Heart of Stone

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Authors: Noree Kahika

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Heart of stone
Noree Kahika







Heart of Stone.

Copyright © 2013 Noree Kahika

All rights reserved.



This book is a work of fiction. Any
references to real people, historical events, or real locales are
used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and incidents
are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to
actual events, locales, persons living or deceased is entirely


All rights reserved including the right of
reproduction in whole or in part and in any form.


Cover photo by Ebony-Rose Kahika.

Chapter One.

I was feeling lethargic from the
fourteen-hour plane flight as I shuffled my feet along the queue
for immigration following the footsteps of the middle-aged couple
in front of me. Their excited ramblings about their first overseas
trip were humorously entertaining to listen to and I wondered if I
too would feel enthusiastic arriving into Los Angeles on a holiday
rather than escaping the endless sadness and sheer loneliness that
had become my home for the past several months.


My mom died seven months ago in a car
accident, dad has thrown himself into work to mask his grief and
Dean my brother is backpacking through Europe with two of his
friends as if life just goes on. I know I shouldn’t be mad at Dean
but I feel so lost without my mom and it seems as though our once
close-knit family has evaporated since the accident. I feel lost,
unsettled, like I have no purpose anymore.


“Come stay with me for a few months G, get
away from it all. Besides you are half American, it’ll be good for
you to get in touch with your baseball and apple pie roots”
declared my cousin Mia.

This was Mia two weeks ago during one of our
lengthy Sunday morning chats via phone. Well, early morning for me
in Australia that is, it was mid afternoon for Mia in Malibu. The
very next day after our conversation, I quit my job as a junior
copywriter for a small local fashion and lifestyle magazine
(writing wasn’t really my thing) gave two weeks notice and during
my lunch break I brought a one-way plane ticket to Los Angeles.


Mia is the same age as me - twenty-five - we
were born only two months apart. Our mothers are twins and although
my mom fell in love with an Australian and moved half way across
the world to live where she had me and my brother Dean, we have
always remained close to my aunt, uncle and Mia who is an only
child. When we were younger I would spend three weeks in

January with Mia and her family in Malibu and
Mia would come out to Australia every July for a month during her
school break.


We were inseparable, forever getting into
some sort mischief. Mom would always say we reminded her of my aunt
and her, when they were our age.

“Passport Mam”, the Immigration Officer asked
pulling me from my memories of the many escapades Mia and I would
get up to together.


“G, only one suitcase! My God Gabby you can’t
have more than a weeks’ worth of cloths in here.” Mia gasps as she
takes my old ratty suitcase from me and throws it in the back of
her white Jeep Patriot.

“I wasn’t thinking about wardrobe choices M,
just wanted to pack and get outa there,” I grumble back.

Mia gives me a small smile then wraps her
arms around me. “I’m really happy you came Gabby,” she whispers in
my ear. “Maybe you’ll consider staying for more than a few months.
You know how much I love having you around. You could get a job -
something different you know - a new start.”

Tears begin to pool in my eyes but I won’t
let them fall. I can do this! “Thanks M, I’ll think about it. Come
on let’s get out of here,” I say giving her hand a quick


Mia takes the 101 to Malibu heading towards
the beachside condo her parents helped her to buy last year. The
condo is a gorgeous two bedroom; two-bath haven nestled on the edge
of the Pacific Ocean with floor to ceiling windows, whitewash walls
and dark oak hardwood floors. It’s elegantly modern and classically
understated, everything that describes Mia to a tee.


Mia and I share only one family feature; our
large indigo blue eyes framed in thick black lashes. Mia is five
seven; sun kissed tan, golden straight blonde hair to her shoulders
and legs that go on forever. Mia is the stereotypical Californian
girl. Me, I’m just Gabriella Anne Stevens, petite at five three,
unruly wavy auburn hair to my waist -
oh who am I kidding, its
almost as bright freaking red as Nicole Kidman’s!

My skin is pure porcelain with the exception
of the small sprinkling of freckles just over the bridge of my
nose. And along with my hair this too was the object of much
teasing when I was a kid at school.


I ungracefully plop onto Mia’s pristine white
couch exhausted and feeling kind of funky from not showering in
nearly twenty-four hours.

“Hey no resting for you G, shower and dress
into something sophisticated but fun and flirty too,” Mia chimes
pulling me up from the couch.

“Oh no, no, no Mia, I’m not going anywhere
tonight. I’m grubby and too jetlagged to even think of going
anywhere right now. Besides I didn’t pack anything sophisticated or

“Oh come on Gabby,” whines Mia, “I can’t get
out of this work cocktail party and I really don’t want to go alone
besides after a shower you’ll feel heaps better. And…I have the
perfect dress for you.” Mia says as she walks towards her

I know this side of Mia, it’s the
I’ll get
my way even if I
have to drag you along
Mia and no
excuse I could come up with will change her resolve. Might as well
give in now and save myself the headache.

Rolling my eyes, I push up from the couch
sighing and head for the guest bathroom wondering silently how I
let myself get into these situations.


I feel like I’m sixteen and going to prom
again in the dress Mia lent me. It’s a cobalt blue A-line
sweetheart strapless mini dress in the softest chiffon material
I’ve ever felt and has a pretty satin bow that does up just under
my breast. As Mia is much taller than me, the dress hangs to my
mid-thighs, however I’m bigger in the chest than Mia so the girls
are firmly squished in there and hanging on for the ride.
Completing the outfit is the cutest pair of silver four-inch pumps
with little peep toes.


In spite of our height difference, Mia and I
share the same shoe size, which means either Mia has very small
feet or mine are freakishly big. Something I’m chose not to think

I love these shoes; I wonder if Mia will let
me have them.


“So what is this work party in aid of?” I ask
gazing out the car window.

“Our company has been acquired by the Stone
Corporation, they’re a huge conglomerate and have their finger into
just about every kinds of the corporate pie, including advertising.
This is a kind of welcome to the family mixer for upper management
hosted by Paul Tanner, VP of the Stone Corporation and as I’m PA to
Mr. Morris I was invited too.” Mia answers as she indicates merging
into the left lane. “Mr. Tanner lives in the exclusive part of
Malibu. I’m curious to see how the other half live and besides
there are rumors that the elusive Aidan Stone may make an
appearance tonight.”

“Ah M, firstly, all of Malibu is kinda
exclusive,” I observe gazing at the beautiful properties zipping
past us as we drive. “And…Aidan Stone?”

“Yeah, Mr. Stone is the CEO of the Stone
Corporation, thirty two, extremely rich, powerful and totally
drop-dead gorgeous. Basically he’s a walking god!” Breathes

“Wow M, he must be good looking for you to
swoon over.”

“Oh yeah,” Mia nods. “And it’s rare for him
to appear at work events like this one. The whole office has been
buzzing all week with speculation if he’ll attend tonight.”

“So it won’t be an issue that you’re dragging
along your cousin to this work function?” I ask feeling slightly
uncomfortable attending a party that I haven’t personally been
invited to.

“No of course not, we’re all allowed to bring
a plus one and you’re mine.”


“Holy crap Mia this place is huge.” I say
looking at the two-story mansion positioned behind the seven-foot
iron black electric gates before us.

“I know right, we’re not in Kansas anymore
Toto.” Giggles Mia.


We’ve been here for two hours now, Mia is off
networking with her work colleagues totally in her element and my
feet are killing me. These shoes may be the cutest pair I’ve ever
worn but they are deadly on the feet. Sighing in relief, I kick off
my shoes while sinking into a comfy seat in the foyer away from the
party and noise. I’ve had three glasses of white wine and I’m
feeling a little buzzed and wishing I could just go back to Mia’s
condo and crash. I’m such a lightweight with alcohol.

The huge foyer has a grand staircase with an
elaborate wrought iron balustrade winding up to the second floor
with beautiful ornately framed paintings on the wall, which lead up
the staircase. The cold black and white marbled tiles feel soothing
under my bare feet as I lean back on the cream velvet chaise
located under the staircase. It’s relaxing to have a peaceful
moment to myself after the last twenty-four hours.


I’m admiring the coral pink nail polish on my
toes from the pedicure I got a few days ago when a deep velvet
voice asks inquiringly. “Is there a reason why you’re hiding under
the stairs?”

I jerk up in surprise that I’m no longer
alone anymore - into the amused eyes of the most drop-dead gorgeous
man I have ever seen. He’s tall, very tall at least six two, tanned
flawless skin, perfectly chiseled bone structure with tousled
chocolate brown hair that looks more boyish than man. Straight
nose, strong jaw and perfectly bowed shaped lips but it’s his eyes
that has my mouth gaping open and I’m frozen just staring at a pair
of the most vivid and intense emerald green eyes framed in the
longest, thickest eyelashes I’ve ever seen.

Holy cow this man is heartbreakingly


He arches one perfectly shaped eyebrow as if
awaiting my reply and I audibly snap my mouth shut feeling a bright
blush sweeping over my face.

Mortified beyond words at being caught
gaping, as in my actual lips parted, eyes wide ogling this Adonis
before me, I hastily try to recall his question.

“Um…ah?” Shit the act of speech completely
fails me and now he’s staring at me with a frown probably wondering
who this moron is that’s gate crashed the party.

Pull it together Gabby!


“Do you work at Morris Advertising?” He asks
tilting his head to the side.

“Err... no… um… I’m here with my cousin Mia
Thompson, Mr. Morris’s PA, I’m her plus one?” I lamely reply but
the last part comes out as more of a question.

A full minute goes by and he doesn’t respond
but his probing eyes hold mine captive then as if some secret
thought crosses his mind he gives me a small grin.

“Hmm, well nice to meet you
Plus One,
is there another name that you go by?”

“Oh...ah…” Oh. My. God. Can I sound any
dumber? I could just kick myself right now.

“Gabby, Gabriella Stevens.” I mumble standing
up from the chair barefooted. Now I really feel intimidated as he
stands almost a foot taller than me as I look up at his handsome

“Well it’s nice to meet you Gabriella
Stevens. I’m Aidan Stone.” He purrs emphasizing my first name in a
formal tone while holding out one perfectly long hand to me.


I hold out my hand in automatic response -
his grip is warm and firm. I swear an electrical current zips
between our connected palms and as I go to pull back he holds my
hand tighter for a few more seconds than releases it so quickly I
stumble back a step. His hand shoots out grabbing my elbow to
steady me then he withdraws his hand just as quickly.

This must be the elusive god Mia mentioned
and boy she got that right!


“You’re Aidan Stone?”

“Yes, I do believe that’s what I just
introduced myself as,” he says dryly, an amused smirk curving his

“Sorry it’s just that my cousin mentioned
your name to me earlier this evening.”

“Oh she did she. Now I’m intrigued. What else
did your cousin have to say?” He asks playfully.

“Mia mentioned that your company just
acquired the advertising firm that she works for. That’s all
really…well that and rumor has it,” I say lowering my voice and
leaning towards him slightly. “You may be making an appearance
tonight. And here you are. According to some of your employees, you
very rarely come to events like this. I think you may have made
some of the guests very happy here tonight with your

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