Gray Panthers: Earths Revenge (15 page)

BOOK: Gray Panthers: Earths Revenge
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Young decided to get started by using the OPFOR shuttles AI.

"Major Rogers, if you have a moment?" Young commed.

Before Young appeared the colonial warrior Major Robert Rogers, of Rogers Rangers fame, attired in a green uniform. "Capt. Young, how may I assist you today?" the AI Rogers asked.

"I have a mission to go to the Central Bank of the Republic to coordinate the purchase of a material from a planet under their protection in League of Planets Space. What can you tell me about Republic banks and bankers as it's related to this mission?" Young asked.

"In the Republic Empire the banking system is run primarily by the Kust Race. They are well known for their ability to negotiate and are usually considered honorable and trustworthy. The economy of the Republic as last known was not strong, but there was confidence in the Republic. I am familiar with the purchase they wish you to make. A gratuity to the bank of one percent of the deal would be in order. The bank would then provide a pass to the planet so you can conduct the business with the natives. The natives are a backward culture equal to your 17th century, except they realize they are not alone in the universe. Negotiations there will be with their King and council for the area where the material is located. They enjoyed a good reputation with the Flem race for honesty. There may be some troubles entering Republic Space with the Arizona Space Ship Beater. The ship is originally from there before its confiscation for smuggling by the Libra Alliance. Then it was pressed into use by their military. The fact that it was captured in a military engagement is considered a legal transfer of title as far as they are concerned. The Libra Alliance most likely will want it back though."

"Rogers what are our chances of going through League of Planets Space undisturbed?"

"As long as the ship is using the *FTL drive it can't be seen or Tracked. There may be new technology by the Republic for protecting their borders though."   




* Faster Than Light Drive 

"What can we expect when we land on the planet where the bank is located as far as Republic security or their police? Any chance they will arrest us as illegals?"

"That is not likely since they pride themselves as traders, if they gave you a "hard time" it would do damage to their reputation as being friends to aliens. They will only do a cursory inspection at best."

"Will the ship be able to go the entire distance using the FTL?"

"The ship will need to drop out to normal space after five days to get their navigational bearings as there are always unknowns and the FTL drive will need a short time to rest, I estimate a couple hours and you could be back on the way. There is a small system just off the direct path to League of Planets Space. The Flem never informed any other species about it. That would also be a good rally point if anything happens and the group needs to separate. There is one Earth like planet in that system that can support human life."

"The ship used to be a smuggler, what did it smuggle? Is there anything we can bring with us of value besides gold that could be used for bribes if needed?"

"The ship smuggled cheap electronics from the Republic to the League of Planets, the return trip usually included pharmaceuticals or precious metals. Although both groups use a credit system from their central banks for all transactions, it is not illegal to conduct trades by precious metals as long as a tax is collected."

"Will they try to tax us?"

"They will try to through the bank, but as visiting aliens I think you can get them waived."

"Thanks Rogers, what would you estimate our chances of success are for this endeavor?"

"There is the old axiom that a plan only works until it is started then you need to improvise. With that in mind I give the mission a fifty / fifty chance," Rogers replied.

"Can you download the Republic Banks list of services to my computer please? I don't have anything else at this time for you Rogers, I guess there is one more question, how is it looked at for aliens being armed on their planets in the Republic?"

"Small arms carried by body guards to dignitaries are allowed, heavy weapons are frowned upon. If you present yourself as an Earth military officer, you will be viewed with suspicion, if you come with credentials as a dignitary looking to open trade from Earth you will be given the royal treatment. Especially if gold and other precious metals are part of the future trades."

"OK, thanks again Rogers, please evaluate all variables for the mission and I will get back with you later."

Arizona Space Ship Cornucopia in Lunar Orbit

30 August 2128

Lt. Commander Kyle Johnson looked around and was frustrated. His crewmen were on the moon and he only had one officer with him to supervise the ships refit. There was not a single area on the entire ship that was not torn apart. Every system was either being replaced or modified as part of the conversions from computer to AI. The activity combined with the narrow passageways made getting anywhere a chore. Stopping at the head was the final straw when he opened the hatchway to find a wet empty room with no lighting. Kyle turned in frustration to get off his ship only to find the exit was blocked. A technician was carrying a stainless steel toilet in the other direction. Making way for the technician who did not see him only increased his wish to get off his own ship. Once out in the bay of the Arizona Space Ship Cornucopia, Kyle headed for one of the bays many heads. Relieved, he took a dozen steps back towards the Beater before he realized the entire outer surface of the Beater was being removed.

"Cornucopia, who is in charge of the refit of the Beater?" Kyle commed angrily.

"Lt. Commander Poland is in charge of the refit."

"Commander Poland, please see me at the main docking entrance for the Beater."

Twenty minutes later a haggard looking older officer wearing a stained and torn old gray flight suit came out of the docking entrance. "Guess they don't give you a clothing allowance, do they commander?" Kyle said pleasantly.

"It wouldn't matter, I go through a half dozen per job it seems," looking up and seeing it was another Lt. Commander, "Commander."

"Kyle, that was my ship before it was destroyed."

"A beautiful little ship it is. I envy you. The ship will be done by the end of tomorrow. We are giving it the whole works. The new exterior hull will now be able to be polarized to increase your protection from space junk as well as in battle. That doesn't include the new improved force field. There is even a force field for the landing bay so ships can take off or land without losing atmosphere similar to the landing bay in the Cornucopia. While the hull plates are off it also makes it easier to install the new sensors as well as the engine mounts. The insides of the ship will also have improved life support and interior communications. Even the plumbing is getting upgraded to improve water recycling. The new food processor has damn near every recipe you can think of. The engines that are being installed are self-contained and will require no maintenance for five years when their anti matter will need to be replaced. The bridge interface is child's play. Though port and aft weapons stations will remain it can easily be taken over by the bridge or the AI if needed. This is going to be the pride of the fleet," The commander Poland rambled.

Kyle was impressed as he thanked him and turned to get away from the talkative officer.

Kyle smiled as he had a new idea.

"Comm Admiral Bad."

"Hello Commander Johnson, how are your upgrades coming along?" Admiral Bad inquired.

"Sir the ship looks like the only original part left will be the name plate."

"Will that be a problem Kyle?"

"I hope it doesn't, but to be sure I'd like to have Commander Poland assigned as the first officer. It will make the transition to the new systems much easier, especially if we manage to break anything."

"That is an outstanding idea Kyle, it will be done in the next few minutes. We fill the last position on your ship and get some needed expertise. Bad out." Admiral Bad laughed after breaking communications. He had wanted to add Poland to the crew and had planned to suggest it to Commander Johnson.

Kyle just stood for a second then had a hunch that had most likely been the plan all along since they approved it so quickly. Laughing he headed for the officers mess for a needed break now that his problems seemed to be reduced.

The entire flight was exhausted as they marched from diner back to the dormitory. To a person they knew they were done here and just going through the motions. Their time would be better spent in their fighters learning the little intricacies that the simulator was not able to copy. The flight also wanted to get more into the fighters to understand how they operated in case they found themselves having to do any field level maintenance. Tiny was uncomfortable with the way the flight had been treating him, it seemed like someone was always watching him.

Lunar Station Hospital

31 August 2128

Short Blade woke up to see both his crewmates sleeping in what looked like uncomfortable positions in the chairs. Unplugging the cable connected to his arm as tried to slip out of the bed without waking his friends to use the bathroom. An alarm immediately sounded as a nurse burst into the room tripping over Guns and running into Short Blade as he was knocked across the room unconscious as a puddle of urine flooded the floor around him. Picking herself up, the nurse turned off the alarm and turned towards Guns.

"Well come on, help me pick up the patient and put him back in bed," the nurse ordered sternly.

Guns got up sheepishly and turned towards Jimmy. "I got heads, you get tails." The two easily lifted their buddy as the nurse stopped them to remove the wet bottoms. The nurse stopped in shock when she removed the pajama bottoms. Guns looked to see the problem. "Guess he has three legs and two sets of arms."

The nurse flustered and left the room as they set Short Blade on the edge of the bed when the nurse returned with another nurse and a dry set of pajama bottoms. Jimmy just made a face at Guns and both exploded in laughter as the nurses dressed him and checked his head. There was no longer any sign of injury on the leg, but he would need to kept for observation in case he might have sustained a concussion.

Gray Panther Space Academy, AZ

31 August 2128

Reveille was not a problem as everyone got out of bed refreshed happy to be another day closer to graduation.

"Oh yeah, baby! Only a couple more days and we are out'a here!" Matilda Engel hollered then ran towards her sister Mary as each jumped and did a chest bump.

"Dart Flight! Dart Flight! Dart Flight!" Echoed from the walls as the team repeated the chant as they headed for the showers. Everyone was near ecstatic knowing the days were numbered!

Diego and Bailey stood outside the bay door laughing. "Guess our charges are ready to leave the nest," Ray said.

"They are not alone; this is my last training flight. I'm moving over to light infantry. My heart is not in this, especially the kid glove treatment. These kids need more building up than we are allowed to give them and some will end up dead because of that. At least my experience will be useful to keeping troops under me alive."

"Damn Carlos, I'll be sorry to see you go. We made a good team, but I agree with you. Nevertheless, I will work from the inside to improve the system the best I can," Ray replied.

"OK let's let the kids have a good start to their day. I'm going to take them for a little jog before breakfast and then they can hop right back in the shower when I'm done with them," Diego said happily.

Slamming the door open Diego hollered out, "Fall in!" he was shocked when almost the entire flight fell in either nude or near nude. "Five minutes ladies and gentlemen out in the covered area. I'm in the mood for a stroll and do not want to go by myself. Athletic gear and canteens now fall out."

Bailey watched Diego from the side as the flight formed up in front of him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you may have heard that I was once a Marine, if you hear that it was in error. Even though I wear the gray of the Gray Panthers, my heart will always be Marine. So today when we march you will holler out "Dart" when your left foot hits the ground. When your right foot hits the ground you will say "Flight." Do you understand?"

The loud chorused reply of "Yes, Instructor Diego" sounded as one voice from the ten cadets.

"Flight Atten-shun. Left Face. Forward Harch.

"Come on now, who are you?" Roared Instructor Diego

"Dart Flight." Sounded out as one voice from the flight.

"I can't hear you!" Again, roared Instructor Diego.

"Double time! Pick it up ladies," Roared Instructor Diego

Diego spent the next hour double timing the flight through the entire academy grounds and then off campus through the base itself. Many old timers enjoyed the game hollering, "Who are you?" and getting the "Dart Flight" response back.

Returning to the dorm, Instructor Diego gave the command, "From this moment until graduation when more than three members of this flight go anywhere it will be in formation at double-time letting this whole damn base know who you are, understood?"

The loud-spirited reply of, "Yes, Instructor Diego," Sounded as one voice from the ten cadets.

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