in him that he hadn’t noticed the lack of until moments like this when he wondered if she’d be waiting on her bed for him. Excitement nipped along his cock, tightening his balls as he rubbed a towel over his skin.

Toni might not like the idea completely but they were going to explore it because this relationship was for the long haul. There was a part of him that needed her to comply just because he’d asked it of her. It would deepen his confidence in their relationship because only a woman who loved him would put up with his arrogance. But he would make sure to see that it was worth her time.

Mary Wine

Chapter Six

It was stupid. Something from a porno film gone bizarre. Educated women didn’t play closet games that included calling their lovers

“Master”. At least not women who held decent-paying jobs and didn’t need to be classified as “kept”.

But it excited her. The idea refused to budge from her brain as she used a towel to dry her skin. Anal intercourse was something she had only ever worked up the courage to try with Danton. Challenging the taboo fit with his dark persona, feeding some wild side of her own personality that had never found an outlet before. It was like having the decent, respectable boyfriend who you could show off to your parents but also play in the dark hours with the bad boy you knew your mother wouldn’t approve of.

The combination was mesmerizing, taunting her with the taste of more than just sweet seduction. An entire array of flavors sat waiting for her to sample them, even if a few of them might sting.

Danton was poised on the edge of need, battling his inner beast. That was something he enjoyed. The burn of challenge was addictive, it was what got him through military Special Operations training programs designed to crack even the strongest man. To succeed, you had to get in touch with that primitive side of your nature. A man needed to learn just how much leash to allow the animal.

Part of that was wondering if Toni would choose him just the way he was, with all the rough edges still on. It wasn’t that he needed a

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submissive female; what he craved was a woman who could adjust to his moods. A woman who wasn’t going to shatter emotionally if he was too abrupt, or freak out if he reacted to an unexpected threat. But more importantly, he wanted to know if Toni could play in bed with him the way they had before. Could she roll with the punches and take a chance on him again? He’d never lived his life in the shallow end of the pool. He wanted it all, needed to taste foreign dishes simply to experience the flavor.

Tonight he wanted to sample walking into her bedroom and seeing her poised on her bed…waiting for him. His cock twitched at the idea as he forced himself to remain in the bathroom. Anticipation tried to drive his heart rate up and Danton controlled it with iron willpower. He gritted his teeth against the burn moving through his balls. He knew one thing for sure, her submission was the sort of flavor that would leave a mark in his memory until his dying day. It would set his entire body on a slow burn just like a habanera pepper did when you ate it. The heat lasted for hours, moving through your entire body and forcing you to sweat. He grinned because that was exactly what Toni did to him. One taste and he lingered in her grip for days.

Seeing Toni’s ass waiting for him could do that. Hell yeah, it could. He tightened his hands into fists as he listened for a sound from her bed, telling him that she was ready for his mastering to proceed.

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Chapter Seven

She was excited.

Toni pulled the small drawer in her nightstand open and looked at her meager collection of adult toys as heat blazed through her. Danton had gifted all of them to her, and she’d been ignoring them since their split-up because they reminded her of his presence in her bed. Easing her own sexual tension while sleeping alone hadn’t appealed because each naughty adult plaything only reminded her of how much she’d enjoyed the man who wielded them so expertly on her body. Another shiver shook her as she reached for the butt plug. It was a large one, and she picked up the tube of gel that went with it. Her gaze lingered on the full-sized dildo still in the drawer, but she closed it and moved towards her bed with only the plug. She didn’t want a toy in her pussy tonight; she craved Danton’s cock. Maybe that was blunt, but it was true. Sex toys could be enjoyable, but there was a part of her that needed to be fucked by the real thing. A toy didn’t satisfy the same way for her.

A crazy twist of excitement went through her as she placed the plug and lubricant on the bedspread. Her ears picked up every sound in the room as she listened for his approach. She turned around and assumed the position he’d requested, and her clit throbbed with anticipation. With her knees placed apart on the bed, the fold of her slit opened slightly. She actually felt the air brushing the wet surface of her tender flesh. Her vision was useless as her face was placed against the cool cotton of the comforter covering the bed, and the rest of her senses began working overtime in response.

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The skin covering her bottom tingled as it waited for the first touch from her lover. Each second felt like an hour as she listened for a footfall or some other sound. That was part of the game though, the anticipation. Danton could move silently and was often in the room before she knew he was there. Her heart raced as she gripped the comforter with her hands, trying to control the urge to look behind her. Excitement held her on edge, growing with every breath she took until she gave into the urge to peek behind her. Toni looked at the doorway and gasped as her gaze touched on her lover. His attention was centered on her displayed bottom, hunger drawing his face taut.

“Sweet submission. I could get used to walking into the room and seeing your body waiting for me.” He stroked each side of her bottom with a firm hand, slowly massaging her cheeks before trailing his fingers through her slit. “Have you used the plug without me?”

“No.” She shivered as she felt the touch of the lubricant against her back opening. Danton teased the puckered area with a single finger as he spread more of the slick gel inside her ass.

He chuckled softly and she squirmed as she battled against the urge to move away from his touch. No other man had ever tempted her to sample anal penetration; somehow, with Danton it wasn’t forbidden territory. He was temptation, pure and simple, so everything they did was coated in that dark excitement. It was as decadent as rich chocolate.

“Do you know why, Toni?” He pressed the first inch of the plug into her bottom as he spoke. She whimpered as sensation shot into her clit from the penetration. “You need to have a man who you respect mounting you.” He pulled the plug free and pressed it back into her bottom. “There’s no feminine equality about it. Deep inside your brain is a female who enjoys the fact that I hold you down and fuck you.”

He worked the plug in and out, twisting it with each thrust. Her brain wrapped around his words, and she moaned as need began to build to an unbearable level. One touch on her clit and she would come. It was that acute. A low growl rose from her throat and it didn’t even sound human. She heard a harsh intake of breath from Danton before the plug

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was pressed back into her bottom. It smarted, but the pain transformed into pleasure as she muttered the only word her mind could form. “More.

“Oh yes.” Her hips twitched, trying to move towards him, desperate for friction against her clit. “Fuck me. Please.”

A hard smack landed on her bottom instead. Toni snarled as she pushed up off the bed. Danton caught her and flipped her over onto her back. She didn’t remain in the helpless position but curled up off the mattress to slap his hard chest. She needed an outlet for all the sensation. He growled as her hands connected with his firm flesh. He grasped her hips, pulling her hard against his body before rolling onto his back. She ended up on top of him as he held onto her hips.

“Master says for you to fuck him.”

“About time you asked for something I agree with,” she snarled at him as she braced her knees on the bed on either side of his lean hips. Lifting her body up, she felt the head of his erection nudge her wet slit.

“Ride my cock.” His eyes were bright with demand and need. He pushed her down onto his length as he bucked beneath her. With the plug in her bottom, her pussy was tight and she shivered as his cock filled her. He watched his rigid flesh disappear into her body before looking up at her face.

“Ride me, Toni.”

“Yes, Master.” She braced her hands on his shoulders and gripped his hips with her thighs. She shivered as she rose off him and then let gravity help push her back onto his hard length. Climax began to twist through her as she lifted and pushed back down quickly, impatient to release the need he’d built up inside her.

“That’s it, baby, take what you want.”

Danton gritted his teeth as he watched Toni fuck him. Her face was tight as she panted. She rode him fast, her pussy making little wet sounds while she fucked him. She yelled as she came, and her hips pressed down, grinding against his cock. Her body jerked and quivered as she cried. Danton surged up off the bed, flipping her onto her back the second her pussy began to contract around his length. Control

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vanished as he hammered his cock into her spread body. Her moans mixed with his snarls while the bed rocked. It was a hard possession as he let the animal inside him claim exactly what he wanted from her. Toni refused to think. It was impossible to do anything but feel. Danton growled a moment before his seed flooded her once again. This time, he pushed her down into the mattress, holding her as he came. It was difficult to fill her lungs because his body trapped hers so completely, but a second climax rippled through her as his cock pressed and ground against her clit. She sobbed as she struggled to breathe and her fingers caught the tremor moving though his body. Perfection really was simple. People messed up their own lives by trying to think out things that should be allowed to come naturally. She’d never intended to fall in love with Danton, in fact, her logical mind warned her away from him but love didn’t listen. It showed up and no amount of thinking made it understandable.

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