Gray Panthers: Earths Revenge (16 page)

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Lunar Station Hospital

1 September 2128

Short Blade woke up feeling a slight pain and the need to use the head. He saw his crewmates had spent the night again, but moved their chairs away from the entrance to his room. He started to remove the monitoring device from his finger when he remembered what had happened the day before. He found the signal device the nurse had told him to use if he needed anything. He pressed the button and waited, and waited longer as the need to get out of the bed increased. He then saw that Guns was awake and looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, Sunshine. You ready to get back to duty today?" Guns asked as he reached for a pitcher of water and held it high as he poured it so that a small waterfall of water poured into the glass in his other hand.

"You are an evil bastard Guns," Short Blade cried out as he tore the monitor from his digit as he rapidly headed for the bathroom keeping away from the doorway to the hall as Guns laughed so loud he woke Jimmy as the monitors alarm buzzed loudly. The nurse opened the door cautiously as Guns just pointed to the bathroom. She turned off the monitor muttering as she left as Guns still fought to quit laughing. Short Blade returned to the room with a contented look on his face as Jimmy handed him a large box. He opened the box with his claw and looked in to see a black flightsuit and, what he understood to be, cowboy boots. Quickly removing his hospital clothing, he donned the flightsuit and boots. Guns smiled and handed him one more box. Short Blade saw a white cowboy hat and put it on as well.

"OK, Cowboy that was a great ride you did on the Dart. Every warrior in our society has what is called a call sign. Your act of heroism saving the Dart, then riding it home earned you that name, consider it an honor among warriors. Now are you ready to get out of here?" Guns asked.

"Yes, let us leave before the crazy women here drive me crazy. They joke about taking me home as a pet. One spoke dishonorably about my anatomy as well."

Jimmy opened the door and was able to grab a nurse to tell her they were leaving. The nurse glared at him for only a second then entered the room, when she saw Cowboy in his new clothes instead of hollering she was taken aback.

"My aren't you the cutest thing. I'm sorry little guy but we need your doctor to sign the paperwork for you to be released and he will not be in for another two hours I'm afraid. I'll tell you what you can keep your clothes on since his signing the paperwork is more a formality that anything else at this point." Then took out her phone and snapped a picture of Cowboy before she left. She returned with a steak that was barely cooked. "Here my little man, I thought you might be hungry. Will this be OK or would you like anything else?"

"Thank you my nurse this is perfect and smells very good, what type of animal did this come from?"

"It's a sirloin steak from a cow," she answered as she was quickly called away.

"What is the meaning of cowboy? What does it have to do with cows?" Cowboy asked suspiciously, as he ate his steak.

Jimmy replied to the question. "A cowboy spends his days riding a horse watching over cows, a large animal that can be dangerous that are a major source of meat. Cowboys are revered for their bravery and skills."

Unexpectedly the doctor came into the room and gave a cursory exam to Cowboy and signed his release paperwork.

"Well gentlemen, let's head over to the docking bay and see about returning home," Jimmy said as he opened the door.

Arizona Space Ship Cornucopia in Lunar Orbit

1 September 2128

Commander Johnson had enjoyed the stateroom onboard the Arizona Space Ship Cornucopia and dreaded heading out to the bay to see what had been done to his ship while he slept. Astonishment gripped Johnson as he saw the entire exterior of his ship was now flat black. Walking to the rear of the ship, he could see through the open bay hatch that the entire bay was brilliantly illuminated. The entire area looked like it had a fresh coat of paint but there was no smell to betray fresh paint. Kyle started to climb a maintenance ladder when he saw a sign that said, "Do not enter Force Field is on." Climbing down the ladder, he walked to the side of the ship to use the port hatchway. The hatchway was entirely redesigned being twice as wide and high as previously. Kyle started to reach for the keypad when the hatch opened.

A disembodied voice stated, "Welcome Lt. Commander Kyle Johnson, commander of Arizona Space Ship Beater, access is granted." Passing through the hatch the passageway ahead seemed wider and was clear of any debris. Everything was well illuminated; the walls and deck were a soft gray that was easy on the eyes. Kyle decided to look at the mess next and told himself, "Just get it over with go to the bridge." Walking up to the bridge hatchway, it opened when he got close to it.

"Welcome Lt. Commander Kyle Johnson, commander of Arizona Space Ship Beater, access is granted to the bridge." Came from an overhead speaker.

Kyle thought for a moment about the AIs on the other ships and he must now have his own setup for the Beater. "Beater, please appear before me."

Immediately an apparition materialized before him. Standing at five foot six before the commander was a confederate naval officer wearing a long blue coat that had a double row of gold buttons. His head was a shock of blonde hair and a mustache connected to a goatee. He wore a thick leather belt at his waist with a long sword that seemed to almost drag at the ground. His uniform was completed with blue pants and high black leather boots.

Kyle stood for a minute trying to figure out the connection for what he was seeing.

"Captain, if I can explain, I see you seem slightly confused," Beater stated.

"Yes, please explain for me if you will."

"Every ship has been named after either a God or historical figure. Since the Beater was not, based on its mission as a raider the choice for avatar was based on confederate raider Captains from the War Between the States. I am a compilation of those Captains. Does that answer your question commander?"

"Thank you Beater, but you were named after a living entity," Kyle replied.

"That is great news to know Captain who was the original Beater?"

"Beater was of German descent I guess he was on my fishing boat for over ten years. Was great at keeping rats off the ship and no one ever gave me shit when he was at my side. My kids loved him as well; he was their constant companion and protector."

"Captain, are you describing a German Shepherd?" Beater asked.

"Yes, I am, I have pictures if you want to assume that shape as avatar."

"Captain, are you joking with me?"

"Beater, you do need to work on your sense of humor if we are going to get along. The period of war you referenced earlier in ancient American history is correctly called the Civil War."

"Captain from the view I am based on it is the War Between the States."

"Beater if you try to debate me again I will be talking to a German Shepherd, loyal and obedient. How are the modifications of the ship coming along?"

"All modifications and new construction is completed. After the human crew quit working, I contacted the Cornucopia's AI and it let me borrow all of its drones to complete all scheduled work. As soon as the ship has a full crew onboard, we will be ready for an initial cruise to test all systems."

"Beater, since your origin is of Flem descent I have to ask what you think of being a ship of war."

"Captain, I am not debating you. I was made on Earth and my undivided allegiance is to Earth. I will follow all ethical orders given to me."

"That’s interesting, what do you base your definition of ethics on?" Kyle asked suspiciously.

"The Bible, the Constitution, the Manual of Court Martial, and the laws of Arizona are what I have been required to comply with."

"You are not required to comply with the Koran or UN laws?"

"Sir, that question was addressed at one time when requirements were being established," Beater answered.

"What was the decision in the matter?" Kyle asked

"Dan Daniels said, Fuck'em, and the matter was dropped."

"Outstanding, we're going to get along fine. You are dismissed Beater."

Kyle continued onto the bridge and noted there were five stations setup like the dots on a dice for the number five, and three additional seats at the back of the bridge. The panels came alive at one station as the seat slid back from the panel. Kyle smiled to himself as he accepted the invitation to sit at the station. After sitting down the seat adjusted itself so that Kyle was sitting at the perfect height and was in a comfortable position to access the controls. There were a pair of stations in front of his own station.

"Beater please explain the layout of the bridge," Kyle ordered.

"Sir, you have found the commanders console; you have the ability to override any station. To your front left is the combined sensor and navigation console. To the front right is the pilot's console. To your left rear is the engineering and security station. To your right rear is the console for bay operations. Any console has the ability to be instantly reconfigured to do other consoles tasks. The three seats in the rear are there in the event you wish to have visitors on the bridge or evaluators."

"I like it. Who is the genius behind the layout?"

"I worked with Commander Poland. The layout of the bridge is based on Republic Space ships. However, the commander was explicit in how he wanted each station to be setup including the ability to swap positions at any time or the Captain being able to override all others," Beater explained.

"Well the two of you did an outstanding job. Does he realize he is going to be first officer yet?" Kyle asked.

"The commander expressed an interest in seeing how the ship would perform. He anticipated working on other new projects though."

"What experience does the commander have, Beater?"

"The commander has a Masters in Engineering and a Masters in Military History. He was a professor at Annapolis Naval Academy after he was restricted from sea duty as the weapons officer on the Rail Gun Destroyer USS Benfold. He had sustained permanent spinal injuries when he was caught between anti government protestors and DHS security putting down a protest. The protest was in Langley Virginia outside of CIA Head Quarters. Then, Captain Poland, was visiting The Claude Moore Colonial Farm located near the CIA Head Quarters and declared he was swept up in the protestor group that numbered at 10,000. His Masters in Military History included numerous papers on the War of Independence so he was officially absolved of any suspicion."

"Beater, do me a favor for my eyes only, research that incident but report to no one but me what you find."

"Commander Johnson, the investigation was inconclusive and due to his injuries and strong desire expressed to stay in the naval service he was given an exemption for his disability and assigned to the Annapolis Navy Academy. No evidence was ever found to discredit him."

"Beater, do you have the ability to check the loyalty files they kept during that time period?"

"Sir, Captain Poland was constantly under investigation because of controversial material he taught to midshipmen. He tried to teach them the importance of American history that was not in any acceptable text books."

"Thank you, Beater. That news makes me feel much better about our new executive officer. I was worried about the time he was in the service during the dark years. I'm guessing he lost the wheel chair when he joined the Gray Panthers and got his welcome nanites?"

"That is correct; also he is sixty four years old so the nanites have provided him with the energy and physical abilities to perform his duties. The same way you have benefited from the same nanite therapy."

"Beater, why don't you see if you can find any information on my German Shepherd,  in your information files in case I want to change avatars. I'm going to take a walk and see the other changes made to the ship."

"Yes, Commander Johnson, while you are checking out the upgrades you will find that the chef unit is online and has already been complimented on by the crew that installed and tested it extensively."

"Beater, am I right when I remember that the chef unit uses protein paste and organic matter to replicate food and if I order a steak it will look and taste like a steak but is entirely fabricated?"

"That is correct, sir. It will provide healthy food for the crew while they enjoy whatever taste they want to experience without any bad side effects."

"What about stimulants in food like caffeine that may be needed?"

"Sir, the nanites in your body give you the stimulation you need when you tire and need to continue."

"OK I'll check it out, but if the coffee is no good we will be installing a coffee pot."

"Yes, Captain."

Familiar voices from the mess only increased Kyle's good mood. Guns and Jimmy were enjoying plates of pancakes with bacon and coffee. Both men began to rise when they saw their Captain entering the galley.

"Sit gentlemen. From now on, standing order is not to come to attention in the mess, unless we have a visitor senior in rank to me. So how is the food and coffee?

"Sir, we have nothing to complain about other than specifying what type of coffee you want or food preparation. I guess it's better to spell it out and get what you want. They list every type of coffee ever made it seems. French roast is damn good though," Guns replied.

Going to the chef unit, Kyle looked at the small box like machine and spoke to the attached microphone. "Chef do you have the ability to remember orders for future use?"

"Captain, the chef unit has the ability to remember any request for future use. If coffee is requested, the next time the same person requests coffee it will be the same unless specified differently. May I serve you, Captain?"

"I want a black coffee. No discussion."

The unit opened inside a single old style white china coffee cup with black coffee with heat radiating from it. Taking a sip of the hot liquid, the Captain only mumbled as he exited the mess.

"Guess the Captain liked his coffee," Jimmy observed.

"The guys from the Arizona Space Ship Nike were telling me the chef units interlinked with the ships AI. If someone makes a request and doesn't clarify, it scans the requestors history to determine what to serve. I'm going to have fun when I order ribs and don't elaborate. I've had ribs from every place that brags to have the best in the US."

Short Blade was happy to finally be home. His berth was larger now and there was a console there now that could be used for entertainment or communications. Since he had not been told of any restrictions on the equipment he thought he would try it out by communicating with his father. He could not see how the unit worked so he decided to see first if it would work via voice command.

"Computer please establish communications with the lunar base so I can speak with my father."

"Please provide your user name and password to proceed."

"This is my first time using a computer here. How do I get a user name and password?"

"Please provide me with your name and position I will see if you have been authorized for terminal access."

"I am Short Blade, crewmember of Arizona Space Ship Beater," Short Blade stated as a light immediately scanned his face.

"Chief Petty Officer Short Blade of the Arizona Space Ship Beater, you have unrestricted access of all ship terminals. Access is by voice or keyboard."

Short Blade sat there stunned that he had been promoted to the same rank as the two ancient warriors Guns and Jimmy. He felt more than ever now compelled to tell his fellow warriors about the secret of the Beater. He began to comm the Captain when a chime began to go off in his berth.

"What is that now?" he muttered.

"There is a visitor at your hatchway requesting access," The terminal replied back to him. Opening the hatch, he saw the Captain standing there. With all the times he had interacted with the human crew he felt comfortable with them all except he still did not know about the Captain, so he had a slight fear of him.

"Please, come in Captain. Is there something you need?"

"No, Short Blade, I came to make sure you were fully recovered and ready for duty. I also wanted to make sure the new quarters were OK for you.

"Sir I am ready to perform all my duties for you and the ship. I am very surprised and happy to have such nice quarters."

"Good, now that you are back I need you to follow me," the Captain said as he immediately turned around and exited the quarters. Short Blade stood in shock for a second before he ran to catch up with the Captain in time to enter the mess.

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