Guardian For Hire: A For Hire Novel (5 page)

Read Guardian For Hire: A For Hire Novel Online

Authors: Christine Bell

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #bodyguard, #bestseller, #guardian, #danger, #for hire, #ponzi scheme, #sexy, #protector, #USA today bestseller

BOOK: Guardian For Hire: A For Hire Novel
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She counted down from five to leave space for the nonexistent reply before speaking again. “No, Granddad, don’t worry about me. Really, you’re too sweet. Just be safe, okay?”

She nodded and pasted what she hoped was a wistful smile on her face.

“Sarabeth.” Gavin’s deep voice cut into her thoughts, and she turned toward him. Her cheeks ached from the effort of smiling as she sent him a questioning glance, pointing to the receiver to let him know she’d be right with him.

“No, I love
more,” she murmured into the dead phone, and rolled her eyes at Gavin conspiratorially, like,
“Oh, grandparents, what can you do?”


His tone was hesitant. Careful.

“You can stop now.”

Her cheeks burned, and the smile felt frozen to her lips. He couldn’t possibly know—

But the pity in his eyes said otherwise. “There’s a green light on the side of the phone that turns red when it disconnects.”

Of course there is

Humiliation, sadness, and anger came crashing in on her all at once, and suddenly the tears she’d managed to hold back since almost being blown to smithereens came pouring out.

Gavin stared at her with growing horror. He didn’t know fuck-all about how to handle a crying woman, especially one he’d met only eight hours before. It was his own fault. He should have done the gentlemanly thing and left the room so she could have her call in private, but he’d been on enough protection details to know that some people couldn’t follow directions for shit. He’d needed to make sure Sarabeth didn’t give away their location somehow. Still, as sad as it was, he should’ve kept his fucking mouth shut and just let her ramble on into the satphone. Calling her on it had been his mistake.

One he was paying for now that he was stuck with a huge mess on his hands and no clue how to fix it.

“You…want to talk about it?”

She snuffled again and shook her head violently. “Not even a little bit.”

He shifted on the bed restlessly, wondering what he could possibly say to make her feel better. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been
crying women. It was an occupational hazard. But the kind of hysteria he usually dealt with had more to do with security breaches that had resulted in theft. Even then, though, he typically found “something important” he needed to check out in another room and handed them over to his partner Maddy to take care of until the storm of emotion had passed. She was a top notch security professional, but she also had a softer touch than he did.

This thing with Sarabeth was different, though. Somehow, it felt more…personal. While he appreciated the business, and usually felt bad for the people who came to him after a burglary, most of the time everything they’d lost was replaceable. Temporary damage. What Sarabeth was dealing with was so much more permanent than that. And so much worse. He knew what it felt like to be unwanted, and it fucked with your head. Made you feel “less than” your whole life. He hated that she knew that feeling, in spite of the platinum spoon she’d been fed with.

He made a mental note to ask Owen if her grandparents were as shitty to her as he was starting to suspect, and another to himself not to underestimate her. She was turning out to be a lot different than he’d pegged her right off. She might have been crying but up until now, she’d handled all this like a champ. Even the threat of bedbugs.

Another twinge of pity niggled at him, and he realized that staring at her while she sobbed probably wasn’t helping matters. He peered over at her again and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it with a snap when she sucked in a shuddering breath and sniffled. Maybe he couldn’t spare her the humiliation he’d inadvertently caused, but ducking into the bathroom for a few and letting her keep whatever dignity she had left might be the best course of action.

That decided, he set the remote down and rolled to his feet. “I’m going to take a quick shower,” he murmured softly. He’d barely had a chance to close the bathroom door when her soft squeaks ramped up to gut-wrenching sobs, and his stomach clenched.


He met his reflection’s gaze in the cracked mirror and groaned at the judgment he saw there. “Yeah, yeah, I know,” he muttered.

Scooping up the box of generic tissues off the chipped green sink, he swung the door open again. “Hey, uh, you want some Kleenex?”

She’d buried her face in her hands and her shiny, newly darkened hair gleamed as she nodded. He tossed the box toward the empty side of her bed, but she picked that exact moment to turn to her side, looking up just in time for the box to smack her squarely on the bridge of her nose.


The box toppled to the floor, and he winced as her hands darted to the offended spot.

Yeah, he was like
The Notebook
when it came to cheering women up. All warm fuzzies here. What a comfort.

“Shit, sorry about that.” He crossed back to kneel by her feet and scooped the box from the floor. He pulled a few tissues out and shoved them toward her. “Are you bleeding?”

“A little.” She reached for the wad and he could see the blood trickling from the split in her otherwise perfect skin.

Lovely. She’d been under his protection for less than a day and already she was hurt. And he’d done the hurting, to boot.
Renowned security specialist at your service, lass.
If Owen found out, he was going to break his balls mercilessly over this. “I guess it’s lucky that was today’s only injury.” He half smiled.

“Huh?” Her brows knit together as she peered at him through watery eyes over her makeshift bandage.

“Well, with your car, your whole body could’ve been blown to pieces. So. In all, it was a good day.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he realized just how much better they’d sounded in his head. Because in his head, it had sounded nothing like,
Hey, remember when you almost died a horrific, fiery death? Good times, right?

She stared at him like he’d lost his marbles, but mercifully, she’d stopped crying. Instead, she seemed focused on patting at her nose gingerly like she was blotting out a stain.

“That’s cartilage, there. You’ll need to apply more pressure than that,” he offered.

“It stings.”

“It’s the only way to stop the bleeding. Give it here.” She didn’t hand over the tissues, and rather than forcing them from her, he laid his hand over hers, pressing firmly. “There. Like this.”

She sucked in a breath, but didn’t fight him. Her hand was even softer than he’d expected. Warmer, too. With her being so damn chilly toward him, he’d half expected some kind of arctic blast from her touch. Instead, the skin he found was silky and inviting. The bones felt so small and delicate in his giant mitt and for an instant, he was almost afraid of breaking her.

You’ve already done that, you big oaf,
he reminded himself.

Exactly why he shouldn’t be around women like her. A long moment passed before she murmured, “That, um, feels better actually. Thank you.”

Her gaze locked with his and a bolt of heat sizzled through him. No fucking way. Not that. Not now.

Not with her.

He pulled his hand away and straightened. There was no question that she’d been pretty before, in that cool, untouchable sort of way. But the shorter, darker hair combined with those seafoam eyes hit him like a one-two punch.

It was only because it was so different from what she’d looked like earlier that day, he assured himself. Once he got used to it, this attraction would pass.

He straightened and stepped back from the bed. “Yeah, well, it’s the air, you know. That makes it sting. You should be all right now.”

She mopped her tear-dampened cheeks and sat up. “Thanks.” A yawn seemed to creep up on her, and she covered her mouth. “Ugh, I think all this action is taking its toll.” She raised her hands above her head in a stretch, and her new shirt lifted to bare the expanse of her smooth, flat stomach. He stared down, caught, unable to look away. Did the rest of her feel as soft as her hands? His cock bucked at the thought.


In the fight against himself, he’d already lost the first round. He cleared his throat and headed back to his corner, sprawling back onto his bed with a grunt.

She stood and glanced down at him, but quickly averted her gaze. Whether it was because she’d recalled the embarrassment of the whole fake phone situation or because she could tell he had a boner, he wasn’t sure. Either way, she kept her eyes glued to the still-muted TV, and he was grateful for it.

“If it’s all the same to you, I think I’m going to get ready for bed.” She hesitated and gave him a hopeful smile. “I hate to ask, but did you, uh, happen to get me pajamas?”

“Everything should be in the bag.”

“’Kay, thanks.”

She made her way toward the bathroom, and he couldn’t stop himself from watching as her pert ass swayed with every movement. She could say what she wanted about his clothing choices for her, but she was looking fit in those jeans.

He squeezed his eyes closed and stripped down to his boxers with a curse. As he settled himself underneath the paper-thin comforter, he made a mental note to sleep on his stomach just in case Sarabeth was an early riser, because his dick sure as hell was, and the last thing he needed was to offend her delicate sensibilities more than he already had.

He was just about to shut off the light when a guttural noise that sounded like it had come from a half hyena, half human came from behind the bathroom door.

“Everything okay in there?” he called.

“Where’s the bottom half of these?” The bathroom door swung open to reveal Sarabeth, pulling at the hem of the nightshirt he’d bought her. The white cotton came down to her mid-thigh. Perfectly respectable. Until she scurried toward the bed like her ass was on fire, flashing him quick glances of her light-pink underwear. Even more alluring, he caught a glimpse of a small birthmark on the inside of her thigh. It was the shape of a tiny heart, and the need to cover it with his mouth battered at him like a storm.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. The ogling was an invasion of her privacy, however unintentional, and he had to cut the shit. He tried to think of something else. Anything. The score of the game. The job. The number of countries that began with the letter
. But nothing worked.

Luckily, Sarabeth’s screech as she passed by the mirror against the wall distracted him from wondering if her bra matched those panties. Or if she had taken it off altogether.

“Do you even know what these letters mean?”

She gestured toward the pink, bedazzled letters across her chest, “DTF,” also drawing attention to the very prominent answer to his question. Teacup breasts with small, tight nipples straining against the thin cotton. His throat went dry and he shrugged, tearing his gaze away to meet her incredulous stare.

“DTF? I dunno. I thought it was like a college acronym or an association of some kind or something. Like MADD or DARE.”

She flopped onto the bed and threw the covers over her bare legs with a groan. “Right. I’m sure you did.”

Her cheeks blazed and he found himself biting back a grin. He’d gotten her riled again and he hadn’t even meant to this time. At least she wasn’t crying. “What does it mean, then?”

“I’m not going to justify that question with an answer. Good night.” She turned her back to him, but now that she’d stopped crying, the devil in him couldn’t help but bait her one more time. There was something about her outrage that was strangely endearing.

“That’s a nice birthmark you’ve got.”

When she turned to face him, her face was blank. But when realization dawned, her eyes flashed, and she threw her entire body in the other direction, bouncing so hard against the mattress that the springs squealed for release. “We’re not speaking.”

“Aw, come on.”

She snapped off the light on her nightstand and five seconds later, started making soft snoring sounds.

“Nobody falls asleep that quickly.”

The snoring got louder, and he decided to give up the fight. Still, despite everything, he found himself smiling. Yep, the doc was tougher than she looked, but in order to keep her safe, he was going to have to watch her like a hawk. Not only did her bravery make her a danger to herself, but it was becoming more and more clear that if he didn’t look out for her, nobody else was going to.

His anger toward her grandparents burned hot again. He knew better than anyone how deep that kind of rejection cut, and it bothered him more than it should that Sarabeth had had to suffer it. That part couldn’t be helped. You couldn’t pick your family. But he
been picked to take care of her, and that’s what he was going to do. He’d protect her. From the enemy. From herself.

And who’s going to protect her from you?
his conscience bleated.

He lay awake for a few minutes until Sarabeth’s fake snores turned to even, soft breaths. Then, he got up and grabbed his satphone from the nightstand. Silently, he edged across the room and outside the door, dialing the phone as he went.

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