Genetic Attraction (6 page)

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Authors: Tara Lain

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Menage

BOOK: Genetic Attraction
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Then Jake began to pump again, allowing Roan to push forward into her and backward on Jake"s cock, back and forth until the beautiful model was gasping and crying out barely discernible protests of love and obscenities of lust. She knew there was no way he could hold off much longer. How long had the boys been fucking before she even got there? She desperately wanted to come, but the unfamiliar combination of excruciating pleasure with a touch of pain took some getting used to.

Jake leaned over Roan. “Don"t worry, darling,” he said to his lover. “Come. I"ll finish her off. I want to; you know that.”

She froze. It was more than she could even hold.
Jake, oh Jake…

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Roan slammed into her and back onto his lover harder and harder, screaming,

“Oh, this is better than I…oh God.” And the beautiful boy shattered, his body bucking and trembling as he came. Her mind pictured the great spurts of cum from that huge cock filling the condom, and it almost brought her—but no, there was Jake…

Roan pulled out of her, looking like he understood how desperately she and Jake needed to come. He rolled to the side. Jake already had a fresh condom in his hand and pulled it onto his slightly slimmer but almost-as-long cock. This was her first real look at it, and she practically salivated. “Hurry, Jake, please.”

“Oh yes, baby.” Watching her intently with those glistening blue eyes, he fitted the head of his penis to her opening. “Do you have any idea how long I"ve wanted to put this in you?”

“Probably not as long as I"ve wanted you to.”

“Oh, sweetheart.” He pushed inside with one long, magnificent stroke, paused for a moment with his eyes closed, controlling himself, and then began to pump. “Oh God, Em, we"re fucking. We"re finally fucking.”

There wasn"t much more to say. That cock rammed into her as they both gasped and clawed, trying for it not to be over too fast. But no, this was Jake. Just the idea of Jake"s cock inside her made every fantasy real, and her body raced toward completion. “Oh Jake, I don"t want to come, I don"t want it to be over…”

He barely got the words out. “Come, my darling. We"re going to do this all weekend.”

Oh, shit! And she flew into a thousand, million pieces of fulfillment, screaming the name that had filled her for so long, “Jake. Jake.”

“Em.” And she felt his body buck with each great pump of semen. She wished she could reach inside and rip off the condom and be filled with Jake.


Tara Lain

Chapter Six

They must have looked like three lifeless blobs lying side by side, arms touching but with not enough energy to entwine fingers.

She gave a small moan. “That"s what I get for trying to find coffee.”

Roan chuckled and roused himself enough to roll on his side, which was wildly distracting since it caused that huge penis, massively impressive even in repose, to lie on the bed in front of him. “Want me to go make you some, darling?”

She managed to shake her head, but that didn"t dislodge the thoughts that were suddenly flooding into her afterglow. Damn, she didn"t really want to think, but it was too late.

She pulled herself up into a cross-legged sitting position with a gorgeous man to each side. Suddenly aware of her blatant nudity in that pose, she grabbed a pillow and pushed it onto her lap. Jake, still supine on her left, turned just enough to rest his head on his hand and look up at her with a grin, likely at her sudden belated attack of modesty. Of course, now his cock was also lying relaxed on the mattress pointing directly toward Roan"s. It was hard not to grab both big dicks and just rub them together until they made fire.

Think now, visualize later. She looked down at her hands in her pillow-covered lap to keep from getting distracted. “Okay. Don"t you think we should talk about this?”

“About what?” That was Jake.

“What? Jesus, Jake, how about the fact that I"m your boss, your much older boss by the way, and kind of surrogate mom, and you"re in love, and gay for God"s sake, since I just saw you passionately fucking
a man
, and after watching your gay Genetic Attraction


lover eat my pussy into oblivion last night, this morning, you and said gay lover fucked my brains out!” He started to speak, and she held up her hand. “Not one but both of you fucked me which, unless I"m sorely mistaken, is considered more than a little kinky in polite society, and if one person from the college knew about it we would be so out on our ears, and if Roan"s fans knew it, well…Roan would probably just be more famous…” And she took a breath and burst out laughing.

Both men looked confused for a second and then joined her. Laughing until tears ran down their cheeks, the guys again collapsed onto their backs, washboard abs contracting and penises bobbing. Oh damn, distracted again.

She wiped her eyes. “Okay, trying to be serious…” And then she started laughing again. By the time she recovered, Jake was sitting cross-legged in front of her, smiling and definitely without benefit of lap pillow, but he had stopped laughing.

“Okay, sweetheart, here it is. I have never thought of you as my mom. In fact, I"ve had a major thing for you practically since the day we met.”

“Thing?” She snorted. “That"s ridiculous.”

“Okay, I"ll admit I never told you because I knew just how ridiculous you might think it was. After all, I"m just a snot-nosed kid without half your brains, talent, or genius, and I knew it was a reach for me to want you.”

She stared at him, feeling like a fish with its mouth agape. “What the fuck are you talking about? You"re the smartest and most gorgeous man I"ve ever seen, and you could have any woman”—she glanced at Roan—“and obviously any man too.

What the fuck would you want with a middle-aged, old-maid scientist?”

Both men laughed. Jake slipped a finger under her chin and made sure she was looking at him. “You don"t get a vote on this. You"re the smartest woman I know except when it comes to yourself. Jesus, Em, you"re beautiful and inspiring and brilliant…”

Roan sat up. “Don"t forget sexy.”

“Yeah, sexy as hell. And brave. Really brave. You"re not afraid.”


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“Okay, enough with this ode to my virtues. And like hell I"m not afraid.” She readjusted her pillow.

“Like I said, I"ve had this thing for you and thought there was no way you"d ever be interested in me, but occasionally you"d give me this sexy little look, and I"d get a flash of hope. And then I met Roan.”

Her dark lover took up the story, sitting cross-legged beside Jake. “God, I hated you when I first met Jake, because all he talked about was Em, Em, Em. I was ready to buy some ruby slippers. But finally I wore him down and got his cock in my ass, and gradually I knew he was coming to love me. But, sweetheart, he never stopped talking about you, and as I felt less threatened, I started to listen to what he was saying and realized that you were something really special.”

“You didn"t even know me.”

“But it felt like I did through Jake"s eyes.”

“Okay, but could you please address the „in love" and „gay" issues for me, because having a „thing" for your boss doesn"t quite fit in this picture.”

Jake touched her cheek. “You know it"s possible to love more than one person, Em, particularly if the people are really different and fill different roles in your life.

Society says we can"t but, for some people, our hearts say we can.”

“But you"re gay!”

Roan reclined and put a head on her knee, making her heart squeeze. God, he was so lovely. “Think about the old Kinsey continuum of sexuality. You know, the one to six, with pure heterosexuality at the one end and pure homosexuality at the other. On that scale, Jake is a three. He"s very happy with lovers of either sex. He"s equally attracted to both and could reasonably fall in love with either a man or a woman…or both.”

“Shit, doesn"t that mean you have to be jealous of everyone in the room, not just the men?”

He smiled. “Yeah, but I know he loves me. He"s chosen to be with me.”

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She threw her hands up. “But he fucked me, right here, a few minutes ago.

And so did you!”

“Yes, well, I"m another story. On that Kinsey scale, I"d be more of a five. I usually prefer men, but occasionally I"m attracted to a particular woman. It"s hard to even say why. I"ll be the first to admit it"s usually women with a certain masculine power. Anyway, you"re it.”

She shook her head. Roan reached up and caressed her hair as it moved by.

“You felt it too, Em. The second we met, you were attracted to me just as I was to you.”

“Roan, the whole fucking world is attracted to you. I"m just one more.”

“No, the whole fucking world thinks I"m beautiful. I think you see me. I think you"ll take my hang-ups and my ego and my insecurities…and my massive cock.

You want it all.”

She scoffed. “Who wouldn"t want that cock?”

“A lot of people.” He smiled a little sadly.

Jake leaned down to Roan and kissed him. “This is our way of saying, sweetheart, that you"re a part of us.”

She couldn"t have heard right. “A part of…”

“Us, sweetheart. As far as we"re concerned, us means Roan, me…and you.”

She took a deep breath and, shockingly, burst into tears. A part of them. What could that mean? The idea was so beautiful, she shook.

Both men reached for her at the same time. She ended up with her head supported by Jake"s arm and her hips sitting on Roan"s lap, his bare lap.

Jake rocked her, crooning soothingly. “Don"t cry, sweetheart. I"ve never seen you cry.”

“But that"s the nicest thing anybody ever said to me.” A new flood of tears swallowed up her words.


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Long fingers wiped the wet from her cheeks. “Well I"m glad they"re happy tears, anyway.” He rocked her, which moved her against Roan"s cock. The beautiful brunet was stroking her bare belly, trying to be comforting, but the results were somewhat different as she felt his renewed erection pushing up between her bare legs.

Jake coddled her. “What do you want, sweetheart? Tell us what you want, and we"ll give it to you. We want to make you happy.”

She leaned up and whispered, knowing Roan couldn"t hear. Jake laughed.

Roan looked puzzled. “Can you guys share, please?”

Still laughing, Jake told him, “It will make her very happy if she can suck your cock.”

Roan moaned. “Oh, baby, let me make you happy.” He thrust the massive erection up even harder between her legs, right over her clit. Heaven.

They went into instant readjustment mode, moving Em so that she had access to that big penis. Face to, uh, head with it, she lost some of her confidence. It must have been ten inches long and two inches in diameter. She shook her head. “How do you model with this? Doesn"t it show?”

“Yeah.” His hips were thrusting up at her, so his silky voice sounded a bit distracted. “I usually have to wear a jockstrap so it doesn"t ruin the line of the clothes.”

Jake reached out and grabbed it and pointed the big thing toward her lips. “Of course, some of the designers like for it to show. They think it adds a certain „new dimension" to their photos.”

She did one big lick from base to head. “Oh yeah, a new dimension is right.” He tasted wonderful, salty and sweet at the same time. She licked again at her luscious lollipop.

“Wait,” Roan gasped.

She pulled back a bit petulantly. “Don"t want to.”

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“Just for a second. Switch around so I can eat your pussy while you suck.”

Oh, jeez, that sounded good, but she did want to concentrate on getting her lips around that huge penis.

Jake chimed in. “Yeah, you suck, and I"ll fuck her at the same time.”

Yikes! Clearly, her reservations about this threesome weren"t translating to her body. Getting fucked by Jake was way too good an idea to pass up. She moved quickly so that she was straddling Roan"s head with her butt and pussy pushed up in the air for easy access. Then she got to work on the delicacy in front of her, so she could enjoy it before she got too distracted. A big stretch was required to wrap her mouth around the red, dripping cockhead. Oh, it was a mouthful and then some.

She concentrated on relaxing her jaw and throat and began to suck as much as she could handle into her mouth and even a little into her throat. She loved the musky smell and the hard feel of him against her tongue.

“Oh shit, Em, that feels so good.”

The praise spurred her on, and she sucked harder, trying to get more of that wonderful cock into her throat. It was hard not to gag, it was so huge, but she really focused and was having some success when Roan assaulted her clit with his lips, obviously way far gone in passion, so he wasn"t exercising a slow buildup. Wow, he was soooo good at it. She tried not to lose concentration on her sucking, wanting to give as good as she was getting. But then strong hands stopped her hips from moving against Roan"s mouth, and in one long stroke, she felt the exquisite sear of heat and pressure that was Jake"s cock shoved into her vagina from behind. Oh, Jesus. At this angle he felt as big as Roan. Burning, stretching pleasure.

Roan and Jake developed a rhythm. Jake pushed in and out, in and out, while Roan sucked her clit in and out of his mouth. It was beyond description. The usual problem with doggy style for her—that her clit didn"t get enough friction—was completely undone by Roan"s passionate mouth. It was like having the best of two worlds. She lost it.

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