Grant and Sherman: The Friendship that Won the Civil War (69 page)

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Authors: Charles Bracelen Flood

Tags: #Biography, #History, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction

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Raccoon Mountain (Tennessee)
Radical Republicans: on Appomattox surrender; iron rule of South sought by; Lee’s arrest proposed by; Lincoln and; on Sherman-Johnston negotiations; West Pointers distrusted by
railroads; Lincoln’s funeral train; mail sorted on; Sherman Neckties on; Sherman’s funeral train
Raleigh (North Carolina); Grant’s trip to; soldiers burn N.Y. newspapers in
Raleigh Daily Standard
Randolph (Tennessee)
Rapidan River
Rawlins, Brig. Gen. John A.; as Grant’s Secretary of War
Rawlins, Mrs. John A.
Raymond, Henry J.
Reagan, John
Reconstruction; Lincoln and
Red River campaign (1864)
refugees, white Southerner
regiments, Confederate: 3rd Louisiana; 38th Tennessee
regiments, Union: 3rd Artillery; 7th Cavalry; 19th Illinois; 21st Illinois; 45th Illinois; 55th Illinois; 61st Illinois; 104th Illinois; 113th Illinois; 2nd Illinois Cavalry; 6th Indiana; 22nd Indiana; 38th Indiana; 66th Indiana; 100th Indiana; 4th Infantry; 13th Infantry; 2nd Iowa; 17th Iowa; 15th Maine; 20th Maine; 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry; 4th Minnesota; 10th Missouri; 25th Missouri; 13th New York; 69th New York; 79th New York; 121st New York; 40th Ohio; 53rd Ohio ; 70th Ohio; 72nd Ohio; 69th Pennsylvania; 148th Pennsylvania; 2nd Wisconsin; 8th Wisconsin; 11th Wisconsin; 21st Wisconsin; 24th
see also
black soldiers
Resaca (Georgia)
Richards, Dora
Richmond (Virginia); Confederate government’s departure from; Lincoln’s visit to; Sherman marches anti-Halleck troops through; Union entry into
Richmond and Danville Railroad
Ripley, George
Rosecrans, Maj. Gen. William
Rucker, Mrs. Daniel
Ruggles, Brig. Gen. Daniel
St. Louis (Missouri); Ellen brings Sherman back on leave from; Fifth Street Railroad in; Frémont’s business associates in; Sherman’s and Grant’s 1857 meeting in; Sherman’s burial in
San Francisco (California); Frémont’s business associates from
San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin
San Juan Hill, Battle of (1898)
Savannah (Georgia); Sherman’s capture of
Savannah (Tennessee)
Sayler’s Creek (Virginia), Battle of (1865)
Schofield, Maj. Gen. John M.
Schurz, Maj. Gen. Carl
Scott, Thomas W.
Scott, Sir Walter
Scott, Gen. Winfield; Anaconda Plan of
Sea Islands, reserved for blacks by Sherman
Second Confiscation Act (1862)
Sedalia (Missouri)
Sedgwick, Maj. Gen. John
Selover, Abia A.
Seminole Indians
Seneca Indian assistant adjutant general
Seven Days’ Battles (1862)
Seven Pines (Virginia), Battle of (1862)
Seward, Maj. Augustus
Seward, Fanny
Seward, Frederick
Seward, William H.; attempted assassination of
Shenandoah Valley
Sheridan, Maj. Gen. Philip; popularity of; West of the Mississippi command of
Sherman, Charles (Sherman’s brother)
Sherman, Charles (Sherman’s son)
Sherman, Elizabeth (Sherman’s sister)
Sherman, Ellen (Eleanor; Sherman’s wife); Catholicism of; death of; extermination of South demanded by; at Grand Review; Grant’s letter to; Memphis visit of; Sherman’s letters to ; Sherman’s mental problems and; on Sherman’s snub of Halleck; Vicksburg visit of; wedding of; and Willie’s death
Sherman, Ellie (Sherman’s daughter)
Sherman, John (Sherman’s brother) Sherman’s mental problems and; at outbreak of Civil War
Sherman, Lizzie (Sherman’s daughter)
Sherman, Minnie (Sherman’s daughter)
Sherman, Thomas (“Tommy”; Sherman’s son); becomes Jesuit priest
Sherman, Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh “Cump”: accused of treason; asthma of; Atlanta campaign; attitude toward blacks by; brigade commander at First Bull Run; Carolinas campaign; Chattanooga campaign; City Point conference; on civil government in South; in Civil War; Congressional joint resolution of thanks; conscription; in Cumberland department; death and funeral of; descriptions of; 1864 division of labor with Grant; energy of; female admirers of; at Grand Review; on Grant and Lee as historical figures; on Grant’s ability; on Grant’s drinking; Grant’s friendship with ; guerrilla policy; in Henry-Donelson campaign; on horror of debt; ignores his seniority to Grant; insecurity of; journalists mistrusted; later military career of; learns of Lee’s surrender; on Lincoln; living off the land; at Louisiana’s military seminary; March to the Sea; as Memphis military governor; mental problems of; Meridian raid; news of Lincoln’s assassination; personal characteristics of desire for subordinate position; pessimism of; popularity of; presidential possibilities rejected by; previous military career of; ranks held by: Captain; Colonel; Brigadier General; Brigadier General in Regular Army; Major General; Major General in Regular Army; rehabilitation; rejects a promotion; restrained speech of; retirement from army; sent home on leave from Missouri; Shiloh battle and; soldiers’ nickname of; B. Stanton’s fight with; surrender terms to Johnston; talking with enlisted men; telegram from Louisville. to Lincoln; total war (“Enlightened War”) waged; total war ended; training troops in Benton Barracks; Vicksburg campaign ; wounded at Shiloh
Sherman, Willy (Sherman’s son); death of
Sherman Neckties
Sherman Testimonial Fund of Ohio
Shiloh (Tennessee); Battle of (1862); Southern casualties in
Sioux Indians
slaves: in border states; contraband; drowned in Davis’s removal of pontoon bridge; as engineering troops (pioneers); federal policy on; freed; in Grand Review; Grant’s father’s abolitionism; Grant’s prediction on; Grant’s purchase and freeing of; Harpers Ferry attack to free; kneel to Lincoln; during March to the Sea; Maximilian and; by Meridian raid; mulatto; postwar policy toward; in U.S. Army; at White Haven;
see also
black regiments; blacks; Emancipation Proclamation
Slocum, Maj. Gen. Henry W.
Smith, Col.
Smith, Capt. C. C.
Smith, Maj. Gen. Charles F.
Smith, Gen. Edward Kirby
Smith, Maj. Gen. William F.
Smith, Brig. Gen. William Sooy
Snake Creek Gap (Georgia)
“Social Reconstruction of the Southern States, A,”
South Bend (Indiana)
South Carolina: Sea Islands of; secession of; Sherman’s march into; Sherman’s posting to
Southside Railroad
Spanish-American War
Special Field Orders
Speed, James
spies; Confederate; journalists considered to be; Union
Spotsylvania Court House (Virginia; 1864)
Sprague, William
Springfield (Illinois), Grant in
Stanton, Benjamin
Stanton, Dr. Darwin
Stanton, Edwin M.; at Grand Review; Grant’s postwar relationship with; Grant’s testimony on; in investigation of drowning incident; after Lincoln’s assassination; objects to Grant’s reduction of Washington defenses; personality and background of; as Radical Republican; resigns as Secretary of War; Sherman denounced by; Sherman’s apology to, for surrender document; Sherman’s communications to Grant on; Sherman’s March to the Sea and; Sherman’s postwar relationship with; Stone’s arrest and imprisonment condoned by
Statue of Liberty, Stone in construction of base for
Steele’s Bayou (Mississippi)
Stein, Gertrude
Steinberger, Baron
Stephens, Alexander H.
Stiles, Mrs. William Henry
Stillwell, Pvt. Leander
Stone, Brig. Gen. Charles P.
Stuart, Maj. Gen. James Ewell Brown “Jeb,”
Sutter, John Augustus
Taylor (Confederate captain)
Taylor, Zachary
Tennessee, Army of the (Confederate)
Tennessee, Army of the (Union)
Tennessee River
Terry, Brig. Gen. Alfred H.
Texas: annexation of; last of the Confederates in
Texas Brigade
Thirteenth Amendment
Thomas, Maj. Gen. George H.; Hood stopped by
Thomas, Brig. Gen. Lorenzo
Tiffany’s (New York)
Tilghman, Brig. Gen. Lloyd
T.I.O. (Twelve in One)
total war (“Enlightened War”), Sherman’s; end of
Townsend, Col. Edward D.
Travis, Allie
Trent affair
Tunnard, Sgt., William H.
Tupper, Col.
Turner, Henry
Twain, Mark
Twombley, Cpl. Voltaire P.
Tyler, Brig. Gen. Daniel
“unconditional surrender,”
United States Army (Union Army): blacks in; at Civil War’s opening; Confederate soldiers become eligible for; conscription for; demobilization of; Easterners vs. Westerners in 1864 losses of; Grand Review of; muskets bought by discharged members of; officers of, joining Confederates; postwar reduction of; Quartermaster Department of; Topographical Engineers; voting by;
see also
United States Marines, China action of (1856)
United States Military Academy. See West Point
United States Navy: blockade by; in Henry-Donelson campaign; Mississippi gun boats and riverboats of; officers of, joining Confederates; at Shiloh; in Trent affair; in Vicksburg campaign
Upson, Sgt. Theodore
Van Dorn, Maj. Gen. Earl
van Vliet, Maj. Gen. Stewart
Vicksburg (Mississippi): description of; finally surrounded; gala ball at; Grant’s siege of; food shortage in; impromptu truces at; naval flotillas sail past guns; as Sherman’s base for raid; surrender of
Victoria (Queen of England)
Virginia: Lincoln’s support of old legislature of; as Military District No. secession of
volunteer commissions
Wade, Benjamin
Wadsworth, Brig. Gen. James S.
Wagner, Richard
Wallace, Maj. Gen. Lew
Washburne, Elihu
Washington, George
Washington, D.C.: Grand Review in; Grant offered Halleck’s house in; Grant pulls troops from defenses of; Sherman marches through Richmond to; victory celebrations in
Washington and Lee University
Washington Chronicle
Washington College, Lee as president of
Washington Star, The
Washington Tribune
Wauhatchie (Tennessee)
Waynesboro (Virginia), Battle of (1864)
Webster, Daniel
Weed, Thurlow
Weitzel, Maj. Gen. Jacob
Welles, Gideon
West, Department of the
Western Virginia, Department of
West Point (U.S. Military Academy): graduates of, in Civil War; Grant at; Radical Republicans’ attitude to; Sherman at; at Sherman’s funeral
West Virginia, admission of
Wheeler, Maj. Gen. Joseph; in Spanish-American War
White Haven farm
White Oak Swamp (Virginia), battle of (1862)
Whitman, Walt
Wilcox, Cadmus Marcellus
Wilderness (Virginia), Battle of the (1864)
Williams, Maj. Gen. Seth
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, Brig. Gen. James Harrison
Wilson’s Creek (Missouri), Battle of (1861)
Winchester (Virginia), Battle of (1864)
Wise, Maj. Gen. Henry A.
Women’s National War Relief Association
women of the South: March to the Sea and; Sherman on hatred by; wives of soldiers permitted through Union lines
Wood, Brig. Gen. Thomas J.
Woods, Maj. Isaiah C.
Woods, Brig. Gen. William B.
Worth, Brig. Gen. William
Wright, Maj. Gen. Horatio G.
Yates, Richard
Yazoo Pass (Mississippi)
Yazoo River
Yellow Tavern (Virginia), Battle of (1864)
Young’s Point (Mississippi)
A hardcover edition of this book was published in 2005 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
GRANT AND SHERMAN. Copyright © 2005 by Charles Bracelen Flood. Maps copyright © by Edward Carrol Hale. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022.
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Designed by Jonathan
eISBN 9781429968911
First eBook Edition : April 2011
First Harper Perennial edition published 2006.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.
ISBN-10: 0-06-114871-7 (pbk.)
ISBN-13: 978-0-06-114871-2 (pbk.)

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