Hell Froze Over (11 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotica, #mc clubs, #womens motorcycle club, #womens fantasy, #womens adult, #bikers romance, #menage romance, #womens fiction, #bikers book, #womens contemporary erotic

BOOK: Hell Froze Over
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“Some may say?” Easy said quietly. “You wanna maybe rephrase that? Or are you the one saying it?”

Buzz pursed his lips a little, ran his hand over his beard, and looked very thoughtful, then he looked at Easy and said, “I have wondered. And the rest of these guys are too fucking pussy to say it too.”

“Really?” Stone stood and followed Easy, as did War. The four Vice Presidents of the Ops Warriors were intimidating on a normal day, but the fury in all of their faces should have men cowering in their fucking boots. But Buzz stood, as did Ice at his back. “So you think we have turned pussy just because we claimed a woman?”

Buzz looked all of them in the eye and said, “Just thought you should know some of the other clubs have been talking. I have heard more than once this club was going soft.”

All of the leadership stood and looked around the room. Most of the club was in the bar area, and the ones who were not, apparently heard part of what was being said because they all came back into the room and leaned against the wall to watch.

Kink and Magnum were already pissed, but this pissed them off even more. Just ‘cause they claimed Boo didn’t mean dick about the club. Hell, it should be good for the club that they claimed a woman.
Fuckers needed to fucking stand down
, Magnum thought and looked at Kink and they turned and followed to where Easy and Poke were already at a stand off.

Freebyrd stood and looked around the club and he said, “You think because of the way I ran this Chapter, thinking more about family, and making sure everyone was fucking safe and happy here, means for some reason I am soft?”

Buzz shuffled and looked around the room, he wasn’t going to back down. Kink could see it in the man’s eyes, he was trying to make a point. What sucked was that Easy, Poke, Stone, and War were about to make a point too, and Buzz wasn’t going to like it. Kink and Magnum were watching the other guys from the table. Maxi was shaking his head and drinking his beer, he wouldn’t be a problem. Ice was standing with Buzz and the Vice Presidents could handle him.

“I think,” Buzz finally said after thinking about his words. It didn’t matter what he said, he was gonna get taught a lesson anyway. “For a while now, the Nevada Ops have been fighting an unseen opponent across the border. I think they have seen a weakness here and that is why we have been the focus of their attacks lately. I think, they knew we haven’t been up to par the last few years.”

Free nodded and looked around the room. “Anyone else feel like I have been soft? Anyone else think this club is weak?”

The room was silent, but several of the men shuffled a little and Free looked back at Creed and Fork who remained where they were, allowing Freebyrd to do what he had to do. Creed nodded slightly.

Freebyrd turned back and said quietly, “That may be. I am man enough to admit I was thinking maybe this Chapter was going along pretty good. Maybe I let myself and this club become complacent. But there is one thing I know for a fact I have never done, and that is disrespect this club or any of its leaders. If I had an issue, like anyone else in this club had the ability to do, I would have taken it to Creed and Fork. They have always been accessible. Always. Now that I see what my mistakes have been, let me be real clear. I may be stepping to the side in this club, and relaxing a little since Creed and Fork are here, but that does not mean I am leaving or that I will not demand the same respect I have always demanded. Creed has already talked to me about my position here in this club now. I am the new Treasurer with Numbers. But before I take that position, I apparently need to prove I am worthy of it.”

Creed stood. “Easy.” Was all he said and the large man stepped back as did the others. Kink and Magnum watched and the still fit as shit older man circle Buzz and Ice. Taking on two of them could prove to be difficult, but they didn’t need to worry because Freebyrd was still and would remain a force to be reckoned with no matter what his age.

Buzz stood firm as Freebyrd nodded to Maxi who pulled the table back while he held his beer in his hand. Buzz took a step forward to make sure he was not close to any tables. Freebyrd grinned and then nodded to Buzz who seemed to brace a little. He knew the hit was coming, and Freebyrd didn’t hold back. He swung and connected at Buzz’s jaw and the younger man slowly raised his head with blood coming out of his mouth, then he spit on the floor and wiped his lips with his sleeve slowly. Then it came, like they all knew it would. Buzz rushed at Freebyrd, trying to knock him on the floor. Freebyrd held firm but Buzz began punching him in the stomach.

Ice was standing back looking at Buzz and Free, Kink and Magnum were making sure the man wasn’t going to enter the fray too quickly. They wouldn’t abide by that. Freebyrd got sick of Buzz and pushed the younger man back and began his assault. He was relentless, punching him in the stomach and then throwing an uppercut to his chin. Then changing arms and doing it again. Buzz tried to fight back, but Freebyrd only raised his arm and blocked his punch and continued. Buzz was backing up a few steps with each punch, getting closer and closer to Ice. Kink held his breath and the older man paused for a second and then gave Buzz a chance to catch his breath. The room was silent as Freebyrd leaned in and sneered at the younger member.

“Freedom comes at a price, motherfucker, and I have paid that price over and over again, which is why I got my name, dumbass. So I would never fucking forget what I did to get here.”

Free leaned back and threw the last punch that knocked Buzz into Ice as he fell. Ice made a small move like he was going to take Buzz’s place and Freebyrd looked him in the eye and said, “You want some of this, you can have it. But if I were you, I would think twice about that, son.”

Ice paused and seemed to think about his options and looked at Buzz who was leaning against the wall, face bloody and chest heaving. He stepped back slightly and held up his hand to Freebyrd, who wasn’t even breathing hard.

“Smart thinking, help that piece of shit get cleaned up and then you are on guard duty in the back by the trash cans for a fucking week. And no booze for a month. You wanna try this again, I will not hold back and you will be leaving this compound in a fucking box, you feel me?” Freebyrd said.

Everyone was silent as Ice helped Buzz stand and then lead him to the back where the bathroom was at to help his brother. Freebyrd looked around the room. “I am man enough to admit I made a fucking mistake. But from here on out, make no mistake, I will kill any motherfucker who thinks to challenge Creed or Fork, you all get to go through me to get to them, remember that shit.”

Their old President turned and walked to the bar and slapped the top. “Gimme a fucking beer and a bag of ice, that boy’s head is rock hard, like his brain.”

Everyone chuckled and they moved the tables back together and took their seats and continued their day like nothing had happened. All but Kink and Magnum who looked at each other and shrugged. It was Magnum who said, “One of you fuckers wanna answer our question about why the fuck we have been banned from our house?”

Chapter Ten


Boo looked in the mirror and had no idea what to say. She really wasn’t sure if the person she was looking at was actually her. The women were all in the living room waiting for her to change and come out. She had taken that time to look at herself yet again in the mirror. She looked so different, so fucking rockin’ she wasn’t sure she could actually pull off this bitchin’ look the girls had given her.

Bob and Nike had cut her hair, not a lot, just a little, but they had shaped it so she could actually repeat the style they had done, because now her long blond hair seemed to flow over her shoulders and down her back. However underneath, instead of being blond it was now red, the two colors were so different, yet complimentary, that it gave her a hint of edginess she had never had before. Treat and Rain had done her make-up, showing her how to do it to either enhance her perfect skin to make it seem like there was no make-up on, or to make it a little deeper and darker so it made her eyes stand out, looking sexy and mysterious. It was perfect, the whole look they had given her. The other women had helped as well, giving her lessons on how to walk in the biker boots to make it look like she had a swagger as well (Shady taught her that), how to give that look of intensity that scared the crap out of people (she hadn’t quite got that down since Harmony said she looked like a frightening bunny), and also how to dress and match the Harley clothes. Apparently, there was a system she hadn’t known about but when explained by Bic, Nike, and the rest of the girls, she had been shocked. It was so cool!

She grabbed the bag Jilly gave her to put on what the girls had all chosen for her. She pulled out a black pair of lace panties with the matching bra, which were sexy as hell. Then she put on her new Harley jeans, her Harley black and silver tank top, her Harley belt buckle, her Harley socks and topped it off with the Harley biker boots.
Holy shit this was totally awesome
, Boo thought as she began to get dressed. With each piece she felt different, more confident because they all made her feel like she belonged. When she was done zipping up her boots, she stood and looked down,
, she thought, and then backed up so she could see herself in the full mirror on the back of the door. Fuck, she was gonna cry. They had made her one of them with everything they had done—they’d made her a true Lady Rider.

Not wanting to ruin her make-up, which was darker because they were going over to the bar, she looked up to the ceiling. Bic had called Freebyrd and told him to make sure the music was on, and the beers were cold when they got there. Boo pulled her cut on, slowly reveling in the feel of the leather sliding over her skin. She at least had a tan that was acceptable to wear this. She turned back and grinned at herself in the mirror, then turned one way and then the other, checking herself out. She closed her eyes for a second and let her inner girly chick squeal on the inside, because when she opened her eyes she saw a Bitch.

Taking a deep breath, she walked out of the bathroom with the same swagger that Shady had taught her and made her way into the living room where the girls were lounging, waiting for her. As she entered and made sure to keep her expression bored like they taught her, she strutted to the other side of the room and then did her model turn and cocked her hip and paused, looking down on all of them as they sat.

Shady stood and narrowed her eyes a little, drawing her gaze. Boo met her gaze and didn’t break it, staring her down just like Freedom had taught her. There was silence in the room as Shady tested her. They said this was the sign of being confident, and never let some other bitch try to beat her at a stare off, it made her seem weak, and this Boo was not weak, this Boo was a Lady Rider and all of these women had her back. Fuck the world if they didn’t like it.

Finally, she saw Shady grin and begin to clap. The rest of the girls began cheering and yelling and Boo felt like she had won the lottery. In a way she had, because she hadn’t won money, she had won family and she was happy. Now she was ready to see if Kink and Magnum were man enough for her.

Boo snapped her fingers and pointed to the door and they all laughed, especially when Boo began to strut and then tripped on the carpet and ruined her look. She ignored it and kept walking while the girls laughed and cheered her on. She really hoped they hadn’t added carpet to the main clubhouse suddenly, cause that would suck.

Kink and Magnum leaned against the bar drinking their beer. They could have sat down, but they were both pissed about being kicked out of their house and they were shitty company. Well, it was more like they didn’t want the guys to keep ribbing them so they ignored them at all cost. Especially Poke, that bastard was calling them pussy whipped.

“You think we are gonna have to find somewhere else to stay tonight?” Kink said grimly.

Magnum stood up straight and said, “Fuck, no way, man, that is so not happening, I will draw the line at that shit.”

Kink straightened as well. “Yeah, we need to set the rules, man, or she is gonna walk all over us. Look at Slider and Cajun, Shady rules that roost.”

“Uh yeah, look at Creed and Fork, I mean, they may be the Presidents outside their house but Harmony rules that shit,” Magnum said.

“Not us,” Kink said, shaking his head.

“No fucking way,” Magnum said and both men drank the rest of their beer.

“I say we go and claim our fucking house,” Kink said.

“Damn right,” Magnum said and both men turned right when the door opened and then their mouths dropped open.

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