Goblin Moon (26 page)

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Authors: Candace Sams

BOOK: Goblin Moon
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Blessed Be, Blessed Be, Blessed Be
,” the Order chanted again.

Shayla carefully lowered the infant. Tearach moved behind Kathy and held out his arms for Tearyn at the same time as Kathy lifted hers. In that way, they both took the baby, and Tearach's solid presence protected them.

"Now is the time for merriment,” Shayla said to the crowd. “Be ye at peace.
Bi subhach!
Celebrate. And let nothing come between you and the happiness this night brings.” She lifted her hands toward the sky again and the crowds cheered loudly.

Tearach quickly pulled Kathy and the baby against him as well-wishers pushed forward to see the infant. The Goblins were first. He introduced each of them to Kathy.

Then there were throngs of other creatures whose shapes and sizes varied, from the tiny, ethereal Pixies, to the oversized, rocklike Ogres. Kathy, poised and gracious as ever, thanked them all. If their appearance shocked her, she hid it behind a brilliant, breathtaking smile. And Tearach's heart soared. He could have prayed to Herne forever and never have found such a mate.

Soon, it became apparent that he and his family would never get any peace or food if he didn't signal for his guard. When he raised his right hand, a score of strong men moved in and led them to a nearby table. He laughingly sat Kathy and the baby at the table, standing until Cairna and Rome found their places opposite them. He ordered the food brought forward for Kathy first and held out his arms for Tearyn.

"Let me hold her, love. It's tradition that no one can eat or drink until the mother does."

Kathy nodded and waited for the succulent roast chicken to be placed before her. She took a small bite and everyone moved to tables to begin their partying. Still, there were hoots and shouts in their direction. Tearach smilingly answered back, and Kathy thought her heart would burst with love and pride.

When someone proposed a toast, he lifted a drink to his lips and wrapped his free arm around Kathy. “I'm afraid it will be like this most of the night, Kathy. It's been such a long time since we were able to celebrate."

She leaned toward him so he could hear. “It's all right. I love the attention,” she joked. “And the baby doesn't seem a bit bothered."

Tearach looked down into the sleeping face of his little girl and laughed heartily. “She knows she's loved."

Kathy ate the most wonderful meal of her life, and she kissed Tearach with passion when he gave her an expensive box of chocolates, which she shared with the others at the table. She had never felt more alive in her entire life. At one point, she leaned toward Cairna, to hear what the younger girl was saying. When she turned back, there was a small, pink box sitting in front of her.

She looked at Tearach. “What's this?"

"For the baby,” he murmured and kissed her cheek tenderly.

Kathy quickly opened the box. Inside was a small, pink heart made of smooth rose quartz. There was a green velvet pouch to place the heart within, and a cord on it to tie it around the baby's neck.

"I know it seems like a strange thing to give a baby. But, when she's older, we can give it to her and tell her she carries our heart wherever she goes,” Tearach said.

Kathy's eyes misted over and she quickly lowered her gaze. Her throat tightened so much that words wouldn't come.

Tearach pushed the hood of her robe back and lost his breath. Kathy's hair gleamed like silver. Evidently, Cairna had helped her put Fairy dust into it, and it glittered like there were a thousand tiny lights within the thick, long waves. For a long moment he stared at her profile. “By Herne, you're so beautiful, Kathy!” He cupped her face with his hands and lifted it. The kiss he gave her set off rounds of cheers from one end of the meadow to the other.

Kathy broke into a tearful laugh. Tearach pulled her and Tearyn very close, never dropping his gaze from her aqua-colored eyes. It was Rome's subtle movement that made Tearach finally look away. The younger man was reaching for his knife.

Tearach jerked his gaze toward Rome and followed the other man's alert stare. Several feet behind Kathy, a darkly clothed figure moved closer. Every instinct he had screamed for his family's safety. He quickly stood, his own knife in his hand before he knew it. “Who's there?” he shouted.

Every man within yards moved forward with weapons drawn. They surrounded Kathy and the baby before Tearach could even give the order to do so. Glancing around to see that Kathy was safely protected, he strode forward. He was ready to kill if necessary. Old ways died hard, and there was always the threat of a crafty outsider making it through the perimeter guard.

"It's only me,” a soft voice echoed from the dark forest perimeter.

Tearach let out a slow breath. “Come forward, Mabb. Why are you skulking around like an enemy?"

"I-I just wanted to see the baby,” she answered as she stepped into the torchlight.

"All you had to do was come out here and ask. You could have been killed!” Tearach shook his head and angrily berated himself for not attending to the safety of his family better. At a time like this, however, it was hard for a Goblin to take his attention off his mate and child. His senses were so attuned to them, he couldn't safely concentrate. That was the main reason for the guards surrounding him.

Mabb swallowed hard and stared into Kathy's intent gaze. “I didn't think
allow me to see the baby,” she angrily explained.

Tearach looked back at Kathy. Rome stood to one side, his blade ready. Two men flanked her other side. Cairna stood behind them. Even his niece's own knife was drawn. Cairna remembered what he had taught her and was ready to defend from the rear. He waved his hand. The weapons were quickly sheathed, and the guardians slowly took their seats again. Pride flowed through him that they would show such alertness and loyalty, even if the supposed intruder turned out to be only Mabb.

"Come over to the table,” he told her. “Don't sneak about like that again. You know how our men are around a baby,” he chastised.

"How would I remember?” she defended. “It's been so long."

He took Mabb's arm and drew her toward Kathy. Tearach watched as Kathy held the baby protectively and glared daggers at Mabb. “Kathy, all Mabb wants to do is look at the baby."

Hesitantly, Kathy lowered the baby so her face could be seen. Mabb moved forward to look. Something about the woman wasn't right as far as Kathy was concerned. It wasn't just her jealously over Tearach. It went further than that. There was a kind of wild, haunted look in her eyes. It was as if the Goblin woman was just shy of losing her grip on reality, and Kathy instincts told her Mabb could never be trusted.

"S-she's beautiful,” Mabb whispered.

Tearach stood behind Mabb.

Kathy knew he couldn't see the Goblin woman's face, but she saw Mabb's expression change from varying degrees of tortured angst to enraged malice.

Mabb glared at Kathy with all the hatred she felt. When she turned to face Tearach, however, there was nothing but breathy supplication in her voice. “Oh Tearach,” Mabb held out her hands to him, “I'm so happy for you. Happy for us all."

Tearach clasped her outstretched hands, then hugged the woman and grinned. “Everything will be all right now. We'll have children running around all over the place before you know it,” he joked. “And I know two Goblin men who'd fight to the death for you. Scores more if you wanted to mate with someone outside our race."

Mabb cast a malicious glance back at Kathy. “Oh, I'll be making plans very soon.” The look she bestowed on Tearach was nothing short of angelic. “But you two have a nice time. You deserve everything that's coming to you,” she gushed.

Kathy didn't, for a moment, miss the inference. The woman meant to cause any kind of trouble she possibly could.

Tearach hugged Mabb again. While he was so close, Mabb pushed her hand lingeringly through his thick hair and nuzzled his cheek in anything but a sisterly fashion. Finally, Tearach gently disengaged himself from her embrace. Mabb slowly let her hands trail inside his jerkin, and down his bare, muscular chest. Then she slowly sauntered off. When Tearach moved closer to Kathy, he seemed oblivious to the tender touches and endearing looks Mabb had bestowed. Kathy wasn't fooled.

"You see, love? Mabb wants to let bygones be bygones.” He lifted a strand of her hair and looped it between his fingers.

Tearach looked happier than he'd probably been in many years. Trying to disillusion him about Mabb would result in an argument, and that would suit the Goblin woman's purposes just fine. So Kathy moved into his arms and lifted her face for a deep, long, hot kiss. If Mabb was watching, and Kathy was fairly certain the woman was still hanging around, she'd see the two of them locked in a lover's embrace.

Tearach pressed close to Kathy. He'd never wanted someone so much in his life. “I'll have to keep my hands very busy, love."

Kathy tilted her head. “What are you talking about?” she innocently asked. Then gave him the most coquettish look she could possibly muster. She could feel his arousal all the way through the thick Druid robe she wore.

He dropped his head back and laughed loudly. Then he pulled Kathy so close that only she could hear. “I'll be in a cold shower every fifteen minutes if you keep looking at me like that. Or I'll have to find someplace where I can be alone."

"You don't have to be alone.” She nibbled at his ear and mischievously grinned. “Until I'm recovered enough to make love, I have two strong hands."

Tearach's smile suddenly turned sensuous and feral. “I might just take you up on the offer."

Their gazes locked and Kathy felt the world was about to spin out of control. She could imagine the scene their words had just painted. She would sit between his metal-like thighs and stroke him until he cried for mercy. But there would be none. And this green god of the forest would be hers for the taking. She'd have him at her total command and begging for more.

He gripped her shoulders tightly, glanced down at their sleeping baby and whispered, “When Tearyn's asleep, I want you to..."

"Uncle Tearach ... Kathy,” Cairna called out. “Come back to the table. You're missing your own party."

Tearach tore his gaze from Kathy's, glanced toward his niece and then back at the woman before him. He took a deep, cleansing breath. But the thoughts of what Kathy had offered careened through his brain like an out of control meteor. He desperately needed her hands on him.

Kathy placed one hand over his pounding heart. She surreptitiously slid it down his chest, to his abdomen and rested her palm against his groin. They were standing so close, she was sure her robe hid her actions. “Later. I promise,” she whispered, and kissed his full lips.

He almost groaned in agony when she smiled seductively and walked away. His body might ache for her, but at least he had something to look forward to. He shook his head to clear it and tried to sit comfortably next to Kathy. All the while, his manhood endured the strain of the leather pouch he wore. It didn't help matters that she wrapped her lips around a strawberry as if the fruit were a particular part of his anatomy.

Tearach ordered a triple glass of whiskey. When an Elf happily sat the drink before him, he threw it down his throat without hesitation. “Don't tease me, Kathy,” he murmured into her ear as she joyfully kept up her antics. “Goblin men have limits, and I'm rapidly reaching mine."

Kathy leaned against him and fed him a berry. All right, so she was jealous. But the green woman
have a hidden agenda. It was to Kathy's benefit that she had a way to completely capture Tearach's attention. She impishly continued to experiment on how to do so. “I don't know what you're problem is,” she sweetly replied. Under the table, she delighted in stroking his powerful thigh. “I told you, I'd take care of you.

Tearach swallowed hard and tried to concentrate on conversation, the food, drink ... anything. Finally, he could bear her soft caresses no longer. He smiled wickedly when a thought occurred to him. “Cairna, Kathy needs to leave the table for a few moments. Tell everyone we'll be right back.” When his niece smiled and nodded at him, Tearach grabbed Kathy's hand.

Kathy swallowed her cider and looked up in surprise, “But I..."

"Come on, darling,” he interrupted. Tearach smirked at her confused expression as he took the baby from her, carefully gripped one of her arms and led her into the nearby forest. When he found a quiet spot, he knelt and pulled Kathy down with him. “Now, finish what you started."

Kathy watched as he carefully placed Tearyn in a soft bed of leaves, wrapped the coverings around the baby more tightly and then turned his attention back to her. “I guess I really shouldn't have teased you,” she admitted.

"No. It's not a good idea to bedevil a Goblin man in such a way. We have very strong drives.” His breath was coming in gasps. “Please, Kathy. Touch me."

The light in his eyes revealed how very close he was to losing control. Kathy had only wanted to make sure Mabb couldn't waltz in and destroy the relationship they were building. Now, however, Tearach desperately needed to have her caress him.

Her hands slid to his waist, slowly undid the leather belt and unzipped the front of the green leather pants. When she reached inside the garment, her hands came in contact with a very full erection. It was tightly encased in one of those black leather pouches she loved so much. Kathy smiled and pushed his body until he was on his back. His breathing was rough.

"Please, hurry,” he whispered brokenly.

She quickly untied the leather binding him and caught her breath when he sprang forward. “You're marvelous,” she whispered.

Tearach held his breath as her mouth descended on him. With all his heart, mind and body, he tried to let the moment last. But her touch was so soft and enticing, and it had been such a long time since they'd been able to make love. Somewhere in his lust-slaked brain, he acknowledged they could have been doing things like this all along. At first, he'd been so determined that their relationship was wrong. Then there was the threat that the baby wouldn't survive. He'd brought on his own problems, but he was determined to never let those demoralizing feelings enter his heart again.

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