Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy) (19 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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I pick my clothes up off the floor, finish unpacking my suitcase, and finish tidying up the room.  Simone has arranged a day for us at the estate.  I put on a canary-yellow string bikini with a white cover up.  I am looking forward to the day. Right now, it’s pool time;  later we will get  pedicures and massages!  What else can a girl ask for?

I walk down to the pool.  The heat from the desert sun, reflecting on this incredible infinity pool, feels amazing.  The view, in of itself, is enough to make me forget my worries for the time being.  I just want to indulge in a good book and stow away all my toxic emotions.

Simone has a plethora of gossip magazines laying on the side table.  Sun, good reading material, and relaxation.  This is the life!  My phone starts to buzz on the small table that holds our fun umbrella cocktails.

“Dani, I swear it is like you are on call 24-hours a day.  Who is it now?”

12:20 PM


How is the desert treating you Dani?  Everything okay?

“Ugh!  It’s Bradley.  What is with him?  God!  Does he not know how to leave me alone for one second?  I know he means well, but there is a thing called boundaries.”

“Dani, why do you keep putting up with that jackass?  After everything he has put you through!”  She pulls down her sunglasses, and I can see that she is really serious about the issue.  She throws down her magazine and grabs her Appletini.

“And...what is going on with mega mogul?  Come on it.  I want all the details.

“Simone, seriously there are no details.”

“Bullshit Dani.  You should know me better than to think that I don’t have some kind of sense as to what is going on.  All these unknown callers, detectives, black SUVs’, the crazy wine bitch, all your traveling with Towers.  Give it up.”

“Alright, let’s start with Bradley. You know....”

“Damn, another unknown caller!  Ugh!  Even on vacation, I am going to have annoying unknown caller stalker issues.  Now, where is my damn log book of calls that Detective Burke told me to keep?”

“Anyways, back to Bradley.  You know, Clarke, Bradley and I were so in love when we met. Over the years, we just grew apart and took different directions in life.  I know he put me through hell, Clarke, but I am trying not to relive the past and to move on with my life.  If that means being pleasant to Bradley and being the bigger person, then that is what I am going to do.  I can’t live my life being angry and having all those old issues from our past life in my present.  I learned to let go a long time ago, Clarke.  It isn’t fair to myself or to Harrison.

“Right, that makes sense.  I am just surprised that he is taking such an interest in your daily life now.”

“Yah, you and me both.”

“Now, Harrison.  I really can’t give too much away, Clarke.  I know there are things that you really don’t understand about our relationship and everything that has happened.  All I can tell you at this time is that Harrison said to trust him.  The truth is a dangerous game.  I get it on one level, but like you, Clarke, I just want this whole freak show to be done.  This trip is exactly what I need.”  I lay back in my chair and feel the hot sun on my face.  “So let’s forget about all of my problems for the rest of the weekend and just Zen out.”

“I agree.  Sorry Dani, I just want to make sure my girl is okay.  I thought after our little spa day by the pool, we could head over to El Paseo Drive and pick out a couple of hot little numbers for this evening?”

“Yes!  I am in dire need of a new, sexy cocktail dress.”

“Done.  Dani, don’t worry.  In time, everything works out.”

“Thanks, Clarke.  I appreciate you and value our friendship.  Now, let’s get on with our beauty day, so we can begin to prepare for this night to remember.  Bring on the ponchos and cowgirl hats!  I have a feeling tonight is going to be added to our list of all time Dani and Clarke memories.”  I hope she is convinced by my enthusiasm because I am not.

Chapter 21


The black town car lets us off at another mega mansion in Rancho Mirage, just a short ride from the gorgeous estate at which we are staying.  Clarke’s mystery celebrity  has invited us to an exclusive industry event in Palm Desert. Yes, the same one whose massive estate we are enjoying for the weekend.  No word from Harrison.  I am starting to get a little unnerved and worried.  I know that he said that he can’t tell me every detail of what is going on and that he needs to stay low, but I am missing him intensely.  His touch, his lips, that body, and his power all linger in my mind.  That, and the way he controls every fiber of my being with his touch and his tongue.  I feel my face warming just from my thoughts.  My mind has a way of being naughty at the most inopportune times.

Clarke and I come to the door of a large estate, with wrap around decks.  There seems to be quite a lot of people here –Gorgeous people, from the looks of it.  Clarke knocks on the door.  No one answers.  Loud, exotic house music pumps throughout the entire estate. .

Clarke gives me a jab in the waist with her finger.

“Dani, breathe!  We are good friends of Blaine Ford, remember!”  She knows me so well.  I was holding my breath, which is an old habit of mine whenever I get nervous.

“Okay, whatever you say, Clarke.  I am game.  Ready to play and lose myself tonight!”  I am trying to muster up the old party girl inside of myself.  She has not been out to play in literally years.

“Has Harrison called you or texted yet!?”

“No.  Nothing.  Silence.”  I wish she would stop asking me.

“Forget it Dani.  I am sure there will be plenty of tall, dark hotties swarming the joint to take your mind off Towers.”

Clarke knocks on the door again.

“Well, aren’t you going to open the damn thing, Clarke?”

“Shit, Dani.  What do we do, just let ourselves in?”

“Do you really think anyone is going to hear us knock over the sounds of exotic techno?”  Ugh. “Here, let me go in first.”  Sometimes she just exasperates me.

Here we go, as I turn the large, decorative metal handle of the double, oversize, European door. I wouldn’t expect anything less of this Tuscan Estate in the hills.  As we go inside, I appreciate how the entrance is bedecked with wall to wall mirrors and gorgeous artwork.  I catch my reflection in one of the larger mirrors, and I am surprised at how sexy I look.  Clarke and I are wearing the tight-fitting cocktail dresses that we found on El Paseo Drive.  Mine, a chocolate-brown sequin dress, with gold flecks, which I’ve paired with sky-high turquoise stilettos, peach-glossed lips and a gold necklace.  Clarke’s red hair looks radiant next to her midnight-blue, short, strapless dress.  Her red-stained lips and strappy, silver stilettos scream out ‘wardrobe diva’.

We are decked-out and ready to get into some mischief!  I keep reminding myself to get into the party mind set!  I know that Clarke is ready to mingle.

As we walk through the hallway to the great room, the exotic house music vibrates straight through my body.  I feel a sense of instant sensuality.  From where I am standing, I see lit candles everywhere, and from the looks of things, there are several bars and a gorgeous staff.  

There’s the typical male mix of Hollywood big wigs, probably 20 percent of which Clarke has “entertained”.  This should be amusing, to say the least.  I see Clarke out of the corner of my eye.  Her face is beaming with amusement.  I know her so well; she is scanning the room for her next victim.

With my attention on the crowd, I don’t notice a man come up behind Clarke.  He places his hands on her hips and says, loud enough for me to hear, “Are you ready for this?”

She practically melts into his neck.  Oh my!  Good one, Clarke.  I am not the only one who has a thing for older men.

“Excuse me, I am Blaine Ford,” says the man holding Clarke, as he reaches his hand for mine.

“Oh, Mr. is a pleasure, Danielle Austen.”

“I presume that you two are enjoying your stay on the hill?”

“Oh yes....your home is beyond words.  Thank you for loaning it to us for the weekend.”

“Anytime, Miss Austen,” he says as he winks one eye at me.  He looks like a younger Richard Gere.  Pretty Woman days, but tall with silver hair, grey blues eyes and a sensual confident presence about him that would make any woman melt to the floor. 

“Would you mind if I steal Miss Clarke for a bit?”

“Oh no, not at all.  Please.  It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ford.”

“The pleasure is all mine.  Make yourself at home, and ask Grey at the bar for the Vulcan Twist. It is quite the experience.”

“I will.  Thanks.”

“Dani, I have my cell.  I will be right back!  Sort of…”

“Don’t worry about it, better go handle that!”

I make my way over to the bar, “I will have the Vulcan Twist please.”

“Um, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“Huh?”  I turn and look at a gorgeous blonde, with wavy hair and green eyes sitting at the end of the bar.

“Excuse me?”

“The Vulcan Twist.  At the last party Ford hosted, I ended up in front of the rainbow room with a sailor hat on and a silver tie around my neck.”

“Oh wow,” I say, as I slide the freshly poured glass back towards the bartender.

“Thanks.  I appreciate that.”

“Wise decision young lady.  Jackson Blake,” he says, as he extends his hand out to mine.

“Danielle Austen.  Wait, Jackson Blake, the designer?”

“That would be me.”

“Wow, it is an honor.  You are a legend in my world.”

“Really now.  And what is it that you do?”

“Well, I am a designer too.  I have just gone out on my own, and I have an office in the Pearl in Portland, Oregon.  Nothing to the extent of your accomplishments.”

“Really.  I would love to see your design work sometime.”

“Yah?  Well, that would be....”

“Grey, Miss Austen will have a French Martini.”

“Here, eat, you will need this before consuming any of Ford’s drinks.  This one is safe though,” as he shoves a plate of fried Kung Pao calamari with toasted pine nuts in front me.”

Okay, I am sitting next to one of Hollywood’s designer legends, Jackson-sexy-as-hell Blake. Who would have thought?

I feel a buzz go off in my clutch, which I’ve placed on the bar.

I take out my phone to make sure Clarke is not in dire need of a ‘rescue’.


9:45 PM

Harrison Towers

Austen.  How do you like the desert?  Enjoying yourself?


9:46 PM


Harrison, finally.  Good to hear from you.  Yes, very much so.  The desert is just wonderful. Breathtaking.  I feel like I can relax and just let go here.


9:47 PM

Harrison Towers

I am sure you two are enjoying yourselves.  Have you been drinking?


What the hell!  Does it sound like I am drunk or something?


9:48 PM


No.  Not yet.  Just getting started.


9:50 PM

Harrison Towers

Ah.  Just getting started, I see.  Where is Simone?


9:51 PM


She ran off with Blaine Ford.


9:53 PM

Harrison Towers

She left you alone?


9:54 PM


Well, not exactly.


I glance over at the hunk sitting near me.


9:55 PM

Harrison Towers

What do you mean “not exactly”?


9:56 PM


We are at an industry event at another of Blaine Ford’s homes.

I look up and see the hunk looking at me.

“Sorry, Mr. Blake.  I had to take this, it is work related.”

“No worries.  Please, call me Jackson.”

He stands up and scoots his chair out, proceeding to walk from the short end of the bar, right up to my stool.  He pulls out the vacant stool and sits directly facing me, with his legs open.  One leg perches on the stool and the other on the floor.  Dear God, he is fine.  He is making me nervous.  Damn, why do all the hot ones make it so that I can’t look at them in the eyes?  Okay Danielle, you are not Danielle tonight.  Get it together.  Plus, how would Harrison react if he knew I was flirting with this guy?!

“So how long are you staying?

“Um, well...we leave tomorrow, late morning.”

There goes my damn phone again.  Harrison shit, I forgot.


10:00 PM

Harrison Towers

That dress looks amazing against your skin; however, I want you in nothing but those heels and that necklace Miss Austen.

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