Helios Awakened (The Helios Chronicles #1) (39 page)

BOOK: Helios Awakened (The Helios Chronicles #1)
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They danced against one another, kissing softly until Andrew felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Jayden, who motioned with his head towards the tables. People were starting to disperse, although several people were still at the table talking and laughing with Elias and Liam. Andrew placed his arm around Madison, who snuggled up to him. Jayden had his arm over Callie’s shoulder while she held the hand that dangled. They strolled over to the table and several people stood up, allowing the four of them to sit.

“We’ll see you folks tomorrow,” one man said.

“Will you be attending the Riedel event?” another man asked.

“We’re going to Chumash for the day but we’ll be back in time,” Elias said.

“Unless El is winning, then we might not make it back at all,” Liam chuckled as Elias rolled his eyes but everyone else laughed.

“Well, let’s hope you lose then,” another man joked.

Pretty soon they found themselves back in the limo, everyone curled up next to each other, even Liam and Elias were closer together then they were on the way up.

“Andrew, Madison,” Elias said firmly, trying to get their attention. When they turned to him, he continued, “It was too late to get tickets for the two of you for the Riedel event. I apologize. It’s something new this year and there was limited seating available. But it’s only an hour and half, so as long as you two meet us near the carousel at 6:30 for the Rare and Reserve Wine Tasting we will be good.”

Andrew and Madison both nodded. They were thankful for the many opportunities the Bennett’s were giving them so missing one event seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things. They both turned when Jayden started speaking.

“We figured we would go to the beach for the afternoon, maybe do some surfing...” Jayden stopped when he saw the look on Andrew’s face. “Or maybe paddle boarding. That’s fun, not too difficult. I could teach you,” Jayden said with a smile.

“Yeah, like you were going to teach me how to dance and then started showing off. Hell, all of you could be on that dance show Madison’s grandma makes me watch,” Andrew said with a huff.

Elias smiled. “My mom taught me when I was young. My father passed away when I was two and she loved to dance so I was pretty much her dancing partner. I taught Liam and we both taught Jayden. But you’re right; Jayden was showing off out there,” Elias said with a wink.

“I’m sorry, man, I won’t show off again. I promise, I’ll teach you,” Jayden said, crossing his fingers over his heart.

“The beach sounds great, baby,” Madison interjected.

Andrew smiled at her, imagining her in her bikini again. The beach sounded like as good a plan as any. As they pulled up to the hotel, the driver got out and opened the door for them. Everyone got out except Liam and Elias. Madison glanced back as the driver closed the door and then got behind the wheel again. She grinned and wrapped her arm tighter around Andrew.

“What is it?” Andrew asked.

“Jay’s parents are gonna get busy.” She emphasized the word busy. “They were all tipsy and couldn’t wait to get rid of us 'kids',” Madison said, giggle snorting.

“I know; they’re probably doing it already.” Callie laughed.

“You know, generally speaking, kids don’t want or need to know that their parents are having sex,” Jayden deadpanned.

“Yeah, really, you two spend way too much time ogling Jay’s parents,” Andrew quipped.

“Damn right,” Jayden said, putting his fist out to Andrew, who tapped it with his. Both of them drunk laughed as they staggered towards the elevators.

Callie and Madison both erupted in fits of giggles as the elevator doors opened. The girls stepped inside, motioning with their fingers for the boys to follow. Once the doors closed, both girls pushed their men against the elevator walls and kissed them passionately. Andrew pulled Madison close to him, parting his legs slightly so she could grind against him. She found it amusing that he was trying to be jealous of Elias and Liam when all she ever wanted was him. As the elevator door opened, Jayden made some kind of sound near them and a few seconds later Callie’s legs were wrapped around his waist and she was kissing along his jaw.

“Excuse me,” Jayden muttered as they passed Madison and Andrew, who were still kissing.

“We’ll call you in the morning.” They heard Callie sing as they made their way down the hall.

Andrew lifted Madison up and she jumped on his back while he fumbled in his pockets for the key. Finally finding it, he brought them inside and Madison slid down his back, mesmerized by the sight before her. She walked past Andrew and onto the patio. The sun was setting over the horizon and it cast a beautiful orange glow over the ocean. Andrew came up behind her, moving his body as close as he possibly could, kissing the top of her head.

“Make love to me right here, Helios. I want the sunset to be the backdrop,” she said, moving her hand up and playing with the hair on the nape of his neck.

He kissed along her neckline before reaching under her skirt and pulling her panties down. He took a quick glance around to make sure they could not be seen. There was no one on any of the patios, which was good. The last thing he wanted was an audience. He was drunk but he wasn’t that drunk!

As they made love, Madison let out several breathless gasps and moans as the sensation of Andrew’s frenzied thrusts and hair pulling was sending her spiraling close to the edge. Her gasps and moans quickly turned into screams as she neared her release. Andrew panted and grunted again as he felt her release. Andrew gritted through clenched teeth as he thrust quickly into her twice more before finding his own release.

“I love you,” she purred happily.

Andrew let go of the death grip he had on her as Madison’s head once again lulled down as she tried to steady her breathing. It wasn’t until Andrew pulled her up to rest her back against his chest that she finally relaxed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face next to hers as they watched the sun set over the ocean.


Madison and Callie sat on the beach, watching Jayden try to teach Andrew how to paddleboard. Andrew was wobbly as he tried to steady himself on the board. He fell off many times but kept trying. Madison loved when he fell off though because he would first have a flustered expression and then this glorious smile would spread across his face as he tossed Jayden into the water for laughing at him. He would then shake his head of the excess water in his hair and flex his taut stomach as his hands tried to smooth out his unmanageable mane. Then he would jump back on the board and race Jayden back out to try again, his beautifully inked back on perfect display for her. He was truly a sight to behold.

“God, he’s beautiful,” Madison said reverently as she watched him paddle out yet again.

Callie laughed. “Yes, he is. I think he has a fan club though,” she said, motioning her head towards a group of girls who were forming on the shore, cheering Jayden and Andrew on.

Madison rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“It’s the tattoos,” Callie said nonchalantly. “It makes them appear sexy and dangerous.”

Madison smiled. “It’s definitely a turn on for me. What’s Jay’s of? I noticed it but didn’t really look at it.”

“It’s his family’s crest. All the O’Connell men have one. Jay got it when he was eighteen.”

“Really? That’s cool. So Liam and Elias have one too?”

“Well, Liam does for sure but I don’t know about Elias. If he does it’s not in a place I would see,” she said with a coy smile.

“Oh man, don’t give me anymore visuals,” Madison replied with a laugh. “At this point I would pay big money to watch them,” she said with a sigh, a bit taken back by her apparent obsession with Jayden’s parents.

Both women giggled and sat up slightly when Andrew and Jayden started heading their way, ignoring the slew of girls following behind them. They were too busy laughing and shoving each other, trying to push one another back in the water. When they got to their girls, they dropped their boards on the sand and Andrew crawled above Madison, kissing her softly.

“I saw you laughing. Was that at my expense?” he said with an air of playfulness.

“Maybe,” Madison replied with a giggle.

“That’s what I thought.”

He rose, and yanked her up, tossing her over his shoulder as he marched into the ocean and promptly tossed her in the water. When she came up for air she tried to get away from him but he snatched her up again and instead of tossing her in, he kissed her. His lips enveloped hers as her lips parted. Madison moved her legs up and wrapped them around his waist as their kiss deepened and became more primal.

“I think you two need to cool off.” Jayden laughed as he splashed water on Madison and Andrew.

Andrew grinned against Madison’s mouth and then arched his brows knowingly. Madison nodded and slid down his body. Quicker than Jayden expected, Madison and Andrew attacked. Water was splashing everywhere as Jayden laughed and tried to duck away from their assault; all the while Callie giggled and stepped out of the line of fire.

“Callie, baby, help!” Jayden yelled as he tried to get away from Andrew and Madison.

She squealed as water came her way and soon enough the four of them were in a full on water war until they all dropped into the ocean laughing uncontrollably. This was what Madison would miss the most when the time came for her and Andrew to leave. She never had true friends before meeting Callie and Jayden, and the people she was acquainted with in New York she would not consider real friends. The four of them stayed for another several hours at the beach, playing, and swimming until they all had to go back to get ready for the evening.

Madison and Andrew showered and changed in the hotel. They decided to walk along the beach until it was time to meet everyone else at the carousel. They strolled hand in hand along the boulevard, window shopping and stopping for a bite to eat at the Savoy Café and Deli. They then found themselves near the carousel. They were a little early but the area was already set up for the night’s festivities.

“Would you like to go on the carousel?” Madison asked, motioning with her head towards the spinning merry go round.

“Aren’t we a little old for that?” Andrew looked at her questioningly.

“Helios, sweetheart, you’re never too old for a carousel. They’re magical,” she said turning to it.

He took her hand in his and led her there. He had only remembered being on a carousel one other time in his life. He had been five at the time. It was one of the few truly happy memories he had of his parents.

“Helios, you okay?” Madison asked as she noticed him spacing off slightly.

“Yeah, I’m good. My parents and I went on a carousel once on Pier 39 in Chicago.” He smiled and shook his head. “We got in trouble because we kept changing horses. Then my dad told the attendant that if he fed and maintained his horses better we wouldn’t have had to change so many times.” Andrew chuckled. “The poor guy didn’t know what to do.”

Madison laughed. “I bet.”

Andrew smiled at the memory. “He then pulled me onto his shoulders, grinning as we left the pier.” He furrowed his brows slightly, thinking. “It’s weird. I don’t even know what made me think about that. I guess for such a long time all I could ever remember about my parents were the bad things they did.”

“I’m glad you can remember happy times as well.”

Madison squeezed his hand as they approached the attendant. Andrew scanned the horses and selected a black one with purple jewels on its mane. He threw his leg over it and motioned for Madison. Just as she was about to get in front of him he turned her around so that when she got on she was facing him. He maneuvered her legs over his and kissed her lightly as the carousel began to move.

“Oh my God!” Madison squealed as the horse moved up and she slipped slightly.

Andrew grasped her tightly. “I’d never let you fall, Madison.”

Madison gasped and nodded as her lips touched his. “I promise you, baby, you’ll always be the most important person in my life,” she said tenderly.

His head touched hers and his eyes closed. They stayed in this position the entire ride and when it stopped the attendant started it back up again. When they were done with their second turn they walked hand in hand to the small fountain to wait until people started arriving.

“May I offer you something?” A man holding a tray of Hors d'oeuvres, asked.

“We’re waiting for our friends to arrive but thank you,” Andrew said politely.

The server smiled and nodded as he walked away.

“Hey, you two,” Jayden said, walking up with his parents and Callie.

“Have you been waiting long?” Elias asked.

“No, we have been watching them set up,” Madison said, motioning towards the band setting up in the distance.

“They have jazz music tonight. It’s usually very nice,” Liam offered as he sat down near them.

Madison and Andrew both smiled and then Madison leaned around Liam so she could see Elias clearly.

“Did you win today, Mr. Bennett?” Madison asked.

“Yep, had the luck of the Irish with me,” he said, grinning as Liam rolled his eyes dramatically.

Madison and Andrew both snickered until Liam glanced at them. “Don’t encourage him.”

“Oh, come on, babe, you know you’re my lucky charm,” Elias said with a wink before kneeling in front of Madison.

“You’re lucky I love you,” Liam replied laughing. Elias grinned at him before turning back to Madison. She was staring at him confused.

“Is everything alright?” Madison asked suddenly nervous.

“I have been monitoring the Bowers case and received a call on our way to Chumash. It seems that Mr. Bowers has settled out of court,” he said authoritatively.

Madison’s hand went over her mouth and Andrew’s hand clamped onto her shoulder.

“What does that mean? Is he getting out?” Andrew asked, feeling the anger rising up his neck.

Elias shook his head. “No, he will serve jail time. My understanding is he pleaded to a lesser charge but will serve six years without the possibility of early parole. My guess is that his father had something to do with it but, in all honesty, it was a good move on the prosecutor’s part especially if Jimmy’s father decided to 'help' the case along. At least this way the prosecutor ensures that Jimmy will serve time and,” Elias took Madison’s hands in his. “You will not have to testify in a trial,” Elias finished with a smile.

Madison nodded, unable to stop the tears that were streaking her face. She turned to Andrew, who pulled her close. Madison was overwhelmed with happiness that she wouldn’t have to do anything about Jimmy, that he would be in jail, and that that horrible part of her life was officially over. Elias stood, happy that he could bring some good news to the two of them.

“Mr. Bennett. It’s good to see you both,” a man in khaki pants and a white button down shirt said as he approached them. He immediately shook Elias’s and then Liam’s hands.

Madison and Andrew glanced at each other and chuckled softly. They had already talked earlier in the day about how it seemed like people treated both Liam and Elias as if they were celebrities. It appeared tonight would not be much different. They stayed for several hours, eating and sampling a lot of rare wines. Andrew and Madison hadn’t noticed much difference between most of them but Elias and Liam seemed to. The music was sweet and inviting and by the time they stepped into their suite later that evening. Madison was actually exhausted.

“I am so tired. Don’t get mad if I fall asleep on you, Helios,” Madison said, giggling from the wine.

“Hmm, pretty sure that might thwart my ego a bit,” he said as he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. “Of course, I did make love to you earlier,” he said as he started taking off her clothes and dropping them unceremoniously on the ground. “So I suppose I can’t get too upset.” He grinned at her lazy smile.

He lifted her up and placed her on the bed and then headed to the bathroom. He grabbed the little bottle of lotion on the counter, thinking that Madison might like a massage. Unfortunately, by the time he got back he saw that Madison was already asleep. He stripped his clothes off and slid in next to her, watching her beautiful face as he touched her cheek softly. She immediately rolled over and wrapped her arms around his chest holding him tightly.

“I love you, Madison,” he whispered before kissing the top of her hair.


The last day of the festival consisted of a huge beach extravaganza. Madison and Andrew were amazed by the many booths and vendors that encompassed the park overlooking the beach. Of course, the Bennett’s were VIP’s so were allotted early entrance into the festival and a separate shaded area to sit. The afternoon was filled with more wine and food than Madison ever imagined was possible and lots and lots of laughter.

“You know, I’m not a wine drinker but I have tried some great stuff since being here,” Andrew said as he sipped his wine.

“I have too. I’m going to hate to leave this place,” Madison concurred, squeezing Andrew’s free hand.

“This is one of our favorite festivals,” Liam stated. “The surroundings are breathtaking, the people are kind, and the atmosphere is welcoming.”

“Plus, we always have some down time to play,” Jayden interjected.

“Speaking of which, what are your plans for the evening?” Elias asked.

“Callie wants to hit up Tonic tonight,” Jayden said and then looked over at Madison and Andrew. “You guys want to come?”

Madison glanced at Andrew who looked ambivalent. That wasn’t exactly what Madison had in mind for their last night. “I kind of want to hang at the beach tonight and watch the sunset. Is that alright?” Madison asked, not wanting to upset her friends.

“Of course it’s alright, that sounds very romantic,” Callie said sweetly as she hugged her. “Don’t forget to bring an extra blanket to cover yourself up,” she whispered in her ear and Madison had a grin that began to spread across her face at the realization that Callie knew exactly what she wanted to do.

“What about you two?” Andrew asked curious.

“Oh, I think we will just relax indoors tonight, maybe light up the fireplace,” Liam said, glancing at Elias who gave him a sexy smirk.

“Well, that sounds pretty good,” Madison said with a smile.

When the event ended they all went their separate ways, Callie and Jayden to get ready to go clubbing while Elias and Liam were headed to their suite for a romantic night alone. Madison snatched the duvet off the bed and then the lighter blanket in the closet. Andrew was watching her peculiarly.

“What are you doing?” Andrew asked, curious.

“I want us to go down to the beach. The sun will be setting soon.”

He smiled and grabbed the duvet and blanket from her. “Are we supposed to take these out of the room?” he asked as they entered the elevator.

Madison shrugged. “Probably not but...” she paused and got a mischievous glint in her eyes. “We are the very special guests of the Bennett’s and the manager said we could do anything we wanted.” She winked.

“I’m not sure that’s exactly what he said but you’re right, that guy was kissing Elias’ ass so much I’m a bit surprised Liam didn’t smack him, telling him that ass was his,” Andrew laughed.

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