Games (Timeless Series) (37 page)

BOOK: Games (Timeless Series)
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Miller then went back into the house
. “Fire,” he yelled as loud as he could, knowing there were several servants throughout the house. The butler came running from the back of the house. When Miller saw him, he yelled again. “Get everyone out. It’s out of control.” He spied Simon’s heavy coat and pulled it off the rack. Racing back outside with the coat, he ran over to Simon to try to revive him.


Simon came to, coughing and sputtering. His head hurt like the dickens. Frank Miller and Caroline’s butler stood over him. Looking down, he noticed he had his revolver in his hand.

“What happened?” he asked, glancing up at Miller.

“Someone obviously wanted you dead. Whoever it was killed Caroline and Black. When I got there, you were out cold. He must have started a fire to cover it up and send you to a fiery grave. I pulled you out in the nick of time.”

“The water’s too frozen to fight the blaze,” the butler interjected
. “Looks like the house will be a total loss. The servants are getting as much stuff out the back as they can before the rest catches and burns. I’m going to help them, if you don’t need me anymore.”

Miller waved him off, and he turned to go.

“We should go and help,” Simon said, trying to rise.

“I’ll go and see what I can do
. You’re not in any shape to fight the blaze. Besides, there’s not much we can do other than saving stuff from the house. Why don’t you go in the stables where it’s warmer?”

“But what about the fire?”

“There’s no wind, so fire’s not likely to spread. All the servants are out of the house. Seems to me they can keep what they save. Who’s gonna care? They’re all safe and can sleep in the bunkhouse, seeing as how it’s not full.”

stood and was holstering his gun when Davis rode up.

“Here, I think this is yours,” Miller said, handing him
his coat before he turned and ran toward the house.

.” Simon took it and put it on. “And thanks for pulling me out. I owe you,” he yelled to Miller’s departing back.

Davis dismounted and looked around. “What’s going on here?”

“What does it look like?
The Hillier house is burning.”

“Shouldn’t we be trying to put it out?”

“Water’s frozen, so it’s useless. The servants are saving what they can, but it looks as if they won’t be doing it for too much longer.”

“Where’s Hillier?”

Simon nodded toward the burning house. “Dead. Along with Black. Someone tried to include me in that scenario. You’re late.”

, I’m not. I’m early. You went ahead without me again, didn’t you?” Shaking his head, he said, “I made sure I was early this time, knowing your penchant for heroics. You know we’re a team. That means backup and having the patience to wait.”

“Yeah, well,
I was in a hurry and thought this was all sewn up. Turns out there was a little snag.”

“There’s always a snag, Harrington
. When are you going to realize that? Are you all right?”

Simon rubbed the back of his head and grunted
. “Just a little bump on the head. I’ll be fine.”

“That’s because you have a hard head, which is good
. This wouldn’t have happened if you’d have listened to your gut,” Parker chided.

He nodded.
“My gut did tell me there was more.”

“I’d just be happy if you’d use more sense
. Isn’t that what you’re always telling me?”

. I hate it when you’re right.”

“I know.
” Davis chuckled. “But be glad I listened. That’s why I got here a little early. I have solid information to lead us to our culprit.”

Simon’s gaze locked on his face

When he didn’t elaborate, Simon’s impatience came out in his voice
. “Were you planning on enlightening me? Or are we going to stand out here and freeze while you figure out what to say.”

smiled smugly. “Patience, my good man. Patience.”

That’s not one of my virtues and my head feels like the devil, so don’t push me.”

His grin widening,
Parker clapped Simon on the back. “I think you could use a drink.”

“I could use one,” Simon grumbled
. “It’s cold out here, so why don’t we take this in the stables where it’s a little warmer?”

“Cheer up!
It’s almost over,” Parker said and started walking with Simon in the direction of the stables.

At Simon’s dirty look,
his amusement increased. “Hey, I’m not the one who couldn’t wait for backup. You sure get grouchy when you come up against a snag.”

The last snag cost me three months of boredom,” Simon let out with a disgruntled groan.

Whose fault was that? You didn’t have to go in with guns blazing. You could’ve waited.”

“And let them get away?”

Parker sighed. “Sometimes, Harrington, it’s better to come out alive than to be a dead hero.”

“Do I look dead?” Simon snapped.

“No. All I can say is you’ve got one hell of a guardian angel. Twice now, you’ve had a close call. If I were you, I’d pay real close attention next time,” he said, shaking his head, his tone full of warning.

“I plan on it
. But don’t try and tell me you wouldn’t have done the same thing in Pittsburgh. You wanted to shut them down every bit as much as I did. I just happened to be there first.”

“I should be happy it was you rather than me
. You’re a better shot.”

They neared the stables and walked
toward the rear entrance.

Opening the
door, Simon sported a quick grin. “Which is the reason I’m always the one waiting for backup.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah
. Always complaining.”

“I think I’m ready for a drink,” Simon said as they both headed
toward Miller’s office. “I’m also ready to hear what you have to say.”

two men sat around Miller’s desk with drinks in their hands. Before taking a big gulp, Simon said, “So, tell me! Who do you think the culprit is and why?”

“I’ve been nosing around Bentley’s farm while
he’s been in Louisville. Most everyone working there knows me. They all think of me as part of the family, so my questions weren’t out of line. I’ve known the old man for years. He’s like an uncle to me, which is why this is hard to believe, but Bentley’s gotta be involved.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I accidentally found out about the horse Bentley owned. You know, the one killed?” When Simon nodded, he continued. “He was fast, a hopeful to win the upcoming derby. He was also heavily insured, which I found out at the same time one of the trainers let it slip that the horse was fast as the dickens, but uncontrollable. Plus, he was a mean son of a gun and once they began training him, he just got meaner. By the time he died, everyone who’d worked with him knew there was no way he’d win any race anytime soon.”

“Hmmm, interesting
. But it doesn’t prove he’s our man, and how do we tie him to the rest of what’s been happening?”

“I don’t know
. I hate thinking he’s involved.” He broke off and sighed, remaining silent for a full minute. “However, there’s more. Bentley’s finances aren’t in the best shape. He’s near bankruptcy. I take it the horse’s death helped his bottom line. And his marriage will help. He’s marrying Emma Tyler, who’s well off. If he’s our man, then why all the other stuff? Why sabotage the new venture? Things simply don’t add up.”

Frank Miller came into the room and both men looked up at the interruption
. “Got out as much as we could before the fire spread out of control. Nothing else we can do now. The rest is a total loss.” He poured a stiff drink and moved to sit down in an empty chair.

Simon nodded
. “We’re just going over new information. Parker was telling me about some suspicious activities at Bentley’s farm.” He broke off to organize his thoughts. When he started speaking again, his voice held speculation. “What if some of the incidents were ploys?”

“Ploys?” asked Parker.

“Yes, ploys. Caroline said something interesting before she died. Also, another’s words lead me to believe there might be something to it all. Caroline said her plan was to bring me here.
Me specifically.
Like I was some prize. Bentley knows enough about the US marshals to write a letter, bringing you back here. Did he know we were partners?” Parker nodded. “So, what if Bentley needed Caroline’s help to eliminate the competition? Caroline knew I was here in an official capacity and she told me Bentley was the one who informed her. He makes enough mischief to bring us here, ensuring Caroline’s support. After all, the two responsible for the thoroughbred’s injuries are from this farm.” His attention shifted to Miller. “Caroline had you doctor the records to hide the fact that they were new, knowing they’d be questioned, but not looked at closely. Now it makes sense. All the dots are starting to connect, and you may be on to something, Parker.”

“When put in such terms, it seems like some kind of twisted game.”

“It’s a game, all right,” Simon agreed. “But I don’t think it’s as twisted as we think. Greed is at the bottom of it. So, does Bentley have another contender for the derby?”

Parker shook his head
. “No. That’s another area where my theory breaks down. I can see why he had the one horse killed, but not the others.”

“Might not matter
. It’s my guess someone has a horse and he’s doing it for monetary gain. I’m betting Bentley’s our man,” Simon said, taking a long drink.

“I’m still having a hard time believing he could have anything to do with killing horses
. The image truly doesn’t fit the man I know.”

“Maybe he’s changed,” Simon added quietly
. “Men who’re facing bankruptcy do stupid things.”

“Maybe,” Parker replied softly, but he didn’t seem convinced
. He sighed and took a deep drink. “He’s always been an honorable man. I would like to think he’d deal with bankruptcy honorably.”

“People do change, Parker
. All the evidence points to him. We have no choice but to check him out.”

, I know. He’s in Louisville until tomorrow, at the Galt House, same as Thorpe. Do we have enough to bring him in?”

“I’m not sure, but we definitely have enough to question him.”

“Are you up for a quick ride into Louisville?” Parker asked, concern clearly etched into his features. “If not, I can do it alone.”

“I’m all right
. Just a small headache. No way in hell I’m letting you go without backup. If it is Bentley, he’s already proven he’s dangerous. Besides, the ride will do me good.” He finished the last of his drink and turned to Miller. “Sorry to leave you like this.”

Miller shrugged
. “Like I said earlier, there’s not much to do. Caroline is dead. I don’t know if she has any next of kin. I’ll make sure the local authorities are notified.”

The three men all stood and Simon shook hands with Miller
. “I really appreciate all your help. Thanks again for saving my life.”

Hell, makes me feel good to be doing something useful for a change—something that doesn’t turn my stomach.”

The men walked out of the stables, over to their waiting horses
. Before mounting, Simon smiled and said to Miller, “If I were you, I wouldn’t wait too much longer before buying that spread.”

. There’s nothing stopping me now. I might even be able to buy this place. Without the house, the value’s gone down. I hope you catch whoever’s behind all of this.”

Parker and Simon rode at a fast clip in the direction of Louisville.

An hour and a half later, the two headed toward Bentley’s room at the Galt House.

Their knock was quickly answered when Harold Bentley opened the door, presenting a genuine smile.

“Parker. Harrington. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?”

“Hello, Harold,” Parker said
. “This isn’t a social call.”

“No? Well
, come on in and have a seat. Tell me what’s going on.” The two men strolled into the room and over to the two chairs he’d indicated. “Would either of you like a drink?” he asked.

“No,” Parker
said, sitting. “We have a few questions. It shouldn’t take long.”

Bentley moved to the decanter on the table. “Then, you don’t mind if I have one?
By your somber expressions, I have a feeling I’m going to need it.” He filled a glass with amber liquid and made himself comfortable on the sofa across from their chairs. “What’s on your mind?”

“Tell us about the accident with the thoroughbred on your farm.”

“Not much to tell.” He swallowed a sip of his drink, then shrugged. “The animal was a cantankerous beast. Died being a cantankerous beast. At first I thought I had a winner in him. Insured him and all.”

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