Hell Froze Over (8 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotica, #mc clubs, #womens motorcycle club, #womens fantasy, #womens adult, #bikers romance, #menage romance, #womens fiction, #bikers book, #womens contemporary erotic

BOOK: Hell Froze Over
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“You have got to be kidding me,” Kink snapped and let her arm go as he and Magnum wandered through the destruction in her apartment, taking it all in, as the men from the police department packed up their stuff.

Finally, the last of the police were at her door and the first officer who had arrived and been so kind said, “Ma’am,” he said softly. “We are done here, if you think of anything that will be helpful, just call.”

Boo nodded distractedly as she tried to keep track of the guys. Magnum had moved back into her bedroom and Kink was in her kitchen. She needed to get them out of here so she could see if there was anything she could salvage.

After the police were finally gone, she decided to take matters into her own hands, and she called out, “Kink, Magnum, I need to shut this up and get outta here to find a hotel, so if you guys are done.”

Kink stepped around the corner and Magnum stomped back from her bedroom and the guys looked at each other and then looked at her.
, she thought looking at the men,
their looks did not bode well for her

“Come on,” Kink snapped and walked toward the door. When he reached her, he grabbed her arm gently again and dragged her from the apartment. She looked over her shoulder to see Magnum closing the door and following, looking just as grim.

They walked down the stairs, paused briefly for Magnum to snap at the landlady, telling her Boo was giving up her lease, they would be in contact to get everything cleaned up though. Boo opened her mouth to argue, but one look from Kink made her shut her mouth and just stand there. Yeah, they were both a little scary right now, and Boo didn’t want to actually have them focus on her, she felt like that would be a bad idea. So she planned as she walked, on how she was going to explain to the Warriors and Lady Riders that she would deal with this on her own, and politely thank them though for coming. She was sure this was going to work, especially since she wasn’t really a part of the club.

The guys finally led her out the front of the building where the others were still waiting. She tried to think quickly, because she wasn’t sure what to expect right now. But when Kink said, “We have everything closed up for now, let’s get back to the compound before we deal with all this.”

Stone, War, Knight, and Charro all moved in unison to get their women gone. Rain and Treat didn’t go quietly and neither did the rest when their men approached them, especially Shady. She stared at her men with a determined look on her face and Creed finally said, “Back to the compound and then we meet, all of us.”

Apparently, that was enough to make the women all stop arguing and move to their bikes. Kink took Boo’s arm and she was sick and tired of being pushed and pulled around. She snapped loudly, “Does anyone want to ask me what I want, where I wanna go?” Shady turned around and looked at her with that same look she had given her men, stepped right up to her, and pulled her away from Kink.

She made sure they were fully away from where everyone could hear and she spoke quietly, “Right now, I don’t really give two shits about where you wanna go, but I am gonna give you one choice in this whole thing. Now, if you choose to walk to your car and take off for places unknown, never to darken the club’s doorstep ever again, I will make sure Kink and Magnum stand down and let you go. However, we have all thought you were part of the Lady Riders and the Warriors since Bic introduced you. It doesn’t matter how that happened, but it did. This is why we are all standing on your curb pissed the fuck off that someone dared to fuck with one of our own. Now, I hate like hell to do this right now, but this is serious and we need to deal with it. So choose, right now, are you in or out?”

Boo looked into Shady’s eyes while she talked and everything she said was true, Boo knew it, she could walk out of here and she would help her. For some reason though, she said the Lady Riders thought of her as one of their own. How the hell was that even possible? She had never accepted an invitation or whatever they called it. She bit her lip and looked around, all of the Warriors and Lady Riders were waiting for her. Her.

“Are you sure everyone thinks I belong? Because I’m not sure,” Boo whispered and Shady looked at her intently and then turned around and yelled.

“Ladies?” Shady barked. “Vote, yes or no, Boo?”

Boo held her breath, oh God they were voting on her on the sidewalk in front of her sad little apartment, with strange people kinda watching. This was embarrassing, why would she do this to her? Boo would never be able to ever show her face again in this town if they voted her down.

All of them, in unison said, “Yes!”

Boo froze,
oh my God, they said yes
? What the hell? Why would they? But she didn’t care, because they had said yes, YES, to her, Betty Bromp was voted into the Lady Riders MC, holy shit, she needed a drink.

“Okay,” Shady said as she turned back to her. “Now pick.”

Boo took in a deep breath as she fought the tears that were threatening. She was a biker bitch now; she didn’t cry for goodness sake. She forgot everything for a second and reveled in the feeling. But then Shady whispered, “Boo, pick.”

She nodded slowly and then she saw Kink and Magnum frowning, she wasn’t ready for them. “Um yes, but um, can I drive my car please because it’s the only mode of transportation I have until I can get a badass bike.”

Shady grinned and nodded. “Yeah, you can drive until you get a badass motorcycle to drive. I will even have the guys start making the drawings for it. The Warriors are gonna open a shop here as well, after they get their tools.”

“Oh well, cool,” Boo said softly, trying to keep the giddy squeal her inner chick was saying as she danced in a circle in her head. She was a Bitch now.

Chapter Seven


Boo pulled in behind Shady at the main clubhouse and got out of her car. Kink and Magnum had followed her even though she had tried to tell them she could make it here just fine. They were dismounting as well, when all of the Lady Riders came to her. Bic was the first one to say anything.

“How in the hell could you not know you were a part of the Lady Riders?” she said with a frown.

Rain added, “Yeah, you have been through all of this with us.”

Treat laughed. “The good, the bad, and the ugly.”

Jilly chimed in, “Heck, if you aren’t a Lady Rider then neither am I.”

Nike rolled her eyes. “Um, I am pretty sure you both are Lady Riders because of all the shit we have gone through together.”

Bob stepped around and glared at Boo. “What the fuck? You are supposed to be birthing this kid. I am
having a stranger looking at my hooha, damn it. I thought I made myself perfectly clear, woman.”

Freedom grinned and said, “Um yeah, ‘cause none of us are gonna look at her hooha.”

“Hell no,” Harmony said and then Shady rolled her eyes.

“Can we stop talking about Bob’s hooha and move on to more important things. Like who the fuck is messing with Boo as a warning to us!”

“Um,” Boo said softly, answering all of them. “I didn’t realize because I had my head up my ass apparently, yes I have been through everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Jilly, you are more of a Bitch than I could ever be, and even though we have gone through a lot of stuff, no one said anything. Bob, I would be proud to be the only one looking at your hooha while you deliver a baby and yes, we can move on now and figure out who is fucking with us.”

“Thank God,” Shady said and Boo watched her leader in her jeans and chaps with a Lady Riders’ jacket on over her tank top, hair swinging perfectly behind her back in a hair wrap, and all Boo could think of was,
I am part of the cool person’s crowd
Shady was the optimum of coolness and she was my friend. Hell to the yeah

Three hours later, they were no closer to figuring out who the hell was sending them threatening messages.
It didn’t make sense
, Kink thought as he looked at Magnum who was just as pissed. Boo was between them, although she still had no idea why and what it meant. The others did, because when she had come into the room, both men had surrounded her and let the others know they claimed her.

Regardless of what they planned, everything was gonna go to shit soon, because Creed and Fork were gonna put her on lockdown with guards because of the situation. Both men knew they would have to do one of two things: turn over the renovations to someone, or make sure that whoever was guarding Boo was doing it at their house. They had wanted to take it slow, but this wasn’t gonna work that way apparently.

Creed and Fork were staring at them intently, which meant they were going to be asking questions soon. Kink knew Magnum would be on the same page as him. He nodded to Creed who caught the movement and nodded back. Now they were going to have to convince Boo she was staying with them.

“Boo,” Bic said quietly. “Do you remember if he was driving a bike or a car?”

Kink watched and Boo frowned and then closed her eyes as if to picture the man. She had done this several times over the last few hours and she had remembered more details each time. Like his breath, which they had all laughed at. She also remembered he wore a hoodie, not a cut, but he had on biker boots, which seemed odd to her, she noticed them because they were like Freebyrds.

“I heard a motorcycle after I got into my car, but when I pulled out of the lot, I remember looking and seeing not only a bike, but a car. The one who warned me was in the car. The man on the bike was much larger and was yelling at him. He was wearing a cut,” Boo said and opened her eyes. “I couldn’t see the patch, he was facing me, so I don’t know what club he belonged to.”

“Obviously someone is coming to San Diego to cross the border, they have a shipment of something. We aren’t supposed to stop them. Well, fuck that. No one crosses our border unless we know it. This is bullshit, they are gonna test us, and we are gonna make sure that we let them know they will not win,” Creed said and stood. “We double up the rotation on the border we own. No one gets through unless we give them permission. You know the Furies have absolute control on using our passage. No one else, they need to have permission with a text code. Stone, War, Easy, and Poke will get the schedule hammered out. The Lady Riders will need to make sure everyone they are helping are truly people who need it, you will have Enforcers in your business houses until further notice, make sure you tell the women about them, I don’t want them to freak out. Boo, as of right now, you are on lockdown with a guard at all times. For some reason they have honed in on you. I get you have classes to go to, but Shady also said you took a few weeks to heal. You will do that here, and hopefully by the time you have to go back to your classes we will have everything set, or we will have found who was threatening us. Either way, they came to you, and therefore you are a target.”

Boo took a deep breath and nodded. She knew the Lady Riders had several rooms for their project she could use. It kinda sucked, because she didn’t have any clothes, or well anything. Plus, they were already putting guards there, it would be perfect. She shifted a little though and whispered to Kink who was closest, “Umm, do you think someone could umm, get me a few things I need. Everything was kinda destroyed.”

“Make a list and we will make sure you get it,” Kink said with a smile.

“Okay, well you can tell them I will be at the Lady Riders’ house, I will need to see which room is open,” Boo said.

Magnum turned then and frowned, but gently said to her, “Babe, you aren’t staying at the Lady Riders’ place. They are all full right now, with everyone moving. We need to add more houses, but they aren’t built yet, people are getting rooms where they can.”

Boo nodded. “Oh of course, I forgot. Well, I’m sure I can stay with Bic, I will check.”

Kink shook his head and said, “Nope, we have a nice bungalow on the back side of the compound, right by Creed, Fork, and Harmony. You will be staying there, and we will be your guards at night, and they will assign someone for the day when we need to cover the renovations.”

Boo bit her lip, she had a feeling this was gonna happen because she was sitting between them. She knew what it meant, she wasn’t completely dumb. She had been around these guys enough to know when they placed a claim on someone. She was nervous, but she was also more than ready to see if the men she had been lusting over were really as good as she thought. Things were moving fast though and she wanted to get to know them a little more, you know, just to see if they were really that perfect.

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