Guardian Angel (6 page)

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Authors: David Trebus

BOOK: Guardian Angel
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Well…you certainly look much better, although it really is almost miraculous. The doctor will be in later to check on you, and I’m sure he can let you know if you can leave…although, with all the budget cuts you may end up getting chucked out anyway, as we barely have any beds…but anyway sorry, that’s not your problem, just focus on getting better OK!” The nurse smiled weakly, trying to stifle a yawn. Michael wondered how tired she must have been to admit something like that so openly. She pushed the tray within Michael’s reach, then smiled and left the room, closing the door gently behind her without another word.

Michael felt famished and immediately dug into his meal. It was a little bland, something that might be scrambled eggs, toast and some mushrooms, but he didn't care. It filled his stomach, and that was all that mattered. He gulped down some orange juice to wash it'll down and sighed. That felt better.

He caught sight of Jasmine, and realised she'd been watching him stuff his face. He smiled weakly, wiping his mouth. Could he get used to having someone there
the time? He was a fairly private person, and spent a lot of time on his own, except when he'd had girlfriends in the past. That reminded him of his question from earlier.

Jasmine," He asked. "That nurse who came in, I didn’t see an angel with her. The kids downstairs all had theirs, but she didn’t. Why is that?”

Jasmine hesitated
for a moment, shutting her eyes before replying.

“It’s possible that he could be up above right now, watching her from on high, or simply standing outside. I can dimly sense him now, but he's keeping his distance from her. Sometimes, Michael, I’m sad to say, our charges can reject us and push us away. Too much despair that even we can’t heal it. Or if the person truly turns to a dark path. That poor nurse wasn’t evil, in any way but she is under so much strain, she probably rejected her angel when she needed his help most. Still, he'll always try to watch over her from afar, even if he can’t be close.”

That’s terrible…it’s so bad things like that can happen” Michael replied softly, sympathy evident in his voice.

Jasmine nodded. “It really is, but you should focus on yourself right now. Plenty of time to set the world to rights later. The doctor will be in soon, and I’m sure you want out of here as quickly as possible, so get some rest; I won't be far, just outside. If you need me, just close your eyes and call my name inside your mind. I’ll come right back.”

“OK,” Michael replied. He was tired after all the exercise and his hastily eaten meal, but at the same time wired. All this was opening his eyes to a world he only ever hoped existed. It was frightening but comforting, a huge mix of emotion caused by everything that had happened.

Jasmine smiled at Michael and left via the window, this time not stumbling but gracefully leaning out. She left only an empty window frame, as Michael lay in bed pondering all that had happened. Minutes soon turned into hours, and before long the doctor re-entered the room.

His angel, a dark haired being, hung back next to the door, watching into the corridor. Michael hadn’t noticed her before. Had she been waiting outside the door? Maybe they knew he could see them.

Mr Andrews, good day!” The doctor was clearly using his bedside manner, but Michael felt nothing fake about it.

Hey, Doc,” Michael's attention was still on the doctor's guardian, even while the doctor checked on his vitals.

How are you feeling today? The nurse tells me you were up and about earlier. If so, that’s a very good sign, although I must say still almost miraculous,” the doctor continued.

“I feel fine. Achy, a bit weak, but otherwise not bad at all” Michael replied, stopping himself from adding, “Apart from my world just being turned upside down”.

“Well, I see nothing wrong with your stats. Your blood pressure is fine, even the bruising on your lower abdomen has subsided. You're one tough gentleman. If you would be so kind as to stand and move around a bit, I'd like to see your progress for myself.” The doctor held out his hand to help Michael up.

Michael spent the next few minutes walking around the room, slowly at first, expecting to fall or feel weakened, but more confidently as he found his strength had returned. The doctor stood, nodding, and asking Michael to perform basic tests, like touching toes, standing on one leg, as if he were marionette. After a while, the doctor told him to stop and sit on the bed.

“Well Michael, I think we are in a position to release you now. Your health seems amazing, considering what's happened to you. Your heart rate is still a little high, but that’s due to being inactive. After a few days, it should settle down to a more relaxed pace as your body readjusts.. I can see no reason at all why we can’t release you today. Just make sure to take it easy for the next week. I'll sign you off work. Are you OK to get home? Would you like a cab arranged?”

Michael couldn't help but like the man. He was nothing like the GPs he was used to, rushing you in, telling you nothing was wrong or scoffing at the problems you had, then rushing you out. He seemed considerate and relaxed in his job. Michael’s thoughts turned to the nurse he had seen earlier. It seemed so unfair that some people had such peace in their lives while others struggled, yet that seemed the nature of life.

I should be fine," he said. "I mean, there’s a taxi rank outside right, isn't there? I can just grab one from there.”

The doctor nodded. “OK then, I'll sign up your release paperwork. If you have any trouble, especially dizziness or faint spells, then go to your GP or come here as soon as possible. You'll need to see your doctor in a week or two’s time anyway, for a checkup. I'll arrange the appointment for you: as I know how tough they are to sort in the Capital.”

Thank you, doctor,” said Michael.

No problems get well soon. Here’s your sign-off slip. Take your time and get your things together at your own pace, and make sure to sign out at reception when you leave,” the doctor handed Michael a slip of paper before turning to go.

He paused at the doorway for a moment but, instead of saying anything, stepped through beside his dark haired guardian. She smiled warmly at the doctor, and then at Michael. An image of a loving family suddenly popped into Michael’s thoughts, the doctors presumably, which explained why the doctor was so happy and warm. He was loved, and it empowered his angel. Michael smiled back and got a slightly bemused look from the angel, as the doctor shut the door.

Michael sighed and stood up again. He figured there was no point hanging about, now he had his clean bill of health. He still couldn't quite grasp what had happened, but if he thought about it too much it would probably give him a headache, and he would end up going round in circles. He moved over to a small, pale, wooden cupboard with a small key on top. His possessions were inside, except for his t-shirt which was, presumably too damaged to salvage. He removed his undersized bed robes, which revealed a little too much, and placed them on the bed.

He pulled on his trousers, which seemed to have been washed, and his jumper, glad it was spring. He'd have had a very chilly trip home, otherwise. His light jacket was also present although slightly torn, perhaps in the accident. Amazingly, his wallet and keys were still in the pockets and even his cash was intact.

   Jasmine appeared at the window
, just as he finished dressing and making himself look presentable. Well, as presentable as possible, considering he'd been hit by a car, found out that angels existed, and been told he was unique in his ability to see them. She smiled at him and deftly hopped through, avoiding the ledge this time.

Well," she said, "it seems you're ready to go.”

Yup, all checked over and ready. Even have a week off work to recover, like a holiday,”

You know," Jasmine said, her face more serious, "even though I poured everything into helping you, you’re still not superman, you have to take it easy in that week…well as easy as you can, considering.”

Yeah. I'm going to get moving now, need to get a cab home. I really don’t feel like walking from….whatever hospital this is.” He didn't even know where he'd been taken.

  Jasmine nodded
and waited, as Michael gathered his things and got ready to leave. He opened the door into a quiet corridor, and walked towards what he thought was an exit but turned out to be a dead end. He finally asked a passing nurse how to get out. She pointed him to a lift at the opposite end, her guardian mirroring her actions in an odd parody.

Michael made his way to the opposite end of the corridor, cursing whoever designed the hospital. Couldn't the NHS even be bothered to put decent signs in their hospitals, these days? He got to the elevator, though, and pressed the button for ground floor.

Jasmine said nothing in the elevator, humming to herself and rocking on the balls of her feet. It irritated Michael, but he decided not to raise the issue. On the ground floor, Michael made his way to the reception desk, opposite the elevator exit. The waiting area was very quiet, with only a solitary old man sitting at the far end.

Michael walked up to the desk and pressed the bell, summoning a young male nurse. He looked exhausted, and his guardian looked down on her charge in concern.

Can I help you?” the nurse asked.

I was told by my doctor to inform you when I left. I'm checking out today.”

Name, please, sir?” The nurse asked flatly, a tired expression on his face.

Michael Andrews.”

The nurse paused for a moment, looking at his computer screen and then searching for a sheet of paper. “OK Mr Andrews, sign here and you're set to go. Take care,” He pointed to where Michael had to sign the sheet of paper, and then turned back to his work without waiting for a reply. Michael didn't trouble him any further, seeing how worn out he looked. He did wonder why he looked so tired. Nothing much was happening here, but it would be a different story in A&E. Perhaps he'd already done a shift there.

   Michael left the hospit
al with Jasmine in tow. She wasn't getting in the way much or talking to him, which was a relief in some ways. Perhaps she wouldn't be too intrusive, after all, unless something important had to be said. She could be like a good friend who was there but knew when to take a step back and give him space.

   This illusion was shattered when the
y reached the taxi rank. He found a taxi fairly quickly and got in. Jasmine followed through the door and sat right next to Michael, almost hugging him, and her proximity made him feel strangely self-conscious Talk about invading personal space.

Where to, guv?” the cabbie asked.

Crouch End, near the Green Dragon, please, mate”

Sure thing,” the cabbie said, moving off from the rank.

   Jasmine whispered into Michael
’s ear as they began moving on, hugging his arm slightly. “I’m so pleased you're OK!”

Michael felt even more embarrassed
and tried to pull away. “Uhhh thanks!” He almost squeaked the words out.

No need to thank me yet mate, not even got you there,” the cabbie replied.

Jasmine giggled and pulled away as Michael sighed and sat back, resting his head on the seat. He hoped there wouldn't be too many embarrassing moments like that. How could he talk to Jasmine in public without people thinking he was talking to them? Unless, of course, they just thought he was just plain crazy. Another quandary he would have to address at some point.

"You don't need to talk to me in public," she said, "as long as you can hear me. Also, there’s a little trick to it. If you focus on me and think the words, then I can hear your thoughts. It might be a little easier than embarrassing yourself in front of big cabbies. I mean, imagine if you were to call me pretty in public. You might end up with an admirer you could do without!”

Michael focused hi
s thoughts to form a few word. “Pretty….yeah, right”

Jasmine pinched him hard in the arm
. Clearly, insulting a guardian angel’s looks had consequences. Michael rubbed his arm and grinned. At least he knew the little trick Jasmine had taught him worked.

Michael noticed the cabbie looking at him in the rear view mirror. He hoped he wasn't thinking that he was some mental patient on the run, high, or on drugs. The cabbie increased his speed, causing Michael to give him an awkward smile.

   The rest of the
journey proved uneventful. It only took twenty minutes to get back close to home, and the cabbie deftly navigated the traffic, avoiding several roadworks and jams. He pulled up just outside the Green Dragon pub.

Here we go, mate, that’ll be,” he paused to look at the meter “fifteen pounds fifty, please.”

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