Gale, Avery - Jenna's Submission [The ShadowDance Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (23 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Jenna's Submission [The ShadowDance Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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He could see her steel herself for what was to come as she reached for the hem of her short dress and pulled it up and over her head. Mitch took it from her and brought back the padded leather cuffs that were off to the side of the stage. When she glanced to the side and noticed the implements on the table, she’d started to tremble again. Colt had deliberately left a whip and a thick cane both in plain sight, even though he wasn’t planning to use either on her delicate ass. “Look only at me, Jenna, your eyes are not to leave mine, do you understand?” When she merely nodded her head, he said, “Not good enough, baby, I have to hear the words…Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master, I understand.” Jenna’s words were clear and loud enough that he was sure most in the room were able to hear her.

“Good girl. Now, Master Mitch is going to be putting cuffs around your ankles and wrists, these will be used to restrain you during your punishment.” Mitch had the cuffs on her almost before he’d finished explaining. They led her to the frame and secured her, making sure the cuffs weren’t cutting off her circulation before stepping back. The frame was set up so that it could be rotated either front to back or top to bottom. Originally he had planned to do the first half of the strokes with her facing the back and then when her system was flooding with endorphins, he would face her to the team she’d thrown under the bus this afternoon. His men would be paying for that mistake with extra shifts, punishing workouts, and cash donations to local charities. But now he wanted all of her attention for himself, so he’d be the one facing the audience while Grayson administered the lashes to her ass. Colt wanted to be the one to read her expressions. He knew Grayson would be able to hear her thoughts until she “whitewashed,” as he called it. Grayson had said that he could read subs until they hit a certain point in a scene when it all became nothing more than radio static or what soldiers called “whitewash.” The woman standing before him held his heart and soul in the palm of her hand. Anyone thinking he had the power here was a fool. He’d be looking in her eyes during her strapping. He wanted to see every nuance of expression so he was assured of her ability to get through this punishment. The last thing he needed was for her to be so overcome she safe worded out. He’d rarely seen long-term Ds relationships survive that, let alone one as newly minted as theirs.

After she was secured to the frame and he and Grayson were satisfied with her position, he moved to stand directly in front of her again. “What is your safe word, Jenna?” His words were crisp, but he knew his eyes were conveying his affection and respect for her.

“Um, it’s ‘red,’ Master,” she answered clearly, but he could see the apprehension building in her eyes.

“And when are you supposed to use your safe word?” He wanted to make sure she knew and was able to tell him, he’d seen many subs get so caught up in a scene and become so overwhelmed when pain stopped being anything other than just pain that they completely forgot to use their safe word. As a dungeon monitor, he’d stopped several scenes when the sub had been so far in subspace and the Dom so submerged in the role-play that intervention had been all that kept things from becoming physically detrimental to the submissive.

“Um, I should use my safe word if I am so uncomfortable, either physically or emotionally, that I cannot continue safely.” Jenna clearly understood, it was time to get this over with and get her up to his fourth-floor suite and make sweet love to her before he had to be back in The Club for tonight’s Submissives’ Masquerade.

“Very good, you are to keep your eyes on me and only on me while Master Mitch administers your punishment. You’ll be getting twenty lashes…that is one for each member of the team that you dishonored today and three for the disrespect you showed me. Master Mitch is using my belt, as it is something that I wear daily and it is important to me that your punishment comes from something that is personal to me. Since this is your first public scene, I won’t ask you to count the lashes. When you have had the last stroke, you’ll pleasure me with your mouth before I claim that sweet ass of yours. Having my cock in your ass will be your final act of submission for this punishment.” He’d known she would be shocked by the number of lashes, but he was sure she would be able to take them all. The look of determination in her eyes spoke volumes. “Master Mitch, begin.”

Jenna had no more than heard the words when she felt a streak of fire cross her left ass cheek before she even heard the snap of the belt.
Holy fucking God that hurt! I’m never going to be able to get through nineteen more of these.
Colt had taken her chin in his hand so that she couldn’t even drop her head and knew she had tensed up in anticipation of the next stroke. “Don’t tense up, it’ll just hurt worse, baby.” Colt’s words were spoken so softly, she was sure no one but Mitch could have heard him. She tried to release her muscles just as four more blows landed in quick succession. She noticed that he was never hitting her in the same place twice in a row and that two had actually been across her back. As the blows continued to fall, Jenna cried out and let the tears she’d been trying to hold back roll freely down her cheeks.

Jenna had kept her eyes on Colt’s face and when she mouthed the words “I’m so sorry,” Colt’s heart had dropped to his stomach. Thank God she only had two more to go, or he was sure he wouldn’t have been able to finish the scene. As the last strike landed her eyes had completely glazed over, and he was grateful that Mother Nature’s built-in painkillers were flooding her system. As they were releasing her from the restraints, all the security team quickly left the room. He had never intended for her final two acts of submission to be witnessed by anyone other than Grayson. He had never really been into exhibitionism, and his sweet sub’s pleasure and orgasms weren’t something he particularly wanted everyone else to see and hear.

As Grayson helped Jenna kneel, Colt opened his leathers, and his cock sprung free. He’d been so close to coming when he’d seen her walk into the room wearing that see-through dress, he’d had to take several deep breaths. He was right on the edge again.
Christ, the minute that sweet mouth takes me in, it’s gonna be all over.
She looked up at him with such a sad expression. “Well done, baby, I’m proud of you. You took those strokes beautifully. Now, open up and suck me into that hot, wet, velvet mouth of yours, pet.” As he slid past her sweet lips, all puffy and red from where she had bitten down trying to stifle her earlier cries, he thought he was going to die from the pleasure of it. “Ah, Christ, Jenna, your mouth is so fucking sweet.” She began to suck harder as he grasped her face and started moving in and out at a feverish pace. “I’m gonna fuck this sweet mouth and come down your throat, and you are to swallow every drop, don’t lose any of it, Jenna. Oh shit…

Jenna felt Colt stiffen and then felt his salty seed being pulsed down her throat. She swallowed it all down and made sure she licked the last remnants from his still-erect cock as he withdrew from her mouth. While she’d still been on her knees, she’d felt the vibrator in her ass start moving and the plug in her ass had sprung to life as well, holy shit, she had forgotten they were even inside her. Colt had pulled her to her feet as the tempo of the bullet sped up until she was sure her pussy must be dripping to the floor. Mitch had moved a padded bench close to them, and they had no sooner bent her over the bench than she felt the plug pulled from her ass and the blunt head of Colt’s still-erect cock start pushing inside.

The lubricant he’d quickly smeared over his cock was cool at first touch, but his cock was so engorged Jenna immediately felt his heat pressing inside as he quickly moved past the tighter outer ring of muscles. She’d gasped at the sharp pinch of pain before it had morphed into a shot of electric pleasure that went straight to her clit. Colt pressed all the way in, and Jenna felt every vein and ridge of his length before his balls pressed against her still-burning ass. He started taking long, fast strokes and just as she didn’t think she could hold on any longer, he leaned over and whispered, “Come for me, my love. Let me feel and hear your pleasure.”

Colt felt her orgasm gathering, and as soon as he’d spoken his permission, he’d felt her clamp down on his cock like a vise. She shot straight into the heavens and took him with her.

Jenna felt like her entire being had fractured into millions of pieces and then been launched into space. She’d heard her own scream of completion and watched as everything had erupted in the most vivid colors imaginable. She knew she’d never be able to describe the beauty of what seemed to be a vortex of ever-changing colors laced with a billion twinkling stars. She’d felt a second orgasm roll over the top of the first and had only stopped screaming her pleasure because her voice had given out.

Colt knew the instant Jenna had gone totally into subspace. He’d been amazed that the pain of her punishment hadn’t put her there, but she’d started floating while he’d fucked her mouth, and then as he’d fucked her ass, she’d gone so deep she’d actually passed out at the end of her orgasms. Grayson had handed him warm, damp cloths, and he’d quickly cleaned them both. After he’d righted his leathers he took the soft subbie blanket from his friend and wrapped her carefully before lifting her to his chest. “I’m taking her upstairs for her aftercare, I’ll be back down before the Masquerade starts. Thanks for your help. I know that was really difficult for you.” He paused briefly, trying to gather his emotions before he continued. “You’ll never know how close I came to calling it off after her answer at the beginning.”

Mitch Grayson had been cleaning the equipment, but stopped to meet Colt’s gaze. “I know and I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had. Hell, there wasn’t a man in the room who would have blamed you. But she needed this, she craves submission, well, actually, she craves submitting to you. You did the right thing, now, go make love to your woman. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” Colt nodded and smiled as he quickly took the stairs two at a time.

Chapter 29

Mia watched out the windows of the sleek black sedan carrying her up the winding road to the Lamonts’ ShadowDance Club. Being a well-trained DEA agent and having worked undercover on this case for almost two years, she knew full well what was at stake. She also knew it was all going to come down to whether or not her message had gotten to the man she’d walked away from to protect. Christ, every time she even thought about that night, it felt like someone was reaching inside her chest and yanking her heart out with their bare hands all over again. Even though she knew she had to distance herself from Dylan Marshall for his own safety, it had nearly destroyed her to see the look of utter disbelief and defeat in his eyes that last night, and to know she was responsible for that look of desolation being there. He was the only man she’d ever loved, and she knew there would never be another man in her life. No one else could ever possibly live up to her sweet memories of their shared hopes, dreams, and passions. Sighing inwardly, she had prayed a thousand times he’d received and understood the message, he was a master at puzzles and had worked as a cipher and code breaker for years. Now if he’d only gotten the message, she knew he’d know what she was trying to convey. Holy Christ, what were the odds that the woman she’d helped in Las Vegas would end up at ShadowDance? Damn, talk about karma coming back to bite you in the ass. What was it they always said? Something about no good deed going unpunished…yep, that about summed it up all right.

Mia just hoped Dylan was still the tenacious investigator she’d always known him to be and that he still cared enough about her to have pushed hard enough for the answers.
That’s an awful lot of hopes you’re betting your life on there, Melita. S
traightening in her seat, she glanced over at Nikolai Petrov. Now here was one totally evil man, and how Cal Robertson had ever gotten mixed up with the Russian mob was a mystery to Mia. From the bits and pieces she’d been able to put together, it seemed that Robertson had hidden a cache of diamonds in some trinket he’d given to Katarina McKay, then proceeded to whip her so badly during a scene that Mia had helped her escape. When Cal had gone to ShadowDance, instead of just attempting to retrieve the diamonds, the egotistical sadist had decided to take Kat also, and she’d shot him for his trouble. Likely no one had made too much of an effort to save his sorry ass after what he’d put Kat through, it served the little weasel right if anyone were to ask Mia.

Cal had stashed Mia in a local hotel room with one of his cronies, and as soon as word had come down that Cal was on ice at the local morgue, the guy had tossed her in the trunk of a car he’d stolen from the hotel parking lot and they’d been back in Vegas in a matter of hours. Mia had been amazed that they’d kept her alive until she’d realized she was their ticket into ShadowDance, she was the only one who knew what Katarina looked like. They were no doubt counting on Alex and Zach allowing Kat to see her friend and welcoming both Mia and her “date” with open arms. Mia wasn’t taking any chance that her tiny friend would be taken by the sexual predators she’d been tracking for two long years. As it turned out, the “Big Boss” himself had decided he’d left this particular clusterfuck up to his minions one too many times and he was personally escorting Mia to the annual Submissives’ Masquerade at The ShadowDance Club. Mia was to point out Katarina and engage the other woman in conversation, then finagle an invitation to stay at the mansion for the weekend.

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