Heart Shot (6 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Heart Shot
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“We’re leaving,” she said curtly, her tone blank but firm.

“Wait. What?” Fin looked around wildly probably thinking she’d seen something he hadn’t.

Emily threaded her arm though his and steered them toward the exits. “We’re sitting ducks down here,” she explained softly. “We need to move. It’s much harder to track us that way.”

“Em, you’re super-hot like this, all protective and professional, but I’m not convinced those guys were after me.”

Emily nodded to indicate she’d heard him, but her focus remained in seeking the safest route out. On the escalators she turned her body so it would appear as if she was talking to Fin, but with her back to the wall she could easily glance above and below them and monitor any unusual movement.

A few minutes later they were out on the street. Emily had thought her heart-rate would slow when they were out of the confines of the tube station, but that wasn’t to be. The street was busy, filled with people. As she scanned the area, looking for anything that gave her the sense of being off she wished they were somewhere far quieter.

Nothing leaped out at her, but it would be far too simple for even a mediocre assassin to blend into somewhere like this. Swiftly, she glanced around once more, calculating their options.

“Maybe we should go to my office,” Fin suggested.

Emily noticed a double-decker bus rounding the corner. “No. We need time to sort this out ourselves, first. Let’s catch that.”

After jogging the short distance and weaving among the pedestrians, Emily finally reached the bus stop and lifted her hand to indicate to the driver. He swerved and pulled up at the curb. Emily noted there were a dozen or so people up on the top floor, but only a couple in the front with maps in hand. She and Fin moved to the back and sat next to each other.

The bus pulled into the traffic and continued on its route. Emily surveyed the street, finally satisfied that for now at least they’d be all right.

“I might not know everything, but you’re definitely a professional,” Fin insisted. “The only question I have is you’re a professional

Emily glanced up and met Fin’s clear, blue eyes. Under his steady, calm gaze she found she couldn’t lie, but neither did she want to repulse him. She settled for a truthful evasion.

“I deal with problems no one else can handle,” she said. Her skin prickled under his watch. She looked out of the window. “When people like you find their hands tied, or unable to act because of…certain restrictions, people like me get called.”

“Ah,” Fin said, a wealth of meaning behind his tone. “You’re a trouble shooter.”

Emily smiled, though she didn’t find it humorous.

“Of a sort.”

“So it
likely those men were after you, that the sniper had you targeted.”

Emily shrugged a shoulder, not at all certain.

“All I know is I don’t want you killed,” she admitted. “Not in the cross-fire because of me, or as a result of my leaving you to save my own skin. I know all about gray areas and understand the limitations of what I can and can‘t live with. It looks like for now at least I’ve thrown my lot in with you.”

Fin lifted his arm and braced it across the back of the seat. He cupped his fingers around her shoulders, then drew her into the warmth of his body.

“Admit it,” he whispered sensually, “you like me.”

Emily found herself smiling, drowning in his hot gaze.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I claimed temporary insanity?” she asked.

“Not a chance. You’re completely focused and sexy as sin with it. You get this delightful look, as if you’re readying to strap on armor, pick up your broadsword and do battle. I find it highly attractive.”

Emily felt torn between laughter and embarrassment. Fin’s words were light, his tone teasing, but the weight in his gaze was undeniable. Heat furled down her chest, through her stomach and pooled between her legs. Her nipples peaked, desperate for attention.

Unable to deny herself longer, Emily pressed her palm down onto his chest and tilted her chin so their lips were only inches apart.

“I’m not someone to mess around with,” she warned him. “I’m…a complicated woman.”

Fin threaded his hand through her hair, he danced his fingertips against her scalp. Emily caught her breath, her heart hammering. Anticipation zinged in the air between them until finally Fin shifted his face low, toward her. They pressed their lips together.

Emily fluttered her eyes shut. He moved his mouth against hers as they explored each other. Emily opened, flicking her tongue against his lip. As she’d thought, his touch was soft, his lips pliable.

When he instantly gave entrance, she rushed inside. He was as eager as she. Wet heat encompassed her tongue. Emily stroked inside, eager to explore. Fin closed his lips down over her and he sucked, the pressure shooting a thrill of pleasure along her body. She shivered, moaned and leaned in for more.

Still pressing both her hands against his chest, she absorbed the warmth from his body. It soaked through the thin fabric of his shirt and she traced her fingers in patterns over his muscles. She murmured in approval. They twisted their tongues together as they parried and fought each other sensually. He made a low sound, part groan part growl. It resonated in her stomach, the need and hunger clear from them both.

He moved her head back, twisting his fingers enticingly in her hair. They broke apart with a gasp.

“No,” she panted, the cry turning into another moan as instead of leaving her hanging there Fin kissed a slow, damp trail down the length of her neck. He pressed his lips down, giving her perfect pressure, branding her skin with hot punctures. Her breaths came faster, her whole body awakening to his every touch.

She explored with her fingers, unbuttoning his shirt from the bottom just enough so she could slide one hand in against his soft, hot skin. Smoothly muscled, his lean frame was belied by a quiet strength. Tall and lanky with his outrageous wardrobe and messy bed-hair she’d have never guessed at the strong lines beneath his vibrant exterior.

This was not a man to underestimate.

“Bloody hell, I need you,” he panted. Fin licked his tongue out over the base of her neck. Emily shivered, the place sensitive and highly aroused.

“Right there,” she whispered, arching herself into him, begging for more.

Gently, he grazed his teeth lightly over her skin then sucked down on the spot. Feeling rather like a randy teenager again, Emily squirmed in her seat. She was wet, horny and breathless for more.

“Please,” she panted. Pulling her hand out of his shirt she then pressed down on his shoulders. She lifted her torso and captured his lips with hers. They kissed passionately, tongues vying for control.

Heart racing, Emily found herself completely lost to everything for the first time in her life. She wasn’t analyzing the angles, watching her back or looking over her shoulder. Her mind wasn’t focused on thinking about her next step, or calculating the following move in her strategy.

She could only feel.

Fin filled her every sense. She identified his woodsy scent, something she’d forever associate with heated kisses and decadent passion. His body was smooth and strong beneath her fingertips. The sounds of the street and busy central London dimmed and only their bated breaths filled her ears.

Emily lost herself in him, let herself go.

It was exhilarating. Terrifying. Intoxicating.

The bus jarred to a halt, the air breaks huffing.

Opening her eyes so she could watch, she enjoyed the way Fin moved. Only when a family of tourists entered the bus, climbing directly up to the second level did she look away from Fin.

Reality crashed around her, shattering the shining, crystal perfect moment.

“This probably isn’t the best place,” she murmured, feeling reckless and dangerous.

Fin had an enormous grin on his face. He beamed, seeming proud and just as intoxicated as she.

“Who’s going to pay attention to a couple of ardent lovers?” he asked, the question appearing rhetorical as he cupped her jaw and drew her face to his again.

The temptation to give in to him was huge. She wanted nothing more than to just relax and wallow in the first uncensored, unthinking moment of freedom she’d had since her teenage years.

Common sense tried to rear its head.

“People are trying to kill you,” she insisted. “Or maybe me. Or hell, maybe another target.”

“We’re safe for now,” Fin insisted. “Let’s just relax and go with it. I’ve never felt like this.”

“Neither have I,” Emily admitted. She let Fin steal another kiss, the drugging intensity of it pulling at her stronger than gravity. Reluctantly, cursing herself for losing the specialness of the moment, she pulled away.

“I need to call my contact,” she sighed. “I can’t believe he might have set me up, but he’s the only one who knew I was tracking…who could have guessed where I was,” she amended, loathe even now to divulge sensitive information.

She trusted Fin, but she’d never broken her word or the confidentiality of her work. Now wasn’t the time to start. Besides, it could put him in danger if he knew the true depths of what she did. The whole point of this was to keep him safe.

Or keep him near
, that wicked voice inside her whispered.

“My boss didn’t know we’d left the office,” Fin said. “If there’s even the smallest possibility it could be you those men were after I don’t think you should make contact. I agree there is a remote chance it might have been me that shooter was after—but the leak of our whereabouts couldn’t have come from Preston. Besides, I need to check on the man I was supposed to be guarding.”

“You want to call in, but don’t think I should?” She frowned. Emily wasn’t sure she liked that, but tried to see the situation from Fin’s perspective. She realized if they were going to stay together they’d have to start trusting each other more, even just a little. She wasn’t used to working with a partner, nor being able to have someone to rely on, let alone take the enormous step of trusting.

“You phone first,” she conceded. “Ten or fifteen more minutes won’t make a difference to me.”

Fin met her gaze and held it a moment. He seemed to understand that was as far as she’d back down, and accepted it.

“For now,” he agreed.

Keeping one arm slung over her shoulders, he dug his free hand into the inner pocket of his jacket and withdrew his phone. He scrolled through his contacts with his thumb and barely a glance. Fin didn’t even try to hide the number from her. Emily couldn’t help herself. She caught the name and number on the screen of his android before he lifted the phone to his ear.

It had nothing to do with trust, she memorized the number because she could, and in part that was her usual practice—to take in every detail possible. Besides, she never knew when information freely given could become useful. It wasn’t in her to turn it down to spite herself or be stubborn.

While Fin waited silently for his boss to pick up, she tried to stay calm, her paranoia almost getting the better of her. If assassins were truly after him, Fin could easily be tracked by the GPS in his phone. She’d done it herself a number of times. Maybe after this she should get him to ditch it. She still had her throwaway, and there were dozens of stores in the city that sold prepaid phones and new SIM cards.

“Preston, yeah it’s Mann here. I’ve got a situation— Oh, you’ve heard?”

Fin’s words brought her back. Emily stared as Fin grinned wryly and fell silent. She couldn’t catch every word, but she sat close enough to understand the gist of it.

“…gunfire into a café full of innocent civilians…left him with Firth—Firth’s a
for pity’s sake….my phone’s been ringing non-stop asking what kind of half-arsed job we’re doing…”

Emily had to stifle a huff of laughter. She turned her head, having heard more than enough. Watching the streets flow past with interest, she gave Fin the illusion that she wasn’t listening any longer.

“He got out safely though, right?” Fin said when a silence finally fell from Preston’s end. “And he’s no longer in immediate danger. I don’t see what the problem is.”

Fin paused, then shook his head.

“I can’t. I’ve…got a few things to clear up before I can come in. I’m sorry, Preston. I’m only calling now to confirm he’s back and have you check if there are any hits out on me.”


“After the shootout I…walked a short distance away with someone who’d been caught in the cross-fire. Four armed men came after us. There’s some question as to whether this is about her, or me. I need you to check into it, please.”

Fin was silent again. While she could hear the persuasive tone in Preston’s voice, Emily let the words themselves tune out. She wondered what it would be like to work with someone, or a group of people, on whom she could rely.

There’d always just been her. James gave her the details, sure, and gave her free rein to work as she saw fit. But this was different. Fin didn’t have only himself to trust, he had a network of people and friends who were in the thick of it with him.

She’d never realized how lonely she was, how utterly isolated her world had become. For a single, shining moment she let herself fantasize what it’d be like to work with Fin. To be encircled by his colleagues, his friends. To enter into a group of people like those with whom he worked.

You’re a killer. Your only marketable skill is an astonishing accuracy with a weapon, and sharp aim. Unless they need help murdering people, what possible use would they have for you?

And as simply as that, her bubble burst.

“No. I’ve told you, I’m not coming in,” Fin insisted, an edge of impatience creeping into his voice. “I’ve got…it’s complicated. But I can’t. Not yet. Look, get someone to dig into it, will you? I’ll call you back later.”

Fin hung up, tension vibrating along his body. Instinctively, Emily stroked his cheek, wanting to soothe him and not precisely sure how to go about it. It had been a long, long time since her last relationship had ended. For a number of years now she’d only indulged in flings, unable to let anyone close enough to even pretend she had room for a partner or boyfriend in her life.

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