Grant and Sherman: The Friendship that Won the Civil War (68 page)

Read Grant and Sherman: The Friendship that Won the Civil War Online

Authors: Charles Bracelen Flood

Tags: #Biography, #History, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction

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Halleck, Maj. Gen. Henry Wager: as Army of the James commander; asks Sherman and Grant about civil government in South; background of; on capture of Charleston; as chief of staff under Stanton and Grant; Elements of Military Art and Science; as general-in-chief; Grant’s army taken over by; Grant censured and reinstated by; Grant offered Washington house by; Henry-Donelson campaign and; “lawyer-like ambiguity” of; McClernand and; politics played by; Sherman and; generals ordered not to obey Sherman; Sherman-Johnston surrender talks; Sherman originally rehabilitated by; Sherman refuses reconciliation with; Sherman’s Special Field Orders’ denunciation of; Shiloh battle and; as Western commander
, Nashville playing of
Hampton Roads Peace Conference (1865)
Hancock, Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott
Hardee, Lt. Gen. William J.; Savannah defended by
Harney, Brig. Gen. William S.
Harpers Ferry (Virginia)
Harris, Isham
Harrison, Brig. Gen. Benjamin
Hatcher’s Run (Virginia), Battle of (1865)
Hayes, Maj. Gen. Rutherford B.
Hayne’s Bluff (Mississippi)
Hays, Brig. Gen. Alexander
Hazen, Maj. Gen. William B.
Heintzelman, Maj. Gen. Samuel Peter
Helm, Brig. Gen. Benjamin Hardin
Heth, Maj. Gen. Henry
Highlanders (79th New York)
Hill, Lt. Gen. Ambrose P.
Hillyer, Col. William S.
Hilton Head (South Carolina)
Hitchcock, Maj. Henry
Holliday, Pvt. Thomas D.
Holly Springs (Mississippi)
Hood, Lt. Gen. John Bell
Hooker, Maj. Gen. Joseph; in Chattanooga campaign
horsemanship of Grant
horses belonging to men of Confederate Army
Howard, Maj. Gen. Oliver Otis
Hunter, Maj. Gen. David
Hunter, R.M.T.
Hurlbut, Maj. Gen. Stephen
“Hush’d Be the Camps To-day” (Whitman’s poem)
Illinois: Lincoln on men of; Lincoln’s funeral trip to; at outbreak of Civil War
Indianapolis (Indiana)
Indian assistant adjutant general
Indians: Grant’s opinion on relation of whites and; Sherman’s attitude to
Ingalls, Brig. Gen. Rufus
ironclads, “mud turtles,”
Irving, Washington
luka, Battle of ( 1862)
Jackson, Maj. Gen. Andrew
Jackson, Lt. Gen. Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall,”
Jackson, Pvt. Tom
Jackson (Mississippi), in and after Vicksburg campaign
James, Army of the
James River
Jefferson Barracks (Missouri)
Jefferson City (Missouri)
Jenkins, Brig. Gen. Micah
Jenney, Maj. L. B.
Jews, Grant expels
Jo Daviess Guards
“John Brown” (“John Brown’s Body”; song)
Johnson, Brig. Gen. Andrew: as President; at Grand Review; Lee’s arrest sought by Johnson; possible planned assassination of; Sherman greeted by; Sherman-Johnston surrender terms; Sherman’s resentment of attitude of; as Tennessee military governor; as Vice President
Johnston, Gen. Albert Sidney; Shiloh battle and
Johnston, Gen. Joseph E.; in Atlanta campaign; Davis’s relief of; in Carolina campaign; Sherman’s surrender terms to; truce; Sherman’s later friendship with; in Vicksburg campaign; after Vicksburg campaign
Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War; arrest and imprisonment by; Grant before; Radical Republican influence in; Sherman before
Jomini, Antoine Henri
Jones, J. Russell
Jordan, Col. Thomas
journalists: Grant and; Sherman and; court-martial of Knox;
see also specific newspapers
Juarez, Benito
Judy, Col.
Julian, George W.
Kaskel, Cesar J.
Kellogg, Capt. J. J.
Kennesaw Mountain (Georgia)
Kentucky; Confederate guerrillas in
Key, Col. Thomas M.
Keyes, Maj. Gen. Erasmus Darwin
Kilpatrick, Maj. Gen. Hugh Judson
Knox, Thomas W.
Knoxville (Tennessee)
La Grange (Tennessee)
Lancaster (Ohio)
land mines, Confederate, during March to the Sea
Leavenworth (Kansas)
Lee, Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh, in Spanish-American War
Lee, Maj. Gen. George Washington Custis
Lee, Gen. Robert E.; aggressiveness of; at Antietam; Arlington home of; 1864 Southern confidence in; 1869 visit to White House by; final retreat of; Gettysburg defeat of; on Hood; peace overture of; Petersburg battle,
Petersburg; Radical Republican desire for arrest of; resignation from U.S. Army by; surrender of; in Wilderness battle
Lexington (Kentucky)Lexington (Missouri)
Lincoln, Abraham; addresses troops after First Bull Run; assassination of; call for volunteers by; on Chancellorsville; at City Point; Confederate brother-in-law killed; Dana as spy for; dream reported by; 1862 order for troop advances by; 1863 amnesty proclamation by; 1864 presidential campaign of; Emancipation Proclamation of; Preliminary Proclamation; on freeing of the Mississippi; funeral and home journey of; on Grant’s drinking; Grant’s first meeting with; on Grant-Sherman cooperation; Grant’s Jewish expulsion overturned by; Grant’s strategy upheld by; Grant supports re-election of; on Grant’s tenaciousness; on Grant’s victory at Vicksburg; in Hampton Roads Peace Conference; Illinois brigadier general appointments of; last cabinet meeting of; Lee offered command by; Lee’s peace overture rejected by; McClernand and; negotiations with Confederates authorized by; postwar policy of; Radical Republicans and; Richmond visit of; Second Inaugural Address of; Sherman and 1861 interview; March to the Sea and; on mental problems of Sherman; Sherman’s letter on conscription sent to; Sherman’s request for subordinate position; telegram from Louisville to Lincoln; Shiloh and; stray kittens saved by
Lincoln, Mary Todd; City Point visit of; on Grant; Lincoln’s assassination and
Lincoln, Capt. Robert
Lincoln, William Wallace, death from malaria of
Lindsay, Jack (cadet)
Little Big Horn, Battle of the (1876)
Longstreet, Lt. Gen. James; as best man at Grant’s wedding; on Grant as fighter; Grant’s Appomattox talk with; in peace talks; wounded in Wilderness; as young officer
Lookout Mountain (Tennessee)
Lord, Lida
Loring, Maj. Gen. William W.
Louisiana, civil government set up in
Louisiana State Seminary of Learning and Military Academy
Louisville (Kentucky); Nelson wounded by Davis in;
Louisville Journal, The
Lucas, Turner & Co. (bank)
MacArthur, Lt. Col. Arthur
Mack and Brothers
MacMahon, Marie Edmé Patrice de
Macon (Georgia)
“magnetic telegraph” of Grant and Sherman
mail sorted on railroads
Malvern Hill, Battle of (1862)
Manassas, battles of.
Bull Run
Manifest Destiny
“Marching Through Georgia” (song)
March to the Sea (1864); European reaction to; pillage vs. confiscation during; Union soldiers captured during; Union wounded during
Marietta (Georgia)
Markland, Col. Absolom H.
Marlborough, duke of
Marx, Karl
Matamoros, Battle of (1846)
Mattoon (Illinois)
Maximilian, Mexican regime of
McClellan, Maj. Gen. George B.; at Antietam; Army of Potomac led by; Seven Days’ Battles; Crimean War observed by; Grant’s western campaigns and; Halleck not wanted as rival by; initial victories by; Joint Committee’s investigation of; as presidential candidate; Sherman and
McClellan Saddle
McClernand, Maj. Gen. John; public criticism of Grant by
McCloskey (Union soldier)
McClure, A. K.
McDowell, Maj. Gen. Irvin
McKinley, Maj. William B.
McPherson, Maj. Gen. James B.
Meade, Maj. Gen. George Gordon; as Army of the Potomac commander; in Grand Review
Mechanicsville (Virginia), Battle of (1862)
Meiggs, “Honest Harry,”
Memphis (Tennessee): Forrest’s 1864 raid on; Grant’s censorship of press of; Grant’s headquarters in; Sherman as military governor of; Willy’s death in
Memphis and Charleston Railroad
Memphis Evening Bulletin
Meridian (Mississippi), Sherman’s raid on
Mexican War; casualties in; Grant on unjustfulness of
Mexico City, Battle of (1847)
Mexico, Maximilian in
“Mexico” (troublemaker)
Mill Creek (North Carolina)
Milledgeville (Georgia)
Milliken’s Bend (Louisiana), Battle of (1863)
Minnesota, Sioux in
Missionary Ridge (Tennessee)
Mississippi: Army of the; Department of the; Military Division of the (postwar)
Mississippi Central Rail Road
Mississippi River: gun boat and riverboat fleets of; in Union hands
Mississippi Squadron
Missouri; Belmont attack; Department of, Halleck’s command of; Grant’s civilian life in; Sherman’s inspection of troops
Missouri Democrat
(St. Louis newspaper)
Mobile (Alabama): Grant proposes campaign against; Sherman’s posting to
Mobile and Ohio railroad
Mobile Bay, Battle of (1864)
Molino del Rey, Battle of (1847)
Monroe Doctrine
Monterey (California)
Morehead City (North Carolina)
Morristown (Tennessee)
Morton, Oliver P.
Mosby’s guerrillas
Mountain Department
“mud turtle” ironclads
Muscle Shoals (Tennessee)
Napoleon III (Emperor of the French)
Nashville (Tennessee); Hood stopped by Thomas at
Nelson, Maj. Gen. William
New Bern (North Carolina)
New Haven Journal
New Orleans (Louisiana); naval capture of
New York City: draft riots in (1863); Irishmen of; Sherman as bank manager in; Sherman’s retirement in
New York Herald
New York Times
New York Tribune
New York World
Niagara Falls (Canada), peace negotiations at
North Carolina: Sherman’s march through;
see also
Carolinas campaign
Oak Grove (Virginia), Battle of (1862)
Ohio, Army of the; Sherman Testimonial Fund of
Ohio River
“Old Abe” (mascot)
“Old Shandy,”
“On to Richmond!,”
Orchard Knob (Tennessee)
Ord, Maj. Gen. Edward
Ord, Mrs. Edward
Oregon Trail
Our American Cousin
Oxford (Mississippi)
Paducah (Kentucky)
Page, Charles A.
Palmer, Joseph
Panama, cholera epidemic in
Parker, Lt. Col. Ely S.
Peabody, Col. Everett
Peach Tree Creek, Battle of (1864)
Pemberton, Maj. Gen. John C.
Peninsular Campaign (1862)
Perryville (Kentucky)
Petersburg (Virginia); Lee’s evacuation of
Philadelphia Inquirer, The
Pickett, Maj. Gen. George
Pierce, Franklin
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee)
Poe, Edgar Allan
Polk, James K.
Polk, Lt. Gen. Leonidas K.
pontoons; freed slaves drowned by removal of bridge of; in Grand Review
Pope, Maj. Gen. John; as frontier commander
Porter, Brig. Gen. Andrew
Porter, Rear Adm. David Dixon; on Lincoln’s assassination
Porter, Lt. Col. Horace
Port Gibson (Mississippi)
Port Hudson (Louisiana)
Potomac, Army of the; McClellan as commander of; Meade as commander of; in Seven Days’ Battles
Powell, John
Prentiss, Maj. Gen. Benjamin M.
President’s General War Order No. I (1862)
Price, Maj. Gen. Sterling
Prime, Maj. Frederick
prostitutes, Memphis
Quartermaster Department
Quinby, Brig. Gen. Isaac F.
Quincy (Illinois)

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