Heaven's Touch (16 page)

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Authors: Jillian Hart

Tags: #Christian, #General, #Romance, #Religious fiction, #Fiction, #Religious, #Man-woman relationships, #Contemporary, #Christian fiction, #Montana, #Love stories

BOOK: Heaven's Touch
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Two weeks later

unlight glinted through the high windows in the rafters and into Cadence's eyes. She wanted to blame her tears on the sun, and not the sentimental feelings rising from her heart. Because if she admitted her feelings, on this last day of coaching, then she would break down in endless tears.

As sad as this door closing in her life was, a wonderful new one was opening. Her wedding was tomorrow. A new life was beginning. First with a honeymoon cruise to Alaska and then the long-distance move to Florida. So much change, but it was exciting, too.

Opening her heart to Ben's love had been worth the risk.

“I'm gonna, like, really miss you.” Ashley climbed out of the diving pool, water sluicing off her, from the last dive of her lesson. “I'm never gonna find another coach like you. Dad says he's gonna put in for a transfer. So maybe I can still keep training with you.”

“That would be great, Ashley. You have my e-mail address, right? So we can keep in contact no matter what. I want to know how you progress with that armstand forward somersault. Promise?”

“Like, I totally promise!” Ashley grabbed her towel from the bench and draped it over her shoulders. From her pack, slumped on the bench, she withdrew a small wrapped box. “A wedding gift. Kinda early, but it's little, so I didn't want it to get lost with all the others you're probably gonna get. Don't open it, cuz I'll be embarrassed.” Ashley gave a long sigh and blinked hard, but the tears came anyway. “Like, I don't wanna say goodbye.”

“I know. I'll be coming home to visit. I promise I'll come here and we can work on your dives.”

“Really? That's so cool! Thanks, Cadence!” Relieved that this wasn't a final goodbye, Ashley scampered off to the locker rooms, leaving her alone.

Her last day. She'd had some great times in this pool. It was her first real job, aside from picking berries in the field, which she'd got when she was fifteen.

She'd trained here as a girl filled with impossible
dreams. She'd come back when most of those dreams had shattered. And rebuilt her life…and she'd learned to dream again.

Only, this time she knew her dreams of happily ever after would not fail. She knew, because of Ben. There was no man more dependable, more true. And he was hers.

She felt him like a change in the air. He was here. Her soul stirred and she turned toward him, always to him, the man she loved more than her life. Her soul mate.

Her one true love.

He came to her with open arms and hauled her against his strong chest. His kiss was a tender promise. His joy was hers.

“I'm on my way out to the airport, to pick up Jake.” His closest buddy on his squad and his best man at their wedding. “But I wanted to stop by here first. I had to see you one more time.”

“I thought we were having dinner in, what, three hours?”

“Yeah, but I missed you.” He kissed her again. “I'll pick up Jake, get him settled and then I'll be out to pick you up.”

It had been Ben's idea for them to spend the evening before their wedding together. He'd made reservations at an exclusive restaurant at a Bozeman resort that served only the finest meals. A five-course
intimate dinner awaited them, with dazzling views of the river and the incredible mountains. Hours spent alone, just the two of them, planning, talking, cuddling.

“Will your friend be all right alone?”

“Jake's an independent guy. He'll be fine. Besides, I sweet-talked Rachel into cooking dinner for him at the house. She promised to feed him, keep him company and hand over the remote control.” He pulled back enough to study her face as he asked, “Are you too sad about leaving here? Am I asking you to give up too much?”

“No. I'm sad, but I can work in Florida, too. And Ben, look at what I'm getting. You.”

Her dear, strong, wonderful Ben. To have and to hold. To love and to cherish. For all the days of her life. “I can't wait until tomorrow. Our wedding day. The start of our life together.”

“And it will be happy.” And like a promise meant to be kept, he kissed her long and sweetly.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8393-4


Copyright © 2005 by Jill Strickler

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