Heart of Stone (9 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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“Hmm, that’s a good cause, a sad one but good

“Yes it is.” His tone is impassive.

“I’ve never known anyone who’s taken their
own life. I can’t imagine the kind of immense pain someone would
feel that they felt they had no other alternative.” I whisper
absently lost in contemplation of such a poignant subject.

Aidan’s body stiffens, his hand completely
stills as an awkward silence unfolds.

“Is it a cause that’s personal to you?” I
hesitantly ask holding my breath wondering why his body is so tense
all of a sudden.

“Yes Gabriella it is a very personal topic.
My mother committed suicide when I was five.” He unemotionally
sates, his tone detached and cold.

My heart hurts at the thought of a five year
old Aidan loosing his mother. At twenty-five it was excruciatingly
painful to loose my mom. I can’t fathom a small child going through
something like that.

I peer up into his vivid emerald eyes, his
face an impassive mask. “I’m so sorry Aidan for your loss.” I say
with heartfelt sincerity.

“It was a long time ago Gabriella and I don’t
discuss it. Ever,” he says tersely, his eyes hard and face
carefully blank.

“Okay,” I whisper nodding my head. I nestle
my head down on his shoulder once more.

Anxiety encroaches through my thoughts, have
I said something to possibly offend him?

Empathy engulfs me and I have an overwhelming
desire to erase any pain he may feel.

He squeezes my hip than continues trailing
his fingers in a slow soothing pattern on my skin, both of us
silent, deep in our own thoughts.

Alarm suddenly surges through me. “Umm…the
Benefit, it’s a black tie event isn’t it?” I asked in a slightly
panicked voice.

“Yes, it is a formal charity event my company
hosts annually,” he warily replies.

“With all the who’s who of LA in attendance,”
I squeak.

“Well I wouldn’t say that but yes there are a
number of influential guests invited with generously deep pockets
as well as members of the press. This is the general concept of a
Charity Benefit Gabriella,” he says in sardonically.

“Hmm.” I absently agree.

Aidan Stone has asked me to be his date for
the Benefit – why? I’m not sophisticate, polished or wealthy. I’m
not of his world, what if I embarrass him or myself. This event is
obviously important for his company to host every year not to
mention innately personal from his recent admission.

Aidan is this articulately glorious enigmatic
man who controls his empire with unrestrained grace, confidence and
charisma. A few meals in public and dinner in the privacy of his
home is one thing but to be his date at such a high profile event
is another matter entirely.

Just a few short moments ago I was relishing
his intimate touch - now a wave of insecurities besiege me. And I
will be there completely alone – well that’s not entirely true –
Jeremiah will be there too behind the scenes coordinating the
event, making sure every little details goes according to plan. At
least I’ll have an ally, a friendly face that I’ll already know at
the benefit. I wish Mia were going.

Then another unpleasant thought occurs to

Flipping heck, how am I ever going to find
the perfect knock out formal gown to wear to such an important
event like this one in just one day.

“I guess an emergency shopping trip with Mia
is on the agenda for tomorrow,” I sigh.

As if reading my thoughts Aidan adds, “I’m
sure whatever you wear Sunday night will be beautiful Gabriella
are beautiful baby.”

And instantaneously all concerns about what
I’m going to wear to the benefit disappears.


With a smile I gaze up at his breathtakingly
handsome face running my finger across his soft full bottom lip.
Aidan lips part and he draws my finger into the warmth of his mouth
sucking sensually. My body heats at his touch and with a
mischievous smirk he bites down – hard – on my finger.

“Ow!” I gripe as Aidan chuckles darkly.

Aidan rolls me fully on my back and lifts up
over me with a sexy glint twinkling in his eyes. He slowly lowers
his head trailing is warm wet tongue along my jaw up to my earlobe
then bites.

“I bet you were a bitter as a child?” I

“I’m not sure if I was as a child but I enjoy
biting you Gabriella. Biting, licking, tasting every inch of your
beautiful body.” He says between each nibble he takes down along my

Oh my…
Liquid heat surges between my

His hand cups my breast massaging than
pinching my instantly taut nipples between his finger and thumb.
Arching my back I moan softly and run my fingers through his silky
hair pulling firmly. His hand leaves my breast only to be replaced
by his talented mouth, his teeth biting sharp little nips followed
by soothing swirls of his tongue. His strong muscular hand slides
down my breast over my belly and lower cupping my core. His hand
flexes pausing in a possessive grip at the apex of my thighs. Then
running his fingers through my folds he emits a primal groan as I
whimper in pleasure.

“You’re soaking wet for me baby,” he growls
in my ear. “So wet and slick for me Gabriella.”

His fingers move artfully faster spreading my
juices the length of my center.

“Aidan… please,” I beg as desire detonates
through my body.

“Please what, Gabriella?” His tone is
demanding, unyielding.

Increasing the pressure he fingers delve
deeper, firmer faster. A vortex of pleasure devours my body.

“Please…” I plead again, my fingers driving
deeper within his scalp gripping and pulling at his hair.

He slips one finger into my entrance than
another stretching, in and out. His thumb presses down on my clit
firmly circling around and around.

My head rolls to the side, my back bows in
uninhibited need. “Ohmigod,
” I sob.

“Tell me what you want baby,” he demands
again in a hoarse voice.

“I…I want you. Inside me now, please Aidan.”
His mouth slams down hard on mine drowning out my crying plea. Our
tongues dual in a frenzied dance fueling the rampant fire of need
consuming me. Intense waves of pleasure collide over and over as
his fingers work faster on my clitouris. I’m so, so so close.

Suddenly Aidan flips me to my belly, his hand
roughly presses to my back forcing my chest flush to the mattress.
His hands reach for my hips gripping hard on each side pulling my
ass up and back. One of his knees spread my legs wide apart in a
sweeping motion. A sounding slap pierces the air as his palm lands
hard across the surface of my ass. I cry out sharply from the
smarting sting his slap inflicts.

Did he just spank me?

And why in the hell do I find it so fucking

“God you’ve got a beautiful ass Gabriella.”
His finger provocatively nudges the puckered entry of my anus. “I’m
going to fuck you here too one day very soon baby.”

Holy fucking shit! Nobody has ever spoken to
me like this before.

I’m so turned on right now.

Aidan leans over and grabs something from the
bedside drawer. I hear the familiar sound of foil ripping then
Aidan’s palms smoothly skims down my arms encircling my wrists. He
leans forward breathing into my ear. “Hold on to the headboard
baby, I’m going to fuck your tight sweet little pussy now.”

Gripping my hips to the point of almost pain,
Aidan slowly glides his hard erection into me.

“Fuck,” he groans, “so tight baby, so fucking
warm and tight.”

He words and his touch send my body into
overdrive, potent, consuming and so fucking hot. I feel as if I’m
going to internally implode with desire.

He leisurely withdraws then slams forcefully
back in to the hilt pausing a minute then he withdraws again. The
sensation is agonizingly exquisite. I feel so full, stretched
beyond anything I’ve ever felt.

Slamming into me again, I cry out pushing
back against him in a vain attempt to halt his inevitable

“Faster Aidan please,” I entreat on a

“Can you feel my cock in your tight little
pussy baby,” he taunts on another thrust then grinds down rotating
his hips.

“Oh. My. God.” Unashamedly I scream.

Aidan begins to move setting a punishing
rhythm and my body is compelled to meet his, thrust for thrust.
Unimaginable pleasure erupts. I’m close again, so, so close.

“Aidan yes…god yes!” I alternate between
chanting, pleading and screaming his name over and over again.

“You’re mine Gabriella, all mine,” he growls
on a powerful thrust. “Feel all of me Gabriella. Come for me

My body instantly obeys his command screaming
out my release. Aidan then thrusts once more, than another powerful
relentless surge he roars harshly his own release and collapses on
top of me panting.

As seconds pass and I struggle to control my
breathing as Aidan shifts to his side pulling me back into the
warmth of his embrace.

“That was incredible Gabriella. Thank you
baby,” he murmurs sincerely his breath mingling with mine. Leaning
up I place a quick gently kiss on his soft full lips. “Aidan, that
was more than incredible. That was mind-blowing and earthshattering
all one in one go. I don’t know if I can even walk after that.”

Aidan raises one perfectly shapes eyebrow
then shakes his head. “You have a unique arsenal of descriptive
words Gabriella,” he teases.


Aidan gets up to go to the bathroom -
disposing of the condom I presume - then returns back sliding in
bed pulling the covers over us. Pulling my back to his chest his
arms encase me like steel bands under the swell of my breasts, his
thigh covers mine intertwining with my legs as he commands, “Sleep

A calming warm comforting sensation envelops
me in the shelter of Aidan’s embrace. I feel safe, nurtured and
surprisingly exhausted. I didn’t think that I could possible fall
to sleep so soon in his presence but as my body relaxes a yawn
escapes my mouth.

“Night Aidan,” I whisper.

“Night baby, sweet dreams,” he murmurs in







Chapter Nine.


Warm salty air wafting gently across my face
arouses me from my sleep. I open my eyelids squinting at the bright
Californian sun shining through the window. Flashes slowly flick
through my mind… dinner with Aidan in his beautiful home. Kissing
him, talking, laughing, cuddling and… sex with Aidan. Not
sex but out-of-this-world mind-blowing sex with Aidan

Stretching out my stiff limbs I roll over and
notice I’m alone in Aidan’s bed. I skim my hand over his pillow
inhaling deeply his intoxicating scent. I have just spent the night
making love with the most breathtaking beautiful man I’ve ever

I’ve just spent the night – holy shit!

I’ve forgot to text her to say I wasn’t
coming home - she’ll be freaking out.

I scramble out of bed looking franticly for
my cloths.

Oh fuck it!

I pick up Aidan’s shirt that’s lying on the
floor hauling it on over my body. Next I find my discarded panties
quickly slipping them up and make a mad dash to the bathroom. I
skid to an abrupt halt.

Holy moly
– his bathroom is

I quickly do my business and head towards the
sink to splash some cold water on my face. Of course, my hair looks
like I’ve stuck my fingers in a light socket. I run my hands
through my locks in a poor attempt to smooth it down. Spying
Aidan’s toothbrush and toothpaste –
what the heck, he won’t
– I hastily brush my teeth.

I walk into the great room…. Aidan is
standing with his back to me talking on his cell. Dressed in kaki
colored cargo shorts that ride low on his narrow hips and a tight
white t-shirt that emphasizes his broad muscular back.

Get a grip Gabby and stop

He turns around facing me, “Hold on a
moment,” he brusquely says to the caller.

“Nice shirt,” Aidan seductively says scanning
my body with appraising eyes.

“Um…morning,” I mumble blushing and suck my
bottom lip in between my teeth.

He so knows how effected I am by him.

“Morning baby, I won’t be long. Help yourself
to coffee.” He motions to the coffee pot on the kitchen

I wrinkle my nose shaking my head. He
chuckles walking to me.

“Orange juice?”

I nod on a smile.

“Help yourself in the fridge,” he says softly
kissing my forehead then turns and resumes his phone


Pouring an orange juice I then grab my cell
out from my purse that I left on the couch last night and head
towards the back patio.

Three missed calls and five text
messages all from Mia.

I quickly text Mia to let her know I’m okay
that I’ve stayed the night with Aidan and I’ll be home before

Folding down in one of the padded black
wrought iron patio chairs I tuck my feet up drawing my knees to my
chest and gaze out at the blue ocean. The OJ is cold and tangy
sliding down my throat. Dam I didn’t realize how parched I was.


Goosebumps shiver through me as my hair is
swept over my shoulder and Aidan tenderly kisses my neck then
trails his tongue behind my ear.

“Sleep well?” He asks softly in my ear.

“I did, thank you. And you?”

“Surprisingly well, actually.” He replies
sitting down in the chair across from me.

“It must be from all that vigorous energy you
expended last night.” I tease smirking at him.

“Hmm I haven’t even begun to show you how
vigorous I want to be with you Gabriella.” He counters smirking
back at me, his emerald eyes twinkling.

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