Happily Ever Now (Boundless Love Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Happily Ever Now (Boundless Love Book 2)
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‘She’ll be fine, try not to worry,’ Casey offered.

‘You know, she’s a stubborn woman.’ He smiled lightly. ‘She’d probably tell me off for worrying.’

‘She’d be right, you’ll be no good to her that way.’

He knew this was true, but it couldn’t be helped. She was the love of his life and she was carrying their baby. Eugene still couldn’t believe he was going to be a dad. He wasn’t sure whether or not the baby would be okay, it was six weeks early.

They drove in silence the rest of the way. The jaguar finally parked outside the hospital and Eugene rushed in, with Casey not far behind. He walked into the waiting area where Elizabeth sat, looking so lost it broke his heart.

‘Eugene, you’re here.’ She sounded relieved as he sat by her side and took her into a big hug. ‘They said her body was under a lot of stress, it couldn’t  cope any more and they had to deliver the baby.’ She sniffed. ‘She’s been in surgery since…’

The surgeon in her scrubs walked towards them. Eugene’s heart hammered against his chest. They stood up to meet the tall woman with grey eyes. There was a soft expression on her face, an expression that would allow them to receive the news she was about to deliver. Elizabeth feared the worst.

‘Miss Young?’

‘Yes, urm this is her fiancé Eugene,’ she said.

The doctor nodded and addressed them both. ‘Sahara lost a lot of blood. We’d struggled to stop the bleeding, but we finally managed. Also,’ she dropped her head slightly, and Eugene’s head felt so heavy he thought he might topple over. ‘Because of the stress of the baby, her kidneys failed, that is why we had to do a caesarean. There was also an awful amount of pressure on her heart, that‘s why she was so breathless.’

‘Oh God, my baby!’ Elizabeth turned into Eugene’s chest.

He squeezed her tight to reassure her that he was there for her. He was there for all of them.

‘Sahara has been transferred to the ICU; also we’re not sure whether or not she’ll wake up.’

‘What? Why?’ He was close to tears.

‘The lack of oxygen to her brain could’ve caused it, we’re not a hundred percent sure. There were a number of factors that could’ve caused this.’

‘Oh my God.’ Eugene stepped back, he had to get some space. ‘Christ!’

‘I’m really sorry, but we’re hopeful things will get better. There is a beautiful baby girl waiting to meet her new family.’ The doctor smiled slightly.

‘A girl?’ Eugene’s eyes glazed over. ‘I have a baby girl.’

‘Yes you do, and you’ll both be able to see her soon.’ The good news felt better than the delivery of the bad. ‘The fact that there’s no more stress from the growing baby, we’re hopeful her kidneys will recover. We’re also hopeful that her body will begin to repair it’s self.’

Elizabeth nodded, the surgeon left them and Elizabeth joined Eugene on the chairs.

‘Would you like me to get you anything?’ asked Casey.

Eugene shook his head, as did Elizabeth.

‘Okay, I’ll just go and get myself a coffee if that’s okay.’

Again, Eugene nodded.

‘Actually, Casey,’ he said. ‘Could you ring Emily and Felicity and let them know what’s happening.’

She nodded, and then went in search for a coffee machine.

‘I can’t believe this is happening. Why her, why now?’ Elizabeth cried.

There had been so many death scares when it came to Sahara, it was like she would never be allowed to rest. Suddenly Eugene sat up, he remembered Sahara for who she was, and wanted to be the man she wanted him to be.

‘Sahara is one hell of a woman,’ he started. ‘She beat cancer, not once, but twice. She carried our baby…’ He had to take a pause when he talked about a child that was half of him. ‘…almost to term, she’s a fighter. She’d want us to do the same.’

Elizabeth sniffed and looked at the man who had stood by her daughter. She never thought in a million years Sahara would open up to someone, let alone have a baby. He was right, she was a fighter. She’d done things not many people had done in a life time. She was the light they looked up too.

‘What would she say?’ Elizabeth smiled gently. ‘Don’t complain and don’t be sad, I’m the one who’s ill and if I’m not doing any of the above, then you have no right to either.’

He laughed. ‘That sounds just like her. She’s amazing.’ He felt his heart swell.

As they talked, and tried to be positive, Emily and Felicity arrived an hour later.

‘Oh gosh, we came as soon as we heard. How is she?’

Eugene relayed the details, Emily stood in shock about to burst into tears. Felicity on the other hand just listened quietly.

‘So they don’t know whether or not she’ll wake up?’

He nodded.

‘Oh my god.’ This time Emily burst into tears.

‘We have to be strong for her. Eugene and I were discussing that. We have to be happy, not just for us, but for her.’

Emily nodded, she understood exactly what Elizabeth meant. Sahara had always made them know that being miserable didn’t help her recover, only good feelings did.

They all sat in the waiting room like lost animals. It was quiet and it was tiring. But soon a nurse approached and asked to see Eugene.

‘There is some paper work we need you to sign, and then there’s your precious daughter. You’ll be able to take her home in a couple of days.’

He panicked. He had no idea how he was going to raise a child. What if Sahara never woke up? What would he do?

‘Yes, okay.’ He swallowed.

Sahara had put everything in order. If she didn’t make it, Eugene had sole custody of the baby. She’d also signed a DNAR form. Eugene felt a pang of grief and anger, but Sahara didn’t want to suffer any pain, and if it was her time to go, it was her time to go.

There were quite a few forms to fill, Sahara had made him her next of kin. Even though Elizabeth had been doing it for years, Sahara knew that Eugene was her life now, it was now all in his hands. All of it was hard for him to process, but it had to be done. She was his and he was hers, through good times and bad times, he was willing to stick by her side for good.

When he’d completed all the paper work, it was time to see his daughter. He invited Elizabeth to be with him. Unfortunately, Emily and Felicity weren’t able to see the baby.

‘Here is your beautiful baby.’ The nurse showed them to the incubator.

Eugene’s body fizzled with pride the moment his eyes landed on the little baby.

‘She’s perfect,’ said Elizabeth.

‘She looks just like her mother,’ said Eugene. ‘Look at all that hair.’ He dabbed his eye.

‘Sahara was born with a bush of hair. She’s got your eyes.’

‘It’s hard not to notice.’ He laughed, but he was picking out more and more of Sahara the more he looked at his daughter.

‘Would you like to hold her?’ asked the nurse.

‘Urm.’ He wasn’t sure; the little bundle looked so fragile.

‘She’ll love it. She needs human contact.’

Eugene nodded. He pulled up a seat that wasn’t too far away and sat down. The nurse took her time to take the baby from the incubator and hand her over to Eugene.

‘We’ll see how she gets on. She seems pretty strong, and has a good pair of lungs.’ The woman smiled.

Eugene held the baby in his arms as if she were a piece of very special glass that might break. Elizabeth pulled a seat right up next to him and sat beside them.

‘I can’t believe she’s mine.’ He ran his hands down the little hands. ‘Your mummy would be so happy to see you.’

‘Yes she would.’ Elizabeth reached out and touched the tiny hands.

They sat in silence and observed the new life that had entered their lives. While he sat with his daughter, he suddenly understood what Sahara had done for him. She’d given him a gift. The warmth, the peace and the joy that he felt just having the precious little human in his arms, made him realise just how precious life was.

‘Daddy is so happy you’re here,’ he said. None of it felt awkward, he felt like a dad already. ‘I’m going to take good care of you.’ He leaned forward and kissed the baby’s forehead.

‘Would you like to hold her?’ he asked

Elizabeth nodded. Eugene moved as slowly as possible to hand over the baby. Elizabeth melted the moment the baby touched her arms. It was like having Sahara all over again.

Chapter Eight

‘Hey honey.’ Eugene took her hand.

It was like she was just asleep, and that with a little noise, she’d wake up, but that wasn’t going to happen and it saddened him. Eugene had cancelled all meetings and future plans of travel. He left things in charge with people he knew would be capable of running the business. He had to let go of the reins of the business world and take hold of the reins of his family. Eugene had a family now, and it was up to him to make sure things went smoothly.

‘I’m taking our baby home today.’ He smiled gently.

It was a bittersweet feeling.

‘I decided to take her to our home. By that I mean your house. I know you’ve had the nursery all set up, but your home is where all your smells are, you’re there, even when you’re not.’ He laughed lightly at how he was trying to make sense of it.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. How he wished she would return the gesture, but nothing happened.

‘I haven’t chosen a name for her yet. I’m hoping to do it with you.’ There was a cold feeling that embraced him as the thought of her never waking up came to him. He quickly brushed it aside. He wasn’t going to believe that, if he could think that, he could think positive too.

‘She has your hair.’ He laughed again. ‘Big bushy hair, you’ll love it. I have no clue what I’m going to do with her hair.’

Eugene had made sure he had everything in place to take the baby home. Elizabeth had insisted she stay over with him to help, but he was determined to do this himself. He knew that if the situation was permanent, then he’d have no choice but to be a fulltime father.

‘I never thought my life would be like this.’ He swallowed back the grief. ‘I always thought I’d be single for life. I liked to work and play hard, and then you stepped into my life and knocked me over.’ Again he laughed. ‘You took my heart. You made me into the man I’ve become now. You’ve made me see life so differently, there’s just no going back to who I was. I can’t unknow something.’

Light footsteps were heard. Eugene turned behind him to see Elizabeth, carrying a huge bouquet of roses in her hand.

‘She loves these,’ she said as she put them at the side of the bed. ‘I made them myself.’

‘They’re very nice,’ he said.

‘How are you doing?’ She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

‘I could be better.’ He gazed at Sahara who looked so peaceful. ‘But I’m also happy I’m taking the baby today.’

Elizabeth nodded and pulled up a seat beside him. She didn’t want to pressure him to let her help, but she was open to him whenever he needed her.

‘I’m terrified,’ he said. ‘Me and the baby, I don’t know where I’m going to start.’

She nodded.

‘I’m grateful I have the health worker coming to visit regularly. I’ve also done a lot of reading up and I have you.’

Her lips curled into a huge smile. She wanted nothing more than to be with her granddaughter.

‘I’m always here for you all.’ She looked at her daughter. ‘I know you’re a fighter baby. So please, please wake up. Your family needs you.’ She patted the side of the bed gently.

They sat in comfortable silence with only the sounds of the hospital machines around them. After a while, Eugene offered to go and get them some coffee. When he got back, things hadn’t changed. He wasn’t sure why he wondered things would change in such a short space of time.

‘The doctors said they’ll be moving her to a different ward soon,’ he told her. ‘That’s a good sign.’

‘Yes it is, she’s fighting. I know she’ll come back to us.’

They kept the positive upbeat until it was time for Eugene to go and pick up his daughter.

‘Would you like me to come with you?’ Elizabeth offered.

‘Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I really want to do this alone.’

‘Understood. I really do understand.’

He felt upset with himself for asking that, but at the same time, the pressure on him was so immense that he didn’t want to add to it by making sure Elizabeth was alright too.

‘It’s okay to come by tomorrow, see how I’ve done.’ He laughed. ‘After she settles in. The health visitor should be in at noon, but besides that the day is clear.’

‘I’ll see you tomorrow then.’

They hugged briefly and finally Eugene made his way to the ward where they kept their baby. His heart was beating and he felt excitement and fear. He was taking their baby home, it was a surreal feeling. Casey met him at the door of the ward at the time he’d asked her to meet him.

‘Thanks for doing this.’ He took her into a hug.

‘That’s what I’m here for.’ She handed him the car seat and the bag that had some clothes and nappies.

‘I don’t even know how I’m going even get through the night.’ He swallowed back hard.

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