Good Girl Gone Bad (33 page)

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Authors: Karin Tabke

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica

BOOK: Good Girl Gone Bad
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CHAPTER THIRTEEN “G ive me a few minutes to shower, cowboy.” Phil hurried back to her room and Ty smiled as he walked into the family room and settled into the comfortable recliner. He might be one horny dog, but he was a master of control. His self-control was one reason he’d managed to stay alive so many years undercover. He never, ever allowed his impulses or emotions to direct his decisions. What Phil didn’t know was he had no intention of narcing on her. Her secrets were safe with him. His smile changed to a scowl. Her pain had been apparent when he questioned her about Mason. If the prick was here or his fucking friend Kyle Thompson, he’d give them both a taste of some real pain. Ty Jamerson style. He realized now just how sexually vulnerable Phil was. She had some issues, and for that reason alone he’d do his damnest to go slow and not push. He’d let her set the pace, and what happened, happened. He grinned. Patience was his friend and he knew he’d need a lot of it if he was goi


CHAPTER FOURTEEN P hil’s knees buckled under the intensity of her orgasm. She sunk to the floor beside the recliner, breathing heavily. Her body spasmed and she licked her dry lips. She’d never experienced one before. Ty’s hard breaths touched her cheek. She looked up at him, and he grinned. “You win.” She smiled back. “I’d say we both did.” Ty ran his fingers through his hair and leaned back against the chair. Phil couldn’t help looking at his penis. His cum shimmered over the still-full organ and pooled on his hard belly. She’s been prepared to win the bet. Leaning back, she grabbed several tissues from the box she’d set on the floor behind the recliner. She set them on top of his cock, a little more forcefully than necessary. She wanted to touch him, but didn’t dare. The size and strength of him scared her. Ty slid his hand over hers, pressing it against him. He was semihard and warm. “It doesn’t bite, Phil.” She looked up to find his dark green eyes on her. She smiled sheepishly an


CHAPTER FIFTEEN “A re you telling me you’ve hauled Lieutenant Jamerson in as a suspect?” Dettmer nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” The blood drained to Phil’s toes, causing them to tingle. Ty was a lot of things…but a murderer….? “Do you have a witness?” “The body’s still warm, with lots of people who witnessed his threats.” Phil’s brain wracked for answers. “Time of death?” “Coroner puts it sometime between three and eight A.M.” Her brain quickly processed the time Ty left her house. Her guess was it was sometime around 4:30. Shit. “Would you mind, sir, if I sat in on the interview?” He considered her request for a long moment. “Fine. Maybe you can read between the lines since you’ve been working with the man and have the experience.” “Exactly what I thought.” As they started for the interrogation room, Dettmer added, “I brought in Tony Mossa.” Oh, shit. She’d met Tony. He wasn’t nicknamed “Hardcore” for nothing. He always got what he wanted from cops who thought they were uns


CHAPTER SIXTEEN H alfway across the parking lot, Phil heard Ty call her name. She stopped, her back rigid. She could just see that smirk on his face. The one that said, “I got to you and we both know it.” She pressed her lips into a hard line and strode away from his voice. Damn him anyway. It wasn’t about sex, it was her going with her gut. It was about doing the right thing. She hopped on her motorcycle, hit the electric ignition, and strapped on her helmet. Then she kicked into gear and sped past her stunned lieutenant. Hah! Didn’t think she had it in her to ride a bike? It was her only guiltless pleasure. Racing down the road, she didn’t give a damn if she was pulled over for exceeding the speed limit. She shook her head. Speeding? Lying to her superiors? Possibly getting a murderer off before he could be charged? “Phil, you are going downhill fast,” she muttered quietly. Who killed Scott Mason? And why? Had he bothered someone else? He was annoying, rude, and a slimeball, but that


CHAPTER SEVENTEEN “G o home, sir. It’s my day off and I’ve filled my quota of off-duty police work.” “This is personal.” Phil swept past his tall figure propped casually against her front door. She jammed the key into the lock, the force veering it off the mark. Frustrated, she shot him a look that said, “Shut up or get your lights punched out.” He cocked a dark brow at her and smiled leisurely. He looked good enough to eat. Damn him. She didn’t want this distraction. She wanted to feel sorry for herself, alone, for a little while longer. Without taking his eyes off her face, he reached down and took the keys from her hand. “Officer Zorn, you don’t ram it in like that. You’ll almost always fail in securing access.” He ran the edge of the key down her arm and across her knuckles. “For success, lubrication is desired.” He grinned at her, positioning the tip of the key at the lock entrance. He slipped it in and something inside her moved. She licked her dry lips. “As you can see,” he cont


CHAPTER EIGHTEEN “C aptain?” Twice in one day? The older man smiled a fatherly smile. When he looked past her, she realized she was being rude not to ask him in. For a brief moment, panic seized her. Ty was down the hall and the man that wanted to out him stood not twenty feet from him. The captain’s gaze swept her disheveled appearance. She felt a sudden fierce urge to protect Ty. She’d lied earlier that afternoon for Ty. Never would she have thought herself capable of working outside the letter of the law. A new respect for Ty and his men emerged. They weren’t bad cops, just cops using what they had at hand to make a case. And now, so would she. She smoothed her hair back and stepped back from the door. “Come on in.” He nodded and stepped into her house. “Can I get you something, Captain Dettmer?” she asked an octave higher than she needed to. He looked at her strangely. “No thank you, Phil. I won’t stay long.” Instead of the living room where Ty could hear them clearly, she steered


CHAPTER NINETEEN T hrough the haze of sleep, Phil’s skin warmed, and warmer still were the lips that licked her distended nipples, the pull jerking her hips against hard muscle. Her hands slid down a hard wall of tendons, muscle, and skin. She languished in the thrall of it. Ty had come back, slipped into her bed, and it felt so right. Their bodies fit perfectly, his hands, his lips knowing just where to touch, suck, and titillate her body into a thrashing agonized frenzy. His big hands cupped her breasts and she hissed in air, his teeth laving her nipples before sucking them like a starved babe. His hips pressed against her and the long hard heat of his cock stabbed her belly. She burned red-hot for him. Opening her thighs, she welcomed him, needing the satisfaction of consummation. “I wanted this the minute I saw you, Phil,” he whispered against her lips, his tongue tracing the sensitive bottom lip. “Make love to me, Ty.” She arched against him, wanting the sublime pain of him engorg


CHAPTER TWENTY “I have a dancer out tonight, Kat. I need you to fill in.” Micki Donaldson the stage manager wasn’t asking. Phil swallowed hard, gripping the phone so tightly her fingers tingled. “Um, I—” “Look, Kat, I need you to step up to the plate. I have two dancers out sick and you’re my only option. Turn me down and you’re fired.” Phil’s fight instinct took hold; she couldn’t be fired if she refused to dance! But this wasn’t about her and her pride. Nor was it about semantics or labor laws. This was about catching a kidnapper and probable murderer. Realization sprung deep in her gut. Like seeing a puzzle piece and knowing exactly where it fit, she knew the person who killed Scott Mason was also the person responsible for taking the dancers. And the killer was linked to the club. “No problem, Micki. What do I need to do?” “Good answer. Put a gimmick together and bring your own music. Be ready to go on by ten.” Once again, a dial tone droned in Phil’s ear. She was starting to get a


CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE T y shouted to Reese to call 911. Bedlam reigned for less than ten minutes before every person, other than employees, was escorted, dragged, or kicked out of the club. By the time Phil put on her street clothes and elbowed her way to the bar, Ty and the boys in blue had cleared out the rioters, but reporters had swarmed like vultures over road kill, in Phil’s mind, not much of an improvement. They were probably lying in wait for something like this. Both she and Ty made every effort to stay out of camera distance. Phil smiled when Jase shuffled by, smoking a cigarette like a joint and mumbling to himself. He played the stoner well. Micki hurried up to her, Tammy hot on her tail, and yelled over the low din, “Nice job up there, Kat. Plan on permanently filling that spot. I’ll let Bud know he needs another cocktailer.” She handed her a bulging paper bag. “Here’s your booty call for the night.” Phil raised her eyes to Micki’s. “My take?” “Yep, I cleared the stage for yo


CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO T hey stood in the shower. Phil kicked off the offending pant leg of her jeans. “Ty, wait a minute.” “No.” “Yes, I can’t—we can’t—I don’t have any condoms.” “There’s one in the back pocket of my pants. But don’t you think it’s a little late to be worrying about that?” “Yes, well…” She did a quick calculation in her head. “If the rhythm method is effective at all, we should be safe.” “Even if it wasn’t, we’re safe. I got snipped years ago. And I’m clean as a whistle.” Sadness swept her. Not that she wanted children with him. But that he would take such a permanent step to prevent a pregnancy. “What if you change your mind and want children?” “I won’t, Zorn. Now shut up.” “But—” He stooped and pressed her against the tile wall. She smiled. She liked it the last time he had her back against a wall. “Look, there are too many little bastards running around this world. The last thing I want is to add to the count.” “But what if you get married?” “I’m not the marrying type.


CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE “D id you like that?” Ty softly whispered in her ear. Yeah, she liked that. A lot. Unable to form a coherent answer, Phil licked her lips and nodded. Ty’s next actions surprised her. He gathered her in his arms and pushed the stool away. Her slick body slid against him. She regretted her toes touching the porcelain tub. Gently, as if she were a babe, he lathered her skin and rinsed her. He washed her hair, massaging her scalp with his long fingers. As sore as she was, her pussy tingled in response to the sensuous act. She felt him rise behind her. “Doesn’t that thing ever sleep?” Ty laughed low. “Around you, apparently not.” “So perpetual erections aren’t normal for you?” “Not like this.” The announcement surprised her, and more, made her feel special. She frowned. Damn, she hated wanting his approval and affection. He turned off the water and grabbed a towel from the nearby rack. She shrugged off her misgivings. She’d think about feelings and life after the cows c


CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR W hen Ty woke and found himself as hard as Phil’s granite countertop, he knew he needed to get out of her bed and her house. His physical need for her made his skin warm, creating a violent itch. He’d never spent more than a few hours with any one woman. Sex was a physical release. Pure and simple. But during the span of one night with Phil, it had become complicated. He didn’t like it. As he put on his clothes as fast as he could, he wanted to throw them off faster, crawl back into the sheets with Phil, and hold her against his chest. Instead, he did what he always did when faced with an emotional entanglement. He took off. As he sped from her house, he fought the urge to turn around. He pounded the steering wheel. There was only one cure he knew of for what he was craving. Another woman. His cell phone rang. Glancing at it, he recognized the number. “Masters.” “Hey, Ty, it’s Candi.” She hesitated before continuing. “I was, well, we were supposed to get together an


CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE O n the drive home, Phil processed Mindy’s information. Her heart wrung every time she thought of her father in bed with Margery Flint—Ruby, a hooker and a drug addict. She couldn’t accept it, wouldn’t. Not stand-up, decorated police sergeant Mac Zorn. Not her stalwart God-fearing father. He would never betray her mother—Mindy’s memory was lax. As a fatherless little girl she must have created a fantasy world with Mac as her daddy. Phil swiped a tear from her cheek and focused on the road. None of it mattered anyway. Because regardless of her father’s guilt or lack thereof, no matter how she added it up, no matter how she shifted the puzzle pieces, she always returned to the same person: Ty Jamerson. He might as well have pulled the trigger. If he hadn’t forced Margery to testify against her father, he’d still be alive. He lied to her when she’d asked him who StreetSmart was. It was him, of course. Betrayal rankled deep. How could she have let herself get so close t


CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX “Y o, Masters,” Reese called to Ty, who stood rooted to the floor, his arms crossed rigidly across his chest. Ty didn’t acknowledge his man; instead, he ground his teeth and wished he’d never promised Candi dinner at his place. He’d been thinking with his dick, he’d reacted emotionally, and that really set him off. To hell with it, he was canceling on her. He wanted nothing to do with any female, least of all one he had no interest in. Ty moved slowly to his man. Reese grinned, the gesture unusual. “What’s the plan for tonight?” he asked. Ty handed him the plastic bag. Reese whistled and handed it back to Ty. “A gift. Same handwriting as the other one. Our man must be feeling pretty sure of himself.” Reese scanned the packed club. “He’s out there. I can feel it.” So did Ty. “I don’t want her to dance,” Ty said, his voice barely audible. “Why the hell not? It’s the break we’ve been waiting for.” Ty remained quiet. “What gives, Ty? She get under your skin?” When Ty did

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