Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (117 page)

BOOK: Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students
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Lactational amenorrhoea is effective until the baby is this number of months old
Male sterilisation
A hormone that it is possible to take when breast feeding
What monthly event may be important for some women when taking contraception?
An intrauterine device is also known as this
These methods include condoms
Another name for the female condom
A contraceptive patch should be changed every . . . ?
Find out more
Below is a list of things you can find out about to enhance your knowledge of the issues and topics covered in this chapter. Make notes using the chapter content, the references and further reading identified, local policies and guidelines and discussions with colleagues.
When is contraception or family planning discussed in your clinical area?
What other advice is offered at the same time as contraception and family planning?
What services are available for further advice and treatment in your local area?
Glossary of terms
Barrier methods
Contraceptive devices that form a barrier between the male sperm and the female reproductive system.
A sheath placed over the penis to prevent sperm entering the vagina during intercourse.
The prevention of conception.
Contraceptive ring
A plastic ring inserted into the vagina that releases oestrogen and progesterone.
A cap which fits over the external cervical os to prevent sperm passing through the cervix.
BOOK: Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students
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