Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (27 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Bryant stood up reached behind the sofa and brought out the dress they’d bought after they’d found out she was expecting. Rissa gasped when she saw the beautiful dress Bryant held. Mitch helped her out of the robe, and Bryant said, “Arms up, love, let’s see how much better the dress will look once it’s on our lovely bride. That’s a good girl. Oh, love, you are a vision.”

Rissa couldn’t believe they’d bought her a dress for tonight’s party, it was a stunning shade of emerald green and felt like it was made of the finest silk. It was low cut in the front and showed off her rapidly increasing bust line in the best possible way. It had an empire waistline so she’d be able to wear it for quite a while, and she was thrilled about that since most her clothes were already getting tight, and the last time she’d checked she had a whopping one hundred twenty-nine dollars in her checking account, not exactly enough to get the clothes she was going to need. Maybe she’d be able to hold out until people started having yard sales in a few months, no probably not. Well, she could always go to the local thrift store. Granny had taken her there all the time when she was younger. She’d just have to suck it up and go there again even though she had always hated the idea of wearing other people’s clothing. Suddenly she realized they were just standing there watching her as she’d been lost in her own thoughts.

Mitch had stood back and watched the play of emotions move like waves over her expressive face, but the kicker had been the things he was hearing racing through her mind. Was she serious about thinking she had to buy her maternity clothing at a thrift store because she felt she had to use her own money? Suddenly he realized he and Bryant had been so busy this past month they had failed their lovely wife in a very big way. “Rissa, look at me, baby.” When she slowly brought her gaze to his, he saw a glimpse of the lonely woman he’d first met two years ago, the ghosts in her eyes didn’t make themselves known as often lately, and it nearly broke his heart to think their careless oversight had caused them to appear now. “I think your husbands owe you a huge apology, babe. We haven’t made it clear that you no longer support yourself, it is our honor and responsibility to provide you with everything you need, and we’ll always make every effort to give you everything you want also.” She was so touched by his words she could barely catch her breath. “Baby, we will love taking you shopping for clothing to accommodate your changing body, and we’re already working on a baby suite at both the condo and the cabin.” His shy smile warmed her heart.

Bryant had watched in disbelief, had she really thought they would make her support herself? He was both amazed and ashamed that they had neglected to lay out something they considered a given, but obviously Rissa wasn’t accustomed to being taken care of and that was about the change in a very big way. “Love, please tell me you didn’t think you had to provide for yourself when you have two husbands who have made quite a lot of money over the years and will take great joy in sharing that with you.”

Rissa took a deep breath and looked up at both men and couldn’t believe how much her life had changed. She had survived a kidnapping by sex slave traders, not once but twice, she had her own small spa in a Club run by the greatest group of friends she could ever hope for, she had two drop-dead-gorgeous husbands, and now she had a baby on the way. Sure, she hated missing the collaring ceremony, but she’d just focus on what she had, not what she didn’t have. She smiled brightly at them both. “I am so blessed, thank you for everything, but most of all, thank you for your strength and love. I am humbled every single day by the gift of your love and now, to have your child, that is sweet icing on the cake.”

“Well, loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done, baby.” Mitch had also said a multitude of prayers thanking God each and every day for Rissa. “And I can’t wait to get you to a doctor because we have about a millions questions, we’ve already made you an appointment with Katarina’s OB/GYN in Denver. Hope you don’t mind.” He chuckled then added, “Well, we promise to keep our questions to a manageable number, and we’ll try to not be as obsessive compulsive as Alex and Zach, I want to you remember, I said try.”

Rissa laughed and in her best Yoda imitation said, “There is no try…only do.” She stood and looked at them both for a few long seconds before continuing. “I’m so glad you are excited about the baby, and I’m sure I’ll be even more excited when I feel a bit better.” She sighed and thought about how hungry she was, but she didn’t want to risk eating before the party.

“Well, even though we are thrilled you like the dress, it needs a bit of something else, don’t you think?” Smiling broadly, Bryant took the black velvet jeweler’s case from Mitch and opened it slowly, showing Rissa the diamond-and-sapphire choker inside. “Rissa, this is the collar that Master Mitch and I designed for you. If you accept this collar, know that you have acknowledged us both publically and in private as your Masters and this is an outward sign of a soul-deep commitment between the three of us. We pledge our hearts and souls to you. We’ll spend the rest of our lives seeing to your safety, happiness and well-being. It will be our right, responsibility, and pleasure to see to not only your every need but also those of each child we bring in to our lives. We’ll count each moment we spend with you as a blessing. There will never be another, you’ll always be able to trust in our faithfulness.” Bryant looked to Mitch who smiled at Rissa before pulling her to stand before him holding both of her small hands in his larger ones.

“Rissa, this collar contains gold which is a time-honored symbol of wealth and value, platinum because of its strength, diamonds because they are the traditional symbol of a loving commitment, and sapphires because they are your birthstone and a symbol of royalty, and you are and will always be the ‘Queen of our Hearts.’ Once Master Bryant snaps the lock closed, he and I are the only ones who can remove it, and I assure you those will be rare occasions indeed.” As he spoke Bryant had placed the choker around her neck and was holding the two ends, waiting for her words of commitment before closing the lock. “Master Bryant will close the lock as soon as you have spoken your vows and granted us the honor of your submission.”

Rissa was almost too overcome with emotion to speak and had to take several deep breaths before she could respond. “My body, my life, and my happiness I lay before you. You own my body, my loyalty, and my soul. I’m sure I’ll make mistakes, but I ask for your patience and grace as I learn the way.” Just then they heard the cheers from The Club’s main lounge just as the small clock on the wall chimed signaling a new year had arrived. Bryant snicked the lock closed at that moment, and he and Mitch hugged her between them. The significance of the moment wasn’t lost on any of them.

Mitch was the first to speak. “Well, loving wife, sweet sub, and mama to be, let’s go downstairs. I believe Alex and Zach have some champagne for us and fruit juice for you and Katarina. They are ready to toast us and offer their congratulations.” Moving down the hall, they were immediately surrounded by the friends who had become their family in every meaningful way. Kat and Jenna immediately wrapped Rissa in a bone-crushing hug even as they ogled her collar. For some reason, Rissa’s eyes met those of Trace’s date, and she was struck by the haunted look in the young woman’s expression, Rissa smiled at her, remembering when she was the “new kid” and vowed to reach out to the woman whose shadowed expression reminded her so much of herself not so long ago.




For years, I was accused of living in “Fantasy Land” so I decided to put it to use and started writing.  I enjoy creating characters who are loveable but never perfect, who live in and visit all the places I’d love to go, and who overcome obstacles to find the sexy happily ever after I believe we all deserve.  I fall in love with the characters I create and enjoy making them each wacky and wonderful in their own way.

The only consistent trait in my heroines is their inability to cook and that is the only trait they each have “inherited” from me. When I’m not working at my very ordinary job, I am either writing or reading. And even though my family professes to support my writing efforts, I’m fairly certain they are merely glad to see I’ve finally found an outlet for what they considered an over-the-top imagination. 

For all titles by Avery Gale, please visit

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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