Full Moon Lockdown (7 page)

Read Full Moon Lockdown Online

Authors: Jackie Nacht

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #GLBT, #Gay, #Shapeshifter, #Werewolf

BOOK: Full Moon Lockdown
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Sloan slowly slid in and out in small pulses until Colin could finally feel Sloan’s pelvis rest against his ass. His lover's hands were flexing on his hips. For sure, he was going to have bruises there later, and it was turning him on all the more to be marked by the man.

Colin had never liked it rough until now. With Sloan, he loved it and craved more.

Taking a couple of deep breaths, he couldn’t believe the man fit all the way in. Pleasure spread through Colin’s entire body as Sloan began working his cock in and out of him. His hands scrambled to hold onto something and found it when he grabbed Sloan’s muscular forearms. His cock lay heavily and hard against his abdomen, leaking against his muscular ridges.

Sloan was really working his hips as he grabbed Colin's legs and slung them over his powerful arms. The change in position had Sloan hitting Colin’s prostate on every thrust.

“There. Gods, harder!”

Growling, Sloan strengthened his thrust, tucking his face into Colin’s shoulder. Colin wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to be able to hold out. With Sloan nipping and licking at his neck, he felt like he was going to erupt any second.

Trying to stave off the impending climax, he noticed Sloan’s shoulder right in front of his face. Returning the gesture, Colin began nipping and licking the shoulder. The taste became like a drug, and he couldn’t control himself when he bit down hard on the shoulder, breaking the skin and tasting the coppery taste of his lover’s blood.

Colin climaxed, cum spurting as Sloan shouted.

He was still climaxing, feeling the jets hitting his stomach, when he heard the loud growl, and Sloan struck. A pain hit his shoulder as Sloan bit deeply. The man mewled into his shoulder, and Colin could feel the warmth of cum shoot inside him.

It seemed like forever before they were able to come down from their orgasms. Sloan lay panting on him, still rigid inside. Colin could feel the pounding of their heartbeats against one another. Looking up into the man’s eyes, Sloan was the epitome of masculine and beauty all in one. Glancing down, he noticed the crimson on Sloan’s lips and chin.

Sloan’s eyes were staring down at Colin’s lips, and he knew Sloan was seeing the same thing that he was. Blood. Lots of blood. Colin glanced over at the shoulder he bit and couldn’t believe the damage he had done.

“Oh my gods, Sloan, I am so sorry.” Colin reached for the injury, his hand hovering over it, afraid to touch and cause any more pain.

“Hold still,” Sloan said in alarm, jumping up and digging into the pack. He pulled out a shirt, and Colin was surprised when he came over, putting it on Colin’s neck instead of his own.

The man was rocking over him, naked and holding the shirt. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Colin tried to reassure him. “It’s okay, Sloan. I’m fine.”

“I lost control. I’m so sorry.” Sloan was murmuring over and over. The man was beyond hearing Colin.

Colin reached up and grabbed Sloan’s face, making the man focus on his eyes and not his shoulder. “It’s okay. Now, I need you to let me up so I can take care of you too. You’re bleeding as well.”

Sloan blinked a few times. “I am?”

“Yes,” Colin whispered. “Please, let me get something in the pack to stop the bleeding.” Swiftly glancing at the wound, Colin noticed a small trail of crimson sliding down to the man’s pec.

Sloan eased back, and Colin went over to the pack, pulling out a pair of shorts. It wasn’t perfect, but they were really running out of clothes or anything to stop the blood.

Crawling back over, he applied pressure with the shorts to the bite wound, murmuring, “We both lost control. And I loved it, so there’s no need to apologize, but looking at your neck, maybe I need to apologize to you. I’m sorry I hurt you, Sloan.”

Sloan pulled him onto his lap. “I loved it too, but we need to be more careful. I wasn’t in control at all. It almost felt like I was going to shift. My wolf was so close to the surface.”

“I know. I saw it in your eyes. Your voice changed too, just like the night of the full moon.” Colin removed the shorts from over the bite, seeing that while the wound was still there, the bleeding had slowed. Lucky shifter and his ability to heal faster.

“We can’t do this again. I have no control. What if next time it’s worse?” Sloan was patting his shoulder, voice growing in distress.

Colin stopped Sloan’s frantic tending. “I trust you. Neither you nor your wolf will hurt me.”

Sloan was shaking his head. “I have no control of my shift, Colin. You shouldn’t say something so reckless.”

“I thought I was being a little careless at first when I saw your eyes, but I just knew you won’t hurt me. Call it instinct. Take a deep breath and think. Do you actually believe your wolf will hurt me?”

Sloan's brows furrowed, deep in thought. “I’m just not sure. I’ve never had control of it before. I’m too afraid to risk it and end up hurting you.”

Colin knew Sloan had serious trouble in controlling his wolf, and he knew where he was coming from with his lack of confidence to keep himself in check. But he hoped down the line Sloan would feel the instinct that everything was going to be okay and no longer resist his wolf tooth and nail.

“This isn’t stopping, Colin. We need to go back so someone can take a look at it,” Sloan voiced worriedly. He grabbed his shorts off the ground and put them on. Colin was about to look for his when Sloan came over with them.

“I got it, and I don’t want to tell anyone.” For some reason, Colin really didn’t want this special moment broadcasted to the whole compound. And he didn’t want the man he was falling in love with to get in trouble.

Colin couldn’t believe it. In all the shit that had happened to him in the last several weeks, he'd managed to fall in love. How the hell it happened, well, it could only take someone as amazing as Sloan to be there to help him to heal.

Sloan was packing swiftly, obviously worried about him. He dressed and made his way over to Sloan, grabbing the man and embracing him. “Thank you,” Colin murmured into Sloan’s shoulder.

Sloan let out a disbelieving laugh. “For what? I chewed on you like a damn dog toy?”

“No, you were there for me and stuck by me through all of it. This moment. It was special to me, and I don’t want it tainted by the compound knowing and you getting in trouble. Please, I want to keep you safe.” Colin reached up, kissing the man softly. There was still a hint of the coppery taste of blood, but Colin didn’t care.

“Can I at least go get the stuff and take care of you myself?” Sloan pleaded against his lips.

“That’ll work,” Colin murmured before stealing one more quick kiss. Pulling back, they put their shirts on, hiding their mutual wounds as they made their way back to the compound.


Chapter Seven



They kept their secret silent for over a week. The whole thing was gnawing at Sloan as he had to tend to a wound that he'd caused, which never seemed to get better. While his all but healed, leaving behind a scar, Colin’s seemed to be taking on signs of infection.

They sat in the common room where everyone socialized. This was the last chance for such activities, since the oncoming shift was just a few short days away. While they didn’t isolate them, they did shutdown the common room where there were pool tables, music and everyone gathering from their hall.

Sloan sat next to Colin, keeping watch, worried for his lover. Leaning in, he whispered, “Colin, I don’t care if I get into trouble. We need to get you checked out.”

Colin shook his head, face pale and eyes glassy. “No. If after the full moon I don’t get better, we’ll go talk to the physicians but not until after the full moon. Please, I don’t want anything stressing you out and making your shift worse.”

Sloan should just tell him that seeing the man he cared about deteriorating in health was enough to send him and his wolf into a frenzy.

Dalton came over, bringing a ginger ale to Colin. “Here, sip on this.”

Colin took a small tentative sip. “Thanks.”

“Why don’t you go lay down?” Dalton suggested.

“I think I’ll just go get some fresh air.” Colin stood wobbly.

“This is ridiculous, Colin. You get any worse and your refusal won’t matter. The guards will catch on to you being sick and drag your ass to the physicians.” Dalton turned to stare at Sloan with an exasperated look. “He listens to you. Try reasoning with him.”

Sloan glanced down, putting his hands on his knees as he sat there, feeling hopeless. In one hand, he wanted to drag Colin to the doctor, on the other— “His body, his choice. If he wants to go, I’ll take him, but I won’t force anything on him. Period, Dalton. Same goes for all of you. C’mon, Colin, let’s see if fresh air will help you.”

Sloan grabbed Colin by the elbow, guiding him out to sit in the courtyard. Sitting alone on top of a picnic bench was Brendan, and he was smoking, knees bouncing and biting his nails in between. His puppy dog eyes filled with fear. Everyone knew he was about to go through his first shift. Oh gods, how Sloan wished he could give words of comfort, but he knew they would all be a fucking lie.

He led Colin near Brendan and sat him down, whispering, “I need to look at your shoulder.”

Colin nodded and slid the shirt over to look at the infected bite. The wound was just as bad as earlier, red tendrils spreading along the skin like tentacles. Sloan placed a gentle kiss on the shoulder just off to the side of the injury, guilt swamping him. He couldn’t believe he had done all this harm just biting Colin.

They hadn’t been intimate again since that first time. Fear that he would lose control and cause more damage kept them apart. Instead, they'd spent their nights holding each other until the guards came and separated them.

“I’ll be okay, Sloan.” Colin turned and kissed him passionately on the lips. He loved kissing Sloan’s full lips, tasting and exploring him.

Pulling back, Sloan rested his head on Colin’s.

They broke apart, and Colin stared up at Brendan. “How you doin?” Colin asked.

“As good as can be expected knowing my body is going to be ripped apart in a couple days.” Brendan's hand trembled as he brought the cigarette to his quivering lips, inhaling deeply.

Sloan watch as Colin got up and walked to stand in front of his friend, embracing him.

“I’m so fucking freaked out, I…I…” Brendan buried his head into Colin’s uninjured shoulder, giving Colin a one-armed hug.

Sloan couldn’t hear the quiet murmurs going on between the two Omegas. Whatever words of comfort Colin said must have worked a little, because a couple minutes later, Brendan’s shoulders eased. The two separated, and Brendan put out the remainder of the cigarette.

A single alarm rang out. “First night of lockdown. That’s the ten minute warning to get to our rooms before they lock the doors.”

“We’re two days out.” Colin came up next to him as they made their way back in and down the hall toward their rooms.

“You’ll notice tomorrow that all the attitudes of those about to go through their shift will take a nosedive. Do me a favor and wait for me before you walk to class tomorrow. I don’t trust some people here.” Sloan led them toward their room.

The hallways were busy with people getting back. There were a lot of shifters from different halls that were out and about. Sloan recognized some of the pre-shifters while others were completely foreign to him. They never ate or socialized with other halls; instead, the guards tended to rotate their hours of eating and classes to avoid one another. But sometimes, like when they were going into lockdown, everyone was bumping and running into each other to get to their cells. No wonder the guards didn’t have them crossover. Made for fucking chaos.

Finally, they reached their cells, and Sloan stepped into Colin’s, watching as the man got ready for bed. They only had a couple of minutes.

Colin quirked his finger at him, smirking. “C’mere.”

Sloan walked slowly to Colin. Colin tugged on his belt loop before smiling up at him. “You need to stop pouting.”

“I’m not pouting,” Sloan looked down at the man’s blue-green eyes. Gods, that’s where his infatuation started, and now, he felt like the man could become his whole life.

“You and I are going to remedy that,” Colin whispered before pulling him down for another kiss.

He worked his mouth over Colin’s, wishing that they could stay there all night—wishing that they had met when both their situations weren’t so fucked up and complicated. Sloan pulled back slightly and felt it bone deep. “I love you,” he whispered against Colin’s lips.

“I love you too, Sloan,” Colin whispered back before pulling away altogether.

Sloan turned, making his way to his room. They both stared at each other, even well after the doors locked them in for the night. Sloan felt the coldness creep into him as he was separated from the one he loved.


* * * *


The next morning, Colin was feeling a little bit better nausea-wise, but his whole body ached like he had come out on the losing end of a fight. He got up like an old man and prepared for the day. It was the last day of classes before the full moon, and maybe if he moved around a bit, he would loosen up some. There was a small enclosure that he walked into to do his business and wash his face. It was small enough to fit in his room and could be locked up at nights of the full moon for those that shifted. Damn near everything was arranged to keep a shifter from tearing up the fucking place. Too bad it left out all the warm and fuzzies to make it feel anywhere near a home.

Glancing down and gripping the sink, he suddenly felt a new wave of shock over losing everyone. At times, he had to block it out or the blackness of despair would swallow him whole. He tried, he really did, to keep reaching for the positive. Colin had to keep thinking of Peyton and Sloan. Those were the two that kept him from sinking. At times, he felt they were damn near holding him up.

But Colin had this ever-growing need to focus on Sloan and help him get through this change as painlessly as possible. He needed to talk to him today and find out what had been going on in the last couple of years. Oh, Sloan would mention the pain, that it sucked, but he never talked about the why of it all. Maybe there was no reason except for a good case of stubbornness. Colin was determined to figure it out and help him. The full moon was tomorrow, and if he had to talk himself hoarse all night to help Sloan through it, he would.

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