Heather's Gift (6 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

Tags: #Proofreaders: Chris, #Terri, #Brenna, #Jennifer

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Then she was moving lower, her mouth removing the horrifying memories that pounded at his brain, blocking out the horror of his own screams. Her small moans, her warm hands touching him. He looked at Cade as he felt his jeans being loosened. The other man was watching his lover with swirling gray eyes. The dark rage of his own memories was gone, replaced by lust and love. Sam buried his hands in the thick length of Marly’s hair as she opened his jeans, releasing the thick length of his cock. His body jerked. “Fuck. Marly.” Her mouth closed over the throbbing head with heated moisture, suckling pressure.

He saw Cade grimace at the erotic sight. Sam looked down at Marly, seeing her kneeling between his thighs, her mouth working over the dark shaft of his cock. Heat, pressure, moist strokes of incredible sensual pleasure.

“She’s killing me,” he gasped out to his brother as she tugged at the waist of his jeans.

Lora Leigh

Heather’s Gift


She moaned around his cock, taking the head to her throat before pulling back and going down on him again. Lightning sizzled on his flesh, the stroke of her tongue, the delicate scrape of her teeth, just the way he liked it. And for a moment there was peace. He lifted his hips, helping her to drag the material down his thighs, her lips never loosening from his cock, though her hand, warm and teasing, began to play sensually with his scrotum.

“She kills us all,” Cade whispered.

There was no jealousy, no sense of anger or reluctance. Pleasure swirled around them, heating the interior of the enclosed space, dampening their skin with the heat of passion despite the steady surge of cool air from the air conditioning ducts beneath the seat.

Sam watched as Cade moved then. His hands went to the zipper at the back of her short dress. The rasping sound of its release tightened Sam’s muscles. The thought of what was coming nearly destroying his control. His cock jerked, spilling a small measure of his seed into Marly’s greedy mouth.

She moaned, her lips stilling, her tongue flickering, probing at the sensitive skin beneath the head of his cock. He shuddered, his hands tightening in her hair as Cade lowered the straps at her shoulders, removing the dress she wore.

“Come here, baby,” Cade whispered heatedly as he drew her away from the sensual feast she was making of Sam’s cock.

The loss of pleasure was almost a physical pain. He gripped his desperate flesh, stroking it slowly as he watched Cade undress the little vixen. She smiled, a sensual, pleasured smile as the dress was pulled from her body, leaving her clad only in the midnight thong she wore over her bare cunt.

Sam’s mouth watered. He didn’t wait on Cade, but reached out, pulling the scrap of fabric from her body as Cade held her steady between his thighs, her back arched against his chest. The minute the thong dropped to the floorboard, Sam spread her thighs, going to his knees before her and burying his mouth in her dripping pussy. Slick, heated honey met his intimate kiss as his tongue plunged inside her. She shuddered, crying out in pleasure as he lifted her legs, positioning them over his shoulders as he and Cade kept her suspended between the two of them. She was chanting Cade’s name, and as Sam looked up, he could see the hard, male fingers that pulled and caressed her long nipples, the hands that cupped the full mounds of her breasts. He licked at her cunt, fucking into it with a rapacious tongue as his hands gripped and separated the cheeks of her ass. She twisted against his mouth as his fingers found the wide base of the lubricated butt plug inserted up her anus. She was ready for them. Had known, had wanted to give him the gift of her passion, the ease that came with it.

“Cade. I can’t wait.” He was desperate to thrust into her, to feel the heated, tight grip of her hot, forbidden channel.

Lora Leigh

Heather’s Gift


Only this wiped away the agony of remembered pain. To give in pleasure what had been taken from them in horror.

“Come here, baby.” Cade laid back along the limo seat, drawing Marly over him as her legs clasped his hips.

And Sam watched. Watched as the thick cock spearing from the parted material of Cade’s jeans kissed the small entrance to Marly’s tight, dripping cunt. She was opened for him, like a greedy little mouth, parting for the broad length of his cock head. Sam was nearly shaking in excitement as he fumbled at the little drawer beneath one of the seats. There, he found the tube of lubricant always kept on hand. Refusing to glance away from the sight of Marly, slowing being taken, inch by inch as she whimpered in pleasure, he fumbled with the flip cap, squeezed the slick gel into his hand and began stroking his raging flesh with it.

He dropped the tube to the drawer, then reached out, gripping the base of the plug as Cade pressed the last inch into her stretched pussy. She cried out as he slid the device from her gripping rear. It, too, fell forgotten to the floor as he positioned himself behind her.

He watched…he couldn’t help himself. Watched as his cock pressed against the narrow opening of her anus. The head tucked in. He was shaking, the anticipation of the pleasure almost enough to send him careening into his release.

“Sam,” she cried out his name as he began to enter her. Slowly. Oh God, so slow. He watched as his greased cock stretched the tight muscles as he entered her. The pinching heat seared his flesh as the muscles closed on his cock. He trembled at the fiery wash of pleasure, fighting for control. He wanted to take her slow, easy… He groaned in defeat. His cock surged deep and hard inside the silky, lava-hot tunnel of her anus as she screamed out her pleasure/pain. He heard Cade groan, and knew the cunt gripping his brother’s cock had tightened to an almost painful measure. Sweat dripped along his forehead, down his back. He pulled back and began to stroke into the gripping depths of her ass. Below, Cade gripped her hips, his cock thrusting hard and deep inside her pussy, in perfect counterpoint to the shaft stroking her rectum.

Marly was nearly screaming their names now. Twisting between them, begging Cade for the orgasm building inside her.

“Yeah,” Sam whispered, his voice harsh. “Come, Marly. Come, baby. Tighten on my cock more.”

Sam was almost whimpering, the pleasure was so extreme. He needed her to come. Needed to feel her orgasm rippling through her cunt, tightening her muscles further. He felt Cade’s strokes intensify through the thin wall of flesh that separated the invaded channels. He matched the rhythm, feeling her tense, feeling the walls of her anus ripple, tremble. Then with a surge of strength, her muscles clamped down on his pistoning flesh as she screamed out her release. Cade was crying out, slamming deep inside her, holding her close. Then Sam could hold back no longer. He pushed in hard and fast. Lora Leigh

Heather’s Gift


Again, then again, as blistering waves of heat streaked from his stomach, up his back, and through his cock.

He exploded as he powered inside her. Thrusting hard and fast even as his cock erupted, spewing his semen into the willing, greedy depths of her ass. The added sensations, agonizing in intensity, pushed his release higher as he buried inside her, deep and hard one last time. His body shuddered as she tightened again. She was shaking, crying, holding onto Cade as she fell slowly back to earth. Fighting for breath, Sam eased out of her, watching as his seed marred the cream and peach perfection of her little hole. Shaking, he removed a small towel from another drawer under the seat and gently cleaned her.

Cade was still buried inside her, his voice soft, soothing, as he calmed her. The intensity of her orgasms when with the brothers often threw her into unconsciousness. She hated that, and could pout for days over it. Thankfully, Cade seemed to have found a cure.

Sam collapsed in his seat again, breathing deeply. Guilt lingered inside him, a fear that he was hurting, rather than loving the petite woman he had known for so long. But he was calm now. That hard, cold core of rage and hatred he often felt growing inside him had thawed, for now.

Marly’s soft laughter drew his gaze to the pair once again. Cade had eased up and fixed his jeans, and was now helping Marly to dress once again. He whispered to her gently as she smiled in pleasure, in happiness. His brother, once hard and bitter, seeped in the nightmares of the past, had eased under Marly’s loving and her acceptance. As they all had in some ways.

It was the same for Brock. Sarah eased his demons as well. She healed him with love and soothed him with laughter, and though Sam never felt left out, he still felt apart.

Lora Leigh

Heather’s Gift


Chapter Eight

Heather knew when she saw the trio step from the back of the limo what had happened during the ride from the hospital. She watched Sam’s expression carefully, seeing an easing of the tension that had been growing during his hospital stay. His eyes weren’t cold and hard, his face wasn’t still and dangerous. He looked ready to cause mischief again, until he saw her.

She watched as the animation in his face stilled. Sadness flashed in his eyes, and regret. But no guilt. Of course, there was no reason for guilt. They weren’t lovers, they weren’t even friends anymore. Despite the sexual heat building between them, he hadn’t touched her since before the attack nearly two months earlier. Hadn’t touched her, and he appeared in no hurry to do so. But he did touch his brothers’ women. Jealousy raged through her system. Her fingers curled with the need to rage at him. Her chest ached with the tears she refused to shed.

“You can’t change him, Heather.” Tara stepped behind her, watching as the trio talked after getting out of the limo.

“I didn’t say I wanted to, Tara,” she said softly. She knew she did though. She wanted him, heart, body and soul, the same way he could have her, if he would accept it.

Tara didn’t reply as the three made their way to the porch. They were flanked by the two bodyguards who rode in the limo, their weapons carried in readiness.

“I’m getting sick of this, Tara,” Cade bit out as the door closed behind them. “I have a damned ranch to run.”

Tara sighed as Heather watched Sam glance around the house. There was little privacy now within the huge ranch house.

“We’re working on it, Cade,” Tara promised him, her voice firm though not in the least conciliatory. “Rick should be back tonight with the information he went after, so hopefully, we’ll have answers soon.”

“I’m going upstairs.” Sam’s voice broke through the beginnings of yet another heated argument over the safeguards in place around the ranch and the August family. Heather knew they were all beginning to chafe under the restrictions, and the stress of waiting on a damned phantom that struck when they least expected it.

“Not yet, Sam.” Heather watched as Tara went to block him.

“Stop.” The barely leashed violence in Sam’s tone stopped her in her tracks. Heather watched in surprise as Sam’s expression hardened, his eyes turning cold and bleak.

Lora Leigh

Heather’s Gift


“Sam, I need to know what the hell happened,” Tara argued.

“Then call the sheriff,” he growled, moving past her. “I need a shower and a fucking nap. Not a bunch of questions that I’ve answered already.”

He stalked past her. As her sister went to stop him again, Heather laid her hand on the other woman’s arm warningly. “Let him go, Tara. Now is the wrong time.”

Tara turned on them, her gaze going to Cade rather than Heather.

“How the hell am I supposed to protect his ass?” she bit out. “He wanders around at all hours of the night, refuses to take the bodyguards with him, and refuses to answer questions. Where does that leave us, Cade?”

They were all worried about Sam. The past months, the dark anger barely glimpsed in his gray blue eyes was growing. He was tenser than ever before, angrier. Cade turned to Heather, his gray eyes swirling with concern and rage.

“You’re the only one that can stop this, Heather.”

Heather’s eyes widened. How the hell was she supposed to stop any of it?

“Goddammit, Cade,” Tara snapped out then, her voice raising. “Don’t try to pull her into this mess.”

“It’s her decision, Tara,” he growled furiously. “Stop playing nursemaid to her, it won’t help anything.”

“And fucking the August men in some glorified orgy will?” Her voice was raising, anger surging through it.

“Dammit, Tara, shut the hell up,” Heather snapped out, moving between the two combatants. “It’s not up to any of you, it’s up to Sam and me, and he doesn’t want me here. So the question is not debatable.”

Cade’s head snapped around, his eyes penetrating, filled with cynical derision.

“Are you insane, Heather? There’s nothing Sam wants more in this world than he wants you. Don’t play the fool at this late date.”

Heather took a deep, steadying breath. “He’s damned good at denial then. But still, that’s beside the point.” She looked at Marly, seeing the glimmer of humor in the other woman’s eyes, the way she watched Cade and Tara as though they were children, arguing over a prized toy. The woman never ceased to amaze her.

“Heather’s right,” Marly said firmly, placing her hand on Cade’s muscular arm.

“Sam has to work this out for himself, and so does Heather. All the arguing in the world won’t change that, Cade.”

He swiped his fingers through his thick black hair. “Dammit, Marly, he’s going to get himself killed.”

The dark fear that pulsed in Cade’s voice seemed to fill the entire entryway. The bond the men shared went far deeper than that of any sibling relationship that Heather had ever known.

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Heather’s Gift


“I’ll talk to him, Cade,” Heather promised. As Tara went to protest, she held up her hand with a sharp shake of her head. “This isn’t any of your business, Tara. It’s mine and Sam’s.”

“Goddammit.” Tara turned and stomped through the house then, the sound of her boots a rapping tap on the hardwood floor that had Heather wincing. Tara only did that when she was really pissed.

“Heather, Sam’s getting too reckless,” Cade bit out, his voice lowered in concern.

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