Heart of Stone (11 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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“Ah huh definitely, Alisha’s pretty awesome.
I like her. And a vast improvement on Cruella de Vil.” I giggle

Apparently Cruella de Vil aka Katrina
Fairchild, Aidan’s executive PA is not well liked amongst her
co-workers. Alisha launched into a fit of cackles when I told her
my nickname for Katrina.

“Girlfriend,” she guffawed, “that’s so much
better than
‘stuck-up white bitch’
, which by the way is what
Will and I call her sorry ass.”

Alisha, I found out has been working for
Aidan for nine months now. She is twenty-eight, engaged to a very
handsome fireman name Lonny – this I know for a fact as all three
of us drooled over photos of him on her iPhone – and she adores
Will, Aidan’s other PA who is (in her words) ‘a hot twenty-two year
old surfer dude and computer nerd extraordinaire.’

After copious amounts of alcohol, Alisha
packed up the remaining dresses and shoes to return and left to go
home to Lonny, but not before promising Mia and I that she’ll come
along to girls’ night out on Friday.


After cleaning up I jump in the shower and
then hop into bed. The dress I chose is hung up on the doorframe,
the shoes carefully packed in their box below the gown on the
floor. It really is an exquisite gown and the shoes are to die for.
I hope Aidan will like my choice.

My cell pings letting me know I have a
message and I glance at the clock. It’s ten-fifteen. Picking up my
iPhone I swipe screen to open the message and read it.

*Hey baby, sorry didn’t get a chance to call
earlier. Mind-numbing meeting after the next. Almost done, flying
home after property appraisal first thing. Would rather be
appraising your body…with my mouth ;). What dress did you choose?

A winky face
Aidan Stone,
sophisticated CEO sex god messaged me with a winky face!

Desire heats my core at the thought of his
very talented mouth all over my body. I quickly type a reply.

* Sorry your meetings are mind-numbing
however good news; you’re mouth is mind-blowing. ;) Dress choice is
a surprise… Thank you, I love the gown & shoes. It was very
generous gift. *

A few minutes later my cell dings with
another message.

* You’re very welcome Gabriella. Only my
mouth is mind-blowing? What about my tongue, hands, fingers, my
hard…??? *

Aidan’s flirting causes a ridiculous smile to
curve on my face.

Two can play at this.

* Hmmm well your tongue, hands &
fingers are considerably talented. Other parts of your anatomy will
require further closer inspection... with my mouth.


Giddily I sit anticipating his reply, which
comes a minute later.

* Now that’s a promise I’ll keep you too –
as soon as I get home. I’m taking a cold shower now. Go to sleep.
I’ll see you tomorrow evening. *

A vision of making love with Aidan, taking
him in my mouth, being the one that makes him loose control sends
shivers through my body and moisture gathers between my legs. This
controlled, assertive alluring man unravels me. For the first time
in my life I find I’m falling for a guy and falling very hard and
very far.

*Night Aidan, sweet dreams & safe flight
home. xxx *

His reply comes a moment later melting all my
reservations about us.

* Night baby xxx *

After what seemed like hours I finally fall
asleep to dreams of passionate emerald eyes and seductively spoken

Chapter Eleven.


Sunday morning surprisingly fly’s by in whirl
beginning with Mia dragging me to her Sunday morning Pilates class
– it doesn’t matter how much that girl drinks the night before she
bounces back like Teflon – me, not so much. After Pilates Mia and I
hit the local farmers markets strolling the stalls and sampling
local cuisine. After lunch we head home where Mia insists on giving
me the full body makeover in preparation for the evening ahead. The
Mia Deluxe (her words not mine) consisted of a facial, manicure,
pedicure, eyebrow tweezing, full leg and bikini waxing (ouch, ouch
and OUCH!)

“Hold still G, just one more stubborn hair
then your eyebrows are perfectly shaped,” she scolds me.

I’ve straighten my wavy long auburn hair with
a flat iron so that it’s smooth and sleek down my back with one
side tucked behind my ear to showcase the simple but elegant
diamond stud earrings that my mom gave me for birthday last year.
Mia has done a flawless job on my make-up with dramatic smoky eyes
and she insisted that I wear a deep red lipstick.

“G, according to last months addition of
Cosmopolitan, all men are obsessed with woman’s lips hence the
reason I’m applying a color that screams
‘kiss me, kiss me’
Aidan won’t be able to takes his eyes off your mouth all evening,”
she assures me in her typical self-assured manner.

“You better not make me look like a clown,” I
warn. Mia just gives me the
‘yeah right, like I’d do that to
look. And to her credit my lips look hot – all sex kitten
and pouty.

After moisturizing my entire body in my
favorite vanilla body lotion I put on my sexist black lace
strapless push-up bra with matching lace thong then slip the gown
from its’ hanger. The dress is an exquisite art-deco-inspired
Monique Lhuillier gown in sequined silk and chiffon with front and
back lace-pattern panels. It has a sweetheart halter neckline
showing a fair amount of cleavage and fastens behind my neck
exposing the majority of my back. The bodice is fitted, hugging all
my curves down through my hips then gives way to straight skirt
with the hem pooling at the floor. But it’s the color that caught
my attention. The gown is a striking vivid emerald green – the
exact color of Aidan’s eyes – I just instantly knew the dress was
the ‘

The shoes are almost as breathtaking as the
gown, they are four-inch gold ankle strap sandals with delicate
pearlescent beads and crystals adorning a metallic gold leather

I’m head-over-heels in love with the entire


“Gabby,” Mia calls, “Aidan’s here”.


Taking a deep breath I spritz on my favorite
perfume, grab the gold metallic clutch Mia has loaned me and walk
out to the lounge room where Aidan is politely chatting with Mia.
He turns towards me and our eyes lock as our body’s freeze, both of
us suspended in a moment of time. There is this undeniable magnetic
force between us – compelling alluring me in. Aidan is the most
gorgeous man I ever laid eyes on but Aidan standing there in a tux
– words can’t even begin to describe how magnificently
breath-taking this man is. On a loud exhale – I didn’t realize I
was holding my breath – I smile.

“Gabriella, you look beautiful,” Aidan
murmurs walking towards me with a sexy grin on his handsome

“Right back at you Mr. Stone,” I blush.

“Well kids, have a great time and don’t talk
to strangers. Don’t drink too much and make sure you’re home before
curfew,” Mia jokes.

“Good night Mia.” Aidan says taking my hand
leading me to the door.

Pulling my hand from his I quickly run back
to Mia.

“Thanks M,” I whisper giving her a kiss on
the cheek.

“You’re welcome G.” Mia whispers back
embracing me into a brief hug. I walk back to Aidan and he engulfs
my hand once more on a smile and gives me a wink before opening the


“A limo?” I ask looking at the shiny black
stretched limousine parked in the driveway.

The driver opens the door for Aidan and

“Yes a limousine Gabriella and the ride home
this evening will be an enjoyable one.” Aidan says smirking at me
with some hidden secret working behind his eyes.

My belly flutters.

“Champagne?” Aidan offers me once we are

“Yes please. Wow it’s huge in here.” I say
looking around and running my hand over the rich leather seats.

“You look exquisite tonight baby,” Aidan says
huskily handing me a glass of champagne. His gaze intensely focused
on my mouth.

I’ve got to hand it to Mia, she was right
about the lipstick

His index finger trails along my exposed
collarbone. “This dress was made for you Gabriella.”

“I chose it because it reminded me of you”. I
shyly say blushing as Aidan raises his brow in silently asking me
to elaborate. “The color of the gown it’s… it’s the same as your

“Gabriella,” he breathes. Instantly I am
rewarded with his mega watt smile.

Chapter Twelve.


The limo pulls up outside the Park Plaza and
a valet opens my door. The Park Plaza is a Neo-Gothic style grand
hotel built in 1925. My mom adored architecture and I remember
visiting this building once with her as a child. She said the hotel
was a jewel dating back to an era of the old ‘jazz age’ grandeur
and with the grand entry before me I’d have to agree. There is red
carpet leading to the entrance with velvet roping on either side.
Flashes of lights from the cameras momentarily blind me as I exit
the limo but then I feel Aidan’s strong warm hand embracing mine.
He leads me along the carpet halting when none other than Cruella
aka Katrina Fairchild stands glowing in his direction.

“Aidan you’re finally here,” she gushes.
“Virginia is asking for you along with the reporter from the LA
Times. This should only take ten minutes or so.”

“It better not take longer than that
Katrina,” Aidan replies briskly as flash bulbs continue to flicker
and several people call out to Aidan asking for a photo.

Aidan releases my hand to shake hands with a
man who approaches him in greeting and with Aidan momentarily
occupied Katrina grips my elbow firmly tugging me aside and

“He won’t be long Miss Stevens, Mr. Stone has
important business to attend before going inside. Please go ahead.”
She nods in gesture towards the entrance, her eyes narrowed and her
lips pinched in the most unattractive way. I jerk my arm away from
her hold composing my expression into one of impassiveness.

What I really want to do is slap the bitch
for manhandling me


Glancing at Aidan, he is deep in conversation
and I really don’t want to interrupt or disturb him at this point.
This is an important night for him and the last thing I want to do
is to appear clingy so I comply walking swiftly towards the
entrance. I briefly glance back to see Aidan irritably frowning in
my direction and give him a small smile then turning quickly around
I walk inside the hotel.


The lobby and grand staircase with their
cathedral vaulted ceilings are impressive. The Bronze Ballroom is
imposing with burgundy wall-to-wall carpeting, a mammoth Art Deco
bar, hand-stenciled ceiling beams and ornate columns gilded in
copper leaf. There are groups of tables and chairs set up for
dinner adorned in crisp white linen tablecloths with burgundy
napkins artfully arranged, gold cutlery, crystal glass wear and
elaborate fresh flower center pieces in towering crystal vases. On
the room's south side, glass doors open out onto a picturesque
Tuscan Garden with soft intimate lighting.

Hmm drink first then explore the Tuscan


I reach the bar where a cute young barman
smiles politely at me. “What can I get you tonight,” he asks
winking at me.

“Um…bourbon and coke please. Could you make
it a double?” I have a feeling I’m going to need it tonight.

“A double bourbon and coke coming up,” he
says on another wink of his eye.


“Gabby darling you look fabulous,” Jeremiah
croons and I turn around to face him as he leans in kissing me on
both cheeks. “Do a twirl sunshine.” He orders snapping his fingers
in the air. “This gown is
on you.”

Giggling I comply and spin around once
smoothing my hand down the dress.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes Jeremiah.” I’m
both relieved and happy to see a friendly face at this stage of the
night. “You have done an
job babe. This place,” I
indicate with a wave of my hand, “is surreal. It’s a storybook
fantasy come to life.”

Beaming with pride Jeremiah looks around at
the ballroom. “I know. I can’t believe I actually pulled it off.
Now enough praising yours truly, tell me why this beautiful face of
yours has the expression on it like somebody stole your puppy? And
where is that talk dark drink of water that’s supposed to be
escorting you?”


On Saturday afternoon I messaged Jeremiah to
let him know I would be coming to the Benefit with Aidan and he
promised to look out for me when I arrived. Right at this moment I
was so happy to see him.

“Um… Aidan’s busy with business outside and
I’m all good just… it’s just… um… this place, these people are just
a little intimidating that’s all.”

“Nonsense Gabby darling. You’re the most
beautiful woman here.
you look at yourself in the mirror
before leaving home? Hmm? Besides having oodles of money, these are
. We all eat and shit the same darling!” Jeremiah
proclaims in his unique eloquent way waving his hand around to
encompass the now swelling crowd in the room.

“Now sunshine I’ve got to go and check the
kitchen – the model male servers are
but not very
organized - I want you to relax, enjoy yourself and don’t let any
one of these rich bitches look down their fake plastic noses at

“Thanks honey.” I softly say giving him a

“Your very welcome sunshine.” And on a whirl
Jeremiah flounces (
yes flounces, Jeremiah really is that
) towards a side door.


Taking my drink from the bar I head towards
the outdoor garden. The ballroom is filling up with glamorously
dressed people excitingly conversing with each other while to the
far north wall of the ballroom a live orchestra is playing.

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