Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (15 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Mitch leaned forward and took Rissa’s small hand in his much larger one. Damn but her fingers were like ice. He gently pulled her over and gently lifted her onto his lap and wrapped her in the warmth of his embrace. “Baby, tell us what you are thinking.”

Honestly, Rissa didn’t even know where to begin she was stunned. Everything she’d always thought she knew about her family had just been turned on its ear. She had no reason to not believe Trace, but it was almost more than she could absorb at one time. “I-I don’t even know where to begin—I am just, I don’t know really. I guess I’m just kind of in shock, and it’s going to take me a while to process this all, you know?” Looking up at Trace, she said, “Thank you for telling me, I know it wasn’t easy for you. But if nothing else, it gives me a chance to get to know Doc as the grandfather I always wished he was, well, is…Geez, this is all so confusing.”

Mitch continued to rub her back in quieting motions but looked at both men and knew they were all thinking the same thing. Time for a bit of distraction. If they left Rissa to her own thoughts, she’d work herself up into a real state. “Well, baby, I want to take your mind off this for a while. I understand you need time to work through this, but for now, we’re going to play a bit.” He had turned her to face him, and when he saw her eyes dilate quickly, he knew he’d made the right call.

Trace watched as the pulse at the base of Rissa’s slender neck sped up quickly, and her breathing was immediately coming in shallow pants. He was thrilled for his friends. She was beautiful, and her immediate reaction was telling. “Oh, little one, I can see the change in your breathing and pulse from over here. And I’ll bet if one of your Masters runs his fingers through your sweet pussy, they’d find you soaking wet and ready for them already. Am I right?”

Rissa was falling in to a lust-induced haze quickly, so her reaction time was slowing, and it took her several seconds to realize she’d been asked a question. “Yes, Sir, you are right.” She didn’t understand how she could be thinking about sex now, but she sure was.

Bryant knew she was baffled by her own response. “Love, sometimes it’s easier to switch rails and head in a different direction when our train of thoughts is getting all bogged down.” At her puzzled look he added, “In other words, sometimes you have to just give your mind a break, and your body is usually more than willing to go along with the change. That is why your body reacts so quickly to sexual stimuli even though it seems like your brain is trailing behind.” He finally felt like he was getting through when her cheeks blushed a lovely shade of pink.

Bryant was behind her so he leaned over her shoulder and spoke to their guest. “Master Trace is in the perfect spot to check out his observation, and I’m going to ask him to let us know what he finds.” Nodding to Trace, he watched as Rissa’s head leaned toward his voice, and he heard her moan softly as Trace reached under the shirt she was wearing and then brought his wet fingers to his lips and sucked her juices from them.

“Oh, she tastes just as sweet as you said she would. You two are lucky bastards for sure.” Trace loved women, and he genuinely liked Rissa and wanted to help her heal from what had to have been a horrific experience. She had made herself “one of his” just by reaching out to him earlier, that small gesture had assured he would always look out for the little bit of woman all the ShadowDance regulars affectionately called Tink. She seemed to be well liked among the staff as well as members and that would be a tough crowd to fool. If you weren’t genuine, everybody knew it the minute you crossed the threshold. And while he was thrilled for Mitch and Bryant, there was still just a twinge of jealousy there also, not that he’d ever let it show. Even though she was a tiny little blip, there was a core of strength there, and he admired the hell out of that above all else.

Mitch slowly turned Rissa so that her back was against his chest, then he had her hook her dainty feet on the outsides of his calves. When he spread his legs, her parted also. With sure fingers he reached up and unbuttoned the shirt she’d been wearing and slid it far enough off her shoulders that he could use the long sleeves to tie her arms behind her back. While she could have easily wiggled her way free, the restraint was mostly mental, and with a sub like Rissa, that was every bit as effective as the heaviest chain. Bryant had moved so that he was leaning against the mantle watching intently. Trace was still sitting, but his body was almost vibrating with energy and need. Trace was a great Dom and a devoted mentor at The Club, Mitch hoped he found a woman soon, it was a shame to see someone who would be so great with a sub spend so much time working so he could avoid the loneliness at home.

Trace didn’t move a muscle, but Rissa sensed the change in him immediately. Gone was the affable gentleman whose company she had enjoyed at dinner, and in his place was a Dom who was very much in control. It had always amazed her how The Club’s Doms seemed to morph into different people right before her eyes. It had been spooky the first few times, but for the most part, she just accepted it as her “new normal” as she liked to refer to the lifestyle differences associated with her Ds attraction. Rissa instinctively knew she needed to stay still and wait for instructions. This was not the time to be self-directed. She had to bite the insides of her mouth to keep from smiling.
Damn it, Rissa Jean, you know better than to think, just let it go and feel. I’m telling you if you smile you are gonna find yourself ass deep in alligators right here in the Colorado Rockies.

Mitch was struggling to not laugh out loud, damn but she was a hoot to listen to. “Baby, you are right about it being best to stop thinking, but I have to say, we really need to chat about your little self-talks. And I’m sure Masters Bryant and Trace would love to hear all about those Rocky Mountain alligators later on. But right now I think Master Trace would like to play with your sweet pussy and see just how responsive you might be. Now, I want to warn you, you aren’t allowed to speak or come without permission, understand?”

Trace had already moved to kneel in front of her and was sliding his fingers through her wet folds even as she was answering, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.” Her voice was breathy already, all three Doms knew she wouldn’t last five minutes if Trace made any effort at all, and he would because the entire purpose of this was to make sure she earned a small punishment. They wanted to get her used to having another man’s hands not only giving her pleasure, but also a bit of punishment. This evening was all about getting her ready for what she would be experiencing tomorrow. The better she was prepared, the less likely it was to trigger a flashback.

“Little one, I don’t believe that is a proper answer.” Trace lightly slapped her directly on the pussy, causing her to gasp in surprise. He knew it would have stung, but wouldn’t have truly hurt—the surprise was meant to bring her attention back to what she’d been asked—damn but she was amazingly responsive. She was so wet with arousal it was literally dripping out of her channel. “Better try again, Do you understand that you aren’t allowed to speak or come until one of us gives you permission?”

Rissa’s head had fallen back on Mitch’s shoulder, but she raised it to look at Trace with half-lidded eyes. “Y–yes, Sir.” She finally managed to answer, but Trace would bet the bank it had been rote memory and hadn’t involved one single decision-making brain cell. Bryant chuckled softly behind him, and Mitch’s grin confirmed that they were in agreement. Trace held up two fingers behind his back to Bryant, indicating he’d make her come in two minutes or less, and then he started working his fingers in and out of Rissa, teasing her swollen clit, circling it but never giving her exactly what she wanted. In thirty seconds she was moaning and thrashing her head back and forth. She kept trying to push her hips forward, but Mitch had a strong arm wrapped around her waist to keep her anchored to his lap.

With his finger slick with her juices he slid it from her clit all the way around her honey hole then over her perineum to circle her ass before returning to circle her clit twice before giving it a firm squeeze, guaranteed to send her over the edge. She didn’t disappoint him, she screamed, and he watched as her cum burst forth from her body.
Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, she is amazing, if I can find a woman half as lovely and responsive as this one, I’ll thank God each and every day for his gift.
Trace looked up to see her eyelids sliding down slowly as she floated back to earth. “Oh, little one, I’m pretty sure that was an orgasm. What do you think your Masters are going to have to say about that?” He was struggling to keep from laughing at her horrified expression. The poor girl, she had been set up to fail. He
felt bad.

Bryant stepped up in front of Rissa and crossed his arms over his chest. “Love, I do believe you have earned a punishment. While I do love watching you when you’re lost in release, you had not been given permission to do so.” Rissa shuddered and looked up at him through her lashes and he could clearly see her expression wasn’t one of fear, but rather sadness. She was obviously upset that she had let them down. And even though he wanted to pull her in to his arms and reassure her that she was never a disappointment, this was about preparing her as much as possible for tomorrow’s public display, so he just held her gaze for a few seconds before continuing. “Since you came with Master Trace’s fingers sliding through that wet pussy, he’ll administer his swats to your bare ass first, using his choice of implement. I’ll be second, and I’ll be using a leather paddle. Master Mitch will be last and will make his choice at that time.” Bryant wanted Mitch to go last as he knew Rissa better than either he or Trace and would be better able to determine where she was at that point.

Mitch helped Rissa stand up, and they started moving her into position by having her stand with her feet slightly more than shoulder width apart and then bent her over so her hands grasped the edges of the coffee table. Trace stepped up behind her first and spoke as he rubbed his palms slowly over the globes of her ass. “You have a beautiful ass, little one, all ripe and round, just waiting for my palm to turn it a glorious shade of deep pink. I’ll be using my hand for your punishment today because I want to make sure you are properly warmed up for your Masters who will follow.” He gave her a few seconds for the anticipation and anxiety to reach just the right levels, the perfect balance between the two was essential for any submissive’s punishment, but it would be critical in Rissa’s case. He said, “Remember, no coming,” just as his palm hit dead center on both cheeks.

Rissa gave a small squeal more from surprise than pain, and when he held his palm over the place he’d struck, she felt the burn seep all the way in until it was a fire reaching out to touch her pussy from the inside, she felt more than heard herself moan as he raised his hand and smacked her harder this time right on the crease between her upper thigh and her butt cheek. Again he held his hand there for a lingering moment, making sure she felt the full effect of the strike. The next swat was in the same spot but on the other side. She suddenly realized she was getting wet again. When he gave her the last two swats in quick succession she felt her juices rush down the insides of her thighs.
Oh Christ, that is just about the most embarrassing thing ever. Damn I hope they don’t notice that.
Oh hell no, her luck was not that good…ever. Running his fingers through her sex, Mitch said, “Damn, babe, I’m starting to wonder if this is really going to be much of a punishment at all, seems you enjoyed Master Trace’s palm being planted on that sweet ass of yours. You are soaking wet. After Master Bryant and I are finished, we’ll see if we can all relieve some of that pent-up need for you.”

Rissa felt herself being readjusted a bit and saw Bryant step up with a leather-covered paddle. “This is brand new, love. It will never touch another woman’s ass, like Master Mitch and I, it now belongs only to you.” He smacked her dead center the first time, and it was solid, but not hard enough to make her scream. The next two swats hit each cheek and were so close in time, she had barely registered one before the other one had landed. Immediately he was rubbing her ass, making sure he wasn’t going to leave lasting marks or bruises. He didn’t mind her being uncomfortable sitting for the next few hours, but they didn’t want to push her beyond what they felt was tolerable for her. He slid his fingers through her wetness and circled her rosette, pushing in just enough to cause her to moan and push back in to his touch. “That’s right, love, push back in to my fingers, we’ll give you what you need in just a bit. But for now, feel that little bite of pain, just a slight burn to match your ass.” He continued to move his fingers in just a bit before removing them and landing two more swats, both with more force behind them. Rissa gasped and rocked up on to her toes but the telltale gush of her sweet nectar down her legs was all the reassurance Bryant needed to know he hadn’t given her more than she could handle.

Mitch had been listening to her giving herself a pep talk at the beginning and then he’d enjoyed her wandering thoughts as she tried to understand how the pain could be making her feel so needy. Before Bryant had finished she was teetering on the edge of orgasm already, so Mitch was going to give her a minute to cool back down, literally.

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