Happily Ever Now (Boundless Love Book 2)

BOOK: Happily Ever Now (Boundless Love Book 2)
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Happily Ever Now

Published by Iris Deorre

Copyright October 2014 Iris Deorre


This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations and incidents are products of author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales or events is entirely coincidental.


Chapter One

‘Let’s see that rock on your finger!’ Emily pulled Sahara away from the crowd and into the kitchen.

Sahara held out her hand, a wide smile across her face and waited for Emily’s reaction.

‘Ooooh, it’s gorgeous!’ Her pitch was so high she sounded like a fighting cat.

‘I know!’ Sahara squealed. ‘I can’t believe he did this. And you knew!’

‘I did, he wanted to make sure all was clear before going ahead.’

Sahara looked at the rock on her finger and her arms covered in goose bumps. It wasn’t the ring on her finger that brought the emotion, it was the act of his love that warmed her heart. It was a miracle, to have found someone so caring and loving, Sahara never thought it possible.

‘So what now? When are you going to set the date?’ Emily asked all giddy.

‘Steady on, he’s just proposed.’

‘Why wait, huh? After all, it’s your philosophy to grab the moment.’

‘True, but I still need to let all this good news filter through. It feels like I’m dreaming.’

‘Maybe life is a dream.’

Sahara looked at her friend and giggled. It was an amazing day and it didn’t matter what anyone said, she was floating on cloud nine!

‘There you are!’ Felicity joined them.

‘Checking on us?’ asked Sahara.

‘Nope, just looking for you two.’ She pulled her long hair over her shoulder and smiled at them. ‘Go on then, show me the bling!’

‘What are you talking about?’ Sahara tried to act dumb.

‘You know what, the ring dummy!’ Felicity teased.

‘Since when did you call it bling? Miss soon to be PhD.’

‘Since I felt like it, now hand over your hand.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ Sahara held out her hand again.

‘Wow! Is it heavy?’

‘Not really, it will take some getting use to.’

‘It’s really pretty, I wonder how much it’s worth,’ said Felicity.

‘I wouldn’t care to ask. I’m not really into this money business,’ said Sahara.

‘Well you better start to, you’re going to be his wife,’ said Emily.

‘I get that, but I don’t want to loose me. I still want my independent life.’

Emily gazed at Felicity and they both grunted.

‘What? You think I can’t do that?’

‘It’s going to be a tough one. Why not just embrace it? There’s no point fighting it,’ Emily added.

‘Yeah, take your own advice for a change,’ said Felicity.

‘What advice is that?’ asked Sahara.

‘Own it!’

Sahara couldn’t help, but laugh, but it was true, she had to own it even though she found it extremely uncomfortable.

‘Ladies, what’s going on in here? The party is out there.’ Elizabeth stepped into the kitchen.

‘We’re just checking out the ring,’ said Emily. ‘We’ll be out in a minute. Would you like us to bring in some more drinks?’

‘Yes, that would be great,’ she said and then looked at Sahara. ‘Congratulations baby!’ She held out her arms and Sahara fell into them.

‘Thanks mum, I can’t believe this.’

‘Neither can I.’ She pulled back.

‘Really, you thought that?’

‘Honey, our life hasn’t been a smooth one. Look at me, I struggled to keep your father, and I wasn’t even ill. But I also worried that you’d shut love out for good.’

‘I think I had, but Eugene…’ She sucked in a deep breath. ‘He changed all that. He’s different.’

Elizabeth nodded. ‘You deserve this and much more!’

‘Thanks mum. And thank you for all the support you gave me.’

Tears gathered in Elizabeth’s eyes. She couldn’t believe that her daughter had beaten cancer a second time. Someone was definitely looking out for them.

‘This is where everyone has disappeared to.’ Eugene stepped into the kitchen.

‘I better get out there, your aunt Irene will start a riot.’ Elizabeth giggled and left them.

‘Yeah, what’s up with your aunt, she seems a little… what’s the word?’ Emily said.

‘Crazy, that’s the word. She’s crazy, but we’re use to it. It’s who she is I guess, she’ll never change.’

‘Right, let me get some more drinks out there.’ Emily took it upon herself to sort that out.

Eugene had made sure there was enough of everything, all they had to do was help themselves.

‘Come here you.’ Eugene pulled Sahara into his arms.

She leaned into him and shut her eyes a moment. She took in the scent of his cologne, listened to his heart beating and listened as he took each breath.

‘I love you,’ she said. ‘You’ve just made me the happiest woman in the world.’

‘I know you’ve made me the happiest man in the world. I can’t wait to make you my wife.’

They stayed in that position for a moment, but had to break free and entertain their guests. It was their day, but it was also a day of celebration for their family and friends.

An hour later Myles and Nolan arrived and the party was in full force. There were little groups of people all over the living-room. From time to time, Sahara moved from group to group and had a chat. Everyone was relieved to know she was cancer free, but everyone just couldn’t stop talking about the diamond ring that was on her finger.

‘You have some magic power,’ Myles said as she arrived at their group. ‘I don’t know how you managed to tame that beast.’

‘He tamed himself.’ She leaned into him.

‘I never thought I’d see the day. I mean what was it you said at my wedding?’ He eyed Eugene.

Eugene shrugged, pretending not to know what he was talking about.

‘Something along the lines of, I’ll never settle down, there will always be a woman who wants a man with money,’ said Nolan. ‘I remember that very well.’

Eugene smiled, only slightly.

‘You said that?’ Sahara asked.

‘I don’t know what these men are talking about. As a matter of fact I don’t know them.’

The group laughed.

‘To be honest, when I’d said that, I’d meant every word of it, but life had other plans. When Sahara walked into the church, I was smitten. No one had ever made me feel the way she did.’ He pulled her into him and kissed her.

‘Awww, that’s so sweet honey.’

‘It’s true. There was something about you that drew me in. I just wanted to be with you, it didn’t matter what.’

‘Oh, and you certainly proved that. Man!’ Myles said. ‘He wouldn’t let it go. He wanted to know about you and he wasn’t about to give up.’

‘I’m glad he didn’t. I never realised what I was missing until he showed up.’

Again they kissed and there was a hum of affection around the room. Sahara moved away and joined her mother and Aunt Irene. They talked about her illness. Irene always managed to stay in negative mode, no matter how amazing things looked on the outside. But both Sahara and Elizabeth had learnt how to let it go through one ear and out the other.

‘You better take good care of yourself.’ Aunt Irene advised.

‘That man over there.’ Elizabeth pointed at Eugene. ‘Will do an excellent job of that.’

Just then the doorbell rang. It silenced the chatter and their eyes moved towards the entrance of the living-room.

‘Expecting anyone else?’ asked Emily.

‘I have no idea, I didn’t even know this was happening.’ Sahara got up from her mother and aunts company.

‘I think I know who it is,’ said Eugene. ‘I’ll go get the door.’

Sahara nodded, she felt a little nervous and didn’t know why. Was it another surprise? Would she like it?

There was the sound of a woman’s voice, and finally Eugene brought the woman into the room.

‘Everyone, this is Logan, my cousin, the closest I have to family.’ He giggled. ‘Logan, this is everyone, and this…’ He held out his arm for Sahara. ‘Is Sahara.’

‘Wow, he never mentioned you.’ Sahara held out her hand, but the woman pushed it aside and instead took her into a big hug.

‘But he always mentioned you.’ She pulled back and beamed. ‘You’re as beautiful as he said you were.’

‘Thank you.’ Sahara felt the warmth from the woman.

Another woman entered behind them.

‘This is Casey, she’s my personal assistant. I wanted her to meet you because she’s also a very close friend of mine.’

‘Nice to meet you.’ Sahara shook the woman’s hand.

‘Casey was kind enough to sort out Logan’s travel arrangements.’

‘Yes, I live in the South of France. It’s a beautiful place, but a bit away from sweet Eugene.’ She patted his cheek teasingly.

‘She’s like the older sister I never had. Growing up we were always in each other’s space. It was hilarious.’

‘Wow, I had no idea.’ Sahara realised just how little she knew about Eugene, but also how much she loved him regardless. It was as if she’d known him all her life, and was just starting to know other parts of him.

‘Well, he’s told me a lot about you.’ The woman smiled.

There was some resemblance to Eugene. She had the same dark hair, she was tall, medium built with blue eyes.

‘Eugene’s mother and my mother are sisters.’

‘Ahh, I see. I can see the resemblance.’

‘I’m so happy for him, he’s so happy for a change.’ Logan babbled on.

She took Sahara to the side and they found somewhere to sit. It was time for Sahara to know who Eugene really was. What he was like when he was younger.

‘He was always a giver,’ she said.

‘I get that. He’s given so much since I met him.’

Emily walked over to them to ask if Logan wanted a drink.

‘Do have anything strong?’ she asked. ‘Like Rum.’

‘I’m sure we could sort that out for you.’ Emily walked away.

‘Please excuse my drinking habits. It’s the one thing Eugene can’t stand about me, but then again, we all have our vices, don’t we?’

‘I guess.’ Sahara wasn’t sure how she felt about her yet, but she was glad that they were getting along.

‘Let me see the ring?’ She leaned forward and pulled on Sahara’s hand. ‘Isn’t it gorgeous? Eugene is such a man of great taste. It’s a pity my husband isn’t the same.’ She chuckled.

Sahara smiled slightly and watched the woman. It was a strange position to be in, but she made the best of it. Emily returned with rum and coke, and the woman downed it like she was dying of thirst.

‘That’s great!’ she said after she’d pulled the glass away from her mouth.

‘Go steady on the drinks.’ Eugene warned.

‘Oh don’t worry about me Gene, I’ve got this all under control.’ She turned her focus back to Sahara. ‘So, have you decided on the big day?’

‘Urm…no, not yet. He just proposed today, I had no idea he was going to.’

‘Ah, anyway, you should get married as soon as possible. There’s nothing like doing things now. I never understand the reason people wait years before they tie the knot.’

‘Yes, I guess. We’ll decide soon enough.’

They conversed a while longer until Logan excused herself to pop outside to have a cigarette.

‘I’m sorry I pounced her on you like that,’ Eugene said as he joined Sahara.

‘Oh don’t worry about it. I’m just floating on cloud nine today, nothing can change that.’

‘She’s a bit…’ he didn’t know how to put it. ‘Over the top. She drinks a lot and I worry about it, but I can’t make her change.’

‘It’s alright, you don’t have to explain anything to me. She’s your family, and I’m glad you wanted her to be here.’

He gave her another kiss, he could kiss her the whole day if she’d let him.

The gathering continued until later that day. Eventually one by one, people began to leave, to Sahara’s relief.

‘Thank you so much for coming!’ she said to her two best friends.

‘Come here you!’ Emily took her into a hug. ‘You let us know when we can start arranging this wedding.’

‘I will, I promise.’

Felicity gave her a hug too.

‘I’ll ring you sometime this week,’ Emily said as they started for their cars.

‘Okay, love you guys.’ She watched as they walked to the car.

Myles opened the door for Emily and Sahara couldn’t help, but smile.

‘I guess I’ll be going too,’ Logan said.

‘Logan will be staying at my place for a few days. I thought we could all go out for something to eat before she heads back to France.’

‘That sounds great,’ said Sahara.

‘Yes, and we can really talk then.’ The woman took Sahara into a hug and then left with Casey.

They shut the door behind them and sighed. It was a deep sigh of relief. Even though they’d enjoyed it, it had been a draining event.

‘Don’t worry about cleaning up. Two of my cleaners will be here in about an hour to tidy this place up.’

‘It doesn’t feel fair.’ She had to admit that she didn’t really like people cleaning up after her.

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