Guardian Angel (4 page)

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Authors: David Trebus

BOOK: Guardian Angel
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“However, Michael’s apparent ability to see you I do not believe was in the enemy’s design; in fact it, is this very thing they may have been trying to prevent from transpiring, although to what ends even we do not know.” Jasmine listened intently to him.

But has this happened before? And why my charge, why Michael?” Jasmine suprised herself at the emotion in her voice. Her concern for Michael feeling well beyond that of a dutiful Guardian.

“This has occurred before on rare occasions. As for why it has happened to Michael, only higher powers know. Not even I am allowed such information.” The Metatron glanced up to the ceiling.

So what happens now?” Jasmine asked, following his gaze.

The Metatron grinned and looked directly into Jasmine’s face. She couldn’t help but meet his piercing gaze, as it pinned her head in place to stare straight back at him. He looked at her for what seemed an eternity. He finally looked away and nodded, as if agreeing with himself.

“You, Jasmine, will continue to look after Michael down on Earth. In the past, such instances have been occasionally suppressed, with the human’s memories removed and the guardian reassigned, but in this case, I have been instructed that you should remain by his side, and his memory be left in place.”

Jasmine felt relieved at being released from the Metatron’s gaze. It was not unpleasant but an intense experience that left her feeling drained. She also felt happy that she was to remain by her charge’s side. She had been with Michael ever since his birth, watching over him, comforting him from afar. To lose him now would have been like losing a lover.

Thank you, High one, I can only hope I will continue to do my duties well."

The Metatron laughed loudly at Jasmine's reply and stood up. He offered Jasmine his hand to help her up. He pulled her up gently, then placed his hands on either side of her shoulders.

You are an amusing one, Jasmine. But your devotion and respect have always earned you a special place in the symphony. Do not fear your duties, for you are easily capable of performing them. But know this. We suspect infernal involvement in what happened, so be cautious and watchful.

You have been given an even greater responsibility. Your charge is aware of you and now has belief of things beyond his realm. Even I do not know what will happen from now, but have faith that you are where you are for a good reason, and look after Michael well,” The Metatron again looked directly into Jasmine’s eyes, although this time without his piercing sight.

Thank you, I'll try my best to keep him safe,” Jasmine replied, feeling her voice tremble. The thought of infernal involvement had shaken her; she'd never had to face down the designs of the enemy directly before. She was having an unaccustomed bout of emotional frailty today.

“I know you will. Now go, for your charge is unsure and will need your guidance more than ever. At least you will be able to give it to him directly now. If you ever need guidance yourself, you know where I am. We are always here for you Jasmine, just as you are for him.”

He guided her to the arch, where, he turned at the threshold and bowed deeply. The Metatron placed his hand on her head and smiled again, before returning to the centre of the room and watching her leave.

Now things are truly set in motion." He whispered, looking up at the ceiling. "I only hope the two of them are ready for what awaits, them and love, faith and hope do not abandon them.”

A bright light shone down upon him and a beautiful
music played on the instruments encased in the pillars. Again, the Metatron smiled, nodding.

Then I have no need to doubt. I will have faith in them.”





  Jasmine steppe
d out through the arch. She felt the clouds beneath her feet and all around her, other angels were busy with their duties. She was having trouble controlling her emotions, with all that had occurred. She might lose her mind if she didn’t find some control.

Angels had emotions like humans, so that they could feel the prime virtues of love, hope and faith. They had rejoiced, sung, loved, and prayed. However, such unadulterated emotion had led to the downfall of some, and to the wars in heaven. Some had embraced darker passions and had fallen from grace. After that, all angels learnt rigid self-control over their feelings, only expressing them in certain ways, through prayer, music or their tasks.

Jasmine took some deep breaths and mastered herself, remembering her lessons. She focused her thoughts inwards and tuned herself to the symphony all around her. She could see the notes flowing, feel the melodies in her spirit. Her calm reasserted itself as her emotions returned to their suppressed state. She smiled and opened her eyes.

“Hello, Jasmine,” said an angel right in front of her. A male face with unusual green eyes and blonde hair stared at her. Jasmine almost stumbled back in suprise.

. For goodness sake, don’t scare me like that. I was finding my place in the symphony.”

Oh, sorry. I was just passing by and noticed you there. Are you OK?”

Yes, fine, just running an errand,” Jasmine replied

Oh, good to hear. Your charge is well?” Jazen asked.

Yes, he’s fine, but why are you here?”

Oh…well, I’m on high to be cautioned. I've violated a tenet with my charge. But I just can’t help myself; I care for her much and want her to know someone is there for her in her times of need. She looks so lonely sometimes, Jasmine. It is horrible!”

Jazen hasty explanation revealed a lot more to Jasmine than he intended. Angels seldom lied. They could obfuscate rather than outright lie, but it being generally frowned upon. Nevertheless, Jazen was more honest than any angel Jasmine had met, and tended to talk too much.

Violating tenets is not wise, Jazen." Jasmine said sternly. "If you truly care for her so much, you will be more careful. If you keep doing it, you may end up reassigned. You could even inadvertently harm her.”

Tenets were the rules passed down to guardian angels to ensure that they operated reasonably. Rules such as no direct contact, no direct intervention, no relations and no harm. Relations between angels and humans were almost unheard of. No guardian angel ever violated the rule against harming their charge, unless they were falling. Even the most evil of humans deserved redemption. But some did break the no-direct-contact or intervention rule, and Jazen was a serial offender. Of course Jasmine would be breaking the very same rule, although with divine sanction.

Well, anyway, I had best be going” Apparently Jasmine’s warning had fallen on deaf ears . Jazen bowed and hurried off before she could reply.

Jasmine sighed and waved half-heartedly at the diminishing form of Jazen. She knelt and uttered a quick and silent prayer, before preparing to return to Earth. She wanted to stop by and see some of her fellows, but she should go back sooner rather than later. She was lost and unsure of herself but, embracing the music of the symphony, her faith overcame her doubts.

   She spr
ead her wings and they began to glow. She flapped them twice to gain lift, and below her, a ring of light formed. She slowly descended into it and started her journey back to Earth, passing through the layers of the symphony. From above, a shaft of light shone down warming her. Her doubts melted away and she knew everything would be all right.






















Chapter 2: Getting Used to Things




Michael’s dreams were disturbed. They began with pleasant memories of the home- cooked meals his mother used to make for him, along with a bizarre mix of women with wings cooking for him and winking suggestively. Lack of a girlfriend for a year must have warped his mind. After a while, though, these dreams faded into something more sinister.

He was standing on a desolate plain, scorched black and devoid of life. Craters dotted the landscape. In the distance, he could see the ruins of what looked like a city, torn apart by some unknown force. The landscape was dark, and only a red glow along the horizon provided any illumination. Above, only turbulent sky of the same violent hue swirled.

hael began to walk, then to run, anything to get away from this place. It had a feeling of wrongness, of evil. He stumbled on a stone and staggered a few paces, before landing face first in dust. He looked up at a figure that stood before him, though he couldn’t make it out.

” it said. At that moment, Michael was pulled upwards by a bright light, taking him away from his nightmare and back into the waking world.






  Jasmine’s return journey had taken longer than expected, delayed by an unknown presence causing discord in the symphony. Time flowed differently in heaven, but, had all gone smoothly, she would have been away no longer than four hours. However, the delay meant she was away for more than double that time. What was happening to her charge?  Something felt wrong.

She eventually reached the Earth, curling and flapping her wings gently to slow her descent. She formed the portal and returned through the ring of light into Michael's room. He was still in bed and seemed to be asleep, but over him stood a dark figure. Danger and evil emanated from it.

Jasmine landed gently on the hospital floor, her wings folding back in and the circle of light closing above her. The figure ignored her for a moment, perhaps distracted by its labours, but must have sensed her presence eventually and turned. It was a man, clothed in a dark suit. To Jasmine, his features seemed twisted, warped into something altogether unnatural. A grin stretched all the way up to his cheekbones, and two small protrusions grew from his forehead.

  The man was an imp. A lesser infernal creature, Jasmine remembered from her lessons. Imps were recruited from the very lowest fallen of human souls, those whom the pit saw as having true taint and potential. Hell removed them from the plains of suffering to live again in the mortal realm in exchange for their services. Imps sowed the seeds of doubt in mortals, bringing anxiety, fear and distrust in their subtle whisperings. They inspired temptation and always sought to drag mortals down, little by little, in petty ways.

Imps were not especially powerful, as their only direct ability was to influence humans in a minor manner. They could cause harm in other ways, though. There was nothing stopping them from using a gun or a knife to cause serious harm to an angel’s charge, or even an angel, if they found a special form of metal.

Hello, angel, come to interrupt my ministrations?”
The imp hissed through its clenched teeth and wide grin.

Be-gone, lesser spawn!" Jasmine said in a commanding voice. "You are not welcome here, and you will not harm my charge.” She couldn't show any signs of doubt or weakness.

Pfft, do not try to command me. I take no orders from the likes of you.”
The imp chucked to itself.

Jasmine grew concerned for Michael. She had to stop whatever the imp had been doing. It was too much of a coincidence that an imp just happened to be in Michael’s room so soon after the accident. She took a confident step forward, raised her hands above her head and closed her eyes to sing.


“O light on high. O song of beauty.

  Shine down now, sing in purity.

  Bring brightness, bring melody

darkness, banish malady.”


Jasmine’s voice lifted up to the symphony, and a small part of its power broke off to touch the earth. As a bright light enveloped the room, the imp recoiled and shrieked. It ran out of the room, hissing in pain, not even turning to make more veiled threats or smart remarks. Jasmine ceased her song and the room returned to normal. She felt drained after her transition from heaven and use of her powers.

Michael stirred in his bed, and Jasmine went to him, nearly knocking over a small food trolley in her haste. She looked Michael over. No serious harm seemed to have come to him, and he was much as he had when she had left. Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.






When Michael opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a bright light. He blinked a few times to clear his vision, and Jasmine was standing over with a concerned look on her face. For a moment, it felt like when he had first awoken after his accident. He examined Jasmine’s face and looked into her eyes. She really was quite cute. The thought brought back the more pleasant part of his dream, and he shook his head quickly to clear any impure thoughts. Thinking dirty thoughts about an angel had to be taboo.

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