Full Moon Lockdown (3 page)

Read Full Moon Lockdown Online

Authors: Jackie Nacht

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #GLBT, #Gay, #Shapeshifter, #Werewolf

BOOK: Full Moon Lockdown
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“He could’ve said no,” Oren grumbled.

“And so could you,” Brendan shot back.

“All right, I stopped already. Enough about my sex life.”

Dalton, Brendan and Oren stayed with him as Colin was cleaned up, butterfly stitched in several places and, finally, had a mini rundown about his brother. Intensive care but he was going to be all right.

The head Elder Lewis came in to see him. The shifter was an imposing figure. Dark, calculating and the body of an Alpha, he made Colin’s body tremble when he should have been holding still with the needle threading a cut that was a little too deep to be held by the butterfly stitches.

“When can I see him?” Colin asked.

Lewis shook his head. “You need to be patient. I’ll have a guard come and get you when he can see visitors.” Lewis turned to Dalton. “I would appreciate you showing Colin around. He’ll be staying here on a permanent basis.”

“Wait, what are you talking about?” Colin stood up off the hospital bed. Damn thread hanging off his arm.

“Your pack was attacked last night along with three others before we were able to take down the hellhounds. There is nowhere safe for you and your brother to go. We had a meeting last night, and it was decided. Now, sit down and let him finish stitching you up.”

Colin grew angry but sat. “You decided my future and Peyton’s, and we don’t get a say in it?”

Lewis sighed and stood up. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Lewis walked out of the medical center, dismissing Colin to his fate.

Fifteen minutes later, the Omegas led Colin down new halls, taking him to the cafeteria to get breakfast. With everything that happened, Colin had all but forgotten about food and wasn’t sure he could stomach it now. Especially if it tasted like garbage.

They walked as a foursome into a cafeteria that had Colin taking a step back. Tables and chairs were a heavy oak. There wasn’t any decoration, but there were high windows, creating a ton of sunlight in the room, making it the first place that didn’t seem so damn dreary.

Dalton stepped up next to him. “Go on over into that area, they have a buffet-style selection.”

“Really?” Colin was expecting gruel or something. A maggot in his oatmeal.

Colin entered the tiny cove that held the buffet and was shocked by all the selections. One table was stacked high with various meats. Another table had a couple of people standing behind it, making omelets for an Omega and an Alpha. Another table had several toasters set up just so you could make an English muffin or any kind of toast you could possibly think of.

Brendan grabbed a plate, laughing. “I know, right? The first time I came in here, I expected to get runny eggs and mystery meat. You’ll find out that the Elders and our packs really do care for us. They spoil us where they can, and where they can’t, they support us.”

Grabbing a plate, Colin followed Brendan to the omelet station where the nice girl prepared him a ham and cheese omelet. He wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to eat it, but the fact it smelled so good made his stomach rumble.

Glancing down at his food, Colin thought of his pack. His breath hitched as the image of them appeared in his mind. He mourned last night, but he was sure that the coming months were going to be tough for him. He lost so much, and there was no time. Everything was changing around him, and try as hard as he could, he couldn’t seem to get his feet underneath himself before they were swept out from under him again.

Following Brendan once more, they took a seat by Oren and Dalton. Trying not to be conspicuous, Colin searched for the guy whose cell was across from his. Finally, by the wall, he spotted him sitting next to another Alpha.

Figuring his new friends would know them, he asked, “Who are those Alphas by the wall?”

Dalton’s dark brows rose, a complete contrast with the white-blond hair. “The guy with black hair and his brown-haired buddy with their chairs tipped in the corner over there?”

They were kind of in the corner, and both of them had their back resting on the wall with the front legs lifted off the ground so… “Yeah.”

Brendan whistled. “That is Sloan Atwater and Knox Davis. The longest tenants at the Moon Compound. Sloan’s been here what? Three years?”

Oren nodded. “Knox has been here just a hair under that. Both came in and had a lot of trouble during their shifts. Major injuries and mean as hell. They’re better, but they have a ways to go.”

Three years? Shit, that was a long-ass time to be at the compound and still be struggling during the full moon. Colin was hoping to be here less than two, one if he really got his wolf in gear.

Trying to be discreet, Colin glanced over and realized Sloan was staring right at him. Chills popped on his skin, and a blush crept into his cheeks. He swallowed his omelet with difficulty. Sheesh, he'd never reacted this way to a guy before and wasn’t even sure what his body was reacting to.
Do I fear Sloan? Appreciation that it felt like the man guarded over me all night? Attracted to him?
He hadn’t a fucking clue.

“And he’s looking right at you, Colin. Make a friend last night?” Oren leaned into his line of sight, smirking at him.

“No, it’s just…he was across from me and…” Colin shrugged. He wasn’t sure how to describe it. While he had despaired last night over everything that had happened, the presence of Sloan made him feel like he wasn’t alone in his grief.

“Like him?” Oren eyebrows waggled.

Dalton swatted Oren, “Leave him be. He’s been through enough shit in the last twenty-four hours without having to deal with your nonsense.”

But as far as Colin was concerned, it wasn’t nonsense. He was attracted to Sloan. There was no rhyme or reason. His head should be somewhere else entirely, but all he was doing, while his food kept spilling off his fork and back into his plate, was staring at the sexy Alpha.

Colin was about to say something when he saw Sloan tense, and then Colin felt a presence behind him. Turning, there was a huge, menacing Alpha, eye fucking him with his dull brown eyes. Shivering, Colin crept up his hand to his neck. Behind was another guy just as big, smirking at him. Gross.

“Leave, Duke.” Dalton was firm, commanding… and completely useless against the guy.

Duke pushed Dalton over, not so gently. Duke invaded Colin’s space. “Name?”

Colin searched his friends' faces, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

Before he could even squeak out his name, Duke was wrenched backward out of his seat, landing hard on the ground. Colin whipped his head around and saw Sloan facing off with Duke. Duke smiled wickedly before he shot off the ground, charging Sloan and wrapping his arms around his mid-section.

The two Alphas went down hard, punching the fuck out of each other. Sloan landed a hard one to Duke's jaw, and the two of them rolled before knocking into the next table. The room of people scattered and ran, ducking out of the way as Sloan got the better hand. He picked Duke up and slammed him onto a hard oak table. The damn thing groaned, and so did Duke as Sloan went to town on his face.

Guards poured in, and Colin recognized Malach in the lead. “Enough!”

The guards broke the two guys up, their bodies straining to have one more go at each other. Both had bloody knuckles and cuts and marks over their bodies as they were dragged away.

Sloan turned and yelled back. “No one touches him, Knox. Watch him!”

Knox came closer to Colin.

“Was he talking about me?”

“Yeah, he was talking about you.” Knox shoved the other guy that had come over to Colin with Duke. The other glared but moved on, leaving the cafeteria altogether.


“I have no idea why. You can talk to him about that later. Sloan will most likely be in lockdown for the rest of the day.”

Oh, Colin would most definitely be talking to Sloan. He wanted to know if there was some strange pull coming from his side too.


Chapter Three



Feeling a hand push into his back, Sloan stumbled into his cell. Turning, he glared at Malach. They had become friends in this place. There really was no division between the guards and residents. Guards were only there to help them get through this time in their life.

Sloan knew he'd fucked up big time, so it was no shock when Malach shook his head at him.

“You can’t be working yourself up today. You’re shit at shifting, and this is going to make your night hell. I’ve told you time and again to stay away from Duke. He and his friend Cass are both assholes. Bad pack they come from.” Malach leaned on the frame of the bar door, crossing his arm.

“I didn’t want him anywhere near Colin.”

“You know Colin?” Malach stood up straight.

“Well, no, but I heard you talk to him last night. Watched him.”

“Creepy.” Malach chuckled softly.

“Thanks. It’s not like I feel weirded out by it or anything. Guy probably thinks I’m some sociopath.”

“No. I think Colin was worried when we dragged your ass off. Now, go and rest. You know it's protocol that we have to keep you in lockdown all day. Try to meditate and calm down.” Malach stood back and closed the door, leaving the steel bars between them.

“You know that meditation shit doesn’t work for me. Never has and never will.”

Malach eyed him in concern. “Then, try to think of something that will calm you and your wolf down to prepare for tonight. Don’t want this incidence to cause you any more pain than you are already going to have to go through.”

Sloan had nothing to say to that. He wasn’t sure if this incident would cause his body to feel like it was being ripped apart. Walking back to his mattress, he slumped down onto it, lying on his back and scrubbing his face with his hands. Man, he was so tired of all this shit. Tired of knowing he was going to feel like hell the next two days, tired of this place.

“You okay?”

Sloan jerked to a sitting position. There, standing at his door, was Colin. Concern filled the cerulean eyes. Behind him stood the three Omegas and Knox. Knox shook his head.

“Ugh, huh?” Wow, his first words to Colin, and he sounded like he needed to reenter the first grade.

“Come here.” Colin reached through the bars, beckoning him.

Standing slowly, Sloan walked toward Colin as if in a daze. There was something so strange about this.

Gripping the bars, Sloan stared down at Colin. So many emotions swirled within. Excitement, desire and a beautiful soothing calm that made it seem like maybe tonight could be okay for once. Sloan watched as Colin slowly reached up and touched a tender spot on his cheek.

“You’re bleeding,” Colin whispered.

Sloan leaned into the touch. Colin’s hand was so soft to his sensitive flesh. “I’ll be all right.” Sloan mumbled.

He felt like turning his head and kissing that soft palm. Slowly, he leaned back, troubled that a thought like that would even pass through his mind.
What in the hell was happening to me? Maybe I’m going feral. Who knew, but I don’t want Colin to see and hear the things that are going to transpire tonight.
Walking back to his floor vault, he opened it up, retrieving his iPod. Sloan went back to face Colin whose brow was furrowed in confusion as he handed it to him.

“What’s this for?” Colin asked, staring up at him.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Sloan answered, “So you don’t have to hear me and the others scream tonight.”


* * * *


Colin couldn’t believe the words that had just passed Sloan’s lips, and for the remainder of the day, they haunted him, much like everything else had haunted him the last two days.

The rest of the day was a blur. So many damn fights broke out, and each time, Dalton, Oren and Brendan were there to move him out of the way or just stand next to him as he had to watch the violence that was now going to be a part of his life.

After dinner, the guards finally gave up and sent them all in for lockdown. For whatever reason, this month was worse than usual.

Glancing to his side, he saw the iPod that Sloan had given him.
Is it really going to be that awful?
He had seen his pack shift so many times, and it seemed so second nature, he couldn’t possibly fathom how it could be bad enough to shield his hearing. Then, he had been told numerous times by the pack how painful it was in the beginning and how those talks had grown into a great fear.

He stared out the small window; the sun was showing its last rays. Soon. Getting up, he walked to the steel doors. Colin noticed that many of the Alphas were pacing in their rooms. He couldn’t see the Omegas, because like him, they were on the west side of the hall. Some of the Alphas were rolling their necks while others aggressively rubbed different body parts.

“You need to go back inside.”

Colin’s head whipped around to see that Sloan was death gripping his bars. Staring at him. His hazel eyes shone bright, reflecting something more to them than earlier.
Is his wolf already surfacing?


Colin jerked. “Sorry.”

“For what? There’s nothing to be sorry for. Go inside and put the headphones on now.” Sloan’s voice was turning guttural toward the end.

“Sloan,” Colin whispered.

Sloan was taking great heaving breaths now. “Go, please.”

“Good luck. I’ll see you in the morning.” Colin reached through the bars, holding out his hand before tucking it back inside.

Sitting on the bed, Colin started to hear the moans. He should put on the headphones and tune this out, but curiosity was getting to him. Colin wanted some heads up as to what he was going to go through in the next couple years, wanted to know just how bad it was going to be for him.

Five minutes later, the groans were growing louder. Colin hugged his legs as he sat with his back against the wall, staring blindly at the brick wall ahead.

Another five minutes and the screams started in. Colin rocked as he heard the other shifters shout out, not being able to tell who was saying what.

A snap sounded, causing Colin to jump. “Fuck! My leg, gods, my leg!”

Another scream. “I’m dying!”

“Shit!” followed by a loud crack.

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