Grimm: A Novel In The Nate Temple Supernatural Thriller Series (The Temple Chronicles Book 3) (9 page)

Read Grimm: A Novel In The Nate Temple Supernatural Thriller Series (The Temple Chronicles Book 3) Online

Authors: Shayne Silvers

Tags: #Adventure, #St. Louis, #Thriller, #Funny, #Werewolves, #comedy, #Suspense, #Urban Fantasy, #weredragons, #new, #Action, #wizards, #Dragons, #dragon hunters, #bestseller, #best-seller, #Wizard, #Fantasy, #were-dragons, #Romance, #were-wolf, #Supernatural, #Mystery, #werewolf, #Romantic, #Dragon, #Brothers Grimm, #were-wolves, #Paranormal, #weredragon, #were-dragon, #Magic

BOOK: Grimm: A Novel In The Nate Temple Supernatural Thriller Series (The Temple Chronicles Book 3)
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Jafar, Captain of the Justices.

“Who is this?” A scratchy, sleepy voice answered.

“It’s your buddy. Your pal. Your BFF. Nate Temple. How you doing, sport?” I spoke, doing my best to sound overly positive and cheerful.

He growled back. “Do you know what time it is? What do you want?”

“To chat, of course. It’s what friends… and

He waited a few seconds, gathering his sleepy thoughts together for an appropriate political response at the term
. “I don’t feel like chatting. What do you need?”

“Alright. No foreplay.” I took a breath, forcing myself to sound confused and a little nervous. “Something is going on in town. I’m out of the loop, but everyone’s acting… strange. Do you guys happen to know anything about it?” I waited a long second, replacing my fake anxiety with a harder tone. “If not, consider this a heads up. When things get strange here, I usually end up taking out the trash, and I don’t want you guys thinking I’m overstepping myself. You are more than welcome to come investigate if you find it necessary.”

I waited. The line was so quiet that I almost thought he had hung up. Then I heard faint rustling and some murmured words in the background. “Give me a minute,” He muttered. He was apparently excusing himself to a more secure environment. “Okay. Strange how?” He finally asked.

I pondered how to answer that. If he was complicit, I didn’t want to be sharing my movements with my hunters. If he wasn’t, he needed a justifiable answer. He was a cop of sorts, after all, and even though I didn’t personally like him, I was pretty sure he was good at his job.

Wizard of the month
– or something like that – on the Academy’s break room wall.

“I was jumped by a pack of wolves and then again by some fangs. In the same hour.”

He grunted. “Sounds like a personal vendetta. You do have a reputation for making friends wherever you go.” He sounded pleased at the snide comment.

I swallowed back a retort, taking a breath. This was to be a professional phone call. Even if it killed me. I needed to be able to claim deniability if things went downhill.

“They said they had orders not to harm me.”

The line was quiet for a beat. “But you just said they jumped you.”

“Exactly. Like I said, people are acting strange. It makes no sense. Vampires and wolves
each other. So why would they have the same order not to harm me, but to jump me anyway?” I asked, not having to feign my confusion. “They were looking for something in my possession, but I’ll be damned if I know what it was…” I teased, offering him something to bite. But he didn’t take it.

strange.” He finally said. “What do you expect
to do about it? As you know, you aren’t under our jurisdiction, much to my regret. So why should I send anyone to help you? It’s obviously personal.” He was quiet for a moment.
he took my bait. “Unless… you wanted to make an exchange for our services. Say, unrestricted access to a certain Armory.” I could practically hear him salivating.

“I’m not giving you the Armory.”

“You don’t have to give it to me. Or even the Academy. Just let us inventory it.”

I laughed. “So you know exactly what you need to grab when you clowns finally make your move? Hard pass.”

He growled. “Then I think we’re finished here.” He answered, sounding pompous. “Watch out for yourself, Temple. The night is dark and full of terrors.” He roared in laughter at his own rapier wit.

“Fair warning. I’ll put an end to whatever is going on, with, or without you. If I do it without you, I don’t want to hear the Academy crying
when the dust settles, declaring me some kind of vigilante. Consider this my 911 call. Next move is on your shoulders. If you don’t do anything I’ll do what I do best. Maybe test out my new powers. Who knows what could happen? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious…”

The line was silent again. Not much of a talker, old Jafar.

“I’ll run it up the flagpole. That’s all I can do.” He finally grumbled, realizing that he had to do so, no matter how badly he wanted to see me dangling in the wind. I had made it official by calling him. If he didn’t follow the proper channels it could backfire on him.

“That’s all I’m asking. Call me back and let me know what you guys decide.”

He had hung up at some point during my last comment. I cursed at my phone and tucked it into a pocket, lengthening my stride a bit to catch up with Gunnar and Indie. They were only a dozen feet ahead of me. I recognized Ashley’s car double-parked outside an apartment building just ahead of us. Indie glanced over her shoulder, looking concerned at the expression on my face. Gunnar had eyes only for Ashley, but Indie slowed down and placed an arm around my shoulders, idly scratching her long fingernails through my scalp. “Bad?”

“On the contrary. It’s kind of comforting to know that he’s the same flavor of asshole he always is.” Indie nodded, massaging my shoulder with one hand as we walked.

“Perhaps you just need an outlet to clear your head. Release some tension.” She murmured.

I nodded. “Maybe I’ll go hit the bag for an hour when we get home.”

She stopped, her hand turning into a warning claw as she gripped my shoulder, forcing me to stop or fall over. I arched a confused brow at the hurt look on her face. “I don’t know how much more obvious I can be, Nate. I would hope you consider
,” she waved a hand at her body, “a better form of release than a dusty old punching bag.” She warned.

I blinked, realizing my mistake too late. I couldn’t believe I had missed such an obvious pass. Granted, I had a lot on my mind, but still. When a pretty girl flirts with you, you damn well better pay attention, Apocalypse or not. “Wow,” I sighed. “I’m an idiot.”

She nodded curtly. “Yes. You are.” She folded her arms, tapping a foot as she arched a brow. “So, what does a girl have to do around here to get some claw marks on her back?”

I grinned, suddenly focused on only her. “Say no more.” She smiled back and gripped my hand. “Still a little high strung after Barbie’s psychic attack, eh?” I teased.

Her eyes were dark and captivating. “Only one way to find out…” Then she smacked my ass as we stepped up to Gunnar and Ashley, who were unabashedly hugging and kissing each other outside of her idling car. The sound caused them to jump apart and stare at us. Indie burst out laughing. So did Ashley. I simply turned to glare at Indie in disbelief. She shrugged, folding her arms before her.

Then she did it again as I was climbing into the backseat.

“I’m not just some piece of meat, you know.” I grumbled, only mildly upset that my ass smacking authority had been stolen.

“Tonight you are.” She grinned, climbing in behind me. Gunnar rolled his eyes, but Ashley burst out laughing all over again.

“Looks like I missed a wild night.” Ashley said, pulling out into traffic.

“Don’t worry, we have a few more of them scheduled for the week.” I grumbled.

“I’m guessing that’s what the
car trouble
was really about?” She asked, glancing pointedly at Gunnar. His cheeks flushed slightly before he murmured an apology to her. I couldn’t hear the words, but it looked like he was getting an earful.

He finally addressed me as we passed a row of commercial buildings. “
Chateau Falco
?” I nodded. “Might be a good idea for all of us to stick together for a few days. Until this, um,
car trouble
gets sorted out.” He offered neutrally, giving me room to veto the idea if I wished. I glanced at Indie’s hungry eyes and smiled. It was a big enough house. Plenty of rooms. I winked at her to let her know she still held priority of my attentions, guests be damned.

“Good idea. While you catch Ashley up I need to make another call.”

They began talking softly together in the front seat while I made a call, feeling Indie’s curious eyes on me the whole time. Even though I had warned Jafar on official channels, I wanted a more reliable insurance policy that was solely in my control rather than the shifting winds of political favor, and after events over the past year I had wisely planned for just such an event ahead of time. But it was risky. In fact, it was borderline

“This can’t be good,” a familiar voice answered. I smiled.

“Consider this your answer. Commence
Operation White Knight
. Immediately. Then meet me at the ranch. Bring the family and anyone they care about.” I hinted heavily, hoping he understood. “It’s… bad.” The line grew as cold as a grave.

“Are you
me? I thought that was just a doomsday plan. We only came up with it a few months ago and you already need it?” I thought about it for a second, but I couldn’t think of another option.

“Yes. Exercise extreme caution. Like we discussed. Don’t harm them. Just hold them. If you
…” I added drily, knowing that his unique abilities made him the most capable of such a high level operation.

The voice growled back defiantly. “Of course I can hold them. Do you forget who you’re talking to?” He challenged.

“Of course not. You’re the Obsidian Son,
.” I teased.

“Damn right,” Raego growled, the sound shifting to a more deadly timber, that of a giant black dragon partially shifting into a menacing creature of the night.

And he was my pal.

“I’ll feel safer at my home, no offense. Plus, if things are about to go FUBAR, spreading out the risk might be a good idea.”

I grunted agreement.

We hung up without further words. Indie’s eyes were wide. “What did you just do?”

“Hopefully something that won’t
get me killed.” That didn’t appease the fear on her face. “It should be fine. I’m sure of it.”

Instead of poking holes in my plan she merely sighed, gripping my hand in support.

Damn fine woman. I squeezed back in silent thanks.

Chapter 8

woke up with a start. Indie had moaned in her sleep, sending an explosion of adrenaline through my veins. My eyes widened and my breathing came fast as I bolted up to a sitting position. It took me a few moments of frantic searching to calm down.

We were alone. Safe.

I stood and took a drink from a bottle of water on the bedside table. My body was practically quivering with energy. Great. I wasn’t going back to sleep anytime soon. I quickly glanced at the satchel beside the bed, verifying its contents were safe. I decided that I might as well lock them away now. Perhaps the brief walk would put me back at ease so I could get some shuteye. Check the wards, hide the books, and hit they hay. I had a long day tomorrow.

I tossed the satchel over a shoulder before silently stealing from the room without waking Indie. I crept down the halls on the balls of my feet, pausing for a few seconds outside Gunnar and Ashley’s room. Silence.

I continued on down the hallway, glancing idly over the balcony to the enormous sitting room below. A small fire burned lazily in the fireplace, casting a red soothing glow on the room. I watched it, trying to absorb the sense of tranquility.

A throat cleared behind me and I jumped out of my skin. I quickly spun, panting as I prepared to unleash hell. “Couldn’t sleep either?” Gunnar whispered from the shadows.

“What the
, man? Are you
to give me a heart attack?”

He shrugged, smirking. His hands had shifted to his werewolf claws, long, obsidian talons against icy white fur. And they were idly scratching a steady line in the trim of a doorway. He’d been up for a while, judging by the curls of shavings at his feet. “Do you mind?” I growled, pointing at the damage to the woodwork.

He didn’t meet my eyes, and continued scratching. “You’re good for it.”

“If you need to go outside to potty you don’t need to scratch at the door.” His eyes flashed an icy blue as his smirk widened.

“Figured it was easier to protect her from out here. In case anyone pays us a visit in the night.” He answered softly. I nodded, stepping back up to lean on the banister. He approached on silent feet and copied me. We stood in silence, thinking dark protective thoughts. Our women were targets, and neither of us was powerful enough to defeat the Grimms. Hell, supernaturals didn’t even have a good track record

“I’ve got a pretty swanky security system. They’re safer here than anywhere else.”

He grunted. “Not good enough. You know who is after you. And me.”

“Not just mundane security, wolf. I activated the
tonight.” He watched me curiously, having never heard me mention them before. I patted the beak of a stone griffin standing near my hip, using the motion to secretly tap my bracelet one time. The griffin was hidden in plain sight as a decoration. Stone creaked as it abruptly turned its head to assess the werewolf, sniffing. Then it cocked its neck, whipped its tail once to thump the floor in a warning thud, and then let out a soft caw. Gunnar’s eyes widened.

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