Healing (General's Daughter Book 5) (9 page)

BOOK: Healing (General's Daughter Book 5)
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“Michael, she’s with Scott. You know there is nothing to worry about,” Rich said, holding Sam against him on the recliner.

“It’s because she’s with Scott that I’m worried. And the weather sucks,” Michael grumbled.

“Mike, you need to relax. Scott told me he was taking her out somewhere nice because he’s been such a jerk. You trust him, don’t you?”


“You’re being a control freak. Now cut it out. It’s not becoming of a Marine Corps officer. Or a soon to be captain,” Dr. Quimby grumbled. Michael and Sam stared at him in surprise.

“What did you say?” Michael asked.

His father grinned, turning the page of his paper. “Did I say something? I can’t remember.”


“When what? Oh, that sounds like them,” Dr. Quimby said, looking up at the front door. Jen walked in with Scott behind her, carrying four large bags.

“I thought you hated shopping,” Michael said, kissing Jen.

She shrugged. “I couldn’t say no. Besides, we had nothing else to do while in Vegas because I’m too young to gamble.”

“You went to Vegas?” Sam asked, nosing through the bags.

Scott smiled, handing one to her. “This is yours. Yes, I flew us over there for lunch and then some shopping.”

“Shoes! Oooh…” Sam dug into her bag. She hugged her uncle. “Thank you! Rich, he bought me a new bathing suit and some other things.”

“I picked them out, so you should like them.” Jen smiled, hugging her friend. “Thanks for running interference for me.”

“What is family for? What did you get?”

The two girls went to Jen’s room to go through her bags, leaving the four men alone.

“Well, I gather your apology went over well,” Dr. Quimby stated.

Scott sat on the recliner. “Please remind me how much it costs my wallet when I’m being an asshole, Joe. I’m beat. So, did you tell Mike?”

“Tell him what?” Dr. Quimby teased.

“We submitted your name for promotion and it was accepted. Rich will also be taking position as lead Intel Officer under your dad.”

“That’s awesome! Thank you!” Michael said excitedly.

Rich chuckled. “Congrats, Mike. Now the brat won’t have a reason to question your seniority.”

“Wanna bet? She won’t change a bit, except complain she wants a promo too. The condition was no other promo until they turned twenty-two. Mike is due,” Scott laughed.

“You should have seen her after I got my commission. I was seventeen, and she refused to obey because she said she was a civilian and not under my jurisdiction. She held that opinion even after I got my promo to first at eighteen. Brat.”

“Uh oh. I gather it didn’t change much when she picked up her bars.” Rich grinned.

“Nope. But that was before we reverted back to, uh, other measures to ensure her respect.” Michael chuckled. He looked excited. “Thanks again, you guys. I appreciate it.”

“I think it will help you a bit in the field, too. After dealing with the other units, you’ll have more authority. So Rich, do you think you can take working both under Scott and me?” Dr. Quimby asked.

“Of course. I guess that means I get to keep Engineering?”

“Absolutely. Michael’s in charge of the full lab unit, as before. You will sub-command Engineering with the additional responsibility of Intel development. Similar to how Sam runs both the Bio labs and Recon. We were going to give you Recon, but the boys refused,” Dr. Quimby laughed. “They said they would love to work with you, but were afraid Sam would kick their butts if they left her unattended. I think they were partially serious.”

“They love her. The whole crew does. I wouldn’t want Recon, to be honest. They are water bound enough that they do need her. Plus, I need the mental challenge.”

“Engineering is a mental challenge,” Scott scoffed.

Rich chuckled, “When you combine it with Intel. Mike and I have been brainstorming.”

“We heard about that idea you had about the chemical emission. I’m looking forward to it. You don’t yell when you’re thinking, do you?” Dr. Quimby wrinkled his brow with concern.

Rich looked straight at him. “Have you ever heard me raise my voice in anger or frustration?”

“Can’t say I have. Good, I could use a quiet thinker. I’m surrounded by loud mouths.”

“Hey, that’s not true,” Scott argued. “Okay, maybe a little. They seem happy.” He thumbed in the direction of giggles.

The men looked up as the girls walked in dressed in new bathing suits. Jen’s was a black one-piece with strips of material cut diagonally, accenting her curves and giving her plump bottom an adorable lift. Michael’s face broke into a huge grin. Sam wore a daring turquoise one piece that was only held together by small chains and strips of fabric. The front strip curved asymmetrically to reveal her new belly button ring that said ‘Brat’ on it (a gift from her uncle). Rich swallowed, feeling himself stir.

“Scott? Since when do you purchase items that make these little girls look like women?” Dr. Quimby said with a firm voice.

Scott shrugged. “Since I had to do everything I could to make amends for being an asshole. Jen wouldn’t let me pick out what I really wanted to get for Sammi.”

“Joe, it was hideous. This man has no fashion sense.”

“He has no sense, period. It’s late, go get ready for bed,” Dr. Quimby signaled to the girls. Giggling like schoolgirls, they left to obey.

“You’ve just taken over Jen, haven’t you?” Michael asked his father and uncle.

“She needed a dad and we gave her two. She has a new sister and a brother as well. Trust me, son, when you’re in the field, she needs this family as it is,” Scott said.

Michael smiled. “I’m not complaining. I’m glad you two love her so much and that she, Rich and Sammi are growing so close. She’s the one for me and I want everything for her that I can offer. You’re part of the package.”

“You’re not planning on moving out anytime soon, are you?” Dr. Quimby asked, looking worried.

Michael laughed. “Are you kidding? I’d be stupid to leave. I have it good here. I will want her moving to my room eventually, though. With a lock on my door to keep you-know-who from barging in at 5:00 every morning.”

“That’s gonna kill your sister. She’s been your early bird since she could climb out of her crib,” Scott commented.

Michael shrugged. “Then she will be getting very embarrassed if we’re in bed. I don’t think Jen would care for it, either.”

“I think Jen is the one to worry about, not Sam. Besides, do you think locks will keep her out?”

“Then we’ll have to incorporate some new rules. Workdays only. She gets up too early on weekends,” Michael said firmly.

“Take that up with her. Rich, you’re awfully quiet,” Dr. Quimby said.

“Just thinking. If Sam and I shared—”

“NO!” both Dr. Quimby and Scott shouted.

Rich raised an eyebrow. “As I was saying, gentlemen, if Sam and I shared a combined work schedule, I could keep a better eye on her and help steer her out of Mike’s way. We could leave earlier and go PT most mornings.”

“That would mean you staying here all week long. What if I don’t want you here all the time?” Scott feigned annoyance.

Rich smiled, his dimples showing. “Scott, if you don’t start being nicer to me, then you will be taking ME shoe shopping.”

Scott was silent, staring. Dr. Quimby and Michael started laughing loudly at the unexpected turn. Scott shot Rich a bird.

“It’s late. I’m going to go say goodnight and then get back to base. I’ll see you all tomorrow, okay?” Rich said, hugging the three. He said good night to Jen, then trotted upstairs to Sam’s room.

“May I come in?” he asked, tapping on the door and opening it. She was sitting on the bed brushing her hair.

“Oh good. Here, get to work,” Sam ordered, handing him the brush. He smacked it against his palm and looked at her.

“Please?” she asked sweetly, catching the hint. Rich sat on the bed and started brushing out the long, thick mane. He spread it like a fan over her back, running his fingers through the silky waves. Grabbing a handful, he pulled her head back into a long, deep kiss.

“I have to go,” he murmured into her throat, running his fingers under her nightshirt and capturing a nipple. She groaned as he squeezed and rolled it between his finger pads before slipping his lips around the pink nub to suck it into his mouth. His fingers found their way to her moist slit and began to ease their way in and out, encircling the swollen clit with his thumb. He forced her to stay sitting, mouth locked on his as his hand tickled and teased her softness.

She was close. Rich glanced at the door and knelt on the floor and pulled her knees to either side of his head, his lips encasing her throbbing kernel. His teeth nipped gently as he used the tip of his tongue to press against the silky flesh. Her fingers gripped his hair as she stiffened under his care, and she grabbed a pillow to fling over her face to prevent her cry from being heard.

Rich grinned, tucking her panting body under the sheets and kissing her mouth. “We both are going to sleep well tonight. I love you.”

Sam just panted in return, still shuddering in afterglow.




It was still storming the following day, forcing the crew to remain inside again. After a long morning of neuroband testing, Rich begged a reprieve. “I’ve had enough for today, if that’s okay.”

Sam went to massage his temples and neck, kissing his cheek. “I know, thinking really hurts engineers, huh?” she teased.

He held up a finger. “Nah uh, you’re already in trouble for the other remark you made about not having electrodes big enough for my head.”

“I was just playing.”

“Tsk, tsk, very disrespectful lieutenant. Even to a junior officer,” he scolded lightly. She ruffled his hair, coming around to face him as she removed the patches. Rich looked up at her and smiled at her seriousness as she stood there in her lab coat and long ponytail. She looked a little drawn too. He grabbed her hand, kissing her palm. “When were you in the water last?”

“A couple of days. Why?”

“You look tired. Mike? Let’s hook her up and compare readings. We might be able to determine the imbalance prior to symptoms.”

“I don’t have time—”

“Sit. That’s an order,” Mike commanded, applying the patches. Sighing, she obeyed. She closed her eyes and relaxed her mind, feeling the pull of the song call to her. She directed it to Rich.

“Your Delta reading just went off the chart! What are you doing?”

“She’s trying to swirl me. It’s so high because I’m blocking her,” Rich stated bluntly. Sam wrinkled her nose, and then altered her thoughts to go in another direction.

Rich broke out in a sweat. “Can’t block this one. Excuse me,” he said, rushing out.

Michael chuckled. “Okay Sam, enough. By the way, when you do that, it elevates your Alphas. Let me get your baseline, please. There you go. Bring the Alphas down… there we are. I only see one fluctuation in your Beta that’s different. It’s very consistent, too. Go take a swim and when you’re back, let’s rehook you.”

“Yes, Michael. Do you want to come with me?”

“I can’t, baby. I have to finish that logistics report before the end of the day. Take Rich.”

“Do you think he can handle the dive in this weather?”

“He’s recon trained, remember? Go deep. Let me know if you’re not coming back to the lab.”

“Okay. Please tell him while I get ready; he won’t say no to you.”

“Be careful, Sam.” Jen said with concern.

Sam smiled. “I’m fine. I’m going to take you out with me one of these days. When Mike’s not around to worry like an old grandmother.”

“I’m not that bad.”

“Yes you are,” both girls announced. Michael kissed his sister’s temple, shooing her away.

Sam waited patiently for Rich to join her at the whale tank. Ton swam restlessly, wanting to go into the open water. He reluctantly agreed to transport her ‘mate’ with her to the kelp beds, communicating his displeasure at being left alone without the other land walker to look after her. Sam smiled, imaging how Rich cared for her. Ton, as usual, was not impressed. Chuckling, Sam leaned back with her eyes closed.

“Falling asleep on duty, Lt. Quimby?” Rich’s low voice asked, startling her.

“Just resting my eyes, Lt. Lewis. Did you bring the band?”

“Yes, ma’am. Do you think I’m ready to try it?” Rich asked, adjusting it around his neck.

Sam nodded. “If our findings are correct and your waves are nearly identical to mine, the pod will be able to connect easily. I want you to start with Ton, though. You’ll get sporadic images, like a fast-forwarding movie. Close your eyes and try to slow them down.”

“Is he talking with me?”

“No, that is the input from all the pods within the band’s radius. It’s a bit overwhelming, like being in a crowd of people. You’ll learn how to focus on one voice or, in this case, imaging from one source. Ton, please say something to Rich.”

Rich’s eyes widened as Ton sent a picture of Sam with her tail flukes in his mouth. “I’ll be damned, that whale wants to spank you.”

“He’s not happy with my stupid games. It’s either that or eat me. Ton, please help me. Wow, did you get that image?”

“A large male orca with my face?”

“Yeah. He didn’t even call you a penguin. He sees you as an equal, mentally anyway. Amazing. I wish I knew how he makes this connection. Okay, let’s go in. Remember, breathe normally in that face gear. Are your ears covered? Good.”

Holding his hand, she led him into the tank and they sat down on the edge of the ramp. Ton sidled up next to them and Sam climbed on. “Hold his dorsal really tight. Put your arms around it – it’s easy to lose your grip. If you let go, stay put, we’ll come get you.”

It took a couple of tries for him to find a way to hold without slipping and they took off underwater through the tunnel and into the stormy bay. Surfacing, the two rode the whale’s back, able to straddle him comfortably to the kelp beds. Sam warned Rich to keep the mask on because they would get dumped. Sure enough, Ton flipped suddenly to drop them, then took off to deeper waters.

“Let’s go down thirty feet. The visibility is zero, so listen for me. Remember, you can talk with that thing, okay?”

“It’s easy to forget the freedom it has. It is terrible out here.”

“Go on and drop.”

She watched Rich carefully as he pulled himself down using the kelp as a rope. She simply exhaled and her body fell slowly. “You okay?”

“No problems. Where are you?”

“Right next to you. Feel my hand?”

“Yep. This is creepy, huh?”

“What bothers me isn’t the storm, but what I can’t see around me. I’m going to call a pod for protection, okay? See if you can pick up what I’m doing.”

Rich tried to tune out the ‘white noise’ of images and focus on the summons. How could he pick her ‘voice’ out of this crowd?

“Each of us has our own signature, a way to communicate. You’ll learn mine the more you see it.”

“How did you know I was wondering that?”

“Your signature is very distorted and convoluted. It imaged a sense of being lost. Turn off the band if it becomes too much.”

“Do you still get all this noise without the band?”

“Yes, but it’s different. All the voices are familiar. Like when we’re all talking at once at home. I know each person, his voice and all there is to go with him. That’s what the integration does. It downloads the entire population of cetaceans into the brain.”

“No wonder you’re so tired when you’re done. That’s a lot of processing.”

“I’m still learning. The only reason I can pick up you is because your signal is amplified with the band. I get the same with Mike. Here’re our friends. They’ll keep an eye out for us. Let’s go down until we touch. It should be close.”

They sat on the bottom, only able to see the muted swirling of kelp in front of them. Sam held Rich’s hands in hers gently.

“How come I don’t need a weight belt?” he asked.

“You’re very dense.” She giggled, imaging the look on his handsome face. “Plus the suit compensates to the level we are stabilized at. It absorbs water as we go down and expels it while returning up. Rather brilliant, if I say so myself.”

“Did Mike design this?”

“No, this is Daddy’s doing. There is a chemical saturation of something in the fibers. I don’t know, I never asked. He also designed the headgear and my full eye lenses. Scott and Mike both designed the boots.”

“Your family is amazing. You, my love, are amazing.”

“You are too. How are you holding up? Your band is still on.”

“You can tell?”

“I told you, I feel it. Don’t overdo it, you will have a killer headache.”

“I’ll switch it off now. How are you feeling?”

“Fine. I’m still tired, but that’s probably because I went to bed late last night. So what do you think of your new position?”

“I love your dad, so working with him will be great. I just don’t want to let them down,” he admitted.

She squeezed his hand. “I think that is the only insecurity I’ve ever seen with you. Fear of not being perfect. You need to let that go before it eats you alive.”

“I can’t. It’s how I’ve functioned all these years. I know I need to learn and practice things before perfection happens; it’s when I anticipate being competent, and I’m not, that frightens me.”

“Is there anything else that frightens you?”

“You do,” he admitted quietly.


“Fear of losing you. I’ve never allowed myself to feel like I do with you.”

“I’m not going anywhere, I promise. Pretty soon you’ll probably start tapping into my mind like Mike does and you’ll always know I’m safe.”

“You really think that will happen?”

“With your wave readings and the stimulation from this band, yes. You will have an internal GPS for my whereabouts and situation. Scared now?”

“Totally,” Rich said.

Patting his hand, she stood on the ocean bottom, pulling him to his feet. “Let’s call it quits and get back to base. Keep your band off for now. I’m calling Ton.”

The crew helped the two out of the tank and handed them towels after they rinsed off in fresh water. Michael greeted them at the door, rushing his sister into testing. Sure enough, her Betas were stabilized. Pleased with his discovery, Michael questioned Rich in detail about his dive and the experience of using the band for the first time. They recorded the information as Jen followed Sam into her office.

“Drop my blinds, will you? Thanks. Man, I am so tired.” Sam yawned, stripping out of her wetsuit and into her dry uniform.

Jen sat down, nodding. “Up too late. Sam? What are we going to do when school begins? I’m really liking this job.”

“Don’t worry, it’s yours. Daddy came up with the idea for a work-study where you can get credit for this. Since you are working under PhDs, they can supervise your work and grade you. Plus you’ll get your stipend.”

“That’s cool, thanks. Um, I need to ask you something.”

“What’s up?” Sam plopped at her desk, drying her hair.

“Do you think it’s weird for me to be staying at the house so much? I mean, Mike and I are practically living together, but under your dad’s roof.”

“Do you want to move?” Sam looked up with concern.

“No, not at all. That’s what’s weird. I always thought having to live with my boyfriend and his parents would be lame, but this is so different. It’s like a community home, not a shared apartment or something.”

“I should probably give you a head’s up about my dad. He will build an addition to the house or add another house to the property before he even considers letting either of us move away from him. To be truthful, I’m okay with that. I don’t ever see myself without my family around all the time. As long as they don’t bother me and Rich when we’re, uh, involved.”

“We might need a house on the opposite side of the property. We get loud.” Jen giggled.

“Us too. Seriously, Daddy would do that. We’re well taken care of and it helps reduce a lot of stress for all of us. Of course, you and I would only have to cook once a week since we still will have to spend dinner each night with the family.”

“Fine with me, I like our arrangement. I’m so glad we met. Thank you for everything.” Jen’s eyes watered.

Sam smiled, popping her with the towel. “Don’t get all Hallmarky on me now. Timing was right for all of us. It’s nice to have another girl around for Scott to pick on.”

“I don’t think he’ll be doing that anymore. I read him the riot act. He also told me why he does it.”

“It’s to keep us alert and alive. I know. He pushes my buttons to find my weaknesses because those very things could mean my life. Why do you think I don’t get mad at him? He loves me too much.”

“So you know about his mind games?”

“For a very long time. Daddy explained it to me after Scott made me cry when I was eleven. I thought he hated me because he was being so mean about how inadequate my cleaning was. I bawled, totally heartbroken. I had really tried to do the kitchen the right way and he tore it apart. In hindsight, it was probably pretty bad, but I didn’t know it at the time. I just sat on the floor and cried my eyes out. Daddy came in and told me why Scott was so hard and that little exercises like this, not just the cleaning, but being able to take criticism constructively, would help me stay more aware and help me be stronger.” Sam smiled, thinking back. Daddy was, once again, her hero.

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