Galen (7 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander

BOOK: Galen
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“Take it off and get into the back seat.” Galen reached over to release the belt when she tried and failed. “Climb into the back and lie down. At least people won’t be able to see you that way. And remember to reach for your wolf. It will hurt less.”

Kendra fumbled free of the belt and climbed between the bucket seats and into the back. She stayed on the floor between the two captain’s chairs and did as Galen instructed. She embraced the pain and reached for the wolf she now knew lived inside her.

Pain rocketed through her like a shot. She felt the bones in her arms and legs changing shape, her muscles shortening and growing stronger. Thick hair sprung out on her arms and legs. Before she knew it, she was a wolf once again. Everything seemed distorted with her wolf’s vision and she wrinkled her nose at the strong acrid scent of car exhaust.

It didn’t hurt as much this time!

“I told you it wouldn’t.”

How did he know what I was thinking?

“We have a common mental thread through which we all can communicate when we have shifted.”

That’s kind of cool, I suppose.
She stood up and looked out the window.

It is very cool. Humans can’t hear us if we use this form of communication. You can speak to me like this at will, whether you’re in your human or your wolf form.

That was good to know.
That’s how you knew what I was thinking the first time you helped me, isn’t it?


Good grief, she’d have to learn to compartmentalize her thoughts. She didn’t need anyone knowing what she thought about everything. No one needed to know who she thought was attractive or just what people she couldn’t stand but her.

Kendra sat down before lowering herself the rest of the way to the floor to rest her head on her front legs. Bone deep exhaustion held her in its grip. Perhaps it was shifting shape that made her so tired. Whatever it was, she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and go to sleep.

I’m exhausted. I think I’ll take a nap if you don’t mind.
Her stomach grumbled and she tried not to think about how hungry she was, as well.
Wake me up if you decide to stop for something to eat, though I’d really rather eat as a human if it’s possible.

“Will do, Kendra. It will most likely be a while. They heard us talking about getting something to eat, they will expect us to stay in the area to take care of that. I think it’s best to get back on the highway and stop after we’ve put some distance between us.”

Whatever you think.
She yawned and closed her eyes.
Right now, I’m too tired to care if I eat.


Chapter Twelve



Galen checked the rearview mirror for the thousandth time. His eyes burned from lack of sleep and his stomach growled out a protest that it had been nearly twenty-four hours since his last meal.

He’d driven for the last eighteen hours straight, only stopping for gas a few times while Kendra slept on the floor in the back. They needed something to eat and he needed to sleep.

Glancing into the back, he smiled at her position. She was on her back, her legs spread, giving him a show she wouldn’t have appreciated, wolf or not. Turning his attention back to the road, he saw a sign for the business route of the same road.

If they were lucky, Thornton’s men wouldn’t think to look for them on the side roads. Galen made the turn and headed north, hoping to find a small town or two with a motel and a restaurant that was open all night.

“I won’t hold my breath, though.”

You won’t hold your breath for what?
Kendra asked through the mental link. Yawning, she stood and stretched as he watched in the mirror.

“That any small town we run into will have an all-night diner. I’m starved. I know you’re hungry and I just took us off the main road. I didn’t want to take any chances Thornton’s men would find us off the main drag.”

That makes sense.
She moved to stick her head between the seats.
I have to go to the bathroom, though.
She sighed.
Or maybe I should have said I need to go outside.

Galen chuckled, turned off onto a side road and drove several hundred feet before stopping. ”Here you go. It’s about all the privacy I can give you,” he said as he opened the door and got out. “Find yourself a bush and make due. If you want, we can try having you force the change back into your human self before we reach the town. It should be about the right time. You’ve been a wolf for over eighteen hours now.”

Kendra jumped from the vehicle and headed toward a copse of trees.
I think I’d like that. I want to learn to control this as soon as possible.
She stopped and looked back at him.
something I’ll eventually be able to control, isn’t it?

“Yes, baby. It’s something you’ll eventually be able to control. You just need practice.” He rested his hands on his hips and cocked his lips up in a grin.

Great. The faster I learn to control it, the faster I can get back to my life.

Kendra’s last comment wiped the grin from his face. Didn’t she realize there was no going back to her life? Richard Thornton stole that from her the moment he plunged the serum-filled needle into her flesh.

Reaching into the truck, he shut off the engine, pulled the keys from the ignition and pocketed them. He then moved to the other side of the vehicle and into the brush along the side of the road. He might as well take a leak while he waited for her to finish.

He’d just finished tucking himself back into his pants when he got the whiff of a human in the vicinity. The scent came from upwind, which meant the man was close. Very close.

Galen heard the unmistakable snick of someone pulling the hammer back on a gun. “What are ya doin’ here on my property?”

“I didn’t mean to disturb anyone, mister,” Galen said, his lifting his hands into the air. “I just stopped because I’ve been on the road and haven’t seen a gas station or restaurant in a long time.” He quirked one side of his mouth up in a half-grin. “I needed to take a leak. I’ll just be on my way now.”

“Like hell you will.” The man spit tobacco juice out onto the ground at Galen’s feet. “I think I like your fancy new truck. I been needin’ one lately. I think I’ll have yours.” The man spit again, barely missing the toe of Galen’s boot.

Great. Now he could let this man take his truck, leaving them stranded, or he could take the chance that the man’s aim was better than his shaking arms would seem and he’d die trying to take the gun from him.

Galen didn’t have long to think about what his next move would be. In a blur of red fur, a wolf dashed out of the woods, grabbed the man’s arm and shook its head as the bumpkin screamed.

“Atta girl, Kendra,” Galen said as he grabbed the gun, unloaded it and threw it to the side. “Go back to the truck. I’ll be with you in a minute.” He turned his attention back to the man who would most likely have killed him for his truck, grabbed him by the front of the shirt and snarled. “Now I’ll show you what happens to those who prey on others. Keep in mind that there is always someone or
stronger in one way or another. Something that can prey on
” Galen let a bit of his beast show in his eyes. He knew from experience that it gave his eyes an inhuman glow and he growled, letting his wolf out just a bit.

The man whimpered and pissed his pants, a yellow puddle forming on the pavement at his feet. Galen made a face at the strong odor.

“The next time you might not get so lucky.” He growled again. “The next time, something stronger just might make you their dinner.” He let the man drop at his feet, picked up the shotgun and threw it into the woods so far it would take the man the better part of the day to find it. Taking a deep breath, he headed back for the truck, knowing there was no way the man could shoot at him anytime soon, even if he managed to gather what was left of his courage and pick himself up off the ground in time to do so.

“Get in,” he said to Kendra who stood just outside the opened door.

I was afraid he might get the drop on you again.

“There was little chance of that happening,” he replied with a chuckle. “I showed him just a bit of my wolf and the idiot pissed his pants.”

Kendra gave a mental giggle.
That’s awesome. I wish I could have been there to see it.

“No you don’t. I wasn’t nice and I don’t want to scare you any more than you have already been scared.”

Galen held the driver’s door open as she climbed into the truck. He climbed in after her when she settled herself on the front seat. “Do you want to try changing back into a human now, or when we find a room?” He clenched his teeth together. He didn’t want to encourage her in either way. If she did it here, she would undoubtedly be naked in front of him. If she waited until they got to a hotel, there was the chance that someone would see him enter the room with what they would perceive as a dog. Both options had their drawbacks. Not that seeing a beautiful woman naked would be a drawback for him.

I think I’ll try it now. I don’t want to stay this way for any longer. Besides, the longer I stay this way, the more likely it will be that I’ll change back because it’s time, not because I’m trying to force it.

She had a point. “Okay. I’ll keep my eyes on the road, but I’ll try to talk you through it.” He tightened his hands on the steering wheel and told himself he wouldn’t look at her naked.
Yeah, right. Who are you kidding?

“Think about what it feels like to be human and reach for that part of you. Concentrate on what it feels like to have arms and legs, fingers and toes. Think about how it feels to have smooth skin, your small, pert nose and straight even teeth.”

You think I have a small, pert nose?
She giggled again.
I’ve always thought my nose was big.

“Not to me. To me, you’re perfect in every way.”


“I’m serious.” He turned and gave her a stern glance. “Are you concentrating? It won’t work if you’re not concentrating.”

Yes. I’m concentrating.
She closed her eyes.
Now what?

“Keep imagining what it’s like to be human. It’ll come.” Galen started the truck and put it in gear. He made a U-turn and hit the gas. They needed to get out of here before that idiot gathered the courage to come after them.


Chapter Thirteen



Kendra did as Galen instructed. She imagined what it was like to look like a human, feel like a human. She imagined eating dinner with a fork and knife, drinking from a glass. She thought about her legs being smooth and hairless, the pain of her Brazilian wax—all of it.

Soon, she felt her body changing, her legs grew longer, her snout shortened, shrinking into her human face. Her sense of smell grew less pronounced as her olfactory glands changed from that of her wolf to human. She felt the change, knowing that if she needed, or wanted to, she could reach for the wolf and bring it on at will. She didn’t know how she knew it, she just did.

What startled Kendra the most was the fact that this shift didn’t hurt as acutely as she the first time around. She’d been concentrating on feeling the human side of her, instead of concentrating on the pain.

Thinking of her human side gave her something to focus on that wasn’t destructive and painful. Kendra smiled. “I did it!”

She didn’t think about being naked until Galen turned her way, his eyes going wide as he ran off onto the side of the road. He turned his attention back to the road, jerking the wheel to get them back in the center of the lane.

“Yes, you did,” he said with a smile. “Though you might want to climb into the back and put your clothes on before someone passes us and gets a free show.”

“Like you did?” she asked dryly as she moved to climb between the seats. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard Galen groan. He probably did. After all, she was totally naked and he was a man—a man who, if she believed what he said about her nose, was at least slightly attracted to her.

“Yeah.” He chuckled. “Though, I can’t be angry at myself for looking. I would get angry at anyone else for doing the same.”

“Why?” She glanced back at him in the mirror. “Why would you get mad at someone else for looking? We have no connection other than you rescued me from a lunatic and his minions.”

“We do have a connection.” He sighed. “I just don’t know how to tell you about it so that you won’t think I’m just as nuts as that crazy doctor.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” She frowned as she struggled into her clothes. “What kind of connection could we possibly have?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Why tomorrow?” She pulled her socks over her feet and slipped her shoes on. “You’re a strange one. Has anyone ever told you that?”

Kendra climbed back into the front seat and stared through the windshield. She didn’t look at Galen. She wasn’t sure she could face him now that he’d seen her naked yet again. He hadn’t seen much of anything at the lab, she’d kept the sheet wrapped around her for the most part and he’d been a gentleman and looked away. This time, though, he had gotten an eyeful.

Her cheeks started to burn as she stared straight ahead. Here she was, in a vehicle with a man she barely knew and he’d already seen her naked.

“Would it help to see
naked?” Galen asked as he stared straight ahead, his attention solely on the road in front of them.

“Uh…” Speechless for a minute, Kendra shook her head. “No. I don’t see how my seeing
naked is going to help matters. No matter how tempting it might be.”

“Tempting? You find me tempting?”

“No. I find your offer of letting me see you naked tempting,” she lied. “As much as I might want to turn the tables, I don’t see how it’s going to make me feel any better.” It might give her a nice show, but Kendra was sure it would embarrass her more than anything else.

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