Healing (General's Daughter Book 5) (5 page)

BOOK: Healing (General's Daughter Book 5)
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“I’m sure you’ve wanted to at times.”

“Hell, yeah, but I’m not stupid. I’m still hungry. Anymore shrimp left?”

“In the kitchen. I’ll join you.”



“Mike, this is so nice. I think it’s the first time we’ve really been able to just hang out and not worry about time or anything,” Jen murmured against Michael’s bare chest. They’d just finished an afternoon of torrid lovemaking in the romantic, and very private, cottage Michael had rented for them in Julian.

“This is nice. My family tends to be very active. It’s hard to find quiet time in our home.”

“Your dads would leave us alone; Sam, though…” Jen giggled.

“Is Sam. You’ve discovered that she pushes in areas that you give the greatest opposition, right? If you pretend it doesn’t bother you, she’ll find something else.”

“I adore her. Mike? I was wondering if you, well…”

“Anything. What do you need, hon?”

“I want you to meet my family. Would you fly to Kentucky with me? Just for a couple of days.”

“Sure. When do you want to go?”

“Really? You mean it?”

“Absolutely. I need to put in some leave time. The folks have tons of frequent flyer miles too, so we can get some decent seats. Will I need to rent a car?”

“You are the best! Thank you! I should warn you, they are a bit intense.”

“Jen, do you think anything could bother me after being around my family? Come on. They’ll love me,” Michael promised, squeezing her against him.

“My brothers will be all over you.”

“Honey, trust me. I can hold my own,” he reassured her. She smiled, content in his arms.

Tuesday morning, Michael called Jen into his office. He had a serious look on his face and told her to enter and close the door behind her.

“What did I do?” Jen asked Sam.

“I don't know. But he doesn't have that twitch/vein thing going which tells me he is pissed,” Sam said cautiously. “Don't procrastinate though. He is tapping his fingers.”

Jen sighed and walked next door, “You rang?”

“Sit. I need to speak to you.”

“I, um, did I do something wrong, Mike?”

“I am your commander, Miss Carter.”

Jen’s eyes widened, her heart pounding. She swallowed. “Yes, sir, Lieutenant.”

“It appears to me that you have caused some mischief,” he stated, leaning back in his chair, twirling his pen in his fingers.

Jen searched her memory. For once, she couldn’t think of anything. “What did I do, sir?”

“You,” Michael put the pen down, leaning forward, “made me fall in love with you. What do you have to say about that?”

Jen sighed with relief. “You butt for brains, you scared me.”

“Good. I’m glad to know I have that ability. I got leave for next weekend. Is that too soon to see your folks?”

“No! But what about reservations and stuff?”

“First class reserved, leaving Friday at 1300. I just want to make sure you can let them know we’re coming in case they have plans.”

“Can I call them now?”

“Go ahead, use my phone. I have an outside line.”

“Where are you going?” She grabbed his hand as he stood.

He kissed her. “To break the news to my sister. She’ll think I’m deserting her. I’ll be right back.”

Jen’s hand shook as she called her parents. Her mother answered the phone. “Hey Mom, how are you doing?”

“Well, it’s the voice from way out in California! Dennis! It’s your daughter!”

“Who? Do I have a daughter?” her father said, picking up the other line. “Funny, I haven’t heard from any daughter of mine for a while.”

“Cut it out, I talked with you guys last week. I was wondering if you had plans next weekend. I want to come see you.”

“And to what do we owe this honor? Did you win the lottery?” Her father laughed.

“Dad, stop it. And yes, I did.”


“Not like you think. I met this guy; he’s wonderful. I want you to meet him.”

“Wow, he must be special to risk bringing him home to face us.”

“Dennis, stop it. Tell us about him, baby.”

“Mom, he’s so incredible. And his family has adopted me like one of their own. He’s the brother of the girl I work for. His name is Michael.”

“What does he do?”

“He’s a Marine Corps lieutenant and runs the labs. And he’s beautiful.”

“Uh oh, Jen-girl’s in love,” her father teased.

“Yes, I am,” Jen said quietly. Her parents grew quiet.

“You’re serious, aren’t you, honey?”

“Yes, Mom. He took care of our trip right when I asked. He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of. And his sister and I have become close friends. Her boyfriend has adopted me as a sister too. It’s awesome, I have another family here. It makes it so much easier for me. It doesn’t hurt as much being gone.”

“Well, I would certainly like to meet this young man. He better be a gentlemen,” her father grumped.

“Dad, he’s more than you would ever expect me to have. His father and uncle are also the base commanders. They are generals and have taught him manners.”

“Generals, huh? Hanging out with big wigs now. So he won’t go belching at the table like that boy Vern you brought home?”

“Dad! That was in 8
grade and you belched first!”

“What about the one who farted during the movie?”

“That was you.” Jen rolled her eyes.

“I don’t know, Lil. It sounds like this boy might be too uppity for the likes of us farm folk.”

“Dennis, hush up. We’ll get your room ready. Will he, uh…”

“If you don’t mind, yes, I’d like him to stay with me. We won’t do anything, I promise.”

“He could stay with your brothers,” Dennis grunted.

“Dad, I want to keep this guy, not scare him off. It’s bad enough he’ll have to meet the twins. Please be nice. And NO drinking.”

“Goody two-shoes doesn’t drink?”

“Not often. He’s 22 and very responsible. PLEASE be nice!”

“I’ll try.”

“Thank you. Mom? Keep him under control.”

“I will. Does your young man like anything in particular to eat?”

“He’ll eat anything. Except Dad’s chili. No chili!”

“I like chili,” Michael whispered, sitting down next to her. She shook her head violently.

“How about ribs?”

“He loves ribs, Dad. Go for it. We’ll be in late Friday night, about ten. Mike said he’ll rent a car and we’ll drive out, okay?”

“I could come get you.”

“Thanks, Dad, but I don’t want to be smashed between you and Mike in your pickup.”

“He can sit in the back.”

“Bye, Dad. Mom, please make him behave,” Jen begged.

“He will, I promise. We’ll see you Friday, honey.”

Jen rolled her eyes again, leaning back in the chair. “My father is impossible, he’s going to give you a hard time.”

“Don’t worry. I’m a charmer, remember?”

“And so humble about it.” She told him about the conversation.

Michael laughed. “It sounds like fun. Tell me about them.”

Jen went into detail trying to describe her family. Michael listened carefully, taking mental notes. He knew how to begin with them.

The flight to Kentucky was long, affording them a few hours to sleep. Michael rented a nice sedan and followed Jen's directions to the quiet country road leading to the renovated two story ranch home with a barn and full pastures.

“It’s hard to see since it’s so dark, but it’s real pretty here. Do you like horses?” Jen asked, grabbing Michael's hand.

“I do. We used to ride a lot as kids. Ready?” he asked, lovingly kissing her knuckles. Jen nodded and stepped aside as he gathered their bags and carried them to the front door. She knocked timidly, wishing she could share some of Michael’s self-confidence. Nothing ever seemed to bother him.

“Jen! Dennis, they’re here! How was your trip, baby?” Jen's mother embraced her tightly. She looked up at Michael and broke into a huge smile, reaching up to hug him warmly and kiss his cheek. “You’re a big one! Welcome to our home.”

He handed her a small package. “Thank you for having us. I brought this for you,” Michael said with a charming smile, his white teeth flashing against his tan.

“What’s this? Who are you and what have you done with my little girl?” Dennis asked, hugging his daughter tightly. He reached to shake Michael’s hand, pleased that his grip was met evenly.

Jen slapped her father’s arm. “Don’t try to break his hand, Dad. You’ll lose. Let go.”

“How tall are you?” Dennis eyed the young man.

“6’3”, sir.”



“Think you can wrestle down a bull?”

“I can wrestle my little sister and she’s pretty bull-headed.” Michael grinned, earning a hearty laugh.

“Jenner, Jenner, Jenner!” two little boys yelled as they ran to greet her.

She hugged them tightly. “Look how big you boys got! Luke, Dan, this is Mike.”

“Wow, you’re taller than a building!” one of the boys said.

Michael got on one knee to shake their hands. “I felt that way when I was your age. My dad and uncle are as tall as I am.”

“You have big muscles too! Mom, look how big they are!”

“Sorry about this,” Jen said as the boys tried to put their hands around Michael’s arms.

“Michael, thank you so much,” Lil said. “It’s beautiful. How did you know?” She held up a crystal hummingbird.

Michael stood with a little boy hanging from either arm. “I remembered Jen saying you collected hummingbirds, Mrs. Carter.”

“Please, call me Lil.” The woman dabbed her eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m touched.”

“Please, don't apologize, ma’am. I am just glad you like it. I also have something for you guys, if you let me get to my bag,” Michael bribed as the boys swung from his biceps. They dropped quickly, looking eager.

“Son, you didn’t have to do this,” Dennis said, frowning at his sons.

Michael laughed. “I was taught never to go anywhere empty handed. Here you go. This, Mr. Carter, is for you.”

“For me? Damn, boy! Jen, I’m keeping him! Look at these flies! Thank you, son!” Dennis said excitedly, showing off the custom flies for fishing. The two boys shrieked, pulling out authentic USMC cammie sets, complete with their names on the pockets.

“Cool, Mike! Thanks!”

“Now, gentlemen, you must remember that I am a Marine Corps officer which means that, when you wear those, you must obey orders. Can you do that?”

“Yes, sir!” Both boys saluted.

Michael straightened himself, correcting their salutes and walking around them with his hands locked behind his back like Scott had done with him at that age. “Seems like we have some training to do here. Get down and give me five!” he ordered. The boys jumped to the floor, eager to impress their new friend as they did pushups. Michael grabbed their belt loops on either side, helping them.

“To your feet, recruits! Atten-hut! Very good. Dismissed.”

“Yes, sir!” The boys giggled, running away.

“I must say, I am impressed,” Lil commented. “Are you kids hungry?”

“I’m always hungry, ma’am.” Michael chuckled as Jen nodded.

“Mike! Come sit with me while the women-folk get grub,” Dennis ordered.

Jen pushed Michael towards her father, giving him a quick kiss. “Thanks. For everything,” she whispered, following her mother into the kitchen.

“He’s a looker, Jen. With perfect manners,” Lil said, dishing out some pie.

“He is perfect, Mom. Everything about him is genuine. I wasn’t surprised about how he handled the boys; that’s how his folks are with him. Even now.” She giggled as she shared the playtime she had witnessed between Michael and Scott.

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