Guardian Angel (5 page)

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Authors: David Trebus

BOOK: Guardian Angel
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Jasmine pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. She decided not to tell him about the imp right away, not until he was fully recovered. There was no sense in worrying him, and whatever the imp had been doing, it had not had the chance to finish its work.

How are you feeling?” Jasmine asked.

Not too bad. I was having weird dreams, though. They started off nice...but then,” Michael hesitated remembering the bad portion of his dreams.

Then?” Jasmine asked, leaning forward.

Well..I was somewhere dark with ruins around and a sky of red, the whole place made me feel frightened,”

That explained what the imp was up to. It was trying to enter Michael’s mind through his dreams. Visions of the pit were the first stage in dream invasion. Jasmine had arrived just in time. “Who knows what seeds it would have tried to plant in him," Jasmine thought, "or information it would have gained had I been a moment later.”

I wouldn’t worry," she said. "It’s probably just the trauma of the accident and the shock of all that’s happened. Not every day you get to meet your own angel, especially one as cute as me.” Jasmine replied ignoring all of the rules on vanity.

Michael looked at Jasmine, cocking his head slightly. He noticed little details about her that he had not seen before. Her wings seemed smaller than he would have imagined an angel’s to be, now she had them tucked back. In the pictures he had seen, even when folded away, angel wings were massive. Jasmine’s, however, were more like a cherubs than a majestic angel of legend.

He also noticed the details of her face. When she smiled, her eyes seemed to sparkle, like sunlight reflecting on the blue sea, while her hair framed her face perfectly. Michael blinked a few times, blushing slightly. Jasmine really was cute, but he was not going to tell her that.

I was hoping for cuter, you know. You look a little tomboyish.”

Jasmine rocked on her feet and pulled an irritated expression
, leaning forward and pinching Michael hard on the arm. She seemed to puff up her cheeks when she got annoyed, which only added to her appeal.

Ouch!” Michael pulled away, “I’m injured here, you know!”

I’m going to blame that little comment on everything you’ve been through. You’re clearly recovering well, though, as you’re hiding your feelings again with sarky remarks. Don’t forget, I’ve been looking after you for a long while Michael.” Jasmine leaned back in her chair again. Oddly, her wings seemed to move themselves out of the way of the backrest.

A long moment passed before Michael spoke again. He kept sneaking glances over at Jasmine, who just sat there watching him with an intent gaze. It was unnerving to think she'd probably been gazing at him for years without him knowing it.

So…what happens now? What did they tell you? Am I going to lose my memory?”

Jasmine leaned forward again, resting her elbows on the edge of the bed. She may have been totally comfortable this close to Michael, but he sure wasn't. Before today, he had never really met her, even though she felt very familiar.

“Oh…sorry," she said sitting back, "force of habit. Well, they say that things are to be left as they are. Your memory is to stay intact and I am to continue being by your side. Isn’t that great?” Jasmine giggled, making the peace sign again.

“But…I don’t get it. This is all a little too much for me to take in. I’m either going crazy, or I'm going to go crazy, if this keeps on. A couple of days ago, I mean, I believed in stuff like that, but now it’s right in my face, literally. What do I do?”

“Do you need another pinch on the arm? You’re not going crazy, and you're not going to go crazy, so stop being a baby about it. Your life has changed, yes. But think of the gift you have been given. You know that there’s someone always there for you. You
there's a Heaven. Not many people can claim that.” Jasmine placed her hand on Michael’s shoulder.

But where do I go from here?” The touch comforted Michael, but he was still worried.

You carry on. I've seen you go through so many hardships and difficulties and come out winning. You always try your best, that’s what makes me proud to be by your side. So don’t be scared of me, or what I represent. I'm here for you now, directly, and can help you even more. I don’t know what's going to happen but I am here for you and I know you will be OK.”

Definitely cute…if a little corny and whacky,“ Michael thought.

He sighed, propping himself up in his bed. He knew what Jasmine was saying made perfect sense, but he still felt cast adrift on an ocean without a paddle to steer with. The future always scared Michael a bit, just like anyone, but now he was not sure what to think. Still, Jasmine’s words brought some comfort, and looking into her eyes made him feel calmer.

I guess I've no choice then, really. Don’t you get bored watching me all the time? I’m going to have to go back to day to day life you know."

“Nope. Don’t really get bored. Besides, I find all that you humans do fascinating. And, if I do get bored, I can always sing and do a little helping on the side, if you don’t need me much. Ever wondered why people have good luck around you sometimes? That’s me, sneaking in a little extra help when their own guardian isn’t watching.”

Is that allowed?” The idea piqued Michael's curiousity.

“Of course. We angels try not to be prideful, and accept help gladly. I mean, if it helps the world become a happier place, then it's all in the greater good and makes the symphony sound all the sweeter…and I know you're going to ask about the symphony now, so let's stop. Try to get some more sleep OK? It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow.” Jasmine settled Michael back into his pillows gently like a caring lover.

This time, I promise you won’t have bad dreams, because I'll be here watching you.”

   Michael shut h
is eyes again feeling exhausted. Jasmine remained close, but sat back, giving him more space. She sang to herself softly, and within minutes Michael felt himself drifting off to sleep. This time, he knew there would be no nightmares.






When Michael awoke, bright light shone in from the window. He turned round to see Jasmine, but her chair, was empty. He looked up at a clock mounted above the door, which said nine forty-five in the morning, May twenty-ninth. He had slept almost a full day!

Michael propped himself up, rubbing his eyes and adjusting his pillow so he could sit up comfortably. He'd always complained he never got enough sleep; he seemed to be making up for it over the last few days, easily. Michael felt refreshed, though, and soon even hazarded getting out of bed and taking a few tentative steps.

After so long in bed, he almost fell over, but steadied himself on the chair. He dragged it along after him and moved slowly towards the window. He put the chair in front of him, and then sat on it looking outside.

The sun was shining in a blue sky, with a few lazy clouds drifting across it. Its warmth felt good on his skin, and Michael shut his eyes for a moment, to enjoy the sensation and adjust to the light. He'd always preferred spring and summer to autumn and winter. He liked warm weather and bright sunlight. He never could understand people who liked the cold or winter.

Michael looked down out of the window into a large courtyard area. It was lined with pavement around its outer edges, but in the middle a large patch of grass, with several trees, sat like a small oasis of green amidst the grey of the hospital buildings.

A few children were playing on the green, supervised by some kind-looking nurses. Nearby, Jasmine stood with her hands raised up in the air, singing softly to herself. Michael couldn't make out the song, either Jasmine was singing very quietly, or the distance was too great.

He turned his attention to the children, who played happily with each other, laughing and trying their best to forget the troubles of the world. If he looked closely he could make out, next to each child and each of the nurses that supervised them, a guardian angel. They sat, stood or hovered nearby, watching over their charges, smiling as they played or looking concerned if they fell over.

  It wasn’t just Jasmine he could see, but everyone else’s guardian angel. That was worrying. If angels existed, and he could see them, what other, less savoury things would his new-found sight might reveal to him? He shivered despite the warm sun, and took a step back from the window. Jasmine stopped singing and looked up at him, lowering her hands and spreading her wings.

  She flew up to the window ledge and perched gracefully on it. She leaned in, overbalancing as she tucked her wings back in and falling on top of Michael in a less than graceful manner. Michael looked down at Jasmine and couldn't help but blush, a sudden shyness overtaking him.

  Jasmine stood up, brushing herself down and straightening out her clothing. If she noticed the expression on Michael’s face, she didn’t pay any attention to it, but seemed slightly embarrassed herself.

Oops…sorry about that, I didn’t mean to launch myself at you, these windowsills are thinner than they seem.” Jasmine said looking a little sheepish.

Oh.. Uhm, yeah, that’s OK,” Michael stammered.

Jasmine looked him up and down and smiled approvingly.

So how are you feeling? You look much better, much more colour in your cheeks!”

Better. Still, well, a bit confused by all this, but I do feel better, thanks.”

That’s good. I thought you’d be feeling well by today. I put a lot of effort into my songs for you, so if you hadn’t healed so quickly, I would have been very cross. I think you should be OK to leave here very soon, maybe even later today, once the doctors look over you.”

He said tomorrow. Besides, I feel like I can barely walk. I had to use a chair to steady myself and get over to the window, you know.” Michael felt hesitant to leave although he wasn't quite sure why.

That’s rubbish. Stand up. Here, I’ll help you,” Jasmine reached out her slender hand.

Was she joking? No, there was a stern and schoolma'amish look in her face, and he took her hand. She pulled him up gently but firmly and supported him as he began to wobble. She slowly led him around the room, increasing the pace as Michael’s weary limbs readjusted to their natural motions.

Whenever Michael began to totter, Jasmine would lean in closer or hold out her other hand to steady him. After a while, he began to tire, and she sang softly. Michael felt his spirits rise at the song, as if it kept him moving and trying. After an hour, he was walking confidently, knowing that Jasmine was close but able manage on his own. The feeling of achievement raised Michael's confidence, as he pushed his limits further, even managing a light jog.

After an hour of effort, his body began to tire and weaken, and Michael’s legs nearly gave out under him. Jasmine steadied him, and helped Michael back to his bed. She gently rested him back on his pillow, and pulling the covers up over his legs. She smelt just like her namesake, a sweet pleasant smell that reminded him of shady trees in the sun.

If you were going push yourself so hard, I wouldn't have bothered putting so much energy into encouraging you! You need to know when to stop, Michael. It’s always been your problem. I got to say you did better than I expected though, jogging…really.”

Michael was breathing too hard to reply at once, taking some time to get his breathing under control.

Well…once I started, I just felt like I should go as far as I could. You're right, though, I could probably be out of here today.”

  Jasmine gave Michael a long look, but before she could reply, a light knocking on the door interrupted them. A tired but friendly-looking nurse pushed her way through with a food trolley in front of her. She looked weary and worn down, probably due to all the extra work the funding cuts had put upon her. Her angel was nowhere to be seen, and Michael, promised himself to ask Jasmine about it later.

Hello, Mr Andrews…” The nurse paused. “Oh, I thought you had company. I heard talking.”

No no, just talking to myself, I got up and moved about a bit a little earlier, was just encouraging myself” Michael replied, resisting the urge to glance at Jasmine.

The nurse looked skeptical but shrugged her shoulders. “Well, that’s good to hear, although I’m not sure you should be moving about on your own just yet. I've brought you some lunch anyway, in case you feel hungry.” She placed a tray on the fold-out table at the foot of Michael’s bed. Its contents smelled pleasant, but didn’t look very appetizing, hospital food never did.

Hey, nurse; I’m feeling much better" Michael asked hesitantly. "Do you think I could go home today?”

The nurse checked the monitors and gave a tut. The wire connected to Michael's thumb clip had stretched, as he'd been moving about. Still, she noted a few things down on a clipboard and looked into Michael’s eyes.

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