Gray Panthers: Earths Revenge (18 page)

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Gray Panther Space Academy

2 September 2128

Matt Andrews lay in his bunks enjoying the quiet; he knew reveille would be only a matter of minutes. Today was the last day of the academy; tomorrow they would graduate and be on their way. He was proud of how his friends had tolerated all the crap and surpassed every one's expectations. “I just have to get us through this last day,” repeated in his head as a mantra. From the opposite end of the bay he heard a shout and commotion as someone was already up and playing grab ass. The volume continued to increase as they ran from the far side of the bay knocking everyone out of their bunks as they passed each flight member. Matt jumped on to his feet just as they got to him. Looking down the bay it was a mess as some were getting off the floor others were helping, everyone was smiling.

“OK everyone, Let's get it cleaned up and off to breakfast to start our last day!” Matt shouted to the boisterous crowd.

A chorus of HUAHS was his reply.


Arizona Space Ship Beater Lunar Orbit

2 September 2128

Short Blade had not been able to sleep and decided it was finally time to give the Captain his confession; he could not take the guilt any longer. Donning his uniform he stopped as he always did in front of the mirror to see that everything was perfect before he left his berth.

Stopping first in the mess he saw the Captain by himself looking over his tablet as he slowly drank his coffee. It was already known by all if you got to the commander after his coffee and before he made it to the bridge you were in the zone. Commander Johnson sensed he was not alone and turned to see Short Blade in the entryway to the mess.

“Good morning, Chief, how are you doing this wonderful day in the Gray Panthers?” Johnson asked as he took another healthy swallow of coffee.

“Sir, if you have a moment there’s something you need to see,” Short Blade said.

“Certainly Chief, you lead and I shall follow,” Johnson replied standing and beginning to follow the little alien.

Short Blade began to sweat and felt like his whole body was constricting in on him as he lead his Captain to the source of his disgrace. Stopping at the end of a dead end passageway he reached down and grabbed a small vent hole and lifted, bringing the entire section of wall with it. Before them was a large room filled with assorted boxes and bottles.

“Sir, this is the ships special hold. I was remiss in not mentioning it earlier. I am sorry for failing to report it to you sooner,” Short Blade said to his commander.

“So this is the smugglers portion of the old girl then. What have we got here for cargo?” Johnson asked slightly amused.

“This was the cargo the smugglers had when they were caught. It was never discovered until I found it when I joined the crew and was trying to learn all I could about the ship. The cargo is black market spirits and consumer electronics that were headed back to the Republic. The maintenance chief had a plan to dispose of it and was going to share the profit with me when he sold it. That was before he was blown up in the Battle for Earth.”

“OK Chief we will keep this our secret for now. Make sure there is room in there for the gold Captain Young brings aboard for the mission. Only you and I will know about this understood?"

“Yes, Commander Johnson, only you and I will have knowledge of the cargo bay and its contents,” Short Blade replied.

“Good job bringing this to my attention chief,” Johnson complimented the chief as he left to get back to the bridge.


Gray Panther Head Quarters Arizona

2 September 2128

Dan Daniels waited in his office with Butch Bad Admiral of the Gray Panthers space fleet. The two men agreed that the material needed was vital not only to the war effort but to earth as a whole. Neither man gave the mission much chance of success. Different staffs were already planning a variety of missions in the event the current mission preparing to go failed.

“Butch, the Captain impresses the hell out of me. It doesn’t matter what the mission itself is, what matters is the man leading that undertaking being able to adapt and change with the operation. The Captain is fast on his feet and I hear you do not want to play poker with him. I want you to be sure he has everything he asks for without question. If the Captain asks for the Nike, he gets the Nike. He should be here in just a few minutes. You have any questions for me on the mission?” Dan asked.

“No, Dan, it’s the way of the military the better you are or perform the more you get dumped on you. I have looked for a more senior officer, or even politicians to make the first contact and my AI confirmed that the current mission has the best chance of success."

The knock at the office door was followed by Juanita poking her head in. “The marine Captain is here. Do you want me to bring him in?”

“Yes please,” Dan replied. A feel of unease about the mission still tugged at the back of his mind and he still did not know why.

Captain Young entered the room and was surprised to see the admiral as well as Gray Panther Commander. Young continued to Dan's desk and came to the position of attention, looking three inches above Dans head.

“Captain Young reporting as ordered, sir.”

“At ease Captain Young please take a seat,” Dan ordered.

“Do you prefer James or Jim, Captain?” Dan asked.

“James is fine sir.”

“James, we have reviewed your plans for the mission and even had the AIs crunch the numbers. I wanted to tell you in person there are no changes and you have a “Go” for 4 September. If you have any additional requirements or need anything Butch will get it for you.”

“Thank you, sir. There is one additional item that may make a difference. I’d like an additional million dollars in gold coins for bribes and anything that may come up. That was a suggestion from the Chief Petty Officer of the Beater. Bribes are pretty common especially at the borders,” Young replied waiting for the shit to hit the fan for a request that sounded outrageous even to him.

“That’s not a problem James. Will that be enough?” Dan asked not batting an eye.

“Um yes sir. That will be sufficient,” Young replied amazed.

“You will need to get receipts for all bribes as well as bring back all unused gold you understand,” Butch chimed in.

“Of course sir I——” Young was interrupted by laughter from both Dan and Butch as he realized they were pulling his leg.

Both men stood and advanced towards Young as he arose also. Butch grabbed his hand in a firm hard handshake as his other hand grabbed Young shoulder and gave a slight squeeze. Young returned the handshake with equal pressure. “Good luck Captain Young. I have full faith in you for this mission,” Butch stated as he released his hand only for Dan to grab and shake his hand.

Dan looked Young in the eyes and simply said, “God speed, Marine.”

Moments later Young was in the hallway outside the office with his head spinning. His feet did not seem to touch the ground as he hurried to exit the headquarters building. The same way he had when he was a young enlisted marine.

Entering the OPFOR building, Young immediately had his NCOIC Sergeant Polanski gather all the team together.

“We have a real mission coming up. I estimate we may be gone as long as thirty days. You are all released from duty for remainder of the day. Tomorrow we will be going over the mission. We will depart on 4 September so get your personal affairs in order. Planning starts at 0800 tomorrow. I’ll see you then, now get out of here.” The team quickly evaporated into thin air as Young prepared to review the mission one more time.


Gray Panther Space Academy Arizona

2 September 2128

“Ladies and gentlemen, the simulator building will be closing in five minutes. It has been my pleasure working with you all and I wish you all good luck with your careers. Enjoy your graduation tomorrow,” Sim operator Perkins said to the entire flight.

“OK boys and girls, let's get something to eat it’s getting late,” Matt ordered as he looked at his wrist computer and saw it was 1900 hrs already. The sim operator had given them two additional hours of sim time without saying anything. Stepping outside it was already dark as they formed up to march back to the dorm.

“Flight atten’shun!” Instructor Garcia ordered from the shadows. “Ladies and gentlemen, it has been noted by me that this flight has not had a night time march as required by the training syllabus. Do not worry we can take care of it now. Left face, forward harch.” Twenty minutes later a glow was visible from the desert as well as the smell of meat cooking over fire. The entire flight, hungry to begin with, began to salivate from the smell from the cook fire.

“Flight Halt. Fall out and find yourself a spot by the fire,” Diego ordered.

Instructor Bailey watched as the cadets neared the fire. “Everybody grab a mess kit and serve yourself, we have rib steaks and baked potatoes.” The flight as one went for the meat and potatoes.

“Ladies and gentlemen once you are done eating you will navigate back to the dorm and consider your duty day over. Our portion of the graduation ceremony will be at 0900 hours. At 1100 hours transportation will take you to your Darts and you will proceed to the Arizona Space Ship Beater. Flight plans have already been completed for you. Enjoy your last dinner. It has been our pleasure more so than yours I’m sure,” Instructor Bailey said to the flight as he and Diego turned away from the fire to let the flight have one last time together.

As the two instructors disappeared into the dark the cadets looked at each other in amazement.

Instructor Bailey handed Instructor Garcia a beer as they strolled back in the dark to the academy. In the distance they heard the repeated chant “Dart Flight!” until it faded in the distance as they neared the academy grounds.


Gray Panther Space Academy Arizona

3 September 2128

Matt Andrews heard noise in the bay but was not going to wake up early; for once he was going to make it to reveille before he got out of his nice warm bunk. Matt started to burrow deeper in his covers when he heard reveille blaring. Matts body betrayed him as he jumped out of bed when he only wanted to sleep another minute.

Most of the flight members were already awake and had their barracks bags packed as they sat and talked quietly. Their bunks already stripped and the mattresses already rolled up, just as they had been when they first arrived. Thoughts began to fill his mind, three hours until the ceremony, five hours till launch, then life on the Arizona Space Ship Beater in space. Matt looked around at his companions, his family. How many of them are going to die he wondered as he strolled leisurely to the head to get ready for the day. Uncertainty over the future compared to the safety of the academy started to weigh on his mind.

“Freedom is near, my brethren,” Scotty was loudly preaching. “My friends, I have lived a long life, but until recently I have only begun to truly live. Everyone gather around me. Lord, we thank thee for bringing us together. Please protect and guide us as we fight the evil that would enslave our world. We remain your servants. Amen.”

The rest of the flight joined in saying, “Amen.” Surprised that Scotty had revealed that he was religious for the first time. The group felt closer as they continued to prepare for graduation. Instructors Bailey and Garcia entered the bay unnoticed as everyone was preoccupied. Cadet Borys was the first to notice the pair and was amazed as he looked at the rows of fruit salad on each of their chests. Borys began to call the bay to attention when they each stopped him. Then Bailey addressed the flight.

“We will form up and march to the parade ground. Once we have passed the reviewing stand we will take our place until we are dismissed. After you are dismissed, you will be officers of the Gray Panthers. Now fall out outside.”

The short march over to the parade ground then marching in review seemed to go by in no time at all. Standing in formation listening to officers and civilians leaders speak just seemed to drone on. Matt and Suzy heard their names called and proceeded to the reviewing stand and were shown where to stand. Then the announcer began to read:

"Attention to Orders

Cadet Matthew Andrews distinguished himself by an act of courage while a cadet at the Space Academy on 9 August 2128. During this period, while receiving instruction in the west desert training range the class came under attack. The class instructor was immediately incapacitated by enemy. Cadet Andrews immediately took charge of the flight exposing himself to enemy fire as he directed the return fire of the flight on the attackers. It was determined that Andrews own return fire destroyed the enemy. He then coordinated the rescue force while securing the battlefield. The distinctiv
accomplishments of Cadet Matthew Andrews reflect credit upon himself and the Gray panther Militia of Arizona.


The Honorable Sigmund Goldstein Jr

Governor of Arizona."

Dan Daniels then
pinned the medal to Matts uniform. Dan then saluted Matt and shook hands as he congratulated him. The ceremony then continued. When the announcer began to read:

Attention to Orders

Cadet Suzy Hagen distinguished herself by an act of courage while a cadet at the Space Academy on 9 August 2128. During this period, while receiving instruction in the west desert training range the class came under attack. The class instructor was immediately incapacitated by enemy. Cadet Hagen immediately exposed herself to enemy fire as she covered her wounded instructor with her own body. Cadet Hagen then exposed herself to enemy fire again as she dragged the wounded instructor out of the line of fire. Cadet Hagen then performed emergency first aid on the instructor and stayed at his side until rescue forces arrived saving his life. The distinctiv
accomplishments of Cadet Suzy Hagen reflect credit upon herself and the Gray Panther Militia of Arizona.


The Honorable Sigmund Goldstein Jr

Governor of Arizona"

Dan Daniels then
pinned the medal to Suzys uniform. Dan then saluted her and shook hands as he congratulated the new lieutenant.

“Congratulations graduating cadets of 3 September 2128. Ladies and gentlemen distinguished visitors these proceedings are now closed.”

Matt and Suzy stood in shock at the end of the ceremonies as the rest of the flight pounded them on the back in congratulation. When the back slapping and congratulations all around were done the realization that they were now really officers was the icing on the cake. The group formed up out of habit then they marched back to the dorm to collect their gear and prepare to depart for the Arizona Space Ship Beater. Carlos and Ray sat in the bays office as they heard the flight enter the bay enthusiastically. Opening the door, they joined the jubilant flight.

“Congratulations Darts!” Instructor Bailey hollered over the roar of voices as he and Diego went to each member of the flight to shake their hands. “It’s been our privilege ladies and gentlemen to see you through this chapter of your careers. Hopefully when the current situation is over we will be able to sit down and hear how you did.”

Matt looked the two instructors in the face and asked the question he had held since day one. “Why were you so easy on us? I knew what to expect and this was a cake walk. I had my brothers, all Marines, put us through a mini-boot camp in preparation for a week!”

“You are right. We used new tactics on your flight since you were already a close knit team and we did not need to build on that. We also saw from day one you had all been coached well. The powers that be did not want you broken down and built back up. Those powers just wanted you polished and ready. When the new mission came along that further changed the mission as they wanted you to have maximum time to familiarize yourselves with the new fighters. Your flight did a damn good job. But I do think some old-school was needed and that got me shot!” Diego said smiling remembering back to the ambush of his class. “I also want to commend both you Matt and Suzy for doing such a damn good job during the ambush considering you had no training. That is why I was so adamant that you receive your recognition here before you go out into the world.”

Pounding on the door interrupted the silence that had followed Diego’s praise. “Transport here to pick up ten for the space port,” a civilian driver stated.

Diego once again, for old time sakes, made it easy for his old charges. “Get moving. I want to be alone in here by 60 seconds!” The newly christened officers jumped out of habit one last time as Diego and Bailey just smiled at the antics.


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