Happily Ever Now (Boundless Love Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Happily Ever Now (Boundless Love Book 2)
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She laughed at the latter. He began to squirt the chocolate sauce all over her body. He was like a little boy with a new toy. She watched him, the expressions on his face, and took joy in it all. Her heart raced, her middle clenched, she felt so high just being in the moment with him. Everything else that had seemed like a big deal, wasn’t anymore. The only thing that mattered was what was happening to her in that moment.

He leaned forward and started from the top. His lips took in the sweet syrup and touched her skin at the same time. He licked his lips as he savoured her, as he licked up ever bit of chocolate on her. Sahara shut her eyes and took in the touch of his soft lips and his warm tongue against her skin. He travelled down her chest, over the scarred part of her breast. He lingered there, showed appreciation and acceptance. Each kiss made her aware of how comfortable he was with her. He moved across to her breast, licked off the chocolate from her nipple and sucked it hard.

‘Oh god!’ She let out.

His lips curled, her tit still between his lips. He kept at it, each movement curling her toes and sending feeling beyond what she’d ever known. She surrendered to everything. She allowed and he took and she gave. Moment by moment their bodies felt each and every sensation. It was almost as if she could feel each hair, feel each breath and smell every single scent. It was a moment that had stopped time, there was no thought of future or past, everything in that moment was magnificent!

He pulled back and began to relieve himself of every single bit of clothing that was on his body. She ran her hands over his perfect chest; Seth had certainly been doing his job to keep Eugene in perfect shape.

‘I love your body,’ he said as he continued to explore her inch by inch. ‘I love everything about it. There aren’t enough words to even say how much.’ He enjoyed her, he took her!

At intermissions he fed her a strawberry, and she took time to do the same with him. Their world was filled with nothing, but love. They were caught in up in a whirlwind of magic. Their hands explored their warm flesh and soon he entered her. It was eager and desperate, as if he’d been holding off for too long, he didn’t know how else to react.

Sahara clawed into his back as he devoured her. It was sex at its rawest form and there were deep feelings of love. It was a ride beyond imagination, a drunkenness that not even wine could give. The sounds that emitted from them only told of love and lust. There was no shame and nothing was held back. It was the best feeling they’d ever felt. Love! Love surrounded them like a blanket. It embraced them, it was the umbrella that would keep them from any future storms.

Finally she let go as did he. Everything was right in the world, at least for the moment. He collapsed into her chest breathing heavily. She ran a finger down his back and just took it all in. They were on a high that not even a drug could give. It was delicious!

‘I love you,’ she said.

‘I love you too,’ he whispered into her neck.

‘You don’t understand. I love you,’ she said again with more emphasis.

‘I do, I love you too.’

‘No, I love you. No matter what happens, my love for you can never die. Do you understand that?’

He lifted so that he could gaze into her eyes.

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ he asked.

‘It means I love you, it can’t be defined, it can’t be taken away. It just is.’

Even though he didn’t fully understand it, he knew that her words meant everything to him. He nodded and fell back into her neck. She stroked his hair gently and bit back her lip to prevent the tears from surfacing. Even though in that moment she felt so much love, Sahara felt an under current. She tried to deny it, but deep down within her, her gut was telling her that a change was coming, and it was coming so fast it might knock them over.

‘I love you,’ she whispered once again.

Chapter Six

‘So, do you have a busy day?’ He stood behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and gazed at her through the reflection of the mirror.

‘As always, and I love it.’ She smiled.

The internal parts of her stomach moved a little. Nerves scurried through her body like ants beneath the surface of her skin.

‘Are you alright?’ He’d felt her body go a little rigid.

‘Yes, I’m fine. Why?’ She turned to face him.

‘You just feel a little tense, that’s all.’

‘Do I?’


‘Oh it’s nothing, I’m just thinking about how busy it’s going to be, that’s all.’

He kissed her soft lips gently.

‘Well then, I better get off, long day,’ he said. ‘Sorry I can’t stay for breakfast, but I’ll be home for dinner.’

‘That’s fine, Lawrence and I have a lot to talk about.’ She giggled. ‘And if you don’t watch out, he’ll probably win me over with his delicious cooking.’

‘He wouldn’t dare.’ He laughed. ‘I love you.’ He kissed her one last time.

‘I love you too.’

Breakfast was a little rushed. Sahara wanted to get her hands onto some flowers and turn them into a pretty bouquet. It would take her mind away from the test results. She just couldn’t shake away the feeling that something was wrong.

‘I’m going to have to get going, Lawrence, busy day. Thank you very much for the breakfast, and all the other food you make us.’

‘It’s always a pleasure.’ He beamed. His days had always felt more fulfilled after he’d spoken to Sahara.

‘See you later Lawrence.’

She dashed in the direction of the front door, picked up her handbag and keys and left the house. It would be a long day, but she would take it moment by moment.

The moment she began to work, was the moment all fear disappeared. Alice was also lost in her work, it was the joy of doing something they loved. Two hours into the day, Sahara’s mobile rang. Her heart stopped when she recognised the number on the screen. She picked up the mobile with a shaky hand and then walked to the back of the shop.

‘Hello.’ She swallowed back hard.

The person who answered back was Doctor Cross. That wasn’t a good sign. Only bad news was given by the doctor himself. She listened to what he had to say. She rubbed the back of her neck as she took the information in. She bit back her lip, threw back her head and shut her eyes briefly. After taking a few deep breaths she was ready to respond to the news.

‘I understand, but I don’t think I can go through with it,’ she said.

There was a long pause as she listened again. She started to pace, thoughts whirled around her mind, fear gripped her. She didn’t notice Alice standing in the doorway.

‘I understand the concern Doctor Cross, but it’s my decision to make, or isn’t it.’

‘It is but –’

‘I won’t do it. I can’t go through with it, it’s the risk I’m going to take.’ She was almost in tears.

‘Okay, but you really need to think about what you’re doing here. Perhaps you could speak to someone about it, before you make this decision.’

‘I’ve made my decision.’

He sighed, there wasn’t anything he could do. He couldn’t force a patient to do a procedure she didn’t want to, even if it was for her own benefit. But he did have to give her the list of risks and dangers if she didn’t do as was offered.

The call was brought to an end soon after that. She dropped her head into her hand and just stood still for a moment.

‘Are you alright?’ Alice rushed to her.

‘I’m fine, I’m fine.’

‘You don’t look fine.’

‘I said I’m fine!’ She regretted it the moment the words came out of her mouth. ‘I’m sorry Alice, I didn’t mean to snap.’

‘It’s okay. Don’t worry about me.’ Alice was emotionally aware enough that Sahara’s anger had nothing to do with her, rather more to do with the situation. ‘If you want to talk about it I’m here. Whatever it is, it can be overcome.’

Sahara nodded. There was a moment of silence between them, but not uncomfortable.

‘I’ll leave you a while and I’ll get back to work. If you need me, come and get me.’

‘Thank you, Alice.’ Sahara appreciated the way Alice handled things. She was always available and there was no pressure for Sahara to be anything, but herself.

Alice left her. Sahara paced the small room a moment. Her life had suddenly changed again. Everything was crushing down in a hurry and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to stop it. Her physical body was out of her control, she couldn’t force it into anything, all she could do was accept what was. It took her a long while to think. All she could do was think until a question came to her.

She walked back to the front of the shop and stopped right by Alice.

‘I have a question for you?’ she said.

‘Shoot.’ Alice gave her, her full attention.

‘When bad happens in your life over and over again, what do you do to change that. I mean things keep happening to me and I don’t understand why.’

‘What do you want?’ asked Alice.

‘You’re answering a question with a question?’ She looked puzzled.

‘What do you want? What is the life you desire?’

‘I want to be happy, I want to be healthy and I want to be me.’

‘Then focus on these things.’

‘I’m trying to, but when the bad happens I get distracted.’ She was truly frustrated.

‘Then do something for someone that will make you feel happy.’

She gazed at Alice as if she were a little mad.

‘Whenever I feel the world has been unfair to me, I remember all the other people who don’t have as much as I do. There is always someone who has less than you do. When you understand that, open up your heart and do something for them. Not only will it take the focus off you, it will give you immense joy and pleasure.’

Sahara thought about it a moment. It still didn’t take away the dark feelings that were like a rain cloud over her. She nodded and walked back into the back room. Emotion suddenly washed over her, that it would be unbearable to continue the rest of the day. She made a quick call and asked if her mother could come in and give Alice a hand. The call only turned into an inquisition.

‘Are you sick? What’s the matter? I can tell there’s something wrong.’ Her mother had asked, but Sahara assured her all was well.

‘Alice, I’m going to just go for the day. My mother will be here in the next hour. Sorry to leave you like this, I just need time to think.’

‘That’s fine. You do what you need to do.’

Sahara nodded and finally left the shop and headed for the car. She dropped her head into the steering wheel. The energy to drive had departed the moment she’d got the news. It was as if life had been taken out of her hands. She felt as though she was never ever once in control of her life, life was just happening to her.

The minutes ticked by and still she hadn’t moved an inch, but she knew that if she stayed there long enough, her mother would soon arrive and there would be no escaping her questions. With that thought she leaned back and turned the key in the ignition and began to drive.

She drove and drove until she reached a place that was only surrounded by green scenery. It had taken a good forty minutes, but she’d found a place to park and just be. Sahara sat with her thoughts, and after that she took the opportunity to take a long walk.

Along the way she met dog walkers, elderly couples and parents with young children. Each person she smiled at, made her realise just how diverse the world was. It was a good hour before she got back to the car and knew what to do. It was as if a light bulb had gone off in her head. She scrolled her phone and went onto the internet. She did a search and after a lot of research and thought her heart settled on something she couldn’t resist or ignore.

She did what she had to. It was her decision to make and after she’d done what she’d done, Sahara sat back into the seat and felt tons lighter.

But an hour later her mobile began to ring off the hook. She didn’t take his call. She didn’t want to speak to him, not until she saw him. Too much was going on, but Eugene wasn’t letting up on the calls. She gazed at the screen as it blew into life, her heart beating at a rapid pace. She knew that whatever she had to tell him wouldn’t and couldn’t be said over the phone. So instead of answering she pressed the off button...


‘Sahara’s flowers, may I help you,’ Alice answered.

‘Hi Alice, its Eugene.’

‘Hi Eugene, how are you?’

‘I’m okay. Urm, could I have a word with Sahara, I’ve tried to get her on her mobile, but she hasn’t answered.’

Alice looked out into the shop, her eyes stopped on Sahara’s mother as she arranged a vase of flowers for a client.

‘Urm…She left for the day.’

‘Okay…urm...do you know where she went?’

Alice knew it wasn’t her place to tell Eugene that Sahara had received some news that had upset her, but she was concerned all the same.

‘No, I don’t.’

‘Is there something you’re not telling me?’

‘It’s just that she seemed a little off today after she’d received a phone call from the hospital.’

Eugene froze. He sat back in his seat in the office and was gripped by fear. There had been something in her demeanour that morning that told him something was wrong.

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