Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (36 page)

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Psychological health and wellbeing is not merely the absence of mental illness or psychologicaldistress.
Psychological understanding enables midwives to consider what is normative and how womencope with the challenges of pregnancy.
Psychological theory can inform health professionals about factors that influence people’s life-
styles and what motivates certain health-related behaviours.
An understanding of the psychology of communication enables ways of optimising the midwife–
mother relationship.
Childbearing presents women with challenges and sometimes adversities. Women will experi-
ence fluctuating mood states, negative and positive emotions affected by a multitude of factors; women’s responses will inevitably be as individual as women’s experiences. Midwives are ideally82 placed to support women through the normative emotional adjustment that embodies this period in women’s lives but are equally well placed to identify the triggers that may signalpsychological distress.
End of chapter activities
1 23 45 6789 1011 12 13141516
Coined the term ‘good enough mother’
Of control sounds like a flying insect?
A connection between the midwife and woman
One of the Freudian structures of personality
A woman who has had more than one child
Talkative Communication
A UK organisation which sets guidelines for the childbearing continuum
The first stage of change
Fear of Childbirth
Scientific study of behaviour and mental processes
A cause of low birth weight
One of the senses. Non-verbal?
One of the humanistic psychologists
End of love without a vowel creates a sali- vating dog
Key public health issue in maternity
Find out more
Background reading
Look at NICE guidelines to develop your understanding of the midwife’s role in caring for a woman’s psychological needs.Consider how a woman’s psychological needs may differ in pregnancy, labour and in the postnatal period.National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2007)
Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health Guideline
. London: NICE.Reflect on your experience of midwives in practice – what have you seen to underpin your understanding of the midwife- mother relationship?Kirkham, M. (2010)
The Midwife–Mother Relationship
. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.McCrea, H., Crute, V. (1991) Midwife/client relationship: Midwives perspectives.
7(4), pp. 183–192.Tinkler, A., Quinney, D. (2001) Team midwifery: the influence of the midwife– woman relationship on women’s experiences and perceptions of maternity care.
Journal of Advanced Nursing
28(1), pp. 30–35.Winnicott coined the term ‘good enough mother’ What is your understanding of a ‘good enough mother’?Alhusen, J.L. (2008) A literature update on maternal–fetal attachment.
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing
37(3), pp. 315–328.Bowlby, J. (1988)
A Secure Base. Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory
. London: Routledge.Winnicott, D. (1953) The theory of the parent–infant relationship.
International Journal of Psychoanalysis
41, pp. 585–595.How can you develop your understanding of healthy and unhealthy behaviours based on theoretical models discussed in the text?Becker, M.H., Rosenstock, I.M. (1987) Comparing social learning and the health belief model. In: Ward, W.B. (ed.)
Advances in Health Education and Promotion
. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Hewstone, M., Fincham, F.D., Foster, J. (2005)
. Oxford: BPS Blackwell.Rogers, R.W. (1985) Attitude change and information integration in fear appeals.
Psychological Reports
56, pp. 179–182.Wallston, K.A., Wallston, B.S. (1982) Who is responsible for your health? The construct of health locus of control. In: Sanders G.S., Suls, J. (eds)
Social Psychology of Health and Illness
. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.Weinstein, N.D. (1983) Reducing unrealistic optimism about illness susceptibility.
Health Psychology
2, pp. 11–20.
Glossary of terms
Antepartum haemorrhage
A blood loss from the genital tract of 500 mL or more during pregnancy.
Attribution theory
A theory based on how individuals perceive and attach meaning to self or others behaviour.
The ability to be authentic and genuine in relationships, acknowledging the other person.
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
A measure that can be used to determine risk of post- natal depression.
Self-centred, focus on self

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