Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (175 page)

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candida albicans
), 172, 228, 229 thyroxin, lactogenesis II and, 214
Tibb tradition, 306t
tissue, postpartum haemorrhage and, 357t, 358f, 359
tobacco smoking, in pregnancy, 254 tocophobia
definition of, 68, 69
request for Caesarean sections due to, 71 toes of newborn, examining, 195t
tone, postpartum haemorrhage and, 357t tongue tie, 223–224
tonic phase, in eclamptic fit, 362 tonoclonic phase, in eclamptic fit, 362 topical, definition of, 344
topical route of medication administration, 330t
Total Fertility Rate, 241 Townsend, Peter, 43
toxicity, preventing, timing between doses of medicine and, 326
toxins, 253
in cigarette smoke, 254f
pregnant smokers and inhalation of, 254 toxoplasmosis, definition of, 139
Theory of Planned Behaviour traditional Chinese acupuncture, 304t Traditional Chinese Medicine, 306t, 308t,
traditional mothers, 98f, 99
traditional surrogacy, social and biological mothering in, 97f




training of midwives
European Union Article 40 of Directive 2005/36/EU, 4
Revalidation process (2015) and, 16
transcendental meditation, 313, 320 transdermal route, of medication
administration, 330t transfer of care
communication and, 28
successful, key elements around, 29 transgender, definition of, 58 transgender communities, 50 transition, definition of, 208
transitional phase of labour, 150–151, 163
transsexual communities, 50
trauma, postpartum haemorrhage and, 357t, 358f
traumatic births partners and, 178
PTSD and, 293
trisomy 13.
patau syndrome trisomy 18.
edwards syndrome trisomy 21.
down syndrome troubled families, definition of, 45–46
trust, woman-midwife relationship and, 78 Tso-Yueh-Tzu (doing-the-month), Chinese
women and, 111
‘turtle-necking’, shoulder dystocia and, 363


UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (UKCC), 2, 19
UK Newborn Screening Centre, blood spot test recommendation, 202
UK Resuscitation Council guidelines, 351 ultrasound scanning, 80–81, 127, 128 umbilical cord, cutting, 189
umbilical cord stump, 199 uncompensated shock, 347 unconditional positive regard, humanistic
psychology and, 63 unconjugated bilirubin
breastfeeding jaundice and, 200 neonatal bilirubin metabolism, 201f
underarm hold, for breastfeeding, 220f UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative, 181, 217 United Kingdom, 2, 5, 16, 19, 298
breastfeeding rate in, 211 changing postnatal care and global
migration to, 173
demise of postnatal provision in, 182, 183 national policy on care provision in, 121
United States, CAM use by women in, 307 United States Department of Health and
Human Services, useful categorisations of complementary and alternative medicine, 307, 308t
units, converting between, 338 unlicensed, definition of, 344 unlicensed medicine, 328
unrealistic optimism, cognitive factors related to, 65
urinary tract, definition of, 139 urinary tract infections, 126, 257
urine measurement, postnatal examination and, 171
urobilinogen, 201f
uselessness, depression and feelings of, 289 uterine activity, assessment of, during labour,
uterine packing, postpartum haemorrhage and, 360
uterotonic drugs, 157, 163 uterus
involution of, 168
postnatal examination of woman and assessment of, 171
postpartum haemorrhage and bi-manual compression of, 359
subinvolution of, 168
Urinary tract infections


infectious disease control and, 253 for students, 15
vaccine, definition of, 261 vagina, postpartum state of, 169
vaginal assessment, partogram use and, 148 vaginal birth, midwives, CAM and, 312 vaginal infections
bleeding and, 354 domestic abuse and, 257
vaginal route, of medication administration, 330t
valsalva, closed glottis, breath-holding pushing, 151
‘Valuing People Now’ (White Paper), 109, 110
varicose veins, definition of, 139 vasectomy, 276
venous thrombo-embolic, definition of, 139 venous thromboembolism, 170f, 172–173,
venous tromboembolic disorder, risk for, 125 verbal abuse, 27
verbal communication, 76, 78
vernix, 198
very advanced maternal age, definition of, 107t
violence against women and children, 257 visual learning environment, 19
vitamin B12 deficiency, 128 vitamin K, newborn care and, 195 vitamin K
(phytomenadione), 337 vitamins and minerals, 308t
Visual learning environment volume, conversion table for, 339t VTE.
Venous thrombo-embolic vulnerability, families and, 46
vulnerable adults and babies, safeguarding, 47, 178, 180–181


Walby, Sylvia, 43 Wales
Central Midwives Board in, 2
marital status of women aged 16 or over in, 2011, 93t
number of births in, 2012, 167
birth in, 157
relaxation in labour and immersion in, 155, 155f
‘We Were Parents’ (March), 385 Weber, Max, 43
weighing newborn, 194, 195, 196f weight, conversion table for, 339t weight loss, in newborn, 172 weight management
in pregnancy, sample clinical pathway for, 252f
services, 250
weight of patient, dosage calculation for medicine and, 325
welfare budget, impoverished families and reductions in, 48
wellbeing, 129, 131
complementary and alternative medicine and, 310, 311
concept of health, 238, 238f, 239f, 240f description of, 239
health and, 53–55 Western acupuncture, 304t
Western medicine, Eastern medicine compared with, 303–304, 303t
white mothers, teenage pregnancies and, 105
whole medical systems, 308t Whooley questions, identifying and
assessing perinatal mental illness and, 284b
whooping cough, 253
woman-centred care, 23,
, 33, 35, 121,
122, 124, 135
family planning discussions and, 267 intrapartum period and, 143
woman-midwife relationship building and/or maintaining, 77 listening and, 77–78
presence and, 78
psychological importance of, 74–76 psychology of communication and,
76–78, 81
trust and, 78 women
advanced maternal age and concerns for, 106, 108f
deaths of, in serious case reviews, 180 individualised care for, 123–124 marital status of, aged 16 or over in
England and Wales, 2011, 93t occupation and prevalence of smoking in,
2011, 247f
postnatal examination of, by midwife, 171
psychological importance of woman- midwife relationship for, 74–75
teenage pregnancies: outcomes for, 104t
Woodscrew manoeuvre, for shoulder dystocia, 365, 366f
Worden, J. W., bereavement model of, 375
work engagement, 34
working environments, positive, 26 World Health Organization, 298
adolescent pregnancy defined by, 103 adverse drug reactions defined by, 332 amended health definition of, 64 breastfeeding recommendations by, 211 health defined by, 239
newborn bathing recommendations by, 198
on normal temperature of infants in first few days of life, 197
worthlessness, depression and feelings of, 289
wound assessment, postnatal examination of woman and, 171


Yang qi, 306t
yearning and pining, in Parkes’s stages of grief, 375
yearning and protest, in Bowlby’s stages of grief, 374, 375
Yin qi, 306t yoga, 306t, 308t


Zygote intrafallopian transfer
zygote, 95, 114
zygote intrafallopian transfer, 125, 139




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